Home » Open thread 9/17/2024


Open thread 9/17/2024 — 45 Comments

  1. Is MILO @Nero right?

    Everybody knows Laura Loomer is Jewish, and not just because she loves giving head and bragging about it afterwards.

    As mentioned in the Open thread 9/16/2024 post yesterday about Laura Loomer – I had “Never heard of—or noticed her until recently.” Several or so commenters here also didn’t know a lot about her either.

    Day 2

    Had never heard of MILO @Nero either—until today; however, I may have heard of Milo Yiannopoulos from his days at Breitbart news “from 2014 to 2017.”

    MILO @Nero has been bashing Laura Loomer also. Neo’s has a limited number of links allowed in a comment, so I will just quote or bullet some of his comments about her in his PART ONE – PSYCH HOLDS & SUICIDE and PART TWO GOY GEVALT! Posts.

    Why Can’t Laura Loomer Own A Gun? I Asked Her Father Jeff, And The FBI … Laura Loomer tells her fans that she has been targeted by the FBI for political persecution. They’ve blacklisted her from owning a gun, she says, which threatens her physical safety.

    But Loomer’s account misses out a critical detail: It’s not her politics, but rather her fragile mental state that prompted the Bureau to block her from possessing a firearm. Far from singling her out, the FBI has bent over backwards to gently explain to Loomer why she is not a fit person to own a gun.

    or instance, a letter they sent her in 2020, in response to her appeal, delicately cited the two involuntary psychiatric holds her own father, Jeff Loomer, had placed her under in the prior half-decade. I know because I’ve seen the letter they sent her in response to her appeal. I have a copy of it in my safe in Los Angeles.

    That was from Part One. Here’s snippets from Part Two:

    Everybody knows Laura Loomer is Jewish, and not just because she loves giving head and bragging about it afterwards. Everybody knows because she never shuts up about it. Loomer has been trading on her “Jewishness” for nearly a decade, using it to raise millions of dollars from Jewish donors for her failed Congressional campaigns.

    Loomer’s father, Jeff, is an atheist with some Jewish heritage, but sent Loomer to a Catholic boarding school. Her mother is a British Anglo-Saxon Protestant; her stepmother, too, is Christian.

    Loomer doesn’t speak Hebrew or Yiddish, never had a bat mitzvah, and used the Yiddish word “meshuggenah,” meaning “crazy,” incorrectly in an ad targeting her opponent Lois Frankel in the same election.

    And then there’s the small matter of her plastic surgery. I like to joke on X that Loomer is the only person in history ever to get rhinoplasty to look more Jewish. Don’t believe me? Google a few before and after photos for yourself.

    OK – enough on LL. Here’s Wikipedia on Milo Yiannopoulos (aka MILO @Nero) – he is linked to above.

    Milo Yiannopoulos is a British far-right political commentator. His speeches and writings criticise Islam, feminism, social justice, and political correctness. Yiannopoulos is a former editor of Breitbart News, an American far-right news and opinion website … Yiannopoulos solicited white nationalists, such as American Renaissance editor Devin Saucier, for story ideas and editing suggestions during his tenure at Breitbart.

    Yiannopoulos has been accused of advocating paedophilia after the emergence of several video clips in which he said that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adults can be “perfectly consensual” and positive experiences for such boys.

    In 2022, Yiannopoulos served as an intern for United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, then worked with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West on the latter’s short-lived 2024 U.S. presidential election campaign.

    In early October 2017, BuzzFeed News published leaked email chains from Yiannopoulos’ tenure at Breitbart. According to the report, Yiannopoulos and his ghostwriter Allum Bokhari regularly solicited ideas for stories and comments from people associated with the alt-right and neo-Nazi movements.

    In July 2016, Yiannopoulos panned the Ghostbusters reboot as “a movie to help lonely middle-aged women feel better about being left on the shelf.” After the film’s release, Twitter trolls attacked African American actress Leslie Jones with racial slurs. Yiannopoulos wrote three public tweets about Jones, saying “Ghostbusters is doing so badly they’ve deployed [Leslie Jones] to play the victim on Twitter,” before describing her reply to him as “barely literate” and then calling her a “black dude”.

    Wonder what Breitbart and Marjorie Taylor Greene think of him now?

  2. ToI: Some 1,000 said wounded in coordinated Hezbollah pager detonation; no deaths reported

    Lebanese media report that the explosive pagers in Lebanon have wounded some 1,000 people.

    Israel allegedly hacked the communication devices used by Hezbollah, causing them to explode.

