Home » Haiti comes to Springfield and Venezuela comes to Aurora


Haiti comes to Springfield and Venezuela comes to Aurora — 37 Comments

  1. Why are the demonkrats allowing millions of illegals into the USA?

    In addition to the fact that many of them will be allowed to vote – for democrats of course – these millions of illegals will be counted in the next census.
    And it is the census count that determines how the US House of Representative seats are apportioned to each state.

  2. Not only do we have the UN building in the USofA but we are bringing country sub-populations to make it UNofA

  3. Springfield had about shy of 60,000 people. Then 15,000 Haitians were dumped there. That’s an overwhelming number.

    One article I read talked about the cultural differences. It pointed out that Haiti and Dominant Republic are the same island, but two countries with VERY different cultures — and very different levels of success. The article also pointed out that while the Haitians in Springfield may not be EATING the animals, but there are undoubtedly many practitioners of voodoo, and that might be what’s going on with the animals.

  4. I am strongly against illegal immigration and against overwhelming any community with newcomers, whether legally or illegally present, whose culture is potentially at serious odds with the existing culture. Like neo, I doubt that there’s a full-scale bush market going on in Springfield, even if there may have been some incidents of poaching or the like – though I cannot and will not rule it out.

    Butt I wish Trump would not go, every time, to the most extreme version of what might be happening. Isn’t it ENOUGH already to say that now a third of the population of Springfield is new, mostly uneducated arrivals from a non-English-speaking, desperately poor country with very different customs? Why does he have to go to, “They’re eating pets!”? Isn’t it enough to say that no Democrat, including Harris, will publicly call for a Europe-style time limit on abortion – it’s 9 months or nothing? Why does he have to go to, “And even after birth!”?

    The whole debate then becomes about Trump’s “lies,” even when they turn out to be true, rather than about the actual issues – overwhelming illegal immigration in the guise of “asylum,” and unfettered abortion in the guise of “reproductive freedom.”

  5. Haitians taking geese is better sourced; at least as well as the official “nothing to see here” that has the gold seal of media approval.

    A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago.

    “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call.

    According to a police report reviewed by The Federalist, the call was placed on Aug. 26, before the Columbus suburb located roughly 50 miles from the state capital became nationally known this week for epitomizing the nation’s migrant crisis. The caller told the dispatcher he saw four migrants in total, two men and two women, each carrying a single goose.

  6. @Jaime:Butt I wish Trump would not go, every time, to the most extreme version of what might be happening.

    The media themselves do literally this all the time. Remember when they called a Florida law “Don’t Say Gay”? That was an extremist distortion of what the law actually did and it was in every headline.

    Their beef with Trump is not that he does it, it’s that they consider themselves the ones who get to do that. About time it was used against them to get things out in the open that they cover up.

    Let’s see a thousand articles explaining that ACKSHUALLY Haitians are taking geese, not cats. If he stuck to only facts supported by sworn and notarized statements the media would continue to bury what is happening.

  7. Jamie (5:35 pm) said: “I wish Trump would not go, every time, to the most extreme version of what might be happening. . . . The whole debate then becomes about Trump’s ‘lies,’ even when they turn out to be true, rather than about the actual issues”

    Good ol’ Donald Trump, still committing unforced errors and still his own worst enemy (and he’s already got far, far more than his share of enemies — albeit the good kind).

  8. Niketas Choniates (6:05 pm) said: “Remember when they called a Florida law ‘Don’t Say Gay’? That was an extremist distortion of what the law actually did and it was in every headline.”

    Excellent, excellent point. (Not that it’ll make a dent in any left-wingers’ skulls.)

    “Their beef with Trump is not that he does it, it’s that they consider themselves the ones who get to do that.”

    Again, excellent, excellent point. (To quote Uncle Walter, “and that’s the way it izzzz.”)

  9. Dems have used the “Fake but True” thing for a long time. I really don’t care if the eating of Pets is a Fake, it does bring the issue of a large number of people being dumped on a small city. I understand these people are getting EBT cards, so why even take a Goose?
    As for Aurora, I went to Jr. High and started HS there. I know where the apt buildings would be. To brush it off like our, better to say their, Govenor and media is a total disservice to the community. A vain hope that this would change some Dem voters, I know it won’t happen. Now, I live maybe 50 from there. But just 5 miles down the road the town, Longmont, has a series MS13 problem.

  10. When I lived in San Francisco it was common knowledge that Asians were eating the geese in Golden Gate Park.

    For years I lived a block from the Arboretum in GGP and several times a week I would jog through it. There was a silver-haired retired guy who came every afternoon to the pond in the Arboretum. I talked with him a bit.

    He loved to feed the geese and he established a relationship with a large white male. He would flap his arms and the goose would flap back. Then one day the goose was gone. My acquaintance was disconsolate.

