Home » Open thread 9/12/2024


Open thread 9/12/2024 — 65 Comments

  1. Born 1935, young Girl during the War. Still with us.

    Can you imagine Dick Cavet interviewing Harris or Trump?

  2. I have read that they wanted to give Higgins to Cary Grant, but he turned it down, saying it was Rex Harrison’s part.

  3. Thought I might be the only one noticing the GOP’s behavior over the past 4-years – a look of sore losers, a rising hatred (once just a DEM issue), bandwagon mentality, everyone’s against me, etc.

    This morning I wondered why the Dem Political Machine hasn’t come up with a series of ads on – 1) The Sore Loser. 2) Spoilt Child throwing a Tantrum. Thought had come up after visiting right-wing media sites and such…Jeez, a literal gold mine of ingredients for some nasty political ads after Tuesday’s debate.

    Decided to do a Google search on “gop are sore losers” – just to see if anyone besides me was seeing what I was seeing:

    ‘Sore Loser Syndrome’

    Well, humble me was slow coming to that conclusion, apparently. Am certainly not giving DEMs a break on their behavior here, but their behavior has been around for so long it has become their Modus Operandi.

    Anyway, haven’t seen a series of ads or commercials on it tho—not yet anyway…

  4. I think it could have worked only with Harrison

    they brought back cavett in the 90s, on cnbc for a while along with Charles Grodin, he wasn’t playing the grouch he was one,

    13 dead at Abbey Gate vs Mean Tweets, the bab al mandel is under fire, from the Houthis vs the endless khashoggi funeral derge, $3,00 gas (if we’re lucky vs energy independence)which disempowers Putin Xi Khamenei,a panoply of murders rapes and robberys, from El Paso to New York, you judge what matters more, that’s doesn’t ruffle the feathers of the anchors, the peanut gallery

  5. If you want to research Sore Loser Syndrome, I recommend The Bulwark and Dispatch. Pay close attention to David French.

  6. I call it the Bunwinkle and the Dinghy, yes thats the respect that these two crib sheets for Omidyar deserve, Jonathan Last, who once made the satirical ‘case for the Empire’ well I though it was satirical, has lost his ever loving mind,
    No one fears Biden nor Harris,
    no one respects them, the Pipeline was hacked and ransom paid on their watch, Supply Chains were as Gulliver tied downhence all the disasters that have happened on their watch, the Ansars of Hamas, marching on every city in the West

    they had to make up the ‘afghan bounties’ out of whole cloth, the Arlington slander, because there was ‘normalcy’ as much as that thing obtains,

  7. Walz has evolved to oppose granting asylum to survivors of attempted abortion in sanctuary States. Clinical cannibalism, too. All cultures are equitable and inclusive. Some are more liberal (i.e. divergent), transhumane, wicked, even, than others.

  8. Is the smart response to losing at three-card monte to keep playing? What if the dealer says, “Hey pal, you can’t win if you don’t play. Look at all these other guys here winning. Don’t be a sore loser.”

    It’s a typical playground tactic to make fun of a bullied kid for being upset by bullying. And it’s a typical tactic for cheats and the corrupt call anyone who points out the cheating or corruption a “sore loser”.

    Remember when the Left tried to cast Kavanaugh as unfit for the Supreme Court because he was angered and upset by the bogus allegations they were spreading about him? Including by one Kamala Harris?

    An unheeded voice from the Left wrote this a few years ago:

    I write a lot about how we shouldn’t get our enemies fired lest they try to fire us, how we shouldn’t get our enemies’ campus speakers disinvited lest they try to disinvite ours, how we shouldn’t use deceit and hyperbole to push our policies lest our enemies try to push theirs the same way. And people very reasonably ask – hey, I notice my side kind of controls all of this stuff, the situation is actually asymmetrical, they have no way of retaliating, maybe we should just grind our enemies beneath our boots this one time.

    And then when it turns out that the enemies can just leave and start their own institutions, with horrendous results for everybody, the cry goes up “Wait, that’s unfair! Nobody ever said you could do that! Come back so we can grind you beneath our boots some more!”

    Some of us aren’t dumb enough to keep playing a rigged game. Being falsely called “a sore loser” is better than actually being a chump who’s sure that this time he’s going to watch real careful and pick the money card.

  9. Incidentally the media sure seems selective about to whom they apply the “sore loser” label. Not to Stacy Abrams or Andrew Gillum or Hillary Clinton or even Al Gore.

