Home » Open thread 9/4/2024


Open thread 9/4/2024 — 51 Comments

  1. • Part 1
    neo told humble me: ‘Your preferred candidate doesn’t exist. Hey, maybe you should run.’ So, looks like Iran will keep funding terrorism & their Axis of Resistance – as they are free to inflict Death by a Thousand Cuts upon Israel, and cause havoc in the West—especially in America.

    How To Pick a President

    Is our system for picking presidents broken?

    We’ve never seemed so divided.

    Half of the country lives in fear of one presidential candidate. The other half lives in fear of the other.

    And if the wrong one wins, the consequences for the other side seem catastrophic.

    The good news: if voters think the system is broken, it’s within their power to change it. And America is brimming with plenty of ideas on that front.

    • Part 2
    Some good news? Court Clears Bereaved Israeli Families to Claim $43 Million

    Jerusalem District Court issued a provisional order Wednesday allowing a group of Israeli families who lost members to terrorism to seize 160 million shekels ($43 million) in Palestinian Authority funds frozen by Jerusalem pending proceedings against the P.A., according to Ynet.

  2. Just another open-thread comment about something I read somewhere else (https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1015758).

    The garbage trade has become the logical intersection of totalitarian schools, environmentalism, and e-commerce:

    “On China’s e-commerce platforms, there is a booming new market for some seriously unusual items, from empty milk cartons to used pen refills.

    This thriving trade in plastic junk is being fueled by Chinese parents, who try to help their children complete their schools’ recycling projects — even though many are voluntary.

    As China seeks to prioritize environmental awareness in its education system, schools are increasingly setting students assignments designed to teach them good recycling habits.

    But these projects are sometimes harsh and inflexible. In some cases, schools are ordering each student to collect dozens, or even hundreds of items of used plastic every month. If they fail, it may affect their grades — and possibly their teacher’s performance assessment, too.

    The result is a system that is putting families under continual pressure to source large amounts of recyclables. Busy parents often find themselves falling behind on their plastic quotas — and bulk-buying waste online to make up the shortfall.
    Recycling waste has become one of the most popular product categories on major Chinese e-commerce platforms in recent months, according to domestic media reports.

    On Alibaba’s secondhand trading app Xianyu, there are now hundreds of vendors selling milk cartons, pen refills, old cardboard boxes, and many other used items. A stack of 100 empty milk cartons, rinsed and dried for recycling, typically sells for around 30 yuan ($4). Bundles of 100 used pen refills are priced at around 20 yuan. For many parents, it’s well worth the cost.”

  3. they produce an immense quantity of garbage, yet lesuo compromised academics in the West, guilt us over our contribution

    keying off the last thread, I remember when CAIR which is the public relations arm of Hamas, did their debut on the campus we were on, I think by that point, I had seen one of the Specials Stephen Emerson had done for PBS, which they tried to cancel him for after Oklahoma City, which came very conveniently for some

    there’s a host of threads from Cross Meir sic, the German soldier who was in Elohim city, the time that Stephen Nichols was in the Phillipines which raise questions of a bigger plot, of course who was doing the investigating then Merrick Garland, coincidence I don’t think so, too many red flags that were not investigated and it served Bill Clinton’s purposes, to stigmatize any opposition to his rancid Catfish self,
    plus push gun and ammunition restrictions he already had in mind this was the route of the Megiddo initiative that the bureau was laser focused in the months before September 11th,yes that catastrophe, is being remembered a week from today, then again with the crew in charge, they may not even bother, and attack Trump for deigning to bring it up

  4. Re: Little girl / violin

    Yep, that happens.

    Following my Chat/Jimi Hendrix discussion and reading several guitar sites, I decided to do some Amazon window shopping. I discovered that these days you can buy a whole lotta guitar for a few hundred dollars.

    I fell in love with a cherry sunburst Les Paul for $270. It’s an Epiphone, not the high-end Gibson, but YouTube word is that it’s quite good and a great beginner guitar.

    I knew Les Paul from a 2007 documentary. He was a great player from the 40s/50s and … he was one of the inventors of the electric guitar. The Les Paul electric fueled British blues-rock. Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page. Today it’s primarily associated with classic rock.

    Sometimes a bell rings in my head, the energy starts to flow, and I know it’s time for another adventure.

    My Les Paul arrives in the next couple days.

  5. I finally found something I’m afraid of. Time. I’m. Not afraid of dying. Just not getting done what I wanted

  6. I’ve started calling my nephews and nieces. I’m not saying why. They may think I’m planning something. I just never told them how much I love them

  7. An electric violin. And wireless too. I think she’s got some processing electronics on her instrument’s signal that sounds a little like “doubling” usually done in a recording studio. I’ve heard that live before.