    We both knew what had likely happened.

  11. The stories about the geese and ducks may very well be true; there are reports. The pets, who knows? But there are reports of third-world behavior in this Midwestern small city. People going into Wal-Mart, stripping and bathing in the bathrooms, and people stripping to bathe in the stream in a town park. Well, at least they want to wash. There are going to be problems when large numbers of people from a different culture are dropped into a new place. If they don’t have bathrooms with water at home, where are they, um …

  12. eating cats and dogs is the least of it, probably not a crime unless there are trespasses, admittedly I didn’t hear of such a thing in South Florida, but is an illustration of the broken window theorem, when it applies in such large numbers, in a community where there is so much disparity as Springfield, there is much more stress, do the prog overlords and virtue signaling Gopers don’t care, now Haiti has suffered the equivalent of 10 plagues, the Clintons looting party is probably no#8 but the burden doesn’t seem to be equitable, why is tha
    now my suspicions it might be signs of vodoun, their version of santeria, which I do recall the US Supreme Court did designate as a religion, the mechanism of how supposed Red State Governors like Dewine, have allowed this state of affairs, for personal reasons, cooperating with the regime, in ‘replacing’ the native population in small towns like Springfield in Charleroi Pennsylvania, who asked for this, this is one of Tucker’s pet peeves, which he made clear at the Convention speech, even in a predominant culture where there is cultural affinity, like the Little Havana enclave, my personal experience a large influx strains the social systems,

    On the whole I have found many first generation Haitian Americans to be very hardworkers, but the dynamic that was seen in Wolfe’s Back to the Flood, where those impulses, are eroded by exposure to American culture is worrysome, I had first hand contact with that aspect when I worked in the schools in South Florida,

  13. Not all cats are pets. Certainly could be feral dogs in that part of Ohio. I don’t think anyone claimed “the Haitians ate my dog.”

  14. That the Haitians are hunting and gathering would be normal for people from a poor society where food is scarce.

    Back in the 1970s when the Vietnamese refugees arrived in Denver, my brother lived near Sloane’s Lake. The Vietnamese soon had cleaned all the fish out of the lake. My brother had a couple of fruit trees that were considered to be fair game by the Vietnamese. They were used to foraging for food and didn’t understand about private property. Fortunately, they’ve long ago assimilated, and don’t do such things now.

    It’s absolutely devastating to a small community to have to deal with a bunch of people who don’t speak the language well, don’t know our customs, and have little respect for our property laws. In countries like Haiti, it’s a dog-eat-dog world without much respect for law and order. That’s why this invasion from our southern border is such a tragedy. There’s scant hope of assimilating these masses of people in an orderly fashion. In the meantime, towns like Springfield and Arvada become unlivable for their long-term residents.

    The other side of the coin is that many NGOs and local businesses are getting paid a lot of money to bring in these illegal aliens and take care of housing and feeding them.

    It’s a major plan by those who want to destroy the country as it once was and replace it with a feudal system of elites that rule over the serfs.

  15. For years we lived in a nice neighborhood that was alongside of the Ballard Canal and lock in Seattle. Nice residential area. Nice private university. A nice neighborhood, alongside of the locks there are lovely trees and benches. There are many ducks and sometimes geese and swans on that canal. Getting down into the water is easy peasy. We often took our lunches down there, and sat on the benches to enjoy the view. Many, many, many times we would see people from the Asian community capture ducks and take them home for dinner, or perhaps to their restaurants to cook and serve.

    I have no doubts that if someone, who comes from a Central American jungle, is hungry that they will not hesitate to grab and cook a domestic dog or cat.

    Remember: in China live dogs are sold at the food market for people to take home and cook! My grandma used to say, “Where there is smoke there is usually fire.”

  16. Why is it considered so unlikely that these third world migrants would eat a cat when we’ve had a President of the United States who ate dog and bragged about it in his “autobiography”?

  17. Anne; FOAF:

    Obama ate dog in Indonesia, a country with a tradition of eating dog. I actually looked up a list of countries that eat dog (with horrible photos I wish I hadn’t seen), and Haiti isn’t among them. Dogs and cats are sometimes eaten in Asian countries, especially China.

    But the allegation about the Haitians in Springfield isn’t just that they eat dogs (despite the fact that, as far as I know, it’s not a Haitian culinary tradition). It’s that they are killing pet dogs and cats in order to eat them. So I find it improbable, although it’s much more believable that now and then they are killing ducks or geese in the local park and eating them.

  18. And Trump, by inserting dogs and cats into the discussion instead of commenting on the damage to the city via it’s budget, health and crime (as JD Vance did when asked), let the MSM distract from the real issue. When will he learn? Never, it appears.