  10. Bodycams come thru for POs – NFL star keeps digging hole deeper with his mouth

    Tyreek Hill cop dispute takes shock twist as police officer DENIES offering apology – after NFL star said he rejected an attempt to say sorry

    Saw video of Tyreek Hill speeding thru a barrier slow speed area—didn’t need radar to tell he was speeding, but cops may have had it. Facing Speeding and No Seat Belt tickets—Hill tells cop not to bang on his window!?!

    Dark Tinted Window rolled back up after handing cop his license. Dangerous job the cops have—‘is this guy going for a gun?’. Jeez…then Hill whines about being dragged outta his car. Police Brutality? Certainly not, and Bodycams prove it…

  11. Cavett mentions Andrew’s Hitchcock film as one made with in a current setting. She says that she forgot about that one. Torn Curtain is the film and it was something of a bomb. I watched it within the last year. It is long and somewhat tedious, though with a few interesting scenes.

    She perhaps conveniently forgot about the film because not only was it not very good and did poor box office, but she was quoted as having said (I’m not sure when. Maybe long after the Cavett interview.) that she and Paul Newman interjected a great many changes into their scenes, departing from the script. She also said that in hindsight, she did not think that she and Newman did Hitchcock any favors. Apparently, she thought the changes were a mistake.

  12. Miranda Devine in the NYPost agrees Trump hurt himself — but insists visuals condemns to make Kamala unlikeable. EXCERPT:

    The smart analysis of the first — and maybe only — debate of the Trump-Harris presidential cycle is that Don­ald Trump blew it.

    The former president, winging it as usual, missed numerous “kill shots,” was frustratingly imprecise and allowed himself to be baited by Kamala Harris.

    But on the optics, Harris committed far worse self-harm.

    If you switched off the sound for the ABC debate Tuesday night and just watched the images, you would come away feeling deep distaste for the haughty flibbertigibbet who kept making faces while Trump was speaking.

    Harris’ split-screen pantomime made her seem unserious and unlikable and was clearly designed for the sort of viral “Brat Girl” moments on social media her juvenile campaign staff imagines are vote winners. Kween!

    In reality, the novelty value is short-lived and even the Taylor Swift demographic will come to see it as unbecoming.

    Cool aunt, sure, but president?


    Margaret Thatcher she is not.

  13. I prefer The “Dixie Chicks Syndrome”. Start a career in a certain genre, say country music, name your act for a certain theme, say ” Dixie,” and then crap on that theme and whine when the members of that genre reject you.

  14. Re: Caitlin Clark

    People are certainly silly. Personally I couldn’t care less what a sports figure, comedian, entertainer, actor, or musician’s political opinions are. Generally my default assumtion is that they’re all liberal, and 9 times out of 10 I’m correct. The rare openly Conservative celebrities can be surprises to me and I can’t help but consider them at least a little brave for daring to go against the grain. But either way I do find it somewhat frustrating and more than a little scary that anyone would base any of their voting decisions on the opinions of such people. It strikes me about as ridiculous as asking a farm laborer for an opinion about the specifics of a neural surgical procedure.

    But I will say in this particular day and age, I honestly don’t know why any public figure whose source of publicity is in a generally apolitical field (sports, in this case) would choose to engage politically even in the mildest and anodyne way such as liking a social media post. In such polarized times there’s just no sensible reason to do so and only negative things are likley to come of it.

    To be clear, I’m not saying I’m happy about it. I wish people didn’t obsess over the political opinions of a 22 year old who is exceptional at hitting 3 pointers. It’s all so silly and sad.

  15. @Nonapod:I honestly don’t know why any public figure whose source of publicity is in a generally apolitical field (sports, in this case) would choose to engage politically even in the mildest and anodyne way such as liking a social media post.

    Because the Left doesn’t let you stay neutral. That’s why Swift endorsed Harris; her SJW fans were demanding it or they’d denounce her as a Trumpist. Clark may genuinely like Harris, but she knows nothing really bad happens if you support Harris and a lot of bad can happen if you are not seen to be supporting her.

    Think of who’s playing in, funding, and running the WNBA, and ask yourself how many of those players could possibly think that anything but full-throated support of Democrats is safe? Clark is in enough trouble for her skin color.

