Home » The “ceasefire deal” dream dies hard


The “ceasefire deal” dream dies hard — 39 Comments

  1. The Biden Harris people know there is no chance of an agreement. This is just about domestic politics. To Democrats Everything is about domestic politics.


    Neo, you do seem to entertain the “or”, when the “and/or” is probably more likely.


    Fool AND knave. 😉

    }}} To Democrats Everything is about domestic politics.

    No, Democrats are about POWER.

    Keeping Appearances is part of the trick to holding POWER. If they did not SEEM to be Doing The Right Things, then they might lose support and thence lose POWER. 😉

  3. I disagree that “it’s just about domestic politics” Michael K, although domestic politics plays some part — whether major or minor to be determined.

    The Obama-Biden clear desire to end the war prior to the election surely entails consideration of voter attitudes — though that ending’s dire consequences to Israeli security necessities is carefully concealed, for if revealed outright wouldn’t sit well with American public attitudes. No escalation, the Obama-Bidens harp. But why, when escalation is exactly what is required to end the war sooner, albeit more violently?

    It’s the potential for exposure of the overarching foreign policy itself, the strategic framework so carefully concealed from domestic political view, with never a straightforward explanation of that policy’s origins and purposes, aims and consequences, which itself seems on the contrary to fly in the face of currying domestic political favor! So what’s up with that?

  4. I would say they are both fools and knaves, most likely. Fools for misunderstanding a reality that anyone can see if they would but look, and knaves for not accepting any responsibility or accountability for anything that may have lead up to the Oct. 7 attacks in the first place, as well as their simple, irrational antipathy of Isreal and the Jewish people.

  5. “…why, when escalation is exactly what is required to end the war sooner, albeit more violently?”
    Because they don’t care about ending the war.
    They care about LOOKING like they want to end the war.

  6. A commenter at Instapundit, “DonReynolds” shared one riposte that needs enshrining as a proper T-shirt.


    Opens up new and better discussion with friends and frenemies!

  7. This admission is an ass covering story for Biden/Harris to spin with the anti-Israel wing of the party. They are motivated exclusively by politics and so are just trying to maintain or shore up support. Still, I am surprised at the revelation because it implicitly gives cover to Israel and Netanyahu.

    So, let’s go with Fools AND Knaves.

  8. Appearance is important, seeming to be Israel’s ally (“friend”) when actually working assiduously to harm Israel’s interests — yet merely aiding Israel under an escalatory persecution of the war accomplishes that same purpose, i.e. seeming to be Israel’s ally (even as a mere matter of fact).

    So why demand “No escalation!”? Something else is at work here.

    That something else is the exposure an escalation would cause, for Iran (Obama-Biden’s true sweetheart) would enter the fray and Americans would see where Obama-Biden have to come down: either with Israel, or with Iran.

    If with Iran, Americans will be appalled. If with Israel, Iran gets to be appalled, henceforth to end the Obama-Biden courtship forevermore.

    This is not a choice Obama-Biden want to be cornered into, hence the scramble to put an end to the Gaza war and, from the Obama-Biden point of view, curtail the Hezbollah assaults as well, staving off to the post-election future any resolution of Israel’s immediate northern border security problem (nevermind the looming precision guided missilery Hezbollah retains against any Israeli assault on Iran’s nuclear weapons programs).

  9. There’s only one real question: Was all of this show or did the foreign policy wing in the White House really try.

  10. Why is that the central question, Sennacherib, if the proposal was a mistake in the first place? That is, if a “ceasefire” wouldn’t achieve Israel’s war aims, why would it matter most if the US was merely faking negotiations or earnestly negotiating for something worthless to begin with?

  11. their lips are moving we have seen how foggy bottom and at least a portion of langley thinks on these matters, the chief analyst that was flying the fatah tricolor,
    trying to replicate al quds brennan I think, then there are the former division chiefs now ensconced in carnegie and other outfits,

  12. Murder, rape, rape-rape, torture-torture, and abduction are no ethical vice in the pursuit of social justice by Hamasidols with forward-looking benefits in sanctuary States, corporations, universities, NGOs, etc. That said, all’s fair in lust and abortion.

  13. Hamas declared war on Israel and unlike most nations (Ukraine, Russia for instance), the citizens of Gaza in favor of this war are beyond a super majority. They’re getting what they asked for…good and hard. And they still won’t negotiate a settlement.

    What is different from the conflicts of years past is that, in part, there is serious world wide sympathy for Gazan’s and their cause. Likely due to the migration of Muslims to the West.

  14. From Obama funds Iran back to Iraq 2, too, and forward to Gaza in an ethnic Spring with benefits to Biden and Harris as the presumptive Democratic candidate.

  15. 1.
    They want to end the war…
    (Which is why they helped/encouraged fomenting it in the first place!)

