Home » Kamala Harris in 2020 on gun control by executive order


Kamala Harris in 2020 on gun control by executive order — 16 Comments

  1. I like how a “mandatory buyback” isn’t “gun grabbing” or confiscation.

    I think it has to do with the nature of time. The nature of time.

  2. It’s difficult to parse whether Kamala HaukTuah2024 is high, drunk, or simply an imbecile in that clip. Pick ’em, I guess.

  3. On the other hand, it isn’t at all difficult to see that this David Muir is a dishonest piece of trash when he elides his own knowledge in this latest shitshow “debate”.

  4. I just sent an email to my contact list with a link to that video. (I am sure the ‘need to be better informed’ element will not click on the link.)
    The irony that Muir was the moderator for both debates, yet did not question her sudden gun ownership statement is excruciating. Never mind that in 2020 she was advocating unconstitutional behavior–if you accept Biden’s definition.
    Just a couple of basic questions like; ‘why do you own a gun?’, ‘how long have you owned a gun?’, and ‘what type of gun do you allegedly own?’, would at least indicate some curiosity, and would be a step in the right direction.

    “What facts would a fact checker check, if a fact checker would check facts?”

  5. However dressed up as “buyback’, Gun confiscation is a trigger wire for rebellion. First passive yet given the left’s fanaticism, inevitably kinetic. The irony is deep, ‘utopia’ requires a disarmed public. Yet attempting to disarm the law abiding citizenry would be a case of the left writing checks they can’t cash. It would be a fatal mistake.

  6. Even today’s Democrats know that gun buyback or confiscation is not happening in the short-term.

    But they are plowing the ground and seeding it for later.

  7. And of course she laughs…
    Far. Out. How the hell has our republic fallen this far?

    No…don’t tell me…I really do know.

  8. The notion of a mass buyback scheme is so monumentally stupid and impractical that it boggles the mind. Imagine trying to buy back “just” 100m firearms at $1k apiece: that’s $1t alone. No collector in his right mind is going to sell his multi-thousand $ collection for a pittance of what he paid for it. As for confiscation, I’d advise would-be confiscators to pay up their life and medical insurance premiums before they start knocking on doors: odds are they’ll need both. Indeed, given that they’d be outnumbered easily 50-1, confiscation attempts would quickly morph into suicide missions.

  9. There’s always going to be exemptions to gun prohibitions. Will cops (local, state federal) be allowed to carry off duty?
    Many jurisdictions *require* that. Does anyone think that either Harris or Walz would not “qualify”?
    Then we have the fact that both of them have and will be “bodyguard-ed”. Those guards have been and always will be armed with guns, not nightsticks and pepper spray.
    Her choice in personal armament is not just irrelevant but counterfactual.

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