    In any event, the WNBA is not funded by sports fans. It’s a top down write-off for the NBA and corporations. They might go from 500 people attending per game to 450 if they piss off all the people who vote Republican.

  16. The term “sore loser” applies to one who ungraciously refuses to accept the outcome of a fair contest.

    That is NOT what today’s Republican is… he or she is one who correctly laments the infestation of a constitutional government with thousands of corrupt judges and functionaries. Put more simply, an American surrounded by Democrats.

  17. Karmi (5:07 am) made reference, on yesterday’s Presidential Debates thread


    to the ability to “state his view whilst also listening to other views without resorting to personal attacks and name calling.”

    I’d just like to put in a word of general agreement here. I confess I have been at times disappointed in what I perceive as “personal attacks and name calling” in comments sections of neo’s posts.

    Earlier on, I was surprised, because (with occasional troll-like exceptions) we’re all pretty much on the same side. Of course we’ll have our differences about this or that, since we’re not a group of automatons.

    I’m reminded of NYC Mayor Ed Koch at a campaign stop telling his audience, “If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”


    We here at neo’s are *not* “12 out of 12” types. We can manage to state our views whilst also listening to other views, without personal attacks and name calling.

    Let’s do it!

  18. The Annapolis Convention of 1786 — formal title “Meeting of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government” — began on Sept. 11th and continued through the 14th when it was concluded with a call for another Convention of the States to meet in Philadelphia in May of the following year.

    As only five States’ (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia) representatives (12 total) arrived to Annapolis, those present decided they lacked a sufficient representation of the whole of the States under the Articles of Confederation to make the decisive changes to that failing governing document, necessary change which was the purpose of the Convention in Annapolis to begin with. Hence the call for another followup Convention to be held.

    Initially the delegates believed they would be dealing with trade rules reforms, and were so empowered by their States’ legislatures to act. The New Jersey delegates alone were empowered with a wider more general remit. In the event, the assembled delegates realized that changes to rules of interstate commerce would require of necessity changes to many other rules. Despite this knowledge, many delegates of the thirteen States arriving in Philadelphia the next May were not empowered by their respective States to go beyond revamping rules of commerce.

    In contravention of and going beyond their recognised authority, the 1787 Convention wrote and endorsed our Constitution.

    Breaking the rules to make the rules, so to say.

  19. Alan+Colbo

    So Kami, was Al Gore a sore loser, or Stacey Abrams, or John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton?

    WeelllllLL, Trump has clearly whined about losing an election more than all those combined…

  20. lets not play games here, harris or who ever pulls her strings,
    is the ally of every criminal and terrorist, the ones that tried to kill how many of thousands of swift supporters in Vienna, the tiktok radicalized Macedonian,
    the ones murdered at the Nova Music festival were just like swifties, but to the Salafi they are kuffar, the ones who murdered laken reilly and rachel morin and so many more, if she has her way women’s sports will be erased from existence by usurpers, she will erase the Bill of Rights and impose a regime like we see descending in Starmer’s Perfidious Albion, she will silence all of us, deny us our right to self defense, bring famine upon this land, with price controls and probably bring about a depression, with her rube goldberg tax scheme, maybe not all of these things will come to pass, why take a chance

    Israel will be facing a hobson’s choice of unleashing it’s nukes or face annihilation, and even then it will not be clear, the dragon’s teeth of countless militants from every faction we can imagine, will be visited upon us, and some we don’t know off, we have seen how she pursues truth tellers see Daleiden, how she exempts the powerful like the Catholic clergy that were accused, what she started in California, which seems to have had all ten plagues visited upon it,

  21. Re: Sore Loser Syndrome


    om has playing Sore Loser on you since you first appeared here. One might think you would be more aware.

    Yes, Democrats have been running Sore Loser on Republicans for decades. Yes, it’s effective when preaching to the choir. Yes, it’s satisfying snark to launch at one’s enemies.

    That don’t make it right or even persuasive outside a bubble.

    After Benghazi it was the standard brainless online Dem riposte to those who complained about the deaths of several Americans, the pathetic Obama rescue attempt, and the ominous 9-11 anniversary.

    BEN-GHAZ-EE. lol!

    Sore Loser is an all-purpose propaganda smear. Good to know you look forward to seeing it employed against Republicans.

