Home » Iran is playing the election interference game, big time


Iran is playing the election interference game, big time — 7 Comments

  1. I think there is reason to “trust” the FBI on it simply because it’s blatantly not anti-Trump.

    If it was anti-Trump, THEN it would have a chance of being specious.

    I think it’s pretty safe to say that, if anything, it is pro-Trump, because anyone in their right mind would not want to be on the same side as Iran in just about any argument.

  2. Ah, October Surprise coming right up. Do you really think Harris or the MSM will not use intel from Iran?

  3. I think it was on Legal Insurrection, that the hacked (or leaked?) material included a vetting dossier on J. D. Vance, from 6+ months ago.

  4. Ah, October Surprise coming right up. Do you really think Harris or the MSM will not use intel from Iran?

    To be fair, I think that assumes that there’s anything in these campaign materials that’s juicy enough beyond itineraries, email and other contact lists, and perhaps some rough strategies that were crafted no more recently than back in June while Biden was still the nominee. It seems unlikely that there would be much that would reach the level of an “October Surprise”, but who can say? Something like the Trump campaign was planning on making a pitch about some controversial topic maybe?

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