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The would-be Trump assassin — 53 Comments

  1. What miserable drones and traitors have I nurtured and promoted in my household who let their lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a short-fingered, orange-skinned vulgarian?

  2. The media and the permanent State have spent the last decade doing everything possible to try to stop this one man. We’ve been ceaselessly bombarded with claims, accustations, allegations, investigations, prosecutions, utter hoaxes and false stories about this one man. It’s no wonder that so many people are convinced that Donald Trump is some kind of nigh omniscient being who will end democracy and therefore most be stopped at any and all cost. From the highest halls of power to the lowest poll worker, from the imbecilic clapter of grotesque late night talk shows and the shrieking harridans of The View, to the lowliest local newspapers, from the largest social media and search sites to the tiniest blogs and forums, I don’t believe that there has ever been as vast of an effort in the modern history of mankind to malign and discredit a single individual. The endless barage of complete vehemence that’s been displayed has been both revealing and sadding about humanity.

    I can honestly say that I’m surprised there has only been 2 assassination attempts on the guy so far.

  3. I’m waiting to see how much the FBI buries in this case. This man lives in Hawaii on a small income, and says his only assets are the two trucks parked outside his dwelling there. How could he afford to fly to Florida, get hold of a car with stolen plates, get hold of a rifle with a partially filed-off identification number, and hang around the Trump golf course long enough to be there when Trump was playing an unscheduled round?

  4. I was going to ask questions similar to those just posed by Kate.

    Where does Routh get his money? His peculiar efforts to organize an Afghan brigade to fight for Ukraine included trips to both Pakistan and Ukraine. He tried to buy a rocket from Elon Musk. He’s made frequent trips outside of his home base in Hawaii. Who’s paid for all of this?

    For that matter, who’s paid for his daily expenses? He has no job. He owns a small company dedicated to building portable tiny homes, but there’s no evidence that any tiny houses have been built, let alone sold. Who’s been financing this lunatic?

  5. @Cornflour:Who’s paid for all of this?

    For that matter, who’s paid for his daily expenses? He has no job. He owns a small company dedicated to building portable tiny homes, but there’s no evidence that any tiny houses have been built, let alone sold. Who’s been financing this lunatic?

    If only there were a profession for people who could ask these kinds of questions, get answers, and write about them for the public.

  6. Stephen Green asks the question which has been on my mind:

    What Do You Call a Conspiracy to Assassinate Without the Conspiracy?

    I don’t even have to ask you, “What if there was a conspiracy conducted in public in the news and on social media, 24/7, with even the most visible and powerful people taking part in it?” because you’ve seen it with your own eyes.

    [Start Tweet]
    Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation.

    He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.

    –Joe Biden [Jun 28, 2024 — two weeks before Trump was shot in Butler, PA]
    [End TWeet]


  7. I checked the local news sites this morning and they, following the AP/NYT’s lead, called this an “attempted assassination” with the words in quotation marks, indicating some question about its actual nature. Sure, just some guy communing with nature outside the perimeter of the golf course with ceramic shields, a GoPro, and a scoped rifle. Nothing to worry about.

  8. Here in Italy a journalist of La7 – an influential private TV heavily leaning on the left – said that this assassination attempt is Trump’s fault, “caused by his attacks against the judiciary”. She expressed such view with an air of navigated competence.

  9. It now appears that the rifle Routh had at the golf course is an SKS or variant of the a Russian, Communist Bloc rifle that fires a 7.62×39 round, the same as the AK47. A few of the SKS rifles are modified to take the larger 30 magazine used in the AK47 and this appears to be the case here. The confusion about the type of rifle is understandable and being an old gun guy the AK47 part did not make sense and the SKS gun would not be considered a desirable sniper rifle, however that’s what Routh appears to have been using, and it could have been a terrible day in this nation had Routh used his gun and killed Trump.

    The very thought of assassination of any one in politics makes me ill, that’s not the way we are supposed to determine who gets elected and who gets to remain in office. Already there is a big hazy cloud in the information that has been released, how did a convicted felon legally obtain his rifle? How could he afford to travel, where did he purchase the vests with plates in order to set up his fence sniper nest?