  22. the Dems sought to steal in florida, but they had not perfected the heist yet, one main target, they deepsixed the military ballots, they let ineligible voters vote in Hillsborough and other places, I know of Jake Tapper for his attempt to cover for the steal there, thats how he got his first book contract, a host of other characters like Alan Dershowitz, who is redeemed in my book, the later Vincent Bugliosi, the repulsive Michael Moore the slithy tove McAuliffe were part of that side show, there was a whole block of sore losers there, most of the Democratic bench, including Raskin Hillary
    Pelosi, everyone who says the system in on the up and up now,

    so it took the US Supreme Court to put things right, the state legislature might have done it, out of it was decided well old fashioned voting machines were out, so we had to go digital, but the results in 2002, wasn’t sufficient so they created the whole Diebold carp see Ohio, so they went after Ken Blackwell, after 2006, Soros had been able to rig the game, Charlie Crist had looted the party funds hence Obama yes we could credit McCain’s 1919 blacksox play among other things

  23. So Putin is rattling the nuke saber again. Funny, it’s ok for him to buy missiles from Iran to fire off at Ukraine, any where he chooses. But, oh my, letting Ukraine use equipment from the US or other countries is a big no no to him. He will Attack Nato.

  24. The Clinton/Obama/Biden campaign to destroy the Trump presidency with the Russian collusion hoax, the “fine people” lie, the Ukraine impeachment of Trump for something Biden did, the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop and the relentless law fare persecution of Trump are the ultimate in sore loser efforts.

  25. Re: Taylor Swift

    She ain’t Miley Cyrus and she never will be. However, she’s been ranking down on conservatives since this bigoted song from 2019:

    You are somebody that we don’t know
    But you’re comin’ at my friends like a missile
    Why are you mad when you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)
    Sunshine on the street at the parade
    But you would rather be in the dark ages
    Makin’ that sign must’ve taken all night

    –“Taylor Swift – You Need To Calm Down”


    GLAAD is the “Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation”

    Standard LGBTQ+ tropes against us ugly, angry conservatives.

  26. Iran is making so much money from oil revenues they can afford to sell surplus missiles to Russia, perhaps why the wily khozayin,endorsed Harris, its funny how everywhere they touch strife happens, with Trump you had to manufacture strife Charlottesvile seriously they are pushing that old chestnut, then they made the spectacle of a minor police altercation,into a great insurgency, an ‘accidentally’ released virus made for a convenient crisis,
    with the likes of blue state governors ‘murdering’ nursing residents in mass,

    noticing this, makes me a sore loser I guess,

  27. Julee Andrews! A star, if there ever was one. And what a treat to see this interview by Dick Cavett.

    Of course, The Sound of Music is my all-time favorite movie. (How the West Was Won is number two.) Two songs from The Sound of Music will be played at my funeral – Edelweiss and Climb Every Mountain.

    About political endorsements by celebrities. They have a right to express their opinions – free speech after all. Why anyone allows those opinions to affect theirs is one of the problems we humans have – a certain percentage of people don’t think independently.

    In today’s situation, where ruinous inflation is a major issue, why would you expect a billionaire like Taylor Swift, of a multi-millionaire like Caitlin Clark to understand that issue. They’re not having trouble paying their bills or buying a house.
    They don’t notice migrant crime or homeless encampments. Those are the concerns of the deplorables. For that reason, citizens should make up their minds differently, and Caitlin Clark’s fans, who are mostly deplorables, don’t like her opinion about the election.

    One of the common traits of humans is the desire for fairness. It’s why we have referees in our competitions. It’s why we have regularity bodies for most businesses. We want a level playing field. One of the most human responses to losing a competition is to ask if it was fair. When the evidence of cheating is strong, the loser will point it out. The evidence of cheating in 2020 was strong, but the courts refused to review the evidence.

    The majority of people who watched the debate saw that the moderators were weighting things in Harris’ favor. I certainly did, and it made me angry. Trump also got angry, and it detracted from his performance. People who see bad or dishonest referees are not sore losers when they point out the unfairness of the situation.

  28. There’s a meme (Bee?) with a photo of Taylor Swift:
    Woman who got rich singing about her bad choices
    Has endorsed Kamala

    (From memory a few days ago)
    As I write, on Slovak TV is Swift winning an MTV award but mentioning that the Presidential vote is more important.
    I’m sure her Dem fans feel better about her endorsement, and suspect her Rep fans just smile sadly about Dem domination of culture.
    I kind of like many of her hits, recently her line:
    Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem it’s me.
    — it’s actually the amoral money-grubbing capitalism making money promoting a culture of sex & drugs & rock, pop, hip-hop and everything that sells.
    The Free Market remains the best Econ choice, but it does have negatives.

