Home » Open thread 9/16/2024


Open thread 9/16/2024 — 45 Comments

  1. I find both main/major political parties too *BIG Govt* oriented for my likings. Have always voted against Democratic party candidates (unless actually liking the GOP candidate) until Trump vs Biden Harris this year—won’t vote for or against either presidential candidate this year.

    Have noticed that the DEMs and at least some MAGA REPs don’t seem to like Laura Loomer much – which has tweaked my interest in her. Never heard of—or noticed her until recently…

    From what I have heard and read about her—to this early point, I like her.

    Loved her gladly take on the role of Donald Trump’s Press Secretary statement.

    Am wondering what The New Neo blog thinks of her…

  2. Hello

    What’s the latest on the book project? Apologies in advance if I missed something.

    Thank you!

  3. Karmi, I saw the name of the woman you refer to during the GOP primary, on X posts from other more sensible people. She appears to be a rabid Trump groupie who posted crazy and sometimes completely false nonsense about DeSantis during the primary. I hope such an unreliable person won’t be anywhere near the White House.

  4. So here we are in a social simulation of Clive’s mind.

    Potentially ghastly and wondrous all at once, with no recollection of the past.

  5. I don’t think Musk’s now-deleted post was “encouraging” an attempt on Biden or Harris, but rather pointing out that it’s the left which is violent, not the right.

    The Instapundit has a clip from 2018 of Harris making a Trump assassination joke on a TV talk show, and laughing like a hyena about it:


  6. If someone has the time, I wish they should write a history of the sanctions on Iran and The Russian Nordstream pipeline. Also the speeches telling NATO to increase their spending and to import American fuel. Flip the person from Obama / Biden to Trump and vice versa. Use it as evidence that Trump was working for Iran / Russia until the very end. How this is evidence of how bad Trump is and how he works for dictators! Then at the very end point out how that it was the reverse persons.

  7. Kate: OK – sounds like she is even new to you. I don’t like the way she did DeSantis tho—after looking up what you said. Thanks for your input.


    Checking further on Laura Loomer I found her called a “conspiracy theorist” – funny since conspiracy theories abound in the Republican party—top to bottom, e.g., this blog. One would think she would fit right in as a “conspiracy theorist”. 🙂

    Loomer for years has attacked Muslim people and promoted white nationalism.

    Am not for Muslims much myself – some exceptions with countries who have “normalized relations” with Israel – Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, plus other who deal peacefully with Israel like Saudi Arabia. Heck, I’m not much for the Democratic & Republican parties either.

    I may border along being a White Nationalist also—depending on how it is being defined. Am proud to be a white American, but feel the Republican party is openly too white—as in the perception of being the ‘Party of Whites’ and Trump not doing anything to stop that perception with his VP pick.

    OK – I still have questions about Laura Loomer, but will leave the door open on her, and agree with what Trump SAID:

    “You are a very opinionated lady, I have to tell you,” Mr Trump said, adding: “And in my opinion, I like that.”

    (NOTE: either that quote is off or I had the wrong link—it was a copy and paste, but no longer in the link!?)

  8. Karmi:

    I only recently became aware of Loomer, but I think she really is a racist lowlife and any association with her by the Trump campaign is toxic. I did research on her just a couple of days ago and she’s definitely given to attention-getting racist remarks. A publicity hound.

  9. Kate – Apparently Loomer is already very near the campaign, and appears to have Trump’s ear.

    Its looney toon garbage like this that makes me worry about what the state of the country, and the right, would be after another four years of Trump. If the man lacks the basic judgment to keep the likes of Laura Loomer the heck away from his campaign, away from his debate prep, and certainly away from his debate green room . . . Tell me again why this man is fit to be president? Tell me again why the right is willing to put its ultimate chances of prevailing against the left in the hands of this man?

    I fear that a second Trump administration is going to be Scaramucci/Omorosa 2.0, this time with real racists. That would just about finish off the American right by 2028. A Trump win in November might well be a catastrophic victory, followed by a long defeat.

  10. neo – Thanks for your input!

    Had thought everyone else would know more about her, but she is apparently fairly new.

    As far as the above quote in another comment:

    “You are a very opinionated lady, I have to tell you,” Mr Trump said, adding: “And in my opinion, I like that.”

    There are other links on that, so don’t know what happened to original link I had. Just do a search for that quote brings up lots of links to it…

  11. Karmi:

    I’ve known of Ms Loomer for several years, and contributed to her congressional campaign to unseat Lois Frankel in FL-22. Although she would’ve been a drastic improvement over Frankel on most issues, there’s a valid case to be made that Loomer’s loose cannon antics ultimately make her a bigger liability than an asset. Not my sentiment, but I get the argument.