    This is not a time for making any jokes or casting dispersion on Trump for being the target of an angry demented man who it now appears was hanging out in the area for over 12 hours. I am thankful for the alert agent who spotted the rifle and opened fire causing Routh to flee and I am also so very glad that he was caught.

    It is now my hope and prayer that this is the last of the gun stuff during this election, now is the time for the Secret Service and other government agencies to use every means to safeguard every candidate in the coming November election and perhaps explain to us how this terrible individual was able to travel and put himself in the area to endanger Trump when this man Routh appears to be broke and insolvent.

    I for one am getting tired of fuzzy, hazy, partial, mis-information.

  10. I am convinced that this is not the last attempt on his life. The next one may succeed. I cannot imagine such an effect on the country.

  11. Let’s see if the USSS increases Trump’s security, say to the level that Obama (a has-been that no one cares about) gets.

  12. In line with Kate’s questions about Routh’s finances, let us ask this: What would Biden/Harris do
    if they find Routh is financed by Iran or one of their proxies? That would be awkward for them, wouldn’t it. They’ve been so accommodative toward Iran. Would they change their tune and get tough with Iran?

    Or suppose some Soros proxy has been funding him. Oops, how do they go after one of their major

    Of course, IMO, if Routh is connected to the Dems or their supporters, and the voters find out, it should be game over for Harris/Walz. That may be one reason many MSM outlets are downplaying this as “nothing to see here, move along.”

  13. One of my e-mail buddies said, “This guy thought he could be like Rambo. It turns out he’s really a Dumbo.”

    To which I say, “Thank goodness.”

  14. @OldTexan My understanding from reporting the night of the shooting was that Routh’s ceramic plates were roofing tiles, which would make their efficacy as ballistic protection questionable, although it would explain how he came to own them.

  15. Rufus T. Firefly (7:39 pm) said:
    “If Trump wins the Left’s nonsense will be escalated even more than last time.”

    If Trump wins, what odds can you offer me that he makes it to January 20, 2025?

    “It’s difficult to even imagine.”


  16. If Trump wins, what odds can you offer me that he makes it to January 20, 2025?

    –M J R

    Aside from the assassination scenarios, within the last few weeks I recall a Dem leader speaking in somewhat veiled terms that the Biden Admin/Deep State would find some means to deny Trump the Presidency.

    Then the problem would be putting down MAGA violence in the streets.

    Charming people.

  17. Well, it’s not like this is anything new. Every President has had hundreds of assassination plots against him, some wackier than others. President Ford was nearly killed twice within three weeks. Both times, the gunfire came within feet of him. Lynette From and Sarah Jane Moore were both foiled by the Secret Service, and the Secret Service started to insist President Ford wear a trench coat with a Kevlar vest inside it. Ford hated wearing that coat, since it was awkward and uncomfortable.

    Maybe the SS could dig up that coat and Trump could wear it.

  18. My understanding from reporting the night of the shooting was that Routh’s ceramic plates were roofing tiles,


    Thanks for explaining that. I was trying to figure out whether Routh had some space-age ceramic body armor.

  19. @huxley,

    Really? What Democrat was that?

    Because there IS information that Republican Jeffrey Clark was told that there would be riots if Trump tried to stay in office past January 20, 2020, and Clark replied “Well, that’s what the Insurrection Act is for.”


    Stewart Rhodes wanted Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act too, and call on the Oath Keepers as his militia.

  20. My favorite assassination attempt story.

    It’s 1835 and Andrew Jackson is attending the funeral of South Carolina Representative, Warren R. Davis. Richard Lawrence has been mentally ill for three years.

    Lawrence originally planned to shoot Jackson as he entered the service but was unable to get close enough to him. However, by the time Jackson left the funeral, Lawrence had found a space near a pillar on the East Portico, where Jackson would pass. As Jackson walked by, Lawrence stepped out and fired his first pistol at Jackson’s back; it misfired. Lawrence quickly made another attempt with his second pistol, but that also misfired….

    Lawrence’s unsuccessful attempts were noticed by Jackson, who proceeded to beat Lawrence with a cane. The crowd, which included U.S. Representative Davy Crockett, eventually intervened and wrestled Lawrence into submission.[3] Lawrence was the first person to attempt to kill a sitting U.S. president.


