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Roundup — 42 Comments

  1. I don’t see the Atlantic cover as making any point whatsoever. It does catch the eye, but doesn’t seem to say anything.

  2. Keith Ellison would turn out to be the worst AG for the White population.
    I am surprised the armaments let to the Taliban haven’t shown up around th Rd world, maybe this takes time or they are I just don’t know.
    Agree Eeyore that Atlantic cover doesn’t do much to make a point.

  3. “heavy with anti-Trump material.”

    So anti-Trump is now “policy”? And she persists in the lie that Trump is connected with Project 2025.

  4. Jeez, Atlantic. I was gonna vote for Trump anyway. You didn’t have to sell me on it.

  5. Ok…I thought it was just me… thanks Eeyore…
    Saw the Atlantic cover at the Professor’s place and scratched my head… what’s it saying?
    If it’s trying to paint POTUS Trump as a red-hatted Sauron…? Ok…sure…if you say so. But really… maybe a few drinks and if I squint really hard…

  6. I think the Atlantic cover does not mean what they want it to mean. To me, Trump is Coming and he means business.

    Ellison would be far far worse that Garland. He would make the persecution of J6 look like a minor event. And, you know he would not hesitate to try to take all the guns, except those in the hands of illegals, criminals, gangs.

    The Fed would have no way to control the inflation that she would start. Plus, a Fed mandate that would abolish even owning an ICE car. And China would take Taiwan. Israel would be left out to dry.
    Am I too pessimistic?

  7. I love these comments about the Atlantic cover:

    Metal AF

    –Ed Driscoll

    I continue to implore you guys to stop making Donald Trump look metal and cool.

    –Stephen Miller

    Metal as in heavy metal as in hard rock. Great bullwhip. That could have been a Judas Priest album cover.

    How many 18 year-old metal fanboys will respond?

    Badass! That’ll piss off my parents.

    Think of the children!

  8. I’m pretty sure that cover is AI or mostly AI. I’d love to see the prompt history it took to create it.

    I bet that cover becomes iconic and goes down in history … though not as its creators intended.



    I’d love to see Trump holding up that cover after he wins in November.

  9. This obviously isn’t meant to be a pro-Trump cover, but it’s in the eye of the beholder…


    You nailed that! Shaken, but not stirred.

    Some see it as a Dire Warning.

    Some see it as The Mission.

  10. “I’d love to see Trump holding up that cover after he wins in November.”

    What’s the old saying… “Man proposes but God disposes” … ?

    I hope you’re right…and it goes down in history for all the good reasons.

  11. The blood is Interesting. Keith Ellison would be Sauron’s choice. What are the Donkeys thinking?

  12. What’s the old saying… “Man proposes but God disposes” … ?


    Yeah, I know all the “Don’t get cocky” stuff.

    It’s sound to a point, but I consider “Don’t get fatalistic” to be an equally serious warning. I do weary of the “We’re screwed no matter what” refrain I hear from some conservatives.

    I’m intentionally brash and optimistic — like the Donald himself — as a countermeasure.

    Also, I read the history of life, going back to the Big Bang, as one of optimism and progress over the long haul.

    Maybe there is a God …

  13. “Maybe there is a God …”

    Oh my brother…trust me…If there wasn’t we’d really be in the soup that’s for sure.

  14. Be fearless and undaunted, for go where you may, Yahweh, your God is with you.

    –Joshua, 1;9


    Words I live by.

  15. Trump is rounding up the RINOs! He should use that in a campaign ad and highlight all the ones supporting Kamala, like the Cheneys.

  16. Canadian Rockies. Yoho National Park. Wild and rugged country. Out five days, and now enjoying civilization at the Post Hotel. Just had my first real meal, and looking very forward to sleeping in a bed.

  17. My take on the cover. Trump is invading DC with a coach full of 18th Century values. A Hand Maid’s Tale and other what they consider to be dark values is what they say he’s bringing. No hope and joy.

    I’m no pop culture expert, so maybe I’m not getting the right message.

  18. The Atlantic wears its scarlet letter with pride, f’ed over America for the left; arc of history don’t you know.

  19. My take on the cover. Trump is invading DC with a coach full of 18th Century values.


    If one looks closely, the coach is occupied by a forlorn GOP Elephant, imprisoned behind bars, in the coach.

    Trump has hijacked the GOP. Bullwhip in hand, he advances on Washington DC to finish the job. With a raven, Stephen King’s animal spirit of Randall Flag, the Ultimate Evil in “The Stand,” looking on.

    Trump is Randall Flag, the Anti-Christ and Dracula all rolled into one.

    Tell me, please, why you want to vote for Trump. 🙂

  20. huxley, 12:04 a.m., you’re probably right about what the Atlantic intended with that image. Their problem is that after all these years they still don’t understand what the Trump uprising is about.

  21. Keith Ellison as AG is so crazy that I doubt Democrats are seriously considering it. Maybe they started a whisper campaign to goose turnout for portions of their base, and Ellison’s angry, race-baiting denial is part of the package. I can’t imagine that it is anything more than that.

    After this election you’re going to have a Senate where the best reasonably likely scenario for Democrats is 50-50 with the VP as the tiebreaker. I know Manchin and Sinema will be gone, but could they really keep everyone onboard to confirm Keith Ellison as AG? It would be a heavy lift. They would be far better off with another Garland-type who can wear a moderate sheepskin.