    According to the reports, among the 1,000 are at least five critically wounded. There are no deaths, Lebanese media outlets say.


    Numerous videos are circulating showing paging devices exploding in pants pockets and on belts across Lebanon. Must have gotten a real price “deal” too good to refuse!

  3. Yes those batch sales are too good to true thats why sirwar doesnt use cells he uses couriers

    Th fbi protected epstein weinstein the
    nxim cult leader larry nasser thd pulse shooter the vegas shooter the parkland shooter the athens shooter the san bernadino crew the ones i. Garland texas you see a pattern here

    If they were a real threat they will ignore they spend their time rousting delta housd but not the ravagers of 2020 not the 300 men and women on the watch list apparently not thd pakistani ringer not the first trump shooter

  4. In rather more serious news from Israel, JNS among many other Israeli reporting institutions says, “Netanyahu said to be preparing to fire Gallant, appoint Gideon Sa’ar as defense minister“. :https://www.jns.org/netanyahu-said-to-be-preparing-to-fire-gallant-appoint-gideon-saar-as-defense-minister/

    This story has been lingering for roughly five days now, with denials and sketchy backgrounding aplenty. Still, it has been plain for months that Gallant is not a good fit with the current need, as one too ready to take dictation from Obama-Biden apparatchiks and not on board with Israeli strategic war aims. He’s gotta go (he, among others, I should note, first among those others Halevi, but that’s another story). The serious question is who is fit to hold the office?

  5. Gideon sa’rr is not an improvement he was on those the so called lincoln project
    Gallant rose up from the special forces and they have been infected with the rot

  6. Putting out the fire with gasoline:

    “Young women are more liberal than they’ve been in decades, a Gallup analysis finds”


    “Gallup: Young Women Are More Woke and Politically Shrill Than At Any Point In History; Completely Unrelated: Young Women Now Celebrating the “Empowerment” of Dining Out — Alone”


    The comments section section on this is priceless.

  7. A Major Incident has happened this morning across Lebanon, leaving between 1,500 and 2,000 Senior Members of Hezbollah and other Iranian-Linked Individuals in Critical Condition, following some kind of Hack causing Encrypted Pagers used by the Organization to all Simultaneously Explode.


    “. . . between 1,500 and 2,000 Senior Members of Hezbollah . . . ”

    I kinda suspected it wouldn’t be every Tom, Dick and Harry Abdul, Omar and Muhammad who’d be issued cooperate comms, but rather thems that needs to be “in the loop”, or important dudes, to put it simply. Hopefully these critters have taken a hard setback.

  8. Horowitz is one of the greats, but perhaps not so well known these days. His rendition of the Chopin Polonaise in A-flat major is a favorite of mine. Check it out at 39:12 here:


    Some of his later recordings of it were not so fresh, even if technically excellent. I like this one. And, of course it is live….

  9. Commenters are also pointing out that it seems unlikely that–given the swarms of biting bugs in Florida–the assassin would have been able to just sit in his “hide” for 12 hours, in what looked like slacks and a T-shirt, without getting so badly bitten up that it would be hard for him to concentrate on anything other than his multitude of itching/stinging bug bites.

  10. shades of parallax view,* eh, aktually he was raising money for the Azov’s the militia with the dodgy history, I know too much is made of them, but considering we hand out weapons to them like candy, well it’s not helpful, so he obviously had state department, probably INR contacts, Company contacts Treasury, this is one of Dwarf Yellen’s special projects,

    *Pakula film with Beatty and Hume Cronym, outfit trains assassins, a riff on the conspiracism of the 70s, which is low bore compared to today,

    they get the steak knives, isn’t asymettrical warfare a kicker,

    don’t say Hezbollah Ministry of Health without saying it btw I don’t think its a cyberattack although the boys of Unit 8200
    are clever enough

  11. Karmi, I have no interest in whether Loomer is Jewish. I read the online bio of “MILO@Nero”; it talks a great deal about Milo Yiannopoulos, but doesn’t directly claim to be him. However, based on the quote about Loomer in your comment, I don’t have much interest in that account either.

    If the information there about Loomer’s two involuntary commitments by her father for mental disorders, leading to her inability to buy a gun, is true, this emphasizes why she should not be part of any administration or campaign.

  12. I heard the news about the exploding pagers on Fox Business while I was doing household tasks. I heard Stuart Varney say, “exposing pages.” What?? I had to look at the screen to see it was “pagers.” First time I’ve ever had difficulty with Varney’s lovely British accent. 🙂

  13. Re the exploding pagers.
    Were they rigged with explosives or were they hacked in some way to cause the batteries to over heat?
    The latter is scary. Think about your own cell phone ! Made in China !