    There’s a duo I like with a violin player. Those guys use a lot of electronics. One of the more amazing boxes they have makes the violin sound like a Caribbean steel drum, when he plucks pizzacato style.

  8. an interesting offering


    it is rather remarkable how Mohammed or whoever actually wrote the Koran, appropriate nearly all of Judaism and much of Christianity to their purposes, those who have a thimble full of Christian understanding might come to accept this heresy, perhaps that is part of the reason that it advanced so quickly through much of the territory that had once been Christian

  9. sdferr, I saw somewhere, may even here: “Bring them home” ought to be “Let them Go.” Hamas took them, Hamas murdered some of them, Hamas is responsible, not Israel.

  10. I know Tom Holland had a heck of a time, trying to nail down all of these connections, hes a skeptic about all three faiths, of course which one raised the most agita,

  11. Kate:

    Yes, I said “let them go” rather than “bring them home” a long time ago on this blog. I’ve also read others saying it a for a long time, in particular Melanie Phillips.

  12. TJ, I recently heard a wedding violinist and there was definitely a doubling of her line. I thought it was in the backing track, but with your comment now I’m not so sure.

  13. Neo: Israel, where they now speak the ancient language of the Torah in daily life, should surely know the texts from Exodus. “Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, ‘Let my people go, that they may serve me.'” Exodus 9:13.

  14. Banned, Tucker has always been BS Crazy. He is an Isolationist through and through. And a Conspiracy Nut.


    And a Conspiracy Nut.

    Was following Tucker on X before he came out as pro-Russia. Don’t even watch his stuff anymore.

    Conspiracy Nuts? The MAGA GOP may have locked that one up now – pushing the DEMs outta First Place…

    Drudge Report has become another DEM MSM news source.

    Never cared much for RedState—maybe because never liked Erick Erickson, but noticed today that he left. He’s in on a Politico “Playbook: The Republicans secretly rooting for a Trump loss” article today. Guess they never visited this blog. 🙂

    Do REPs still follow Tucker, Drudge, and Erick Erickson?

  16. Karmi, I think most conservatives gave up on Drudge long ago. The replacement in the same style is Citizens Free Press, which some people I know rely on as they used to with Drudge before that website went leftist.


  17. huxley,

    Let me know how you like the Epi Les Paul. I have a Strat, but would love a Les Paul, but at near $3k for the Gibson, that’s a bridge too far (guitar pun) for an amateur. And I would add my wife. 😉

  18. Les Paul taught Steve Miller how to play guitar.


    Yes. According to wiki, Les Paul was Miller’s godfather.

    Les Paul is one of my heroes. As a player, songwriter, innovator, inventor he was brilliant across the board. He was even a radio and television personality for several years. Plus, as far as I can tell, he was a genuinely good guy.

    For pure virtuoso guitar my favorite album:

    –Chet Atkins & Les Paul, “Chester & Lester” (1976)

    You only have to listen to the first thirty seconds to realize how well they played and played together.

    Atkins is playing a hollow-body Gibson with country fingerpicking style. Paul is playing a Gibson Les Paul model with a pick. It’s fun trying to tell them apart as they trade the lead.

  19. I’ve yet to find where Darryl Cooper studied. He has never produced any published books nor placed any research articles in scholarly publications. (He did place a pair of book reviews in The Claremont Review of Books). He’s a podcaster. Best I can tell, there are > 40 Darryl Coopers in the United States born during the period running from 1971 to 1991 who are not demonstrably black. No clue which one this guy is. David Irving actually has published and Mark Weber’s squib biographies are available online.

  20. Banned, Tucker has always been BS Crazy.
    His isolationist viewpoint dates from about 2004. I think his eccentricities have been generally salutary to public discussion. However, peddling bizarre theses propagated by a fellow who appears to be Joe Blow off the sidewalks of Stockton is an indicator his judgment is deserting him. What, your pal Morty wasn’t available?

  21. This is is just my opinion, but:

    a mass shooting/mass attack has been reported, at a high school in Georgia, today.

    [ ***Trigger Warning*** -some tragedies, + some serious injuries, have been reported, in this attack.]

    A giant amount of alarming…media coverage, + national reporting, is now being done, about this event.

    It’s just my opinion, but- WHEN will the majority of the US reporters, or [any reporters], see-that the huge amount of reporting that they do on these attacks, probably [encourages] some people to do these attacks, so that these people can get the publicity?

    Some people do all of this, just to get their name, and their picture, on TV.
    That’s sad, but it’s true.