  22. I wouldn’t put it past Kamala to nominate Keith Ellison. After all, Eric Holder was advising her on her VP pick, and look what she ended up with.

  23. Dark clouds gathering over a Green blight, babies resurrected from the bowels of Planned Parenthood, and a carbon-based conveyance are all tell-tale signs of a weird… fated climate change.

  24. Kate

    I wouldn’t put it past Kamala to nominate Keith Ellison. After all, Eric Holder was advising her on her VP pick, and look what she ended up with.

    You may have a great point. People here get upset when I talk about the Rule of Law, but the Rule of Law is nothing but a modern version of the King’s Law—which was great for the King & some of his cronies.

    For some 20-years or so, have followed certain blogs to get a feel for what certain groups are about. Being new to politics back in 2002 Daily Kos and Democratic Underground helped me learn about Blue Dogs Democrats. Got on their mailing lists and became privy to discussions about ObamaCare with a local Blue Dog Democrat here in Fla. They were all over him until he caved and voted for it.

    Forget his name, but when he came up for reelection I started sending copies of his correspondence with those left-wing sites. He lost or quit—can’t remember now.

    Jack and Jill Politics was a Afrosphere blog—black American version of the blogosphere. Just noticed they are apparently no longer active. Obama was just starting to run about the time I started commenting on that blog. Sorta reminds me of my time here.

    Heck, I was even invited to the big Obama shindig—the main one that was his inauguration or something like that—reminded me of some Nazi gathering under Hitler with all the props. I declined the invite…

    Anyway, they accepted my white arse there, and my comments. Was never called a troll once. One or two black conservatives there, some moderates, and some black versions of a MAGA mob, and some really far leftists. Jack and Jill were from well-to-do families—Jack’s mother was some big time Washington DEM woman.

    One thing that stands out from my days years there, was a discussion that is long forgotten, but the ending point was – ‘They should’ve known (my NOTE: whites & REPs), its been out in the open forever—never an attempt to hide it. Black activists main goal has been to gain control of the Law.’ The lady ended the discussion with that. It was a big discussion, of something that had happened, but I can’t recall what. Black Americans wanting to gain control over the Rule of Law, for a long time, was final point, and the lady thought they were getting close.

    So, yes, I can see a strong push by black activists and black DEM party leaders for Harris to take Keith Ellison as AG…

  25. The Atlantic cover goes well with the overly melodramatic nature of their coverage of Trump. It seems to say that their mindset when it comes to him goes back to the Romantic Era and the Victorian melodramas that followed. Trump as Heathcliff? Or Barnabas Collins? He’s definitely supposed to be a depraved, demonic figure.

    The absence of words on the cover (apart from the magazine’s name, date, and number, I suppose) may conceal that the writers are mostly less well-known second stringers (apart from Anne Applebaum, who can always be counted on for something fearmongering about DJT, and perhaps Mark Leibovich, who is famous for something or other).

    If people are getting tired of Trump, NeverTrumpers are also getting tired of writing about him, and the reading public may be getting tired of the NeverTrumpers who’ve been crying wolf for the past nine years. Maybe the apocalypse that we are rushing towards is the demise of what the Atlantic has been and represented during the last decade. Nobody paid attention to their words, so they’ve fallen back on a picture.

  26. One thing that stands out from my years there, was a discussion that is long forgotten, but the ending point was – ‘They should’ve known (my NOTE: whites & REPs), its been out in the open forever—never an attempt to hide it. Black activists main goal has been to gain control of the Law.’ The lady ended the discussion with that. It was a big discussion, of something that had happened, but I can’t recall what. Black Americans wanting to gain control over the Rule of Law, for a long time, was final point, and the lady thought they were getting close. – Karmi

    I missed the point that you don’t remember anything about their objectives.

    So something as monumental as a segment of the population seeking to “gain control of the Law” and you can’t remember anything about it? No concepts of how the law would be applied differently? Based on that it seems inconsequential– but we have evidence that wouldn’t be the case.

    More likely based on our understanding of third world regimes it would be Democrat law on steroids where favored groups had a different set of standards as to how the law was applied. I say that as someone who has seen (albeit from a distance) the way the law works in Liberia.

  27. @ Brian E

    Yeah, black Americans in control of the Rule of Law is a difficult concept for many white Americans to grasp.

    I missed the point that you don’t remember anything about their objectives.

    No, you got the point:

    Black Americans wanting to gain control over the Rule of Law..

    It doesn’t really matter much what led up to that point. The black bloggers & commenters were just tired of being on the losing end of the Rule of Law (AKA King’s Law).

    No concepts of how the law would be applied differently?

    Yeah, more whites would be on the losing end of the Rule of Law.

    I moved to Florida around 1958-59. On the way down thru FL we stopped at a roadside shake & burger joint, and I went up to window to order for family. An old black man was heading to the window also, so I slowed and let him go first. Lady at window told him he had to go around to the back. I graduated High School in 1964—it was segregated at that time in Miami…60 years ago. I’m sure that old black man is dead, but a lot more blacks are alive and remember those days.

    Give it a day or so—maybe it’ll come to you why that female commenter would say something like this:

    ‘They should’ve known (my NOTE: whites & REPs), its been out in the open forever—never an attempt to hide it. Black activists main goal has been to gain control of the Law.’

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