    LL is comparable to Pamela Geller, who is also sometimes accused of being racist due to her strident anti-Islam views. I’ve sent Geller a few dollars as well. Alex Jones also comes to mind. My staunchly Zionist mother’s influence may explain the soft spot I have for such people.

  12. Can’t find the X post, but apparently Laura Loomer said “White House will smell like curry” whilst referring to a Harris win. That probably falls into a racist statement, tho I have heard something similar about the smell of curry.

    Score: Laura Loomer racist statement/s – 1.

    OK – racists statements are claimed to be happening all the time now—since most everything is now racist. I’ll cut her a little slack here, and go with Catturd ™ @catturd2 HERE:

    The entire full weight of the U.S. media and uniparty swamp tried to cancel @LauraLoomer this week – but they couldn’t.

    You want to know why?

    Because she’s self made, she works for herself, she has a loyal following that she earned by hard work.

    They didn’t make her so they can’t break her.

  13. Banned Lizard: Great input – Thanks!

    If my definitions of a racist and bigot are correct, then a bigot is like many racists bundled into one…so to speak.

    Have had bigoted views and still do — that makes me a bigot, and I have never met a person who wasn’t a bigot…

  14. Banned Lizard, Karmi, et al:

    Geller is restrained compared to Loomer – at least, she used to be, back when I used to read Geller many years ago. Loomer is way over the top, and any association with her feeds the left’s assertion that Trump is a tyrannical racist. She needs to be dumped by the Trump forces.

    For example:

    Vance and Trump are starting to try to make it clear they don’t endorse the things she’s saying. They better keep doing that.

  15. “A Trump win in November might well be a catastrophic victory, followed by a long defeat.” – Bauxite

    And a Harris win would set the country up for freedom and prosperity???? Do you have any idea what you’re saying?

    A second Trump term would be lucky if they can restore some semblance of growth without inflation for the economy. The Democrats fought Trump every inch of the way during his first term. It will be worse this time. The only way the Republican side can make any progress is if we stay united and back our candidates, both the excellent and mediocre, just as the Democrats do.

    Personality issues should take a back seat at this point. Like him or not, DJT is the nominee. With all his faults, he will do far more good for the country than the Democrat candidates. Get on board, man. This country is in deep jeopardy.

  16. I don’t think we should agree to the Left’s guilt-by-association rules when they freely do not abide by them.

    There are any number of cancerous anti-Semites and anti-whites on the Left and Harris-Walz is delighted to have their support and the media does not ask them to renounce any of them.

    The day when the question “Aren’t you a racist for doing or saying x y z” is met by the Right with “Yes, next question” is the day when the threat of racist accusations has no more power, and will move us a lot closer to a society where race matters less.

    There is nothing Trump or any of us can say, no one he or any of us can disavow, that will get the media to stop calling him and all his associates, or any other Republican politician or voter, racists. The only winning move is not to play.

    In general, we need to stop accepting the premises that the Left and the media impose upon us, and this specific issue of “disavow the people we call racist” is a perfect place to start.

  17. Niketas:

    We’re not talking about cancel-culture guilt-by-association here. We’re talking about a person, Lara Loomer, who appears to be ingratiating herself with the Trump campaign and is rumored to be becoming a trusted insider. In a case like that, guilt-by-association becomes more valid, and if Trump doesn’t want to lose the support of a lot of people he must make it clear she’s no insider and is not influencing him.

    And it’s not just that the left is calling her racist. She actually does appear, by the evidence of her own words, to be a racist.

  18. @neo:And it’s not just that the left is calling her racist. She actually does appear, by the evidence of her own words, to be a racist.

    I assume Laura Loomer IS a racist. All the more reason to stop dancing to the Left’s tune. I don’t think we need to be trying to purge the GOP and conservatism of racists, publicans, and sinners. The crocodile does not eat the non-racists last.

    Especially considering this is at the behest of folks like Jake Tapper, Maggie Haberman, and “Republican Voters against Trump” whom I am sure have Trump’s and the GOP’s electoral success close to their hearts. Especially considering their highly selective definition of which racists need purging. (The media was certainly fine with Ellen Cleghorne playing “Queen Shenequa” on Saturday Night Live so if “Shaniqua” is some kind of racist epithet it was only discovered to be so very recently, and conveniently.)

    There is nothing Trump or any of us can say, no one he or any of us can disavow, that will get the media to stop calling him and all his associates, or any other Republican politician or voter, racists. The only winning move is not to play.

    Or maybe we can agree to purge one of ours for one of theirs, if they go first.