    I wish that the USA’s, Federal govt. would pass a law, like Japan has.

    [At least I believe they, the Japanese, govt. people- have a law like this one]:

    in Japan, if someone…or a child under 18, does a mass attack like this, [it is illegal to report- the suspect’s name, or the suspect’s picture, until AFTER the suspect has been found guilty or not guilty, in a court of law].

    [That] would cut down on the media circuses that some reporters do, in attack-events like this one.

    That type of law would also, likely- make the suspect or perpetrator [wait] for untold months, or even untold years, before their- name, picture, + their other details, are released to the press.

    Prisoners talk to each other in prison.

    I think that, while in jail, a guy hearing about how horrible it is, to wait so long after doing a mass-attack, + how…for most people, the “thrill” of doing an attack in public is over after that long wait, then that would make the number of mass attacks in the US, go down.

    Please contact your Congress members, by phone or by paper letter, or by other means, if you want them to make such a law, in the United States.



    (Here’s a link to a news story, about this event):


  22. Let me know how you like the Epi Les Paul. I have a Strat, but would love a Les Paul,


    Will do. I’m pretty sure if I get much farther into this, I’ll want a Strat too.

    I hear Squier makes decent versions of the Strat, much less dear than the premium Fenders.

    The mass market for electric guitars and improved manufacturing tech has really raised the bar on the low-end.

    My goal, at this point, is more as a hobbyist. I want to become fluent in French, but for guitar I want to have fun and learn some of that world from the inside.

  23. “Cross Meir sic”

    Andreas Strassmeir (Straßmeir), a name from the long ago past. We will never know exactly what he was doing, but he was so well connected — here and in Germany — that conspiracy theories of one sort or another were quite believable. That doesn’t mean necessarily that he was the instigator, just that a lot of people would be embarassed if it were known just what he was up to.

  24. I’ll see your “crazed Trump niece and raise you an entire Walz family”!
    She isn’t crazed. She had beefs with her aunts and uncles and bided her time with it. Her brother said several years ago he wanted no trouble with his uncle, but now he’s issued his own book and endorsed Hilary retrospectively. The whole intra-familial dispute was foetid and Fred Trump Sr., three of his four surviving children, Fred Trump III and Mary all came out looking seedy in one way or another and to one degree or another.
    That having been said, Mary L. Trump isn’t credible in re her specific vignettes or in her portrait of her family as peculiarly pathological. Her treatment of her aunt twenty years after the fact is another delict for her.
    Should note also that she is not, strictly speaking, a clinical psychologist as presented by the publisher’s marketing staff. Unlike her cousin David, she failed her licensing exams.

  25. Leftists, including Harris, have called for removal of armed officers from schools. Today in Winder, GA, an SRO (school resource officer) stopped the shooter very quickly, probably saving many lives. The fourteen-year-old male will be tried as an adult for murder. I expect we will read, in a few days, about this being a very seriously disturbed individual.

    Correction: Two SROs. Well done.

  26. Re: Les Paul / Steve Miller

    After Les Paul retired he maintained a routine of driving into Manhattan once a week for a gig at the Iridium Jazz Club. Anyone with the nerve to get on stage with him could play — including no-namers like Slash, Billy Gibbons, Brian May, Steve Howe, Olivia Newton-John, Merle Haggard, Jimmy Buffet and more. Plus, of course, his godson Steve Miller.

    Much banter and music. A good time was had by all. Gotta love the guy.

    –“Les Paul & Steve Miller”

    Keep in mind that Paul always played seated because in 1948 he had almost died in an automobile accident. His right arm and elbow were shattered beyond repair. The doctors wanted to amputate the whole arm. But it’s Les Paul!

    They set his arm and elbow so it was permanently at a right angle. That’s how he played for the rest of his life. He died in 2009 at the age of 94.

    People are forgetting Les Paul. Sands of time and all that. But serious musicians still know Les and revere him. He is one of the greats and I’ll do my miniscule bit to honor him.

  27. Here’s a snide and dismissive article, saying that the growing belief among the populace that UFOs are actually real, and that NHIs exist, is a threat to society, and to things like “legitimate” scientific research, and that these beliefs are the kinds of “conspiracy theories” which, for instance, make people distrust the government.*

    Is this a joke?

    I think that, by now–and given the bazillion or so examples of various government statements and actions we have seen in recent years–that citizen’s distrust of their governments are very honestly come by.

    * See https://www.sciencealert.com/surging-belief-in-alien-visitors-is-becoming-a-serious-problem-for-our-society

  28. Re: UFOs / distrust of government

    Snow on Pine:

    Well, it is a problem and it has been all along. IMO it’s a huge factor in why we citizens don’t know what the hell is going on with UFOs.