  19. vermeer:

    You are ignoring the fact that it’s a double-edged sword. Typically, Trump says something over the top. They “debunk” it – although just as often, it turns out to be true. In this case, we don’t know for sure if it’s true or not, and I don’t like that he emphasized it. But I also must acknowledged that, had he said something more boring (and obviously provable) like that they’re having housing problems or traffic problems in Springfield, it would have been a big yawn. No one was paying attention to Springfield. Now the governor has sent more money to help the town out, and also some police to help.

  20. When will he learn? Never, it appears.


    Sigh. I thought during the Biden debate Trump had gained some insight on letting an opponent sabotage himself/herself.

    But geeze, that pet-eating thing made Trump sound like the blowhard at the end of the bar sounding off based on some unproven sensationalist item he read in a tabloid.

    Yesterday Trump gave a speech on How Angry He Is. Well, sure. Me too. But geez, is talking that way really going to win anybody over who might be won over?

    Maybe Trump reads the country better than I do.

  21. @huxley:Maybe Trump reads the country better than I do.

    I don’t know if he does or doesn’t. But he does know how to get something on TV, he’s been doing that for over 40 years. One of the biggest problems we have right now is how much filtering the media does to control narratives.

    The complaints of the residents of Springfield were first on Facebook. Then some right-leaning people on X start asking them to tell them more. The media ignored all of it, until the memes were out there on X, until Trump said what he did at the debate, and now they’re having to cover it if only to try to debunk it. But the debunking reveals the facts that they were concealing before. Without the need to “debunk” it they’d have just ignored it, but by “debunking” it they publicize it–analogous to the Streisand Effect.

    In order to prove Trump or the memes wrong, they have to report that AKSHUALLY they’re not eating pets but geese from the parks, that AKSHUALLY they’re not illegals but were purposely brought in by the Federal government, that AKSHUALLY they haven’t taken over the town, they’re just 25% of the population, that AKSHUALLY they’re not out performing voodoo rituals in the street but they are costing local government millions of dollars just for language services and making housing less affordable for locals… and they were silent on all this before. It was local news if that, that the national and international press didn’t bother to cover.

  22. Correction: I wrote Arvada when I meant Aurora. Arvada’s in west Denver, Aurora’s on the east side. Bad blooper for a Colorado native.

  23. El Paso TX has just had a similar situation with a Venezuelan gang taking over a hotel being used to house illegal migrants.

    The problem with the wholesale imposition of large immigrant populations into a small city is that it guarantees that they will fail to assimilate. Instead, these kinds of population numbers create a sustainable ghetto, that encourages the illegal immigrant groups to cluster and form neighborhoods that are conducive to importing the home-country culture, in addition to the people. Welcome Gangs!

    Minneapolis is another example, with Somalis. And as some might remember, when the country was awash with COVID cash, Minneapolis was the cash export capitol of the world, with quite a bit of investigative reporting showing how Somalis were exporting the Benjamins by the millions, with little explanation of how these individuals came by those funds (they were obtained by large scale fraud, scams perpetrated by the experts, on the easy-money US government).

    Now: If a group numbering in the thousands, that crosses the US border illegally but then is granted a ‘special status’ by the US Government, and is settled, at taxpayer expense, in large groups in small cities, what kind of Legal argument can be made that they deserve to be here, because the US Government took care of them? And to what degree could these arguments be reasonably expected to delay deportation by some future administration, one with a different idea on immigration?

    Thank the Progressive Democrats ! It’s all by design, helped along by fabulously wealthy NGOs

  24. It’s all by design, helped along by fabulously wealthy NGOs


    Quite so. What I wonder is why there has been no open debate on this?

    Both sides know, except those Dems who insist on self-delusion, that this is a naked effort to transform US demographics in favor of Democrats, the Deep State and, for all I know, the World Economic Forum at al.

    Could Trump have used the debate to ask that question? It seems to me he could have and it would have been more useful than the pet-eating angle.

  25. Democrats and NGOs opening our borders and importing illegal aliens under cover of “law” is reprehensible. The Bible says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. The same could be said of the lust for power. I wish those responsible would be brought to legal justice!

  26. Usually some church or religiously affiliated group sponsors migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, etc. It’s hard to find mention of that if you look up Springfield online. I guess it was a medium size city with cheap housing, and possibly jobs at some point, that didn’t attract a lot of media attention. Maybe the Haitians are there because the Biden administration send them there. Lima and Findlay Ohio, other not very well known cities, have also received large numbers of Haitians. There are plenty of Haitians in Boston, but no need for more Democrat voters in Massachusetts. Ohio is a different story.

  27. tinyurl.com/nhdvtx33
    This is link to 20 Tweets from Bad Blue, #10 is short video of guy carrying a dead goose. People will eat lots of things if free and poor. I wish it wasn’t true they are eating pets but wouldn’t bet against it
    #2 is a clipof a guy telling you they are doing it.

