Home » Free speech: as Brazil goes, so goes … ?


Free speech: as Brazil goes, so goes … ? — 11 Comments

  1. I hated the whole idea of Twitter from the time it first appeared and never even considered signing up for it. But I think I’m about to, just because of the way they’re going after Musk.

    Kamala Harris has no more interest in the U.S. Constitution than she does in burial rites of the Tang Dynasty.

  2. I wondered about this. The clip is from 2019, and Harris is calling for Trump to be thrown off Twitter, which he was. Elon Musk now stands for free speech against all the powers that be, in Brazil, Europe, and especially the USA.

  3. “There are growing ominous signs that the leftist governmental forces arrayed against freedom of speech are growing bolder and bolder.” neo

    They sow the seeds of their own destruction. The bolder the repression, the more certain their violent fate. No doubt some among them think they can use state apparatus to repress resistance but what works in South American societies won’t work in America.

  4. Kamala Harris: “He [Musk] has lost his privileges.”
    “Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a “privilege”? Robert F. Kennedy Jr

    There is no basis whatsoever for asserting there to be ‘rights’ absent them having been granted to us by our creator. As absent a creator invested in his creation, all that remains is individual opinion and the coercion of the mob.

    Leftists, having rejected the possibility of a creator involved with humanity, are left with nothing but State granted privileges subject to revocation. What apparently Robert Kennedy jr has yet to grasp is that the left doesn’t accept the existence of rights. They believe there are only revocable privileges. Harris was inadvertently blurting out her ‘truth’.

  5. Very well stated, Geoffrey Britain (unfortunately).

    I find what your state to be one of the fundamental dividers of many, regarding political thought. Does one believe people are free, truly free; or not? If one thinks about this seriously for more than 5 minutes one is led to the former truism; people are free. Yet few spend time thinking about it.

    I am as naturally free as a man my age living in North Korea. The difference in our lives is my North Korean counterpart citizen lives near a despotic man with weapons who has coerced other men and women with weapons to force the will of the despotic man on others.

    If you look at the pantheon of nations currently extant you see a variety of “rights” as defined by those who govern them. And those rights are in flux. And a government can collapse and all rights return to the citizens. And, no matter what rights a state proclaims, one crazed person can use force to attempt to eliminate that right from another; speech, liberty; even life. Hamas killing Israeli hostages doesn’t mean those hostages had no right to life. It means their killers are barbarians who want to control others.

    All humans have free minds and the right to express their thoughts. The fact that Kamala Harris would attempt to use force to restrict people from exercising that right does not change it from a right to a privilege. It changes her from a free thinking friend of humanity to a despot.

    Human rights never change. The fact that Kamala Harris wishes to control Elon Musk and what he says should disgust all freedom loving men and women.

    Or, as Geoffrey Britain wrote more succinctly, “… all that remains is individual opinion and the coercion of the mob.”

  6. I have heard a different account of the origin of the American natural right thinking (or ideas), which finally resulted in our founding and framing documents — which documents I understand as actions in themselves as opposed to words merely. That account is by turns rich, complex, human and so “historical” in some sense, yet nonetheless fairly intelligible in its tracery. That account too, so far as I’m aware, does not include or entail any portion of a divine revelation or direct dispensation for its foundation. Thinkers, rather, worked these ideas over multiple centuries of effort into a skein of political thread with which (in the American instance) to build a fabric of government. Here is to hoping that account does not go missing.

  7. Yep, it’s starting to cascade:
    – Britain (with Starmer)
    – France (with Macron)
    – Brazil (with Lula)
    – The US? (with “Biden” or “Harris” or whatever “Yes We CAN”didate!!)
    – Canada (with Trudeau…if he can get away with it)

    Coming soon to a country near you!

    But TRUMP! (And Hungary’s Orban!!)

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