    Or…let’s try this:
    They want to end the war…
    (As long as the result cuts Israel down to size.)

    Both? None? Mix ‘n match?

    Hold on! WHAT SIZE?????

  16. Sdferr,
    It speaks to this administration’s real aims. It really has nothing to do with Israel.

  17. Sdferr.
    If it would serve their purpose this administration would be publicly all in for Israel.

  18. I’m still unclear what that covers, Sennacherib? Is there some tangible gain to the administration you can point to? And as to having nothing to do with Israel when the undertaking on the contrary is on its face altogether a thing “to do with Israel”, I can only marvel at such dexterity.

  19. The admin is either fools, or they know better and hope a politically useful number of citizens–legal or otherwise–can be fooled.

    Decades ago, discussing the Desert Storm issue, one woman kept saying, “I just don’t want a war,”. Over and over. As if she’s supposed to get a cookie or something. That was the extent of her thinking on the matter. I suspect that, for many, “ceasefire” has all the smell of new-born unicorn pups and no further information or thinking is necessary, or allowed. If you want a ceasefire, you must be morally superior and are easy meat for the manipulators who promise one, no matter the cost.

    Talking logic and facts in situations like this only gets you so far.

  20. “Talking logic and facts in situations like this only gets you so far.”

    Which I suppose granted, at least for those who live many thousands of miles away from the Gaza border, or the Golan and northern Israel.

    But for those who do live in those assaulted and bombarded places? “Logic and facts” are the first order of business in mere self-preservation against being ‘taken in‘ in yet another failure of strategic imagination of the sort experienced in the ’73 Yom Kippur war and once again on Oct 7 2023. These people are to be expected to be hyperaware of the dangers their moves may incur. They’ll rightly leave no stone unturned in seeking their safety.

  21. I disagree that “it’s just about domestic politics” Michael K, although domestic politics plays some part — whether major or minor to be determined.

    To this day I don’t understand Obama’s love for Iran. Maybe it’s his Muslim heart. It is certainly not in America’s interest. Biden’s actions are just Obama moving the strings.

  22. Chances are reasonably good Mike K, that there’s a ghost of Edward Said lurking around in Barry’s conceptual backgrounding, and he’s looking out for the interests of the “OTHER”.

  23. Richard Aubrey – yes, it’s an insistence on believing that one’s wishes shape reality. A refusal to think or to let the facts penetrate one’s mind. Unfortunately, there are MANY people like that.

  24. sdferr
    I would hope you’re correct, but the huge demos in favor of “ceasefire” make me wonder.

  25. sdferr,
    I can’t say anymore, even though it makes me look very stupid. Aubrey is very close with his comment. I’m sorry.

  26. You’re good, Sennacherib, no worries.

    Richard, I take “huge demos” as referring to the Israeli demonstrations brought to us by leftist Israeli media? These, I’m reasonably confident, are oversold and though persistent (what leftists are not persistent?) are not all they’re trumped up to be as a function of actual Israeli opinion capable of installing a government fit to the needs of Israeli society and the security thereof. But hey, I too live thousands of miles away from the action itself, so must depend upon trusted locals’ reports for a view of the phenomena themselves. I can easily be wrong in my estimations. And also hope for the better outcome.

  27. I think Obama though the Iranians were the most authentically anti colonialist, the Saudis too compromised by the West, how he came to that conclusion I have no idea,

  28. sdferr
    The left has to get the bodies into the streets. Unlikely they’re all cagey leftists with the same script faking grief and outrage.
    That said, as I remarked shortly after the massacre, it’s hard to maintain Defcon Top Gun when nothing’s happening. But it’s necessary and failing to do so, failing to oppose each of a thousand little back-offs (each one is so little) as to be pantsless may as well be a crime.

  29. It’s the media that are all cagey leftists in my telling, and sure, lots of unwary ordinary people are drawn into protest for the “good” things they’re bombarded with in their daily news intake. The unseen are the larger numbers of sane Israelis who don’t buy the leftists line, since the media (again) will have no parts of them. Skew is the name of the game.

  30. “it’s been obvious for more than twenty years that terrorists are not a “partner for peace” and in fact there doesn’t seem to be a Palestinian entity that is.” neo

    Arguably, much more than 20 years. At least since Arafat turned down a highly advantageous deal for Palestinians with Israel. But there is one silver lining to this dark cloud. Every time Israel nears the point where they’re about to deal their current enemy a death blow the US has consistently pulled back Israel. Netanyahu has finally reached the point where his unspoken but implicit message to a US administration is… to go pound sand.

  31. “…To this day I don’t understand Obama’s love for Iran…. It is certainly not in America’s interest….”

    Ye’ just answered yer own question.

    File under: The Purloined [Foreign Policy]…

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