  28. Kate, JJ and Aggie have all touched on an issue that is pretty much ignored by people analyzing the immigrant problem in the USA: the role of Non Government Organizations (NGOs) in resettling immigrant populations. It is something that some enterprising journalist should look at.

    When the government hands out large sums of money, as both Obama and Biden did in abundance, cities turn to NGOs to address things like immigrant housing, healthcare, education etc. The badly-named Inflation Reduction Act was a huge influx of money with hazy goals. The press has turned up examples of IRA money building bicycle paths and golf courses. A lot of it has gone to NGOs that address immigrant issues. And some of those NGOs have looked at this influx of cash and thought they should get involved for the money they could make out of it. Where there’s money, a need will occur to make us of it — and obviously to profit.

    Google generates a list of NGOs in Springfield that includes a lot of the standard ones like food banks and churches, which I’m glad to see. They also list others like Think Tank, Inc., whose mission is “To work with social service organizations to assess, develop, and implement creative strategies to strengthen their capacity. . .” and so on. When I see a mission statement like that, I wonder if it’s just a money sponge. You get the idea.

    NGOs provide useful services around the world. I have worked with some in Africa, and some were great. Others were frankly a waste of money. I have no doubt the same situation exists in Springfield, OH.

    I would like to see someone total the amount of federal and state money going into Springfield, and try to analyze if it is well spent or not.

  29. There is an NGO in western Michigan which does some of that work, mostly through a consortium of churches.
    In our town, Nepali refugees from Bhutan were sponsored. Been maybe seventeen years. They’ve done very well. Working, no crime, some have started a restaurant.
    My wife and I tutored two of them through, iirc, their sophomore year (except math, what are they teaching these days?).
    They’re naturalized, their kids are good little dudes.
    Good citizens.
    But…takes two things. People who have certain values coming here, and a lot of work from the locals.
    Such as hit Springfield do not guarantee the first, nor allow for the second.

  30. The “eating cats” story most likely came from Canton, Ohio, where an unbalanced American-born woman has been accused of eating a cat. The “Haitians eating geese from the parks” story is more supported by the facts.

    The media system “worked.” Trump said something that may not have been literally true, the media pointed that out, and now Trump supporters are embarassed. But the larger truth Trump described is lost and attempts to dig it up will be met with jeers about cat-eating. The media is not going to have to acknowledge anything about mass illegal migration and its effects, and the many lies Biden and Harris tell don’t get the “fact checks” that the cat-eating story has received.

  31. Actually, Christopher Rufo found, and found supporting evidence for, a story from 2023 from nearby Dayton, Ohio, of an African immigrant cooking a cat on an outside grill. And a report has been found of a woman finding a decapitated animal in a Springfield park, a possible voodoo sacrifice. Rufo points out that recent as-yet unassimilated immigrants from African or Afro-Caribbean cultures may very well look for food sources which assimilated Americans consider unsuitable, especially if they are living on public support and need meat for dinner.


  32. I don’t have them at hand but I have seen reports that essentially the same process as used by the federal government in bringing the Venezuelans to Colorado was used to flood Springfield with thousands of Haitians over the past year or two. Federal money used to incentivize businesses to hire and rental and food subsidies to enable the settlers which also has the effect of enabling employers to offer lower wages. We are now seeing the resettlement of these Haitians touted as having revitalized the local economy, which leads to the observation that the feeds could have just used this money to revitalize and improve the lives of those already living there.

  33. The Twin Cities has had two waves of foreign immigrants and a continuing wave of domestic immigrants. The latter started when Gov.Wendell Anderson used a surplus to jack up welfare spending, in the 1970s. Critics said it would draw the wrong sorts from Chicago, Gary and Detroit.

    No, said Anderson. We will have a rule. If you come from a state with lower benefits, you collect at that rate for 5 years. That lasted about 15 minutes until a judge said, “14th Amendment.” To this day folks on Chicago’s south side talk about Minnesota’s streets being paved with gold. That’s what I heard with my own ears.

    The Hmong came in the late 70s. Lots of cultural issues, some resemblance to Springfield (harvesting everything that moved for protein). But Hmong work hard and were accepted. Some tendency to exploit language barriers to rip off government programs.

    The Somali started coming in the 90s. Initially well liked, hard working, polite. But the culture depends on the tribe, clan and subclan structure. That is not happening here. And as often so, the kids of the immigrants go out of control. The parents have no idea what to do because the clan always enforced behavior.

    And they have figured out how to exploit government handouts at a much greater rate than the Hmong ever did. Polygamy.

    Both groups loathe the other. Somali don’t mix with American blacks. And with law enforcement not happening in the Cities, Minneapolis is rapidly becoming unliveable.

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