Home » I think Harris is temperamentally unsuited to be president and she knows it


I think Harris is temperamentally unsuited to be president and she knows it — 60 Comments

  1. She is, to be blunt, BS-ing and stalling . . . [,] something most or all politicians do, but they ordinarily accomplish it with smoothness and finesse. For some reason, Harris has trouble doing that.

    “For some reason . . . . ”

    Others have said, and I agree, that Kamala Harris is what you can get in a one-party state where someone without native political talent (except for the backstabbing “mean girl” kind) has never had to develop the skills of a retail politician. And that’s not even counting the many times that the powerful Wlllie Brown greased the skids for her. In the 2016 general election, thanks to ranked-choice voting in Califiornia, Harris didn’t even have to face a Republican opponent for her seat in the US Senate.

  2. MollyG:

    Of course, in California winning the Democrat primary is the whole enchilada. But Harris had to do that, and I find it hard to believe that Willie Brown could make the primary voters choose her over her Democrat competitors. Were the competitors only allowed to run because they were even worse candidates? I don’t know, but you can find some info here and here. California has jungle primaries for local and state elections, and so sometimes even in the general it was Kamala running against another Democrat.

  3. Neo, Willie Brown comes in at the beginning of her career, when he appointed her to lucrative posts on the California Medical Assistance Commission and the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, perches from which she launched her 2003 campaign for district attorney, with Brown’s influential endorsement. She eventually won that campaign against the incumbent DA in a runoff election, having first come in about 2 points behind the incumbent in a three-way primary.

  4. America is no longer a serious country due to its having a disproportional number of unserious voters. And by “unserious” I mean . . .

  5. “I don’t think Walz has any discomfort whatsoever with lying.”

    An utter lack of discomfort with lying is someone who takes the end justifying the means to pathological levels.

  6. Would she have gotten as far as she has if she didn’t think that she was more competent than she is? Maybe it’s not that she feels she’s not up to the standard. Maybe she feels that the standard isn’t up to her. If one lives in a bubble or a cocoon (or a silo, as people are saying now) of narcissism, real world failures don’t affect one’s self-image. Just ask Joe Biden.

    In college and post-collegiate education there are students with the big binders, who have all the information and are highly organized. They may not be able to hold down their end of a general conversation or talk about current events, but they learn what’s in the binder. Perhaps that’s how Harris got through college and law school.

    Her college days are intriguing. Was she really an economics major? Given her father’s work in the field that seems likely, but how much did she really pick up and retain from her classes? She was also on the debate team. Some sources say she was one of the few women on the team. Some sources say she headed the team. Is she a good debater? Or did she just learn everything that was in her binder? Does she still have that kind of dedication and concentration? Or is that long gone?

  7. Abraxas:

    The lack of confidence I’m talking about is not necessarily something of which a person is consciously aware.

  8. I think it’s fairly evident that the left considers the President a figurehead and the Politburo wields the power.

    Analysis after analysis of the Harris-Walz interview on liberal media considered it effective because there were no major gaffes. What a bar!

    Every clip shows “My Values haven’t changed”. That’s all the left needs to know. This is likely the only clip the left will ever watch. Everything else is just for show. There is no contradiction between carbon zero and fossil fuel production. There is no contradiction between price controls leading to shortages.

    Are there a handful of independents where those contradictions will need to be resolved? The million dollar question.

  9. I wonder if Dems were comfortable with two less than able nominees because it allows the cabal to run the show with the president as a front (with some input from there, but not total control).

    That interview made Harris look like she might burst into tears and cry, “Get me out of this!”

  10. A nice analysis, Neo. Her deeper feelings of inadequacy are no doubt being repressed, but nonetheless show up when she’s in positions where she feels challenged or uncertain.

    We deserve a better candidate for POTUS than she is. Both candidates need to have the spine and experience to lead our country.
    She shouldn’t have a prayer of winning. As Irish Otter points out, it shows how far we’ve come toward being an unserious country.