  29. Via Instapundit comes news of an X post concerning the unbelievable deficiencies of the Secret Service durin his assassination attempt.

    The source leaking a report is from Connecticut Senator Blumenthal (D).
    It reads:
    “Dem CT Sen Blumenthal on info about Trump shooting after briefing by acting USSS Dir Rowe: I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on the… Show more
    6:12 PM · Sep 12, 2024”

    A sage commenter adds, if this is that bad, one wonders what a Republican Senator would say that would be worse?

  30. }}} I have read that they wanted to give Higgins to Cary Grant, but he turned it down, saying it was Rex Harrison’s part.

    I’ve made this case before, but I’ll make it again —

    My Fair Lady is horrible. Just awful.

    1 — you cannot take the rhythms of a play written by the second greatest playwright in the English Language (Shaw, who created Pygmalion, the play it is based on. As opposed to Shakespeare, who is #1), and inject songs into it. They destroy the rhythm of the dialogue.

    2 — I’m sorry, the play is HORRIBLY miscast.

    — a — I’m sorry, you dump Audrey Hepburn into a septic tank and inside 5 minutes you’ll KNOW she isn’t a gutter snipe. She is far far too naturally beautiful. Julie Andrews would have been vastly better in that role. And Wendy Hiller was magnificent in Pygmalion. Both of the latter have the ability to come off as a gutter snipe but also to have ladylike airs that transcend that initial placce.

    — b — Harrison simply did not understand that role AT ALL. He played Higgins as a cold fish. Leslie Howard played him properly, and you can see it in Pygmalion — Higgins is a very very passionate man, but he has subsumed his passions into his love of language. By the end of the play/movie, Howard makes it clear that he has transferred his passion onto his creation, Eliza.

    — c — even the other roles are badly cast — the guy who plays Eliza’s father doesn’t have anywhere near the kind of clever street charm of the guy in Pygmalion. And the guy who plays Freddie is also bad… he’s not even vaguely the kind of earnest fop he’s supposed to be.

    And the songs in MFL are really not all that good. There are only a couple that are at all memorable.

    Contrast this with The Music Man, which has the classic 76 Trombones, as well as a number of others at least comparable to anything in MFL… and then there is “Til There Was You”, which was good enough that Paul McCartney made a cover of it (for studio and public performances only, never released on vinyl).

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but … no. MFL is horribly bad because of both #1 and #2, above. 😉

  31. }}} Re: Taylor Swift

    My favorite meme was when she expressed a liking for Joe Biden, and the tropes were all pointing out that her songs tended to be mostly about picking the wrong guy. 😀 😛

  32. OBloody:

    We’ll have to do that “agree to disagree” thing. IMO, the songs in My Fair Lady are a brilliant version of portions of the play, but also stand on their own. I don’t especially like the movie and think Audrey Hepburn was miscast, charming from the git-go. I saw the original Broadway cast version as a very young child and remember it well. Pickering was fabulous, Stanley Holloway (Afred P, Doolittle) likewise. However, I also really really like the film of Pygmalion. Leslie Howard was wonderful and brought a restrained yet sexy quality to the role, being younger and more handsome than Harrison as well. I like both Harrison and Howard – very different interpretations, but both excellent.

  33. }}} WeelllllLL, Trump has clearly whined about losing an election more than all those combined…

    Yes, well, since, other than Trump, only Gore has any justification at all to whine about his election being “stolen”, and the vast array of highly doubtful statistics which handed Biden his purported “win” are mind-numbingly, egregiously worse than Gore’s “hanging chad” problem… I’m going to say that Trump has a particularly legitimate argument, unlike any of the others who lost and complained about losing.

    The absolute reversal of the ‘bellweather counties” numbers alone make that look markedly suspicious… Since the 1960 election, those Bellweather counties never had more than 4 of them wrong. In 2020, only 3 of them were RIGHT

    Proof? Nope. But it does qualify as “things that make you go, ‘hmmm…'”

    Then there is the fact that Trump failed in areas which he won in 2016 — despite the fact that in many of those places — literally HUNDREDS — the percentage of GOP in the districts in question went UP, not down. “Hmmmm….” indeed.

