Home » Open thread 9/6/2024


Open thread 9/6/2024 — 25 Comments

  1. I am wondering how Trump will take the Oath of Office while in Prison. Either NY one or a Fed one.

    Stock Market will wander around, until Trump is elected (hopefully), then it will drop like a rock, FED will do what it can to destroy more. Tie a bad economy to Trump/Vance. If Congress goes Dem, then they will impeach him again, and again.

    Guess you could say I am a little depressed today. Not been a good week.

  2. Pillsbury also made rolls of refrigerated cookie dough. One of the marketing guys told me that as far as they knew, 40% of the stuff never saw the inside of an oven. They took pains to make it safe to eat raw.

  3. I’ve never really liked those Pilsbury cresent rolls very much. They have an odd sweetness. Of course I’m aware that baking real croissants from scratch is one of the more challenging and time consuming tasks an amature baker can attempt, what with all the flattening, layering and folding of butter and dough.

  4. Sentencing with be nov 26 put that frown upside down honestly i thought i can be like marvin the android sometimes

  5. Wow. I almost can’t believe Merchan is actually delying sentencing until after the election. I felt sure he’d want to try sentence Trump to jail as a last desperate effort to help the Democrat party.

    Is there a sense that there’s writing on the wall?

  6. Ukraine unleashes its deadly Dragon’s Breath fire drone

    Aid-starved Ukrainian soldiers along the frontline have been forced to innovate ever since the early days of the war, thinking up budget solutions to keep the Russian advance in check.

    Now, new footage of their latest invention, the menacingly named ‘Dragon’s Breath’ drone, has emerged – with horrified Russian troops already taking to social media to protest against its brutal efficacy and call for help.

    Thermite bombs, which rain down molten pieces of metal on their unfortunate targets, have already been used several times in the war by Vladimir Putin’s forces – but they are typically deployed in rockets or cluster munitions indiscriminately delivered via bomber aircraft at much higher cost.

  7. Today at the DuckSpa is a gathering of vultures. There are at least a dozen of them.

    Use of dragon’s breath is a war crime.

  8. Where would one be without Time Magazine…?
    “Time snubs Elon Musk from 100 most influential people in AI — but includes Scarlett Johansson”—

    (Could it be because Musk is in the process of being “isolated” and destroyed by “Biden”)??
    – – – – – – – –
    But let’s focus on the truly important things…
    “M&M’s bringing back discontinued flavor 9 years after being stripped from shelves…”—
    – – – – – – –
    This, not so much (‘cuz it’s so obvious and could have been expected by anyone with half a brain)…
    “Nearly three-quarters of infrastructure bucks — about $7.8B — go to blue states, watchdog finds”—

    (Or maybe it’s “merely” because it’s the blue states that are so much more in a financial hole than the red…but why could that possibly be?)

    Yep, the fruits of bi-partisanship!

  9. Chases Eagles

    Use of dragon’s breath is a war crime.

    The deliberate targeting of civilian areas with incendiary weapons constitutes a war crime under the Geneva Conventions… It apparently says nothing about using it on military targets.

    Anyway, Russia has been using Thermite bombs against Ukraine’s civilian population thru-out their unprovoked war on Ukraine…

    Russia has shown little regard for international norms, deploying these weapons against civilian targets in Ukraine and previously in Syria, where similar tactics were used to devastating effect in support of the Assad regime.

  10. The financial news sites indicate that the August jobs report was 142,000 vs expectation of 160,000.

    BUT – they revised the June and July reports. July decreased from 114,000 to 89,000 and June dropped 60,000 or 178,000 to 118,000.

    I remember that during Trump’s years, the jobs report was always increased after the fact. Of course, those reports were usually disclosed in the financial papers and not widely reported.

  11. Chases eagles may want to remember that currently the use of White Phosphorous (WP “WilliePete”) is a war crime. Use of thermobaric munitions are not a war crime, so think about what you worry about.

  12. Will there “always be an England?

    Just passed by the TV, and my wife was looking at “Midsummer Murders” which has many scenes, ideas, and themes which hark back to an older, traditional England.

    This got me thinking about the astonishing transformation—just since the days of WWII–in which the English have passively sleep walked into their country and culture being—bit by bit–suppressed, and, now, being taken over by foreigners–many of them both unassimilable and hostile—and this right under their English noses.

    And so, No.

    There won’t always be the England of thousands of years of history, and tradition; it’s disappearing fast, and, in essence—a few recent riots by a couple of hundred people not to the contrary–with no general defense of their civilization and culture by the great mass of Englishmen, nor the empowering sense of rage kindled within the native English which you might expect.

  13. The Concerned Conservatives have found their spokesmen? Dick Cheney totally embraces the dark side becoming Darth Cheney

    Dick Cheney Follows Liz’s Lead and Endorses Harris for President – streiff


    Who knew that Senator John McCain (RIP) had a son?