    Jackson was saved by not one, but two gun misfires. What were the odds? Then Jackson responded with his cane … with Davy Crocket wading in to help.

    That was Old Hickory. The Donald was cut from the same tree.

    Is this a great country or what?

  21. BJ:

    Ford was president, not a candidate. Trump is a candidate. Also, back in Ford’s day, security was not very tight compared to the way presidents are supposedly guarded today.

    However, RFK was a candidate when he was murdered. That was in a different security era, too, as was the JFK assassination. The Reagan near-assassination was a turning point in that regard.

  22. Andrew Jackson.
    A historical figure full of contrast.
    Hero of the Battle of New Orleans but shameful for the Indian Removal Act.
    I remember as a boy being in the woods of south West Mississippi, 40 miles from New Orleans, with my dad and grandfather , and being told how our ancestors knew the Indians.

  23. A historical figure full of contrast.

    Jon baker:

    Yes. He also owned slaves and they were often treated harshly.

    Andrew Jackson had a very tough life. Read about what he went through as a teen during the Revolutionary War and was orphaned at 14, He became a very tough man.


    I don’t recommend everything about Andrew Jackson but I do admire his strength. He was almost shot twice, then went after his assailant with a cane.

  24. President Ford was nearly killed twice within three weeks. Both times, the gunfire came within feet of him. Lynette From and Sarah Jane Moore were both foiled by the Secret Service,
    Lynnette Fromme was never able to pull a bullet into the chamber. She was seized by Secret Service agents and her gun confiscated. Sarah Jane Moore was not foiled by the Secret Service, but by a bystander named Oliver Sipple who knocked her arm so she couldn’t aim properly. Other bystanders tackled her. The bullet hit facade of the building and ricocheted, then hitting the sidewalk, then (spent) hitting a cab driver without injuring him. The Secret Service shoveled Ford into his waiting limousine.
    Ford hated wearing that coat, since it was awkward and uncomfortable.
    See Ron Nessen’s memoir. Ford disliked conventional bullet proof vests. The cloth undershirt which could stop all but the highest caliber bullets was worn under his dress shirt and tolerable.

  25. No informed speculation jackson was a blunt instrument sound familiar he was tired of the endless Indian Wars so he took strong measures

  26. May it be noted here:

    Gunfire originating with a Secret Service detail one hole ahead of Trump on the golf course — and at a distance commensurate with the distance of Thomas Crooks and the local police who discovered Crooks on the Butler Pa rooftop seconds before Crooks opened fire — alerted the Secret Service detail immediately accompanying Trump on the course to cover him and get him to safety.

    It’s my belief that had the police discovering Crooks in Butler fired their weapons — whether into the ground, the building, or even more riskily into the air — that gunfire would have alerted the SecServ detail with Trump at the podium to get him down and covered, or off the podium before Crooks had time to aim.

    Yes, it’s conjecture. Yes, it’s 20-20 hindsight. Yet it’s nevertheless an effect immediate communication at distance in the absence of the radio communication made unavailable in Butler. As such, it might be covered in training for use in future emergencies. Boy Scout it: be prepared.

  27. What if it was merely a ruse to make the SS look a little better after the July 13 debacle?

    Which is a soft shoe thought. ? But I would question if that SS agent actually did see a rifle barrel stuck through a chain link fence in deep brush and under shady canopy from 150 yards away.

    But then I’m skeptical of a lot of tall tales.

    Whistleblower Report Exposes Secret Service Incompetence


  28. JJ @ 1129,

    I hope it’s crazy also, but given the climate it’s also believable.

    Just yesterday, less than 24 hours after the attempt, Hillary declared Trump a threat to not only the country, but the planet. A clarion call for more assassination attempts. Does she get prosecuted for inciting violence??? Ha!

  29. When there are separate, or semi-separate, points of decision, making their decisions based on doctrine, training and circumstance, that they all go wrong at the same time in the same direction strains probability theory. Speaking of Butler.

    It was said that Trump’s decision to go golfing was more or less spontaneous. Who knows what that means? But was it twelve or more hours prior to tee-off?
    How did Routh pick is timing? Is there a leak? I crack myself up.

