Home » Caroline Glick on the debate


Caroline Glick on the debate — 8 Comments

  1. Harris seemed to accept the Hamas propaganda about Israeli tactics and Gaza civilian deaths, and talked about a two-state solution. The events of the past year show how idiotic that idea is.

  2. its not merely words, its the ethos of the policy people around here, see that greenfield link I put up a few days ago, if Al Queda had a candidate, well she would be in their corner, as it is with Hamas, they have extreme sympathies,
    I was reading an old novel by the late Gordon Thomas, who i’ve referred to his work about the Middle East, Deadly poison was written just one year after the Gulf War, a few years before we heard the name Osama bin Laden, set a few years in the future the big bad is Khalid Raza, mentioned in the same breath as Abu Nidal and Carlos,

  3. It took me a couple minutes Kate to understand what you were getting at. Then I did. That is funny.

  4. Khalid Raza wants to use ‘deadly perfume’ a form of Anthrax to wage a war on Israel and the West, his m.o, is much like Hamas, complete with Koranic verses
    in his program, in this world where terrorism has been waged on the US, ala what would happen just one year later, Israel has to tread carefully, with skeptical allies
    like the US and UK, but never as venomous as Blinken or Lammy for instance

  5. That the BBC is anti-Israel is hardly news.
    Around 1980 I was in Netanya, Israel listening to the BBC. One of their anchors was indignant over have his company being recently condemned as anti-Israel in the Knesset. He went to list three Jewish sounding names who he said worked as reporters and could hardly be expected to be anti-Israel, whereas three reporters with non-Jewish sounding names were more objective. His co-anchor, who apparently recognized that he just proved the Knesset member right, become so flustered she could not utter a straight sentence for a few minutes.
    I laughed my head off.
    Better yet a British newspaper once headlined:
    “Israel breaks truce after being shelled”

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