Home » Open thread 9/2/24


Open thread 9/2/24 — 39 Comments

  1. I had that album. He sings this song with the voice of experience.

    I see the Father of another Israeli-American wants the US to force a “deal with the Devil”. I do feel for the families. But – – –

  2. Despite predictions, the recent Democratic Party was not accompanied by 1968 Chicago type riots, to the delight of many Americans and the disappointment of some.
    1. Those who were predisposed to riot realized that their best interests were served by behaving better than expected.
    2. The police did an excellent job of disarming them or otherwise preventing them from achieving violent ends.
    3. The would be rioters were all bark and no bite- a very loud but ineffectual minority.
    4. Rioting happened but in locations and ways that the media has successfully suppressed.
    5. It was a hoax perpetrated by Big Plywood.
    6. Some, all, or none of the above.

    If there has been discussion of this elsewhere, I have not seen it.

  3. I don’t like all of Sinatra’s songs, but the ones I do like I really do LIKE.

    Mark Steyn has written a number of reviews about Sinatra and his arrangers, to whom he gives a lot of credit for Frank’s successful hits and his distinctive, immediately recognizable, “sound.”
    However, nobody else has The Voice!

    Fun family fact: when our youngest son, the most musical, was in high school, he and some buddies were sitting around singing one day out at a campground, and I realized they were doing “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” rather than something current. When I asked them why that choice, he said that the old songs were much more singable than their generation’s music.
    So true.


  4. Just made a donation to moms for liberty. They are fighting the battle with the left In the school system. Their events with President Trump have raised their profile and made them a target. They are active around the country and have had success electing members to school boards and suing woke boards.

    Here are some of their results


  5. A Little Help From Our Friends

    Cyberwarfare will soon be the most critical battleground of international conflict. With current security protocols, nothing is safe. Our adversaries–Russia, China, Iran–can break into our purportedly secure communications, and we can break into theirs. For the moment, it is much like the mutual assured destruction of the nuclear age. Our enemies could bring down our electric grid, crash our stock market, disrupt our communications, bring our country to a halt, kill many millions. They are deterred from doing so by the fact that we can do the same to them.

    My thinking is a tad different than normal Free World thinking—apparently, since I would push the nuclear button quite quickly on someone threatening nuclear attack and/or ‘Nuclear Sword Rattling’. However, a lack of knowledge on Cyberwarfare would probably give me pause on what to do and/or how to react against a Cyberwarfare attack.

    A Power Line post by John Hinderaker – it continues:

    Meanwhile, however, many cyber battles are being fought, largely concealed from the public eye. Corporations are routinely held up by hackers who demand ransom. Most companies pay, quietly. Conducting business in the current environment is much like traveling in 18th century Europe: you are at risk of being held up by a highwayman at every moment.

    All of which means that experts in cybersecurity are in high demand. Enter the Israelis…

    Enter Unit 8200:

    Unit 8200 (“Unit eight two-hundred”) is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit of the Israel Defense Forces responsible for clandestine operation, collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption, counterintelligence, cyberwarfare, military intelligence, and surveillance.

    The unit is composed primarily of 18–21 year olds.

    Former Unit 8200 soldiers have, after completing their military service, gone on to founding and occupying top positions in many international IT companies and in Silicon Valley.

    According to the Director of Military Sciences at the Royal United Services Institute, “Unit 8200 is probably the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale.”

    Hinderaker points to – Silicon Valley’s Hot Talent Pipeline Is an Israeli Army Unit

    Unit 8200 has become an incubator for cybersecurity startups defending the world’s biggest companies against hackers

    Venture capitalists are now coveting a new class of founders—those who served in a specialized unit of the Israeli army.

    Members of Unit 8200, known for its advanced cybersecurity and cyberwarfare capabilities, have founded dozens of cybersecurity companies. Others have become influential venture capitalists in their own rights and are mentors to entrepreneurial graduates.

    There are at least five tech companies started by Unit 8200 alumni publicly traded in the U.S., together worth around $160 billion. Private companies started by ex-8200 soldiers are worth billions more.

    No wonder my computers don’t get hacked and/or viruses!? Well, when all is said and done with & about technology, it will still boil down to the basic American Infantry ‘Grunt’ (and some modern version of the “highwayman”), IMHO, i.e., I’d probably be quite quick on pressing the Cyberwarfare button also…

  6. Regarding the situation in Israel with the protest against the Israeli Prime Minister over the death of hostages.
    During WW2, the Japanese in particular were hard on American POWs, with many dying. I do not know if the American public knew of this at the time or not.
    But suppose they did and the American public demanded a ” cease fire ” rather than finishing the war?
    I do realize, however, there is some difference here as the religious fever of Japanese Imperialism was confined to single nation and not an entire region as Islam is.

  7. So the UK, not surprisingly, rewarded Hamas for murdering six Israelis, including one who was also an American citizen.