  30. “How did Routh pick [h]is timing?”

    Hell, I was questioning the “timing” of the Sean “Diddy” Combs arrest last evening, merely on account of the leftists’ need to get the 2nd assassination off the top headline.

    (this kind of thing exactly: https://instapundit.com/672974/)

  31. Hillary declared Trump a threat to not only the country, but the planet. A clarion call for more assassination attempts.


    Why stop when the strategy is working? Granted the maximal objective has not yet been achieved. But try, try again.

    I love this quote from Trump’s son, Eric:

    “My father is running out of lives here,” son Eric Trump told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “How many more rifles are going to come within assassination distance of my father?”


    I’m shocked that “The Guardian” reported this straight-up and apparently with some sympathy.

  32. Late to the game, but no one, even in the conservative media, has mentioned the obvious conclusion here. See the pattern?

    Abraham Lincon – Republican – assassinated
    James Garfield – Republican – assassinated
    William McKinley – Republican – assassinated
    Teddy Roosevelt – Republican/Bull Moose – assassination attempt
    John Kennedy – Democrat – assassinated
    Gerald Ford – Republican – two assassination attempts
    Ronald Reagan – Republican – assassination attempt
    Donald Trump – Republican – two assassination attempts

    Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.

  33. T:

    I agree it is somewhat one-sided, but you’re leaving out a few attempts on Democrats.

    An assassin tried to kill FDR and killed the mayor of Chicago in the attempt.
    RFK was a candidate for the presidency – as is Trump – and he was assassinated.

    You can find a list of attempts and/or plots to assiassinate other presidents here. As you can see, many Democrats are included as targets.

  34. Thanks for the link.

    I knew about Zangara and the death of Anton Cermak, but I somehow combined it with McKinley’s assassination. Many of the others I did not know about, or did not remember.

    I will withdraw my claim subject to further research and tabulation.

  35. Other “would-be Trump assassin[s]”

    Constantly insisting that one of the candidates on the ballot this November, for whom tens of millions of Americans will freely vote, is a “threat to democracy” is actually a far greater threat to democracy. Trump can’t even come close to threatening democracy like these ppl do.


    Please see short White House Press conference video clip at link for context.

    Two days. Two days and she’s at this shit from the White House podium.

  36. Neo & Art Deco,

    Well, I stand corrected then.

    However, the SS investigates hundreds of assassination threats every year, yet the only ones we hear about are (usually) the ones that take place on camera, like President Reagan’s in 1981 or former President Trump this year at Butler. They almost never talk about the plots they have foiled, since a) it shows how they work, which teaches other would be gunmen how to outwit them, and b) it inspires copycats.

    I think it’s a bit unfair to blame the SS, especially since they warned Trump that the Butler location was dangerous and would be hard to secure. They warned him about his golf course too, since it was public, close to a public highway and full of trees, hedges and bushes that could conceal an assassin, but Trump blew them off and insisted his golf courses were safe.

    Of course, Trump has to campaign and he has to appear at rallies, so the SS will have to place him behind bullet proof glass (or better yet, in something like the Popemobile where he is fully protected.) He doesn’t have to play golf, or at least, he doesn’t have to play it at public courses. If he doesn’t want to play on an indoor golf simulator at Mar-a-Lago, then maybe could take a page out of former President Obama’s book and play only on military golf courses which have been searched and secured in advance. In this instance, an ounce of prevention now could save everyone a mountain of regret later.

  37. @Cappy,

    To quote the Robot Devil: “You can’t have people just ANNOUNCE how they feel! That makes me feel ANGRY!” 😉

  38. “I think it’s a bit unfair to blame the SS, especially since they warned Trump that the Butler location was dangerous and would be hard to secure.” – BJ

    You are kidding, right? If the SS had done their job and secured the AGR building with their own agents, there would have been no shots. Instead they relied on local law enforcement who had little training in protective details.
    How did Crooks know to take his shot from the only location hidden from the SS sniper team whose job it was to surveil that direction? Why did the two local LEO’s tasked with watching the roof Crooks took his shot leave their post.
    At best the Secret Service displayed an incredible level of complacency/incompetence.

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