Home » Israel says Hezbollah was planning another 10/7 type attack


Israel says Hezbollah was planning another 10/7 type attack — 4 Comments

  1. Israel says Hezbollah was planning another 10/7 type attack

    Israel could have pressed the button on the Hezbollah pager attack at any time.

    They did it now.

    This is part of a larger, serious strategy.

  2. They seem to have used to to get the leadership together and then eliminate them. Looks like a good plan.

  3. This Is the Most Deliciously Devious Part About Israel’s Exploding Pager Attacks

    ? Breaking: According to a leaked document from Hezbollah intelligence, 879 died in pager etc. explosions, out of which 291 senior commanders. 509 were blinded, and 1735 “injured in their reproductive organs”, out of which 906 “total damage” and 613 “permanent function damage” ? pic.twitter.com/tqbO5Ssk0x
    — Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 20, 2024

    The link is to an Arabic language doc. The pager deaths given in the Twitter link are much larger (879 versus 10-30) than what has been reported in the press. Which is accurate? Does anyone here read Arabic?

    Regarding the efficacy of the UN, recall the 2006 ceasefire agreement, where the UN told us that southern Lebanon would not have Hezbollah armaments. That agreement was honored more in the breach than in the observance.

  4. The Instapundit overnight open thread had the following from a google translate or something

    “ 980 Dead
    – 131 Iranians
    – 79 Yeminis
    – 19 other nationalities

    – 291 in leadership positions
    – 307 in leadership positions [ I’m not sure what the translation error is that lists this twice the same way. ]
    but from the below it’s probably just party members.
    – 8 women
    – 5 children
    – 39 non-party dead (bystanders?)

    602 Critically wounded
    – 49 Iranian
    – 21 Yemini
    – 14 other nationalities

    – 84 party leaders
    – 429 party members
    – 1 women
    – 3 children
    – 1 non-party (bystander)

    509 blinded
    – 491 totally blinded
    – 18 partially blinded

    2187 amputees
    – 436 double amputees (both an upper and lower limb)
    – 1308 upper limb
    – 101 lower limb
    – 344 finger

    1735 genital injury
    – 906 Total inability [ unplanned sex change? ]
    – 613 permanent loss of function [ castration? ]
    – 216 partial loss that didn’t require removal

    1693 less critical injuries
    – 799 moderate
    – 894 minor”

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