  8. There ought to be, but won’t be, an outcry from leftists about “war crimes” over the deliberate execution of civilian prisoners. However, in leftist eyes, only Jews commit war crimes, and Islamists, being “oppressed,” are justified in anything they do.

  9. Who are the great male vocalists today?

    I’m drawing a blank. Whoever they may be, they are not cultural phenoms like Frank.

  10. Someone+Else:
    The UK is today flooded by Muslims, mostly Pakistanis, as a result of the collapse of the British Commonwealth, I guess.

    England ain’t England any more. “No religion” is its secondmost religion and Islam is 3rd. Christianity, so-called, remains on top, no denomination stated by Wiki.
    Muslim rapes of white women are awfully commonplace in England. I guess that is a license from Allah, who also informs us via the Koran that all Islamic martyrs will receive the sexual attention of a multitude of virgins on entry into Paradise.

  11. You never argue with the bereaved–or in this case, the almost-bereaved. But you don’t have to believe them. And their status does not impute particular relevance to their demands for action of one kind or another which looks certain to be a bad idea.
    Pay big for hostages….the bad guys take more hostages. Sorry about your family, but it’s a pretty large number of families in the future we’re worried about.

  12. So…Biden has called on Netanyahu to “do more”, to end the war in Gaza.

    So Biden wants Israel to end the war,…by doing WHAT?

    Hamas doesn’t want to negotiate at ALL!

    They want 1] the nation of Israel destroyed or, 2] they want all of Israel’s people, driven out of the Middle East.

    The only tactics that Hamas has, for dealing with other people are: tyranny, dishonesty, wars, and murders.

    Hamas has a [deserved] reputation for [making: deals, promises, + treaties], + then breaking those deals later.

    If Israel + Hamas make [a war-ending treaty], today, by their reputation- we can expect that Hamas will feel free to start another, October 7th-like war, NEXT year.

    Most likely, [obey us, or be killed], is the only promise that Hamas will give to anyone.

  13. When I first heard this song, I was 32, in the June of my life. It seemed to apply more to my parents and grandparents who were in the September -December of their lives. It was a harbinger of things to come.

    I haven’t heard the song in many years. Listening to it today brought unexpected emotion. I’ve reached the December of lifer, and my sweet wife is still with me. So glad we didn’t play the “waiting game” in our May years. We’ve seen a long span of life and can now spend these last precious days together. And that’s a blessing. Thanks for the memories, Frank.

  14. Who are the great male vocalists today? — huxley

    This is NOT exactly an answer to the above question, but this guy, Pat Monahan, is not bad. Not really new or young either at 55.

    A younger friend pulled me into an upcoming road trip to a big concert venue for the double bill, Train and REO Speedwagon. “Who is Train?” I thought. I was surprised to find that I know many of their hits.


    Interesting lyrics.

  15. Blue Media, Media Blues

    If you corner a political campaign manager in a corner after a couple of drinks, they will tell you that the hardest problem the face today is how to reach voters in our fragmented media environment. Once upon a time you bought ads in network TV and the local broadcast stations in your area. But that strategy has collapsed.

    The mainstream media has squandered its credibility, and every day reveals itself to be an adjunct of the Democratic Party, and Americans have figured this out.

    According to the charts – viewership at ABC, CBS, & NBC have steadily dropped since 2014. CNN & Fox have been up and down w/ downward trend since 2020. MSNBC has probably done the best in a mess.

  16. Karmi @4:15pm says, “MSNBC has probably done the best in a mess.”

    MSNBC is a wretched Leftist voice, blessedly with very few watchers.

    Karmi’s opinion is hopefully wrong.

  17. Yeah i always heard that one but nevet knew the singer

    Actually newsmax has done the best

  18. I hope everyone has seen the Babylon Bee headline about Kamala Harris being promoted at McDonalds after having an affair with Mayor McCheese. Brilliant.

    And while I’m referencing posts from Instapundit, that most here have seen, there’s this if anyone missed. Kind of thing that gives me hope for the future, and there aren’t enough of those things.


    Mr. Karp does not believe in appeasement. “You scare the crap out of your adversaries,” he said. He brims with American chauvinism, boasting that we are leagues ahead of China and Russia on software.

    “We have a consistently pro-Western view that the West has a superior way of living and organizing itself, especially if we live up to our aspirations,” Mr. Karp said. “It’s interesting how radical that is, considering it’s not, in my view, that radical.”

    He added: “If you believe we should appease Iran, Russia and China by saying we’re going to be nicer and nicer and nicer, of course you’ll look at Palantir negatively. Some of these places want you to do the apology show for what you believe in, and we don’t apologize for what we believe in. I’m not going to apologize for defending the U.S. government on the border, defending the Special Ops, bringing the people home. I’m not apologizing for giving our product to Ukraine or Israel or lots of other places.”