    Jim McCain, John McCain’s youngest son has endorsed Kamala Harris for president: “I feel that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz embody a group of people that will help make this country better, that will take us forward”

    The fifteen second clock of fame has expired for Jim.

  14. Violent criminal Venezuelan gang activity has arrived in Denver, Colorado Springs, NYC. What’s going on here besides multi-cultural “enrichment”?

    Eric O’Keefe shares some LEO intelligence to put some parameters on the Biden regime’s scourge ,via X:

    U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver
    Twitter ^ | September 6, 2024 | James O’Keefe
    Posted on 9/7/2024, 2:23:56 AM by lowbridge

    LEAKED: U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

    @OKeefeMedia has obtained Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) from the U.S. Army of the North Division, highlighting the growing presence of one of Venezuela’s largest criminal organizations in the U.S. The document states that Tren de Aragua “has established a presence in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Williamsburg, NY,”with “approximately 400 TdA members” living in these cities. The CUI also warns that TdA members in Denver “have been given a ‘green light’ to fire on or attack law enforcement,” with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in New York receiving a similar report.

    The document details how the criminal organization is using advanced technology and surveillance, heightening the danger to U.S. military personnel and law enforcement.

    MORE posted at FreeRepublic.com from X:

    ANYONE ELSE tired of the more of the same treason from the Ruling Class’ Democrats?

  15. Forever a Democrat, it seems, Harvard Law School Emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz now says he an ex-Democrat, turned Independent— and will await until the “last minute” how to vote for President. JustTheNews reports:

    Dershowitz, who has been a prominent Democrat for decades but has been critical of the party recently, said he was “disgusted” at the Democratic convention, and cited growing dissatisfaction with the party as the reason for the change.

    “I am no longer a Democrat,” Dershowitz told VINnews. “I am an Independent. I will decide who to vote for in at the last minute based on the totality of the circumstances. I want to see how they deal with Iran, I want to see how they deal with Iran’s attacks on the United States, I want to encourage the current administration to support Israel. So I’m not revealing my vote until maybe November 1.

    “I need to hear all the information, all the evidence, but I am no longer a member of the Democratic Party,” he added.
    MORE at https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/alan-dershowitz-announces-he-leaving-democratic-party

  16. I want to see how they deal with Iran, I want to see how they deal with Iran’s attacks on the United States, I want to encourage the current administration to support Israel.

    Both will rollover for Iran. Trump proved in his first term that Iran will only get a ‘Written Slap on the Wrist‘ – in the form of lots of talk and more sanctions. Maybe he’ll give them an actual tap on a pinkie by killing another Iranian General…

    Meanwhile, Iran & Russia will feed each others military needs & sneak past the sanctions.

    Harris – she’ll be stuck between a strong American majority of Israel support and the DEMs radical antisemitic far left support. I don’t believe she has enough Congressional support to abandon Israel.

    Iran will remain free to continue its planned destruction of Israel – with either Trump or Harris as president…

    A majority of Americans from both parties don’t have the stomach to bring Iran’s military to its knees, or to stop Iran’s profitable Military Industrial complex, or to stop Iran’s support of terrorists & their Axis of Resistance, or to stop Iran from getting the nuclear bomb.

  17. The lawfare campaign against Trump, the muti-episode attempts to deplatform opposing viewpoints, the horrendous abuse of the J6 defendants, the vote fraud, and the mass invasion on the southern border should have persuaded any Republican who does not care for Trump that the Democratic Party needed to be put on a time-out. What the Cheneys and as segment of the McCains are telling you is that national survival and liberty mean nothing to them.
    Richard Cheney was an official of Republican administrations for 14 years, spent 30 years drawing public sector salaries (in patronage positions), and spent four years in an exceptionally lucrative position in a firm which earns its keep as a contractor for the federal cabinet department over which he presided. He hasn’t held a job which did not derive from political connections since 1968. John McCain was never mustered out of the service for disability but instead assigned to act as a liaison for the Navy on Capitol Hill; he then ran for Congress himself in a district to which he was a stranger but in which his mistress lived. Papa McCain was in political positions for 38 years, encompassing James McCain’s entire life up until age 30.
    These people have no interest in anyone but people like themselves. We were all just marks to them.

  18. The humble Kermit of Florida needs to see the eye doctor again regarding Iran and how the Obama/Bidden/Harris junta and the Trump administration. Kermit talks of Sulemaini and Iran getting a pinkie slap. All that was left of the “austere Islamic scholar” was his hand and ring (it wasn’t a pinkie ring IIRC). IIRC Trump didn’t give Iran pallets of “Benjamins.” Under the Obama/Bidem/Harris junta Iran has been able to amass enough highly enriched Uranium (U-235) to be weeks away from warheads.

    For some reason, Kermit, Iran wants to assassinatea President Trump; crickets about the O/B/Hs.

  19. Karmi, everything Russia does is a war crime. They are waging an illegal war of aggression. Even their attacks on “legitimate” targets are war crimes.

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