  14. milo was a guy working in tech in the Uk, when the whole gamer gate fraud, was released, around this time he saw that his people, non binaries, were being targeted by newcomers in Londinistan he noted this pattern in the US as well specially after the Pulse massacre, I think I noted all the crumbs the bureau and the media, seemed to ignore, on my own blog for eight years now, the press has been incurious about, they chalk it up to hate, but never to the Koranic indications,he also was wise to the so called Antifa, that attacked his speaking tour, they libeled him, had his book cancelled for dubious reasons, I think the Proud Boys got involved at some point

    I think I first noted Loomer, when she noted what seemed to be a prophetic staging of Julius Caesar in Modern garb, very pointed incitement against Trump, some of her stuff is off the wall, I ignore it when it’s thinly sourced, I think thats a fair bit, admittedly in the world of Samizdat its a tough call, but in the Corporate Press, its almost entirely a lie, an exaggeration or an omission, and not an innocent one either,

    All those Sedition Hunters Muh Russia sleuths, they are about destroying careers and reputation and they don’t care who theyhurt, they are also pretty dim imho,

  15. People have pointed out that we are now supposed to believe that, the exact same government agencies which have been trying their best to prosecute Trump and to put him behind bars, are now going to do a fair and through job of investigating these two assassination attempts against him.

    BTW, here is a story, just out, reporting that whistleblowers have said that the FBI agent who has been assigned to investigate the 2nd assassination attempt is “adamantly and vocally anti-Trump.” *

    * See https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/16/fbi-agent-investigating-second-assassination-attempt-allegedly-made-anti-trump-posts/

  16. Wanda is indeed annoyed. And showing it. Is she regretting not having practiced her scales when she was 8?

  17. the two involuntary psychiatric holds her own father

    I’m curious what’s the legal process for a person’s father, as opposed to a court, to involuntarily commit them?

    I mean, maybe if Loomer was a minor at the time, I could see that her father might be able to request an evaluation and a court might do so, and then order involuntary commitment based on the result. But Arizona law doesn’t allow a father to just commit his daughter at a word from his mouth. A court has to do that after (I hope) seeing compelling evidence that it was necessary, and not as a rubber stamp.

    It’s frightening to contemplate how easily your Constitutional rights can be taken away if a few people act in bad faith.

  18. Niketas Choniates — Yeah, MILO @Nero (aka Milo Yiannopoulos) may or may not have the facts right.

    DEMs have a huge DATA base of purchased firearms, ammo, firearm accessories, etc. They will use it when owning firearms becomes a felony…

    Apparently they have also been working on a mental DATA base, with the FBI’s continued help…

  19. Here’s the full “Stars and Stripes Forever” (Horowitz’s own transcription) from a 1948 Carnegie Hall encore. The most remarkable part is at around 3:05 when he plays the full melody with his left hand while his right hand imitates the piccolos’ accompaniment. (He was famous for his strong left hand.) You would think it’s being played by two pianists.

  20. Snow on Pine,

    Yep, the no-see-ums will literally drive you crazy with bites.

    And on your other comment on agenicies investigating. Apparently, even my not favorite at all former senator, is pissed at the stonewalling on the assasinations by DHS etc.


    And our favorite harpy, Hillary, is saying Trump is not only a threat to the country, but the planet the day after the attempt. Yeah, she wants him dead. Why isn’t she being investigated for inciting violence??? /sarc off

  21. sdferr – in the tree = too funny! 🙂

    Yeah, with Yahya Sinwar now dressing as a woman, with plans on transgendering to one – maybe Hezbollah plans on following suit.

    UPDATE: what happens now with the 72 virgins?!

  22. It’s easy to imagine Amos Hochstein thanks his lucky stars he wasn’t busy chumming around with one of his Hezb buddies when that fellow’s pager went off, but then again if Amos reflects only a little he’d see that his presence in Israel might just have been a kind of trigger after all.

  23. Re: Florida bug bites


    As teen amateur astronomers in Daytona Beach, a childhood friend and I used to have “astronomy campouts” where we put out our telescopes, star atlases, blankets, snacks and sleeping bags into his backyard and stay up until midnight or so watching the stars and planets, fall asleep, then wake back up at 4 am to watch some more.