  19. Cicero

    Karmi’s opinion is hopefully wrong

    Not really an opinion – was just going by the charts in PL post. None of the media in that group looked like they were doing well, IMHO, which is OK by me.

    As PL’s Hayward wrote – “Blue Media, Media Blues”

  20. Another song about reaching the autumn of life is James Taylor’s beautiful September Grass. It made me cry, the first time I heard it. It probably still could, even though now, at seventy, I have to admit I’ve left September behind and am living in at least October. Not quite November, yet, or so I insist, anyway. A beautiful song about love persisting.


  21. Eva Cassidy performed the jazz standard, “Autumn Leaves.” Like everything Eva, her version pierces me:

    But I’ll miss you, most of all, oh my darling,
    When autumn leaves start to fall.

    –Eva Cassidy, “Autumn Leaves”


    This live performance was from January, 1996. She was diagnosed with cancer in July. She was dead of melanoma in November. Age 33.

    Time. Wisely.

  22. Re: Jerry Orbach


    And the guy who played the father in “Dirty Dancing” and “Kiss of Death” — both films I’ve watched more than twice. 🙂

  23. Karmi,

    Regarding Unit 8200 and the age range of 18-21…

    I was a good computer hacker in my late ’20s* to mid-30s. Very good. (And always an ethical hacker, never did anything malicious.) I even headed up a practice doing cybersecurity (although we didn’t call it that back then) for one of the big, international consulting firms. In my current job I’m sort-of tangential to that world and now it’s hard for me to relate to that former me.

    But I think that is due to the age range you suggest. It takes a certain mindset to develop the skill and that will most often be found in young men. A lot of it for me was sport and to show off to my colleagues. Solving fun, difficult puzzles, and doing it before anyone else did, or in a way no one else ever thought of. It requires single-minded focus and isolation for long stretches. And creativity. One has to spend a lot of time alone, studying huge amounts of code, systems and processes just to develop the foundation and toolset necessary to find the holes.

    I do know some people who have stayed in the game for their entire careers, but that’s rare. And one rarely hears of an older computer security expert finding a new hack. Forensically figuring out what another hacker did, sure, but creating new hacks, finding new holes is almost always a young man’s game. I imagine it’s similar to being a Chess Master, also a young man’s game.

    *I didn’t really have access to a computer until I was around 24.

  24. PS The original Dowd post may be behind the NYTimes paywall.
    The Wayback machine has the story.

    RTWT for a very interesting view of Karp, whose co-founder is Peter Thiel: a progressive and a conservative who get along well enough to create things like Palantir.
    His political views are bipolar: donated to Biden and Harris, doesn’t like Trump, but the values he claims to support, and seems to actually do so with the company, are megaMAGA.

  25. @ Rufus > “creating new hacks, finding new holes is almost always a young man’s game.”

    Which is why Orson Scott Card’s “Ender’s Game” used very young children to discover how to fight the adversarial extra-terrestrial attackers.

  26. Eric Weinstein is the former Managing Director of Thiel Capital, billionaire Peter Thiel’s venture capital outfit. This election is virtually the People vs the Deep State.

    Eric Weinstein Explains Our Insane Election, the People vs The Deep State Without Ever Using The Term (but does use “The Blob”). Please listen to 1-13m


    At the outset, he raises the question of whether or not Trump will be permitted to take the office US President? And his answer is that with the International Rules Based Order reigning since the close of World War Two, the DC blob fears the collapse of its hegemony, descending into a more costly multi-polar world. Trump as the genuine voice of American democracy would very likely tip these institutions towards that end.

    Will Trump be permitted to gain Presidential power at all? This is the real question. It explains why this year is “the most insane election year by an order of magnitude,” concludes Eric Weinstein.

    For example, who is running the White Hose? It isn’t Biden. We don’t really know who is in power.… Powerfully put.

  27. Rufus T. Firefly – very interesting, thanks for the info. The Wikipedia link said “Afterschool programs for 16–18 year olds, teaching computer coding and hacking skills, also serve as feeder programs for the unit” – and perhaps even a little younger with kids getting computers younger every year…and these smart phones.

    I was 46 before first computer (’91/’92)—a Dell Viper that ran over $4,000. Built a UserBenchmark UFO last year for $1665.60 (used an old favorite case). Big difference in performance & price over just a 32-year period. Have done some simple coding for a blog recently, even used AI for one app/widget, but that was time-consuming and difficult.

  28. Various songs with the autumn theme have a pretty serious impact. I wonder if the melodies would also have the impact if you’d never heard the lyrics. Something about them, as well.

    My father, born 1920, lived to 2014, remarked late in life that Sinatra’s later work was designed to make you, the listener, think you’d had the experience.

    One of his albums, “Songs for Swingin’ Lovers”…. How many of us have been swingin’ lovers? Dating’s tough enough, and then you get married. But, listen to the songs….

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