  19. Niketas:

    It’s not dancing to the left’s tune to get rid of her as part of the campaign – unless you approve of her point of view. Why would she be part of the campaign? What does she bring to it? She is basically an internet “influencer,” a self-promoter whose claim to fame is a sharp tongue and racism. She brings nothing of value to the campaign. I would denounce someone like that and I’m not dancing to the left’s tune. Just because the left advocates it, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

    And the left’s hypocrisy and double standards are a given. Supporting Loomer or not supporting her won’t stop them.

    If you fail to do something merely because the left tells you you should do it, you’re being controlled by them just as much as if you do it because they tell you to do it.

  20. @neo:unless you approve of her point of view.

    Lol, maybe I need to be purged. It’s not the case that either I agree Trump should get rid of Loomer or I’m a racist. There’s any number of other positions, like “don’t accept the premises of your ideological enemies” or “I disapprove of what she says but don’t think it hurts us more than letting the Left claim another scalp”.

    If you fail to do something merely because the left tells you you should do it,

    But that’s not my reason. My reason is that if they want a norm, they have to abide by it too. Increasing numbers of us are tired of this little game of Calvinball. When one side is breaking norms and getting an advantage by doing so, only retaliation in kind has a chance of restoring the norm. It may not restore the norm, of course, but neither will letting them keep doing with impunity.

    She is basically an internet “influencer”…she brings nothing of value to the campaign

    If there’s anything we should have learned by now, it’s that we live in a world where Internet influencers are important. Maybe they shouldn’t be, but they are. Haven’t enough of us complained here about how the Left uses Internet influencers to their advantage?

  21. Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer has “1.3M Followers” on X and I assume that most of them are ‘Likely’ Trump voters. Force her away from Trump at the peril of the Republican party, IMHO.

    The more I find out about her – the more I like her. Heck, if Trump said he would make her his Press Secretary then I might even vote for him; however, with Ukraine involved it would be a last minute decision whilst looking at my ballot.

    “You are a very opinionated lady, I have to tell you,” Mr Trump said, adding: “And in my opinion, I like that.”

  22. Karmi:

    The fact that you like her is not what I’d call a recommendation.

    I doubt anyone except some fairly rabid racists will be sad or abandon Trump and Vance if they distance themselves from her. Vance and Trump have already done so to a certain extent, if you saw the link I provided on that in the post.

    You have no idea how many of her followers are Trump-supporters. “X” is infested with bots of all kinds, which is well known (Musk has tried to fix this but it hasn’t worked very well). Many of her followers are probably leftists attacking her, as well.

  23. Is “I like that” now the same — equivalent — as “I like you”? I dunno, but does appear at least superficially to be distinct.

  24. Karmi; sdferr:

    Sdferr – it’s distinct, and not just superficially.

    Karmi: No one said unless you agree Trump should dump her you’re a racist.

  25. neo: calling people racist is a DEM tactic, and apparently Trump ignores it in ref to LL. Everyone is bigoted about something—even you & I. You consider LL a ‘racist lowlife’ but I don’t agree and neither does Trump:

    Laura Loomer’s Latest Brag Is Probably Sending Team Trump Into a Panic

    Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt insisted Saturday that Trump “does not agree with all of the comments” that Loomer has made. But any efforts to paint Loomer as an outsider have fallen flat.

    Unlike what you said – Vance may have “distance” himself from her, but Trump hasn’t. Per Trump’s own campaign spokeswoman and/or national press secretary – LL is not an “outsider”.

    Basically…just more speculation on your part, and terrible linked sources, but thanks for the input.

    Anyway, I have learned a lot more about her today, and hopes she & Trump remain close…

  26. ISW twofer:

    Iran Update which links to: pillars of Hamas’s civil rule

    A major focus of Israel’s Gaza campaign moving forward will be destroying the pillars of Hamas’s civil rule in Gaza, especially the distribution of humanitarian aid, which Israel sees as a core component of the terror group’s ability to show that it still controls the lives of Palestinians in the Strip, the Israeli official says.

    Yeah, kill Hamas, maintain control over the Philadelphi Corridor, and break down those “pillars”. H/T ISW which also said “Hamas is no longer an organized military force in the Gaza Strip.”

    ISW on Russian Offensive Campaign:

    Ukraine has taken steps to address its manpower shortages, but delays and insufficiencies in Western military aid to Ukraine continue to limit its ability to generate effective combat units .. Ukraine “needs 14 brigades to be ready” for an unspecified requirement and that Ukraine has not been able to equip “even four” of these brigades with slowly arriving Western aid.

    Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Oblast has forced Russia to redirect some resources from Ukraine to defend in Russia but that Ukraine still needs sufficient resources and Western permission to strike military targets in Russia to mitigate the theater-wide strain on Ukrainian forces.

    Russia has increased nuclear cooperation with Iran in recent months in line with “[Iranian] ambitions to obtain atomic weapons,” according to unspecified Western officials speaking to Bloomberg on September 14.

  27. Karmi:

    Of course calling people racist is a Democrat tactic – when the person is clearly not a racist. But guess what? There are actual racists on earth, and Lara Loomer is one of them because she says obviously racist things. If you don’t recognize it, that’s your error, IMO. My calling an actual racist a racist isn’t a tactic, it’s the truth. People on the right are allowed to call racists racist. For example, the “anti-racism” grifters are racists, too, and it’s not a “tactic” to say so.

    Oh, and your wonderful source is The New Republic. Funny. I haven’t figured out whether you’re a troll originating on the left or the right, and it really doesn’t matter.

    My source simply quoted Vance and quoted Trump.

  28. {{{ this documentary seems to have been made about twenty years ago:

    I know absolutely nothing about it, or him, but… it’s 60 Minutes

    The chances of it not being egregiously ephed up and largely wrong is tremendous. 😀


    }}} Also the speeches telling NATO to increase their spending and to import American fuel. Flip the person from Obama / Biden to Trump and vice versa. Use it as evidence that Trump was working for Iran / Russia until the very end. How this is evidence of how bad Trump is and how he works for dictators! Then at the very end point out how that it was the reverse persons

    By all means, post up links to justify your claims, instead of trolling people to do the research needful to expose your fairly obvious BS for what it is.

    Until then, you’re just bloviating your hatred and parroting what you’ve been told to say.

    For one thing, Russia wants to MAKE EUROPE DEPENDENT on Russian Oil.

    So how does Trump telling Europe to BUY AMERICAN even vaguely in Russia’s interest?

    Q.E.D., your claims are ludicrous right on the surface. Post up proof, or stifle yourself!!

  29. I don’t agree with everything Ms. Loomer has said, in particular her trashing DeSantis and his wife.

    But…she’s a “racist”? I’m not sure what a “Shaniqua voice” is, but whatever. Also something about curry smells in the White House? (I like the taste of curry.) Also, “Muslim” is not a race.

    That’s all a quick web search turned up. Very weak tea!

    Loomer has been de-platformed and de-banked by the left. I oppose this, as well as the lawfare against Alex Jones. I think he is a carny barker. But, we are supposed to be a nation of laws, not of men. What a concept!

  30. All I can add to the Loomer controversy is a side-note. If Trump is killed (as Dan Bongino expects), then JD Vance will have to replace himself as VP candidate.

    If Vance chooses Vivek Ramaswamy to be the replacement Republican Veep nominee, then certain segments will object. For example, a portion of Christians may not vote because he’s a practicing Hindu thus he’s a pagan.

    Others will object to curry eating, too. Or that he’s vegetarian. But with the likes of Rishi Sunak being the recent PM of the UK, it’s clear that leadership talent with Indian roots is a growing trend in the world.

    How long can we deny this fact?

  31. @ neo – Trump accepts LL even after people call her a “racist”. Pictures are ‘worth a thousand words’, so do an image search for Laura Loomer and look for one from a site or someone that you do accept. Loomer is clearly not a Trump “outsider”.

    Taking it you agree with me that “Everyone is bigoted about something—even you & I.”

    You are helping the DEM MSM to destroy Laura Loomer, in case you haven’t noticed. Same thing happened in the GOP primaries where Trump supporters would suddenly become ‘Best Friends’ with the DEM MSM in order to destroy someone…enough said, and on to another new day!

  32. The hermit Kermit rides to defend Laura Loomer from neo.

    Laura Loomer faces destruction on all sides; the life of a bigot is a hard one.

  33. Harris is a spoiled brat westmount thats hard living as much as evanston for hillary neither got any where on their own so they have to pander with their southern and lately urban action her path has been with the niche left and we have the evidence of that

    We saw how they reacted to an earnest woman who was public christian who was a real reformer who was a devouted mother and wife
    Let me reminder there were strong insinuations about her virtue there were doubts made about her recent child (sullivan)
    Of course about her intellect (gibson, couric) threats against her person (bernhardt) actual demostrations of harm in west hollywood)

    The ‘syrian invasion’ and the other elements were part of a replacement of western europeans that continues to this day why orban is under siege why duda was replaced in poland why the national front is locked out of power in perpituity

    Now you chase your ‘white nationalist’ ghosts while they succeed into undermining this country for hamas did we forget already

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