    “Oh, but the courts!!”
    Right. Something like 95% of the challenges were rejected on “standing”. That alone is total bovine excreta.

    ==== Simply put:
    Every single individual citizen of the USA has “standing” to be concerned if any other jurisdiction does not follow its own election procedures during a presidential election, and those failures show a substantial chance of having altered the outcome of the election.
    The ONLY time in which “standing” should be rejected is if the concern had no chance of affecting the election.

    And certainly a coalition of the States’ Attorneys General has the standing, as representatives of the people of their state, to bring a challenge to another state violating its own election rules if a realistic examination of the effect on the result there would alter the result of the election.

    There is zero question of any kind that there are dozens of points of question and doubt for which the election results could have been falsified — not provably, but rightfully challenged, given the existing evidence. Yet such questions and challenges were not allowed to go through, mostly by liberal judges acting in support of party politics and not from a concern over the election’s legitimacy.

    It was blatantly obvious that the quality of the last election was worthy of a Banana Republic, and it is quite reasonable that Americans are very concerned about that. The Left *should* be concerned, as it makes for a “Whoever cheats the most, wins” grade of free-for-all quality of election, and that, like any other weapon, can be turned against them at some point.

    But The Left is mentally incapable of actually grasping repercussions, because, as I have noted many times before, they are mental children and incapable of time binding and gaining experience and/or grasping all-important longer term consequences of something they do Now.

  34. Get so tired of fools that post such puerile, inane bullshit. Not mentioning any names, Kami.

  35. As for Julie Andrews and her ‘square” image, she had to go to the extremes of the relatively mediocre 1982 movie S.O.B. to break that.

    Which did result in a reborn career for a while, with the excellent Victor/Victoria shortly after.

  36. Neo: We’ll have to do that “agree to disagree” thing.

    No problems. I know my position isn’t the common one, but feel a larger part of its support (not you, of course) have
    1 — not seen Pygmalion
    2 — have been bowled over by the star quality of the film and the common public love for it, rather than really having a carefully considered opinion.


    The songs of MFL are not BAD, I just don’t think they hold a candle to those of The Music Man, which is the musical of that era which I use for a comparison. I also don’t think that much about West Side Story, for many of the reasons for MFL. Contrast with Mary Poppins, and The Sound of Music, both of which are excellent.

    By the late 60s, you had a major shift in the nature of musicals, largely led by Bob Fosse, but others, too, culminating in Cabaret and in All That Jazz.

    I don’t think anything has managed to revise/revive musicals since the 70s. Some popular stuff like Chicago, but nothing that really broke new ground or really captured the public’s imagination and revitalized the Musical in public interest. I tried to watch La La Land, but it seemed remarkably uninteresting. I am seriously not one to turn off movies (I can probably count on my fingers the number of movies I’ve sat down to watch and not finished — And I estimate I have seen well over 5000, probably 10,000 movies, including a lot of b-grade garbage), but this was one that managed it. It felt as though I was watching Hollywood patting itself on the back for two hours, though I only watched for 20-30mins 😀

  37. Re: My Fair Lady

    Horribly bad. Hardly. “Plan Nine from Outer Space” was horribly bad.

    “My Fair Lady” may disappoint some for this decision or that, but it has withstood the test of time. It has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 95%. Millions of people have been delighted by it in the last 60 years.

    I’ve seen it four times. I’m sure I can enjoy it a few more.

    Kudos to Cary Grant for turning down the role. Singing wasn’t his thing. Rex Harrison did just fine. I’ll never forget this number:

    –Rex Harrison, “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?”

  38. Im old enough to remember 4 years ago when a certain group of people demanded healthcare be taken away from another group of people who used their F’n brain.

    But I’m a Nazi, so theres that.

  39. Re: OT and all that

    I encountered poupon in my French reading today. It means baby or baby doll.

    So where does “Grey Poupon” the mustard come from? Gray Doll? Ugh. Chat to the rescue:

    The name Grey Poupon comes from the combination of the surnames of two 19th-century mustard makers, Maurice Grey and Auguste Poupon, who formed a partnership in Dijon, France. Maurice Grey had developed a mustard recipe that included white wine, which gave the mustard a distinctive flavor. When he teamed up with Poupon, the company began to produce Grey Poupon mustard, which became a symbol of high-quality Dijon mustard.

