Home » McCabe strikes again, says Trump is a Russian asset


McCabe strikes again, says Trump is a Russian asset — 25 Comments

  1. Meanwhile,

    On the potential use of NATO Long-range weapons against Russia:

    “If they do that, NATO is officially at war with Russia ”

    “This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, considering the fundamental shift in the nature of this conflict, we will make the appropriate decisions based on the threats posed to us.”

    Emotional bluster and rash actions are the standard Democrat approach to everything. In foreign affairs, there are potentially dire consequences. Accusing Russia of election interference is baseless, unfounded, childish, and petty – easily shrugged off by the accused. Nevertheless, those accusations are another sign of instability and ill intent. Russia is no doubt tracking the level of ill intent and planning accordingly.

  2. Fun fact: Ted Kennedy was a Russian asset. He contacted then Sec. General Chernenko in 1984, and offered him time on U.S. television, a publicity tour, and some other goodies in exchange for the USSR’s help in defeating Reagan’s 1984 reelection bid.

  3. I think both Zelensky and Putin are of the same frame of mind as Trump; It is time to stop the killing.

    They would welcome a reason, or an excuse , to come to an agreement and may be hoping Trump would come up with something where neither country loses face.

  4. Continuing the lies Harris was saying at the debate. The Democrats Propaganda Ministry tells these so many times for years, iam sure many believe it.
    It’s absolutely mind boggling that %99 of te media does this. And Fox isn’t far off that page.

  5. While we are misdirected by the Russia-Russia nonsense, we should also ignore the fact that confirmed Chinese agents were found to be working for, or sleeping with, people like Diane Feinstein, Kathy Hochul, and Eric Swalwell.

  6. TommyJay has hit it. The Ds obsession with (” Rooosa!) is there just to distract how much they are in bed with China.

  7. I forget, was Andy McCabe one of the infamous 51 intelligencia apparatchiks?

    Or just another traitor?

  8. Dearlove and stefan halper were complicit in the dezinforma against general flynn trying to tie him as a russian spy because of miss lokhova (a whistleblower agzinst the most corrupt bank in russia)

    How do i know this because i read backstories on the telegraph

  9. I’ve always wonder, naively I guess, why “I’ll have more flexibility after the election” didn’t count as collusion.

    Not to mention a pretty damning bit of dishonesty.

  10. Interesting that so many people, especially Democrats, are so much more concerned about Russia than about China. Both are threats, but it seems clear that the size and dynamist of the Chinese economy makes it the more serious threat.

    But, of course, there are a lot more people making or expecting to make money off of China than off of Russia

  11. Tell me now, who really has a live worm eating into their brain? What is so disturbing and disgusting about this is too many people believe it.

  12. Insurrectionist scum McCabe, Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Page etc. should be arrested for their crimes, and put together in a holding cell. There are vast numbers of these scum. Maybe a new prison needs to be built for them, like Bukele did for MS-13 in El Salvador.

  13. D-Cover for Chinese corruption? Millions flowed to Xiden, according to documents unearthed by Congressional investigation.

    Do any Propaganda Media admit this in their pieces. I’m betting ‘no.’

  14. I recall, and most do, how many were practically salivating at the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. There’s a serious appetite for this sort of thing, as long as it’s directed at Trump. Facts don’t matter.
    So….we’ll see more.

  15. Does Putin prefer more or less restrictions on US oil production?

    It doesn’t even make sense on the surface.

  16. I have been forced to the unavoidable conclusion that the majority of American voters are stupid, with poor judgment. After all, did they not vote for Dopey Joe by 53% in 2020?

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