    Governments would have to admit UFOs are zipping around Earth at will, including over military bases and nuclear power stations, while governments can’t do anything about it.

    Can’t have that.

    So governments deny the existence of UFOs and go even further, as Jacques Vallee documented in “Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception,” to put out false UFO stories to muddy the waters and drive the UFO community crazy — often not a long trip.

    Which is why I’ve mostly given up on following UFO news. Not all the stories can be true, some of them are disinformation, and it’s too hard to tell the difference.

  29. Segueing from UFOs …

    The little girl / violin video reminded me of this account by Gillian Welch, who was an eighties hippie at UC Santa Cruz and discovered the old-time music she still plays today and wonderfully well.

    I was at college and had just moved in with a DJ who had an old-time-bluegrass show. One Sunday morning I was in the bathroom, on my knees, cleaning the bathtub, and he put on “The Legendary Stanley Brothers Vol. 1.” The first song came on and I just stood up and I kind of walked into the other room as if I was in a tractor beam and stood there in front of the stereo. It was just as powerful as the electric stuff, and it was songs I’d grown up singing. All of a sudden I’d found my music.

    –Gillian Welch


    I’ve spent much of my life wandering in and out of tractor beams.

    The trouble with tractor beams, though, is that you can never be sure you’re out of one.

  30. Kate –

    Thanks for the information on the [armed police officers in schools].

    I hadn’t heard of that, before.


  31. Remember the Nashville school shooter last year? The FULL manifesto has been released. Via Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit, we find Karlyn Barysenko reads i5 so you don’t have to.


    I read the full Nashville Shooter manifesto. Audrey Hale was an autistic lesbian who convinced herself she was trans. (Here are the key sections of the manifesto, and a full PDF download.)

    Here’s my TLDR topline analysis:

    Audrey was a lesbian with autism who became fixated on gender and convinced herself that she liked girls because she was really a boy.

    Autistic kids are often most susceptible to gender ideology and are actively told that they are trans and queer when they’re really just gay.

    She blames her parents for affirming her identity as a boy and was very depressed and angry at not being able to find people to love her or girls to have sex with. She convinced herself that if she just had a penis, things would be different.

    She felt ignored by the world and so she wanted to die in a way she could not be ignored.

    She did identify as queer – queer is a far-left political ideology.

    “And I hate society b/c society ignores to see me. I’m queer; I am meant to die”

    She specifically mentions radical politics, which means far-left politics:

    “Soon this goddamned country will turn out no fun like England or Europe. No guns, no gender rights, no freedom of speech or pursuing of radical ideas, no mischief. You can’t even carry a knife in English. Fucking pussies”

    If you think she was exploited and seduced into the Trans Mad world and possibly emotionally neglected or abused, then you’re not far wrong.

  32. and possibly emotionally neglected or abused
    She had an intact family and parents willing to put up with a 27 year old daughter futzing around in art school. (She had wage employment at the time of her death but it’s not clear whether her work history over the previous dozen years had been consistent or spotty). Her mother and father had also been willing to shell out for private schooling for some part of her upbringing and for the ministrations of the mental health trade now and again beginning at age six and ending with her death. The smart money says you will find no evidence she was ever abused and you will find no evidence she was neglected in any obtrusive way.
    I could have at different times introduced you to parents who (one might wager) would have performed satisfactorily with children of normal dispositions who failed terribly with challenging children. Sometimes its fate and sometimes its just that they lack the savvy and diligence to address problems in an effective way. (I can also introduce you to parents with disastrous children they overwatered terribly).

  33. Unicorn chasing gives some people something to do. When they aren’t chasing Unicorns they are quite lucid, people are funny that way.

  34. huxley—During an interview on Curt Jaimungal’s Youtube channel last night Lue Elizondo pointed out that the DOD is not one monolithic entity but instead, is composed of many different power centers, entities, and individuals—perhaps you might call them “fiefdoms”–some in favor of some form of UFO Disclosure, some against. *

    Not only has the “government” in general been trying to denigrate, laugh off, explain away, ignore, and to bury the UFO issue for the last 80 some years but, if you believe Dr. Steven M. Greer, some elements of the government have tried to actively muddy the waters even further, and to create fear of the NHIs by staging phony “Abductions,” and perhaps cattle mutilations as well.

    As well, the UFO Phenomena and the other “high strangeness” phenomena which—it is starting to appear—may all be part of a whole package, attract a whole spectrum of people, an increasing number of them educated, serious researchers, but others just deluded, or nuts, making sorting out the truth—however strange–from fiction extremely difficult.

