Home » More fallout from the pager/walkie-talkie attacks


More fallout from the pager/walkie-talkie attacks — 11 Comments

  1. Unlike indiscriminate rocket attacks, the easiest way not to be targeted through your pager is not to be part of Hezbollah’s organization.

    Now it’s true that undoubtedly some innocent people were standing too closely to people in Hezbollah when their pagers blew up. War sucks. But one side maximizes civilian casualties and brags about it, and the other tries to minimize them, and there you are.

  2. A thread of 6 (7) parts, though expanding those parts sequentially is required. Still, the story is worth that small effort. Doranimated: https://x.com/Doranimated/status/1836725630001381576

    Part the first, after which you’re on your own:

    A few thoughts on Operation Grim Beeper.

    1) This is one of the most astonishing intelligence operations in history. It is a reworking of the story of the Trojan Horse for the digital age, and it deserves to become nearly as legendary as its iconic predecessor. If we are not utterly astounded, it is because we have seen too many James Bond and Black Mirror movies for our own good.

    In real life, operations like this just don’t happen. It is at least four operations in one.

    First, the Israelis thoroughly mapped Hezbollah’s supply chain.

    Second, they invented a special explosive charge small enough to be inserted inside a handheld device, sophisticated enough to be remotely activated, big enough to do real harm, and yet not so prominent physically or electronically to call attention to itself.

    Third, the Israelis turned themselves into a big enough link in Hezbollah’s procurement network to take physical control of the devices and rig them.

    Fourth, they activated the charges simultaneously and across a very wide geographic area.

    If any one of these sub-operations had been botched, the operation as a whole would have fizzled. Who else in the world could pull off such an imaginative, technically sophisticated and audacious plot?

  3. This was a remarkable operation. Thousands of terrorists were injured, and tens were killed, with very little collateral damage. And it’s got to be terrifying to Hezbollah members. Of course, their simplest remedy would be to leave Hezbollah and stop trying to kill Israelis.

    On a satirical note:

  4. Absolutely brilliant by the Israelis. Too bad we don’t have any of their imagination and expertise in out intelligence and military services where everyone is more concerned about Orange Man and pronouns.

  5. Sdferr: “ Who else in the world could pull off such an imaginative, technically sophisticated and audacious plot?”

    As my mother would say “. A Yiddisha Kopf”

  6. There has to be a follow on from this by the Israelis coming real soon. After this many Hezzies have been put out of action it would be the perfect time to launch a massive invasion into Lebanon to wipe out Hezbola once and for all.

    On the am radio this morning there were reports that the Christians that are left in Lebanon were handing out candy to celebrate.

  7. Terrorist: “A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

    Unlawful combatant: A person who doesn’t wear a uniform or a clear insignia of his status. One who conceals his weapon/weapons. A person who doesn’t follow the rules of war under the Geneva Convention.

    Terrorists are unlawful combatants. And unlawful combatants have no rights to protection by the Geneva Conventions or the rules of war between nations. This is a case of terrorists being terrorized by the people they’re trying to eliminate through terrorism. There’s no international law or agreement to protect them.

    The jihadi terrorists need to accept the fact that they’re not able to beat the Israelis in normal combat, and their attempts at terrorizing them have been fruitless. Fundamental Islam is a dead end. They just don’t realize it. And those who hate Israel are in the same sinking boat.

    The Hamas supporters on college campuses and in our Congress need to wake up to the reality that Isarel is a legitimate country and a beacon of democracy and freedom in a region of authoritarian governments.

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