Home » Open thread 9/13/2024


Open thread 9/13/2024 — 34 Comments

  1. The rumor mill is at it this morning as I’ve seen two reports of a possible whistleblower coming forth with an affidavit that states ABC gave the Harris campaign advance questions and a guarantee of not challenging her answers.

    Nothing of substance has appeared so far. Would be a nice gift to the Trump campaign, but probably just click bait.

  2. @physicsguy – Yeah, Twitter account called “The Black Insurrectionist” is claiming he has a sworn affidavit from an ABC whistleblower

    I will be releasing an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower regarding the debate. I have just signed a non-disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower. The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample question which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked. Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I have seen and read the affidavit and after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit. I will be releasing the affidavit before the weekend is out.

  3. Jennifer Sey was Global Brand President at Levis and had a good shot at becoming the next CEO. She gave up her job rather than squelch her opinions about the detrimental effects on kids of the Covid lockdowns. She has started a new clothing company called XX-XY Athletics. Some people do not approve.

    “It’s been a tough week all around. My business is blocked and thwarted at every turn. My trolls are escalating their rhetoric. Soccer moms are telling me my t-shirt is harmful and I shouldn’t wear (ha, yeah right). Sometimes, even I want to just throw up my hands. But I can’t. We can’t. Sanity and truth must prevail.”



  4. We should exercise caution on that story about ABC sending Harris the questions in advance until credible evidence emerges. However, we don’t need evidence to see that ABC disgraced itself as a news organization.

  5. Soccer moms (= white middle and upper class women) are terrible people.

    Well, a lot of them are. Too many. A disproportionate number.

    The more so because they think they are kind, compassionate . . . good.

  6. @Kate – Yeah, the truth could be one of many possibilities:

    1. This “Black Patriot” person could be making the entire thing up whole cloth

    2. It’s someone who is merely claiming to be an ABC “whistleblower” who has duped Black Patriot with a false story.

    3. There is indeed a real ABC employee, but they’re the one who is making the whole thing up either because they’re disgruntled with ABC or they want to discredit this “Black Patriot” person using this false story somehow.

    4. Or finally… it’s all true

    And even if it’s #4, as things stand right now it’s still a dismissible story due to it hinging on the word of a single, unknown whistleblower. The MSM will obviously ignore it and most democrat voters will choose to disbelieve it if they ever even hear about it.

  7. “By Monday morning we will have had three post debate data points. I think that will probably be a good time to establish that the debate pretty much changed no ones minds”– Mark Mitchell, Rasmussen Reports

    He says that their data shows independents breaking for Trump.

    BREAKING: Trump Regains the Momentum and Opens Up A LEAD Over Kamala Harris

  8. IrishOtter,

    I’m married to a soccer mom. I also have been reffing youth soccer for 19 years so have weekly contact with soccer moms. I’d say about 10% fit your description. The percentage for soccer dads is higher, about 30% based on those that give me crap from the sidelines while have zero knowledge of the rules.

  9. ABC whistleblowers and sekrit headphone earrings are distractions from the Fortification for Democracy that is happening right now in MI, PA, and WI and will deliver the Presidency to Harris or to whoever the Dems scribble in purple crayon the night before the election.

    The debate is done, no minds were changed, especially not the minds that will be deciding what ballots get counted in the blue precincts.

    Really it’s not necessary to chase every shiny thing dangled in front of us.

  10. IrishOtter…”Soccer moms (= white middle and upper class women) are terrible people”…yet Jennifer Sey herself is white, probably qualifies as at least upper-middle-class if not higher, and given her interest in athletics I’d bet she is involved in soccer.

  11. One comment about the debate that I haven’t seen is the fact that Trump is a big, tall powerful man and Kamala is a much smaller woman. If he had come out swinging or throwing knockout punches at her (as many commenters seemed to have wanted him to do), in other words being MEAN, viewers would probably taken a negative view of this behavior, calling him a bully and worse. Considering who he was debating, his more low-key demeanor was a smart move by Trump.

  12. IO,

    10% is the rough number who complain about calls. I have no idea other than that what sort of person they are.

    What’s your beef with soccer moms??