    Playing during the day, we mostly didn’t have bug problems either. Sometimes, yes. Rolling in the grass would get you itchy. Mosquitos could be a problem, but repellent worked pretty well.

    Florida really isn’t a tropical hell.

  24. I watched that PBS special the night it first aired in 1985. I see it in the youtube suggest video on the right fairly often over the years. Hard to believe that was 39 years ago.

  25. IMHO the greatest interpreter of Chopin ever.

    When neo talks Chopin, I listen.

    My mother, an amateur classical pianist, had several Horowitz albums. I knew his reputation, though I never delved into VH.

    I recommend turning on the Closed Captions for English. Horowitz is indeed a delightful fellow.

    Chopin didn’t know the orchestra, but he knew the piano… [Rachmaninoff] was a pianist … and my best friend.

    He won me there.

    I couldn’t help but notice that Horowitz had those freakishly long fingers like virtuoso guitar players, Robert Johnson and Jimi Hendrix.

  26. Whilst we argue over Laura Loomer – does Donald Trump Jr. have a New Squeeze? Basic math suggests so: Jr. = 46, Kimberly Guilfoyle = 55, and Bettina Anderson = 37.

    Does Kimberly Guilfoyle become an October Surprise?

    UPDATE: Who is Bettina?

    “I’m just your typical stay at home mom,” her Instagram bio reads, “only I don’t do household chores…or have a husband…or have kids.”

  27. Milo is a troll. Loomer might be a bipolar loose cannon sometimes off-meds.
    Who knows for sure? Jewish identity per Orthodox criteria is a nonissue.

    Moving on.

  28. Re: Guitar / Teacher-Student paradigm

    I was having good beginner guitar fun on my spanking new Les Paul when tendinitis issues in both wrists brought me down. Tendinitis almost killed my programming career.

    I laid off, as one must with tendinitis, then sought a guitar teacher for tips on posture and handwork. I found one for a half-lesson on just those topics.

    However, when I got to the lesson, he breezed past my concerns beyond the standard pro forma stuff and started teaching me to read guitar tablature, then a few chords while drilling me with corrections.

    F***. That’s not what I came for. I was worried about whether I would ever be able to play guitar for more than ten minutes at a time. I know how to read standard music (I told him) and I can tell tablature will be a no-brainer for me when I get around to it. I sure didn’t want to struggle to learn chords and tablature while he was watching, drilling and correcting me.

    But that’s the way he teaches, so that’s what I got. I imagine it sort of works for a lot of people, especially young students.

    From this and UNM I’ve concluded I’m basically Unteachable, at least under the paradigm that Learning is what a Teacher does to a Student. With the internet and AI that’s changing big time. Good.

    Besides just about all the 60s rock guitarists taught themselves. They found others to play with, then worked, jammed and got better, even great.

    I found some good YouTubes and I think I’ve cracked my technique problems. Now it’s a matter of building up slowly.

  29. For me, the greatest interpreter of Chopin was Alfred Cortot, although many of his recordings do not show the technical brilliance of Horowitz. One notable exception is a piece by Saint-Saëns, the Étude en forme de valse, which Cortot recorded in 1919 and which impressed even Horowitz. The story goes that the latter studied with Cortot in order to discover the secret of how Cortot was able to pull it off, but never found out.

  30. The story goes that [Horowitz] studied with Cortot in order to discover the secret of how Cortot was able to pull it off, but never found out.


    That’s wonderful! I never heard of Cortot. That would have made a good Borges story.

    Here’s a video showing Cortot playing “Chopin – L’Adieu” and “Robert Schumann – Der Dichter Spricht.” Plus some moderns commenting.

    –“Alfred Cortot – Greatest Interpreter of Chopin”

    I think that’s Horowitz @ 6:00.

  31. What we saw somewhat vaguely, dimly and quizzically yesterday comes into better focus today. The pager caper was almost certainly designed as a kickoff to an overwhelming offensive assault by Israel against Hezbollah, intended to enable a swift war to achieve conquering the southern half of Lebanon. Yet it didn’t happen. Why? See my comment above concerning the replacement of Gallant, and now more pointedly, Halevi.

    The United States along with its establishment proxies inside the Israeli security apparatus vetoed the widening of the war. Netanyahu has yet to overcome his foes’ strategic opposition. Mossad, apparently, fearing discovery of their planted pagers was given the go-ahead to use them anyhow, now detached from their intended purpose of decapitating Hezbollah leadership. So, half-a-loaf thought better than none, with great, even immeasurable loss of strategic advantage.

    Thanks, Obama!

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