Home » Kamala Harris gives a 10-minute interview


Kamala Harris gives a 10-minute interview — 28 Comments

  1. She’s uniquely unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief.

    If there is a God in heaven, Trump should win in a landslide. Harris just wins MA, CA, OR and VT.

  2. Taff was the one called on in 2012, by Obama, and even he couldn’t save her from this word salad,

  3. To the interviewer’s credit, his first question was direct, asking specifically how Harris would help reduce prices. She didn’t answer the question, but went off into her upbringing story and ending with a few tax breaks and government handouts which will have nothing to do with everyday consumer costs.

  4. Cornhead, I agree with you, but it seems our Heavenly Father is sometimes distracted, and we may not be on his good side at all times. Look at our fellow citizens, beguiled by Harris.
    I am convinced we live in a land of drones controlled by the DNC.

  5. Like so many nowadays, Kamala is an example of someone who learned how to pose as intelligent, rather than being so. It’s just a matter of style. This is something that arose in my adult life; the best chronicler I know – often unintentionally – is David Brooks.

    Evelyn Waugh noted something similar in the 30s and 40s, when “intellectual” stopped referring to the intellect, and became focused on esthetics. But that’s what our culture wants, so that’s what it’ll get.

  6. Like so many nowadays, Kamala is an example of someone who learned how to pose as intelligent, rather than being so. It’s just a matter of style.

    Barack Obama perfected this.

  7. @Cornhead:If there is a God in heaven, Trump should win in a landslide.

    His Kingdom is not of this world. His Will be done; and it may involve martyrdom for some of us and ruin for those left. The god of this world is a different character entirely; and though he promises worldly success he is a liar from the beginning.

  8. One issue is how relevant to the actual question is Kamala’s canned response. Second question is whether the first is followed up to try to get her to actually address the issue.

  9. And how about those shoes? Looks like Converse All-Stars. She’s probably getting paid for that.

  10. Some politician’s wife got so tired of hearing about “small businessmen” over and over again that she started joking about “teensy weensy businessmen.” Maybe it was Jackie Kennedy, I don’t know, but Harris’s plan sounds like a boondoggle that will throw money around and do little to develop small businesses, let alone bring down prices.

    From Mickey Kaus on X:

    Q: “What will you do if China attacks Taiwan?”

    Kamala: “I grew up a middle class kid …”

  11. Her responses remind me of those dolls with pull-strings on the back that played back recorded messages…. My daughters had a couple of those, until they “broke”.

  12. But, but, She Looks Presidential
    My idjit friend said this. He hates the Dems and Hates Trump (J6 was attempt to overthrow the govt and Floyd was murdered). I stopped trying to convince him. Instead I just say “A Closed Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”

  13. She couldn’t be bothered to dress for the role she has, Vice President, much less the one she wants? Rumpled suit and cheap sneakers? You’re not being interviewed for a job as batista in chief.

  14. she is a shining example of the Peter Principle.
    The Peter Principle states the incompetent are not fired, they are merely no longer promoted. (The super-incompetent and the super-competent get fired, because they disrupt the system). I suppose you could say she is if you regard the move from district attorney to state-attorney-general to the U.S. Senate to the Vice Presidency as a series of lateral transfers. The Presidency is not a lateral transfer. Unless, of course she has Ron Klain and Merrick Garland actually running things while she plays with her hair.

  15. Kamala: “I grew up a middle class kid …”
    Her parents were salaried employees with modest assets, so that part’s true. What she doesn’t mention is that you could hardly find a claque of people who are on average more insular, pretentious, and insistent on their prerogatives than tenured faculty.

  16. We’ve all seen this from Harris before and repeatedly through the 10 years or so she has been on the national stage. She demonstrates absolutely no leadership ability that would compel anyone to follow her. She appears to be lacking the mental ability and skill to understand the issues of the day and the various policy approaches to address them, thus she is unable to speak extemporaneously on these topics and has to resort to scripted talking points. She cannot even do that consistently well.

    Anyone that tells you they are a supporter because she demonstrates the ability to do the job of president is either lying or delusional. What they mean instead is that they will vote for the Not Donald Trump candidate, whoever that may be.

  17. Fack check Trump,
    Sample questions but not exact wording
    Subjects of Harris past were not allowed
    Guess it’s official now

  18. That was a load of T-Ball questions

    I don’t know, would a upper class Indian mother teach fair equally to a daughter?

  19. Her responses remind me of those dolls with pull-strings on the back that played back recorded messages…. My daughters had a couple of those, until they “broke”.

    LOL! I had the same thought about Kramela.

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