  13. Shocking moment Iraq veteran shoots pro-Palestine agitator who lunged at him during peaceful Israel protest – then stays to give him first aid

    A Massachusetts military veteran has been arrested for allegedly shooting a pro-Palestine agitator who charged at him during a pro-Israel demonstration.

    I wouldn’t go near a Yankee state.

    Video shows Palestine agitator shouting about poor Palestinians – then he charges across the street tackling the Vet, then putting a neck-hold on Vet, and then you hear a gunshot. Jordan Neely used a neck-hold in NYC and gets charged with murder. *BIG Govt* Rule of Law strikes again…

  14. At least half the “Virginia hams” shown were standard cardboard ham. They did have a few shots of the real thing. They also didn’t seem to know what barbeque is, south of the Mason-Dixon line. It isn’t just food cooked on a grill over wood or charcoal.

  15. There has been a lot of criticism/outrage even in conservative circles about President Trump repeating the claim that Haitian migrants are eating dogs in Springfield.

    At first glance, it seems to be an absurd accusation, but Trump has used this tactic before to his advantage. In the outrage by the media, there comes an actual investigation to prove the claim false, and the media focus highlights how a town is being destroyed (and Haitians have eaten small animals).

    The claim is made they don’t need to eat small animals– there is plenty of food and in this Kelly report it appears Haitian homeless are helping themselves to food at the local supermarkets– but the sort of claim to eating small animals like dogs, cats and geese is so absurd it likely is true.

    We had a Kenyan family living in our neighborhood who twice a year butchered a goat and had a BBQ for Africans living in the area. Our Liberian son was befriended by their son and we attended a few of the events. The father had a phd in biology, the mother a nurse (and our son’s friend is not a doctor) so they had no need to hoist a goat to the rafters in their garage and prepare the animal.

    They liked eating goat. While goats and dogs may not be in the same category in our country, many countries don’t have the same sensibilities.

    Immigrants bring their cultures with them. What is failing now in our country is the social requirement that while immigrants can certainly keep their local cultures (where they don’t violate our laws) they need to adopt the culture of their new country.

    I think this focus on how 15-20 thousand Haitians, some/many living in homeless camps has overwhelmed a town of 60,000.

    It may turn out, once again, to the benefit of Trump’s argument about the devastating effect of this mass migration on communities around the country.

    Why Media is Focusing on “Eating Cats” to Avoid Actual Harms of Illegal Immigration, w/ Steve Deace

  16. @Brian E:At first glance, it seems to be an absurd accusation,

    There’s a recorded 911 call reporting they were taking geese. For some mysterious reason, the unsupported word of the city spokesman that there’s nothing like that going on is considered by the media to be more credible.

    A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago.

    “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call.

    According to a police report reviewed by The Federalist, the call was placed on Aug. 26, before the Columbus suburb located roughly 50 miles from the state capital became nationally known this week for epitomizing the nation’s migrant crisis. The caller told the dispatcher he saw four migrants in total, two men and two women, each carrying a single goose.

  17. Niketas, I meant to include– “At first glance, it seems to be an absurd accusation,– so absurd it’s likely true.”

    The Megan Kelly podcast I linked to includes other testimony before the Springfield city council.

  18. Laura Loomer @Lindsey Graham makes a fair point telling him that there’s nothing wrong with being gay. In fairness, he’s been a South Carolinian a long time and knows the culture. Maybe he’ll eventually exit the closet, but that’s his decision.

    Lindsey and MTG are looking jealous over Loomer’s quality time with DJT. I doubt Loomer would ever become DJT’s version of Valerie Jarrett. She is too aggressively outgoing to play Rasputin. Let’s hope everyone will calm down and (to quote Rodney King) g-g-get along.

  19. Goose is generally not helpful, remember how he was so sanguine about Ashley Babbitt, how he was so enthusiastic about the Arab Spring, how he wants to go to war with Iraq and Russia, even though we are woefully uncapable on logistics grounds,

  20. Kate, miguel,

    Another very well done political ad from Nicole Shanahan! I’ve recently listened to an interview with her. I don’t know a lot about her, but I am very impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

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