Home » The Trump/Harris debate: the battle of the mics


The Trump/Harris debate: the battle of the mics — 7 Comments

  1. Trump said that he let Biden talk, and that worked out well, and that he plans to let Harris talk as well. She’s not good at that without a script. Plus, the ABC option might come back to bite her if SHE is the one doing the back talk while her mic is off.

  2. Trump gave a speech and took questions from a Wall Street group today. The speech outlined his economic plans in some detail. He also contrasted his plans with the Harris/Biden plan.

    The Wall Streeters seemed receptive even though they aren’t very friendly toward Trump.

    Trump’s line about appointing Musk to root out government waste drew quite a bit of applause.

    Trump has a good grasp of the issues. Kamala can only do the mean-girl personal attacks with any authenticity. I predict we’ll see a lot of that from her, and not much real substance. Trump should let her rant, and then go back to policy when he speaks.

  3. I was already suspecting that somebody in the ABC control room would “accidentally forget” to turn off Trump’s mike at one or more points.

  4. Trump said that he let Biden talk, and that worked out well, and that he plans to let Harris talk as well.


    Trump is always going to be brasher than I like. But I swear I can see him learning.

  5. @ huxley — I think that Trump has always learned very quickly how to adapt to circumstances, but he was never before confronted with the opposition of the entire Democrat empire.
    There really was no reason for him to expect the situation as it evolved since 2016.
    Now he knows.

  6. A ‘Hidden‘ glance into some of Trump’s prep for the Debate?

    Trump’s close confidante KELLYANNE CONWAY gives an extraordinary behind-the-scenes insight, finally settling those ‘breakdown’ rumors and revealing his new 2024 blueprint – by Kellyanne Conway … some red meat for the MAGA mob supporters on a Friday:

    Meanwhile, nobody’s talking about the Democrats’ own internal breakdown.

    The political castration of Biden in favor of his even more unpopular deputy may have generated half-a-billion dollars in donor cash, but it seems a stretch to believe that the dysfunctional Democrats and their allies in the media can do what an assassin’s bullet could not – stop Donald Trump.

    The 2016 shift was not simply transitional; it was transformative.

    Obama’s personal appeal did not easily transfer to other Democrat candidates, including Hillary Clinton, who – as we mustn’t forget – he backed over his own Vice President in the first fight against Trump.

    What more can we expect from Trump in the next 60 days?

    For starters: the Democrats dumped Biden, so Trump should, too.

    This is the Harris Administration. Feeling more pressure and less prosperous? She did that.

    Upset that 10 million migrants and enough fentanyl to kill every American many times over have poured into the country? Kamala.

    Hard hitting article. Always liked Kellyanne Conway – only ‘Thang I couldn’t stand about her was her husband…

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