Home » Our broken voting system


Our broken voting system — 16 Comments

  1. Neo writes
    “ The level of distrust has reached a very dangerous level.”

    What do you propose we do about it? Instead of throwing up their hands, some Republicans are doing something about it.

    The RNC is pushing for Republicans to “bank their vote” by voting by mail early. They are suing states to clean up the voter rolls.

    Republicans are also fighting in my state of California. Ric Grennel’s “Fix California” is also suing to clean the voter rolls. They and other activist organizations are pushing to get Republicans to turn out. Reform California is distributing a voter guide to explain the multiple deceptively named voter initiatives and recommend conservative candidates in local and statewide elections.

    Commenters such as ”Kate” write that they feel ok about elections in mostly Republican states like North Carolina I think. Correct me if I am wrong.

    I think you are being needlessly negative and that there are things we can do to improve the situation.

  2. I agree with you that we don’t “know” that fraud/malfeasance affected the 2020 election because the left has worked tirelessly through the court system to prevent the kind of audits that would prove one way or the other the assertion of fraud.

    The only conclusion that makes sense is there must be fraud. Otherwise why would the left not want to allow the audits that would put the allegations to rest?

  3. The lack of security, intentional by the Ds, leads one to distrust the system, and it is dangerous. Distrust in an electoral system inevitably leads to armed conflict. As GB here often says, the Ds are playing fire and don’t even know it’s hot.

  4. Another Organization who fights. TrueTheVote

    Candidate Ambrose King Jr. Wins Lawsuit to Overturn Election in Georgia. Exposes Systemic Errors with True the Vote’s Support.

    In May 2024, Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, received a call from Ambrose King Jr., a long time resident of Tift County, GA, who had lost his bid for a school board seat. Ambrose was concerned about ineligible votes and flawed processes, but didn’t know where to turn. At the recommendation of neighbors in his community, he sought help from True the Vote.

    Ambrose King Jr., the descendant from a family of Georgia patriots and a fourth generation educator, was determined to ensure a fair election.

    “I commend my legal team and Election Integrity organization True The Vote for the amazing and much needed victory in this case. This is a victory for all those who believe in election fairness. This is a victory for the citizens of District 1 in Tift County, as well as it is a victory for the entire State of Georgia. Elections belong to the people. The power of the vote belongs to the people. The government belongs to people. Therefore, when elections are biased and unfair, when the vote is denied and obscure, and when the government impairs voting integrity and aligns with election engineering, the people are robbed of its true candidate. I am thankful, the citizens of District 1 have another chance to speak. Those 2 votes were just as important to me as the 154. I want my community to know that I will fight and win for them just as I did for those 2 votes.”, observed King, Jr.


  5. I do feel good about it here in NC, Bob Wilson, but even here, the NC GOP is suing the Board of Elections over clearing the voter rolls of non-citizens.

  6. Plus, in NC, RFK Jr. sued the Board of Elections to get on the ballot, and now they won’t let him OFF the ballot. One hopes most of his voters will defect to Trump.

  7. Kate,

    Regarding Dems fighting to keep RFK, Jr. on the ballot in red states, where it may hurt Trump, I heard someone say there then should be legal challenges to also not let Biden pull his name from those ballots.

  8. “Ever since 2020 I’ve been saying the same thing over and over about our voting system: there is no developed nation on earth with such a loose system in terms of security, and therefore there is no trust in our elections, and that this is very dangerous.”

    The erosion and destruction of trust is entirely intentional.

    “I don’t know whether or not Trump lost in 2020 because of fraud by the left. But I do know that people who think he did are well within their rights, because the opportunity was there and the motivation was there, and there is no reason to trust that our system could protect us.”

    As well as opportunity and motivation, the means were there as well, demonstrated in various State legislatures changing the “rules’ that greatly facilitated corruption of the counting process.

  9. I saw the Democratic cheerleaders at the local level in Seattle. That was back in 1989. I watched for twenty more years as they tightened their fist around the voting machine. There is no way in heck that the powerful women in Seattle are going to let go of the power and control they have had for the past 40+ years. They are never going to let go unless things get very loud and very dangerous. The Republicans here want to “collaborate” because they believe that that “is good government”. I don’t know what it is going to take to make them understand what they have already experienced.

    I believe the best thing we can do is to form organize peaceful demonstrations with clear statements and complaints. Go to your city council meetings en masse. Do not threaten or intimidate, but rather sit quietly and ask simple honest questions. The more people that show up the more disturbing it will be and maybe our “leaders” will start to think twice about this communist idea that they are “agents of change” rather than honest Americans. We are battling the past three generations who have been taught to be contemptuous of our America.

  10. The propaganda media is prepping the next battlefield — the post-selection faux “election” months, which will riff on Biden’s walled-off Capital building and National Guard’s against any J6-like resistance to the jack booted tyrants.

    Why else the hearty praise for Judge Morales in the Wash Post, for instance? As a Democracy defending hero, no less!

    In my America, this would be insane. We grew up on hating evil, even if we tolerated nibbling at the edge of daily life.

    Now, it’s going Andromeda strain metatastic with the Ruling Class voices we see. They know no shame, these Big Brother acolytes, these Whim Worshippers of State Power.

    Last night’s post by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit is a LINK rich tableau for the thesis that we’re being gaslighted into another stolen election.

    “The current unifying theme among a set of people who regard themselves as progressive, liberal, mainstream, respectable, and so on, is a spectacular punishment fetish. Arrest them arrest them arrest them arrest them, they helpfully explain about people who disagree with them about anything, ever. See, for an easy example of the discipline fetish, this quite popular reader-generated “diary” post from a few days ago at Daily Kos, arguing that Tulsi Gabbard’s ‘Quiet Skies’ designation is a proper use of the state security apparatus against a domestic enemy.”

    Glen writes: The question is why is this being ginned up now. One obvious guess is in preparation for stealing the election, and keeping the aftermath under control.
    Of course it is. MORE demonstrandum ABOVE.

    Molly Ball in Time mag Feb 2022 II is coming for us all. Get ready — because THEY are, shamelessly.

  11. did I tell you I was banned by Reason, for offering too much contrary evidence, by the Atlantic for similar reasons, by the Good Prosecutor, all good company,as Groucho Marxwould say, Descartes sighs,

    platforms like Rumble and Telegram challenge the narrative,

  12. You have to ask why wasn’t there a Congressional committee hearing and audit of the 2020 election. The answer is obvious. Instead, we were fed a massive propaganda event about J6. It was a bipartisan affair don’t you know.

  13. Re James Disco’s point about absence of Congressional investigations into vote fraud is really evidence that’s treasonous neglect is bipartisan.

    I am sure that Tulsi Gabbard has reached this possible inference, but will not publicly opine about specific subjects she has no real knowledge about.

    Out of the gate in this interview [6 or 10m], the former Congresswoman is asked “Who is actually running the US government?
    5,915,390 views Aug 5, 2024

    Her answer avoids saying “The Deep State” in so few words, despite accurately defining it.

    I listened to more from this nearly 2 hour interview. And I’m seriously impressed.

    Reuters reports:
    Russia wants Kamala Harris to win the US presidential election, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday in a teasing comment that cited her “infectious” laugh as a reason to prefer her over Donald Trump….Biden had recommended his supporters to back Harris, “we will do the same, we will support her.” Putin and the moderator were both smiling as he made the remark, which drew applause from the audience. Expanding on his view of Harris, Putin said: “She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her.”

    OMG — the Russia Russia Russia! will be covering their ears to this!

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