    Finally. Glad to clear that up.

  40. Meanwhile French’s mustard — alley-oop — is not French at all, but created by two Americans, Robert and George French, who introduced it at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904.

    This is all so confusing.

  41. @huxley:Singing wasn’t his thing. Rex Harrison did just fine.

    Lol! He didn’t sing a note in that movie! He talked through all his songs!

    Audrey Hepburn was overdubbed by Marni Nixon, but she did actually sing the songs, and was pretty unhappy to see that Rex Harrison was just let to talk away.

  42. Iran Update, September 12, 2024

    Israeli SOF destroys Syrian/Iranian precision missile factory

    Israeli special operations forces conducted a highly unusual raid into Syria on September 8 to destroy a major Iranian-backed precision missile factory and recover intelligence from the site. The mission targeted the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) site in Masyaf in northwestern Syria, which has been long involved in the production of advanced weapons, including precision munitions. The Israeli raid began with several airstrikes targeting nearby roads in order to isolate the facility and prevent Iranian-backed or Syrian reinforcements from arriving. Israeli SOF entered the facility, some of which was underground, and engaged Syrian guards. The Israeli SOF then planted explosives before leaving the facility and detonating them. The explosives were needed to destroy the facility because it was underground and thus protected from airstrikes. Israeli SOF sustained no reports casualties during the raid. Iran built the targeted site in 2018, and Lebanese Hezbollah has used it since then to produce weapons.

    The raid was part of a concerted Israeli effort to disrupt Iranian weapons supply networks in the Levant.

  43. Niketas:

    Where do you get the info that Hepburn was unhappy that Harrison didn’t really sing? She was apparently unhappy that they dubbed her singing, after leading her to believe they’d leave her voice in. But she must have known at the outset that Harrison had done the Broadway play for years with speak-singing; it was his trademark as Higgins and of course they were going to leave it in.

  44. I don’t think anything has managed to revise/revive musicals since the 70s.

    Hamilton! I didn’t have any expectations of it but when I saw it, once on Broadway, and several times on Disney+, I thought it was extraordinary—excellent music, Sondheim-level clever lyrics, and a great story (both conservative and patriotic, whether or not Lin Manuel intended it to be). Have you seen it? Highly highly recommend.

    Of course Hamilton was only a momentary respite from the decline of the Broadway musical. Gone are the days…

  45. BREAKING NEWS on the Kami-Trump “debate” front about ABC News. If you remember the “Journalist” scandal (See Wiki) during the Obama years — a list serve of media and academic opinion makers and journalists collectively re-shaping the news to protect Saint Zero from criticism and scandal taint — then you likely believe the List never ended but just reformed with better secrecy.
    How else to respond to this Whistleblower news:

    “An ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were ’essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,’ as well as assurances that Trump would be ‘fact-checked’ and she would not.

    “So according to this whistleblower ABC news allegedly gave Harris and her team practice questions. Those then ended up being the questions that Harris was asked. Also, the ABC news whistleblower says the Kamala election team was given assurances that Trump would be fact checked and she would not. By the way did you know Trump was fact checked at least 7 times and Kamala was fact checked 0 times.

    “If this is true ABC news just lost all credibility. I think they should be boycotted.”

    The source making the claim is undoubtedly biased against Kami and ABC. So, we are advised to wait until the Whistleblower surfaces (or not) today.

    The Rumble.com streamer Stephen Gardner posted these claims up last night just before 10PM EDT — too late for the new cycle today.

    And the propaganda media will be on the case to ignore deeper examination of the debate.

    SEE text below video, or listen at 7+m:

    As we all know with the once cognitively “healthy” Biden posture of years and months then proved a Big Lie — we wait to see more.

  46. @neo:Where do you get the info that Hepburn was unhappy that Harrison didn’t really sing?

    From a direct quote she gave which I can’t find online now.

  47. Niketas:

    I have watched several interviews with her on the subject and never heard her say such a thing. She was indeed angry that she was dubbed and deceived about it, however.

  48. OBH: “As for Julie Andrews and her ‘square” image, she had to go to the extremes of the relatively mediocre 1982 movie S.O.B. to break that.”

    Her square image didn’t fool James Garner. He said that she and Doris Day were the two sexiest actresses he ever worked with (Andrews in “The Americanization of Emily” and Day in “Move Over, Darling” and “The Thrill of It All”).

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