    Thus, with all of the natural, plus the artificial, deliberately created confusion, deciding which of those reporting such phenomena are legit, and which of the UFO/NHI phenomena they report–which are outside of our current consensus Reality–might actually be real, is a truly Herculean task.

    I can see how, after awhile, a lot of people might just give up trying to sort things out, and move on to other, less threatening, more manageable, and more easily understandable issues.

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh7umwJln38

  35. On the Nashville shooter: The transgender ideology is toxic to its adherents, and sometimes to other people around them. (We should distinguish between these and the few adult transsexuals who are merely trying to live their lives as best they can without demanding that the whole world celebrate them.)

    I see no reason to assume abuse in her home, absent any evidence of that. She was consumed by evil and was swept deeper and deeper into destruction.

  36. I see no reason to assume abuse in her home, absent any evidence of that. She was consumed by evil and was swept deeper and deeper into destruction.
    Everybody has different facets of them and no one person sees all the facets. That having been said, I’m struck by the contrast between the venom in her diary and the fragmentary accounts of her I’ve seen in print, wherein neighbors described her as shy and sweet. What the late Joseph Nicolosi said about his homosexual patients comes to mind, “They spend their lives playing somebody else”.
    BTW, that girl had a history with mental health tradesmen going back to 2001. If we did not live in clown world, their names would be published and they’d be hauled in front of a commission of inquiry.
    One other thing. The families of the deceased and other school constituents had no discernible interest in keeping her diaries confidential. So, how were they conscripted in the effort to suppress them?

  37. Re: Nashville shooter

    For me the worm in the apple is victim mentality — I’m screwed-up and unhappy because of X (or X, Y, and Z for intersectionalists) — and so much of the left reduces to victim mentality.

    People can go through horrific stuff and still find their ways to happy, constructive lives. But not if they go over and over about how they are unhappy, sad, and angry — as in the shooter’s manifesto.

  38. Snow on Pine

    I think you may have missed the author’s point which is perhaps better understood by reading the 7 page paper referred to in the article. As neither a believer or a non-believer Milligan posits:

    “The contention of this paper is that alien visitation claims are a soci-
    etal problem when they (a) move into the mainstream of discourse to
    the extent that government policy has to respond to them; (b) when they
    generate background noise which impedes science communication; and (c)
    when they become entangled with indigenous origin narratives, making it
    hard to recover the latter. Where this is the case, periodic debunking
    looks like a failed paradigm. Something closer to a scientific research pro-
    gram (SRP) might be called for, at some point. This is an idea which has
    already been advanced by Avi Loeb and Martin Elvis (albeit in signifi-
    cantly different ways and for different reasons). It is not clear that we are
    already at the stage where an SRP is required, but such a requirement
    does seem to be on the near horizon.) The paper concludes by setting out
    a number of framing requirements for any such SRP.”

    IOW when belief is stronger than the science belief colors both science and history. Presently we’re at the point where no amount of government disclosure or scientific inquiry is convincing. OTOH a properly devised SRP could be convincing. Milligan suggests what the key elements of such an SRP would be.


    UFOs/UAPs sightings are real. Until science can prove otherwise, the most likely explanation of the more credible observations is friendly or foreign advanced technology programs that the USG benefits from concealing within the noise of real or imagined alien origins.

  39. People can go through horrific stuff and still find their ways to happy, constructive lives. But not if they go over and over about how they are unhappy, sad, and angry — as in the shooter’s manifesto.
    I’d say the population of sad, angry people outnumbers the population of people who shoot up an elementary school by large margin. A typical age cohort in this country has 4.2 million people. The number among them who will commit an act of murder or aggressive manslaughter ‘ere they shuffle off is about 20,000. Audrey Hale was born in 1995. I’d wager the population of sad, angry people born that year exceeds 20,000 and does so by 20:1. Sad, angry people do manage to earn a living, btw.
    Audrey Hale did not go through anything horrific. It’s just that the interaction between the mental health trade, her (married) parents, and her own mind proved unproductive until such time as she proved murderous.

  40. Art Deco:

    More misreading and pontification. Classic!

    I didn’t say Audrey Hale went through anything horrific. My point is that some people do go through truly horrific stuff and nonetheless build constructive happy lives.

    I didn’t say that people who shoot up elementary schools are anywhere near the number of the generically unhappy, sad and angry. Though I would hazard a guess that those who do shoot up elementary schools are all unhappy, sad and angry.

    Again, my point is that whatever the circumstances of a person’s life, seeing it all through the lens of being a victim and focusing on one’s unhappiness, sadness and anger make it worse.

    The Nashville shooter’s last writings are a testament to this.

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