Home » Open thread 9/11/24


Open thread 9/11/24 — 18 Comments

  1. Does Yahya Sinwar value his life? Is the war forcing him to dress as a woman? Perhaps this is the best offer he & his cronies are going to get…

    Israel Offers Hamas Leader Safe Exit From Gaza in Bid to End War

    “I’m ready to provide safe passage to Sinwar, his family, whoever wants to join him,” Israel hostage envoy Gal Hirsch said in an interview Tuesday in the Bloomberg News Washington bureau. “We want the hostages back. We want demilitarization, de-radicalization of course — a new system that will manage Gaza.”

  2. Something that has always perplexed me a bit. What would you think Baryshnikov’s golf swing would look like? I remember watching the Pebble Beach Celebrity Pro-Am golf tournament 20 or 25 years ago. One of the celebrities participating was Baryshnikov.
    After the telecast’s usual fixation on Bill Murray, they finally got around to showing Baryshnikov take a swing. Quite disappointing. Not Charles Barkley bad, but it lacked the grace and fluidity I thought I would see from a man who seemingly can put all parts of his body into positions with the grace and fluidity that was lacking in his golf swing.
    I remember seeing Fred Astaire swing a golf club in a movie of his with such grace, and was expecting something similar from Baryshnikov. Now, I will say that maybe I am being a bit unfair to him. Astaire could very well have been playing all his life while golf courses in Russia were/are few and far between. Baryshnikov may have just started a few months prior, but still…

  3. The debate was about as I expected. Three on one, and a lot of anti-Trump material from Harris and the moderators. Unfortunately, Trump let it get under his skin. He was angry and striking out with some angry statements and repetitions.

    Harris was well rehearsed and did her usual condescending, sarcastic, mean-girl routine. She avoided specifics except as to her charges against Trump.

    Her plans to give $6,000 tax credits to new parents, $50,000 to new business owners, and $25,000 to new homeowners are nothing more than redistribution of taxpayer money. Such plans do nothing to solve inflation. In fact, they add to it.
    Trump needed to spell that out and point out that the way out of inflation is less government spending, and more supply of all necessities. He missed that opportunity.

    His summation was effective. Harris is running against the disaster that the Biden/Harris regime has wrought. His question as to why she hasn’t done anything to stop it during her 3 1/2 years in power was one of his best lines.

    It went tedious and mostly uninteresting because all the ground covered has been plowed in the media and online. Nothing new or unusual was uncovered.

    The surprising thing to we Republicans was that Harris avoided her word salad mode. Some say that was a win for Harris. Okay, she beat rather low expectations.

    For Karmi, Bauxite, and any other anti-Trumpers on this thread, I have one question. Are you better off today than you were in 2021? If not, why would you vote for Harris and more of the same?

    My financial situation, like most people on fixed incomes, has become increasingly tight. I, like many millions of Americans, am both enraged and deeply concerned because I know this inflation has been the result of profligate government spending and ant-fossil fuel policies. Harris would not change that. Under a POTUS Harris inflation will continue and taxes will be raised. Her answer to everything is more government redistribution of wealth and higher taxes. That is the MAIN ISSUE.

  4. As I wrote on the debate thread, I don’t think last night’s debate will change many votes, but as I was watching I couldn’t help but think, what if Desantis was up there, instead of Trump?

  5. re Tax Credits for new business owners: How many new businesses actually make enough profit that they need pay taxes (against which the tax credit would be offset) in their first year or two?

  6. When I started a business back in the 90’s, I used the Section 179 benefit which allowed you to write off $50,000 in equipment costs in the year purchased rather than using a depreciation schedule. I think it’s now $100,000– which was very useful the first few years.

  7. Occasionally I wonder what it would be like to be the child of a famous parent. I’m sure it has its problems.

    However, I don’t grieve over it on long winter nights.

  8. Miguel at 10:24
    Thanks for the LINK to Frontpagemag. It needs saying. It needs remembering. WE need ACTION.

    Barring the last wishful sentiment, can we even organize to achieve it?

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