  11. Glad you posted on this, Neo. It’s a real puzzle, and we’re missing some pieces. Watching the interview live with Matt Taibbi, Walter Kirn suddenly asked, “Is there something wrong with her?” Matt was startled by the question, but Harris wasn’t all there. She’s probably compounded her lack of confidence by attempting to compensate chemically. I suspect she’s jealous of the pharmaceutical cocktails Biden has enjoyed to get through many of his big appearances, and she’s demanding the same treatment, or is surreptitiously self-medicating.

  12. There’s been speculation about her taking a glass or two of wine for courage, but no solid evidence of that.

  13. “She eventually won that campaign against the incumbent DA in a runoff election, having first come in about 2 points behind the incumbent in a three-way primary.”

    That was the year Californians recalled Governor Gray Davis and Arnold was elected. Voters were in a kind of “kick the bums out” mood.

    And , I think incumbent Hallihan was a soft on criminals guy while S.F. was having it’s customary crime wave.

  14. It’s simple. She is in it for The Power and Glory.
    She is a perfect example of the Peter Principle

  15. Obama doesn’t want anyone to outshine him. It’s why he selected Hillary/Kaine, Biden/Harris and now Harris/Walz. He really does believe he’s not only the smartest man in the room, he’s better at every job than anybody else. So choosing candidates is necessarily a process of “punching down”.

  16. Even should Harris “win” in November she won’t be president any more than Joe Biden was—or is currently—president.

  17. Big question since Barky is do they believe their own BS? Wouldn’t doubt the likes of Walz do being a dyed in the wool Marxists as Harris is but as pointed out is uncomfortable with the over the top lies.

  18. Harris’s parents were elite academics with serious careers.

    I don’t believe Harris is stupid either. However, maybe she realized early on she wasn’t on her parents’ level and that explains her embrace of a black identity and going to a black college rather than trying to follow her parents and failing.

    Maybe that’s the feeling of inadequacy she is still fleeing, as she now demonstrates.

    It’s clear that without the Willie Brown connection or Biden’s promise to choose a black female for VP, she wouldn’t be facing such challenges today.

    I can’t think of any other prominent politician who has risen so far, so fast for being in the right places at the right times.

  19. “I can’t think of any other prominent politician who has risen so far, so fast for being in the right places at the right times.” – huxley

    Well, there’s Barack. Community organizer to state legislator, to Senator, to POTUS. Meteoric, I’d say. Unlike Kamala he has no inner voices telling him he’s an imposter.

  20. J.J.:

    I thought of Obama as I wrote that. However, while his credentials were thin by 20th C standards, he was a Columbia grad, Harvard Law School grad, and he had high ambitions as a political leader.

    His 2004 Keynote Address to the DNC was quite impressive — nothing Harris could manage today.

    Obama is smarter and more effective than Harris. He led his 2008 campaign to victory. Watching him at this year’s DNC I was reminded what a gifted speaker he is.

    Kamala is nowhere near Obama’s league. Her best bet today is to do as little as possibility and run as a figurehead for Obama et al.

  21. I have known personally two people who had this burst-out-laughing tic. One was a young man who was very aware that he had this way of laughing needlessly (he mentioned it to me frankly once); it was not severe and he was a very successful investment banker.

    The other was a young woman co-worker who would burst out laughing at practically anything (it sometimes seemed). I first encountered it at a meeting when I was pretty new in that workplace: she burst out, I smiled at her; but no one else reacted at all, as they were accustomed to her way.

    We ended up working together. She was an excellent analyst and a perfectly serious person. When we worked one-on-one in her or my office, the laughing tic, if it happened at all, was barely noticeable; I don’t recall it happening one-on-one, but it’s been over four decades now.

    But in a meeting or group setting, for example, the burst-out-laughing tic was in evidence and somewhat awkward.

    We became good friends; we sometimes did lunch together. When I left that company, she was one of the people I really missed.

    ANYWAY, I think that’s what’s up with Kamala Harris — along with neo’s explanation. (I’m not at all versed in what causes such tics, if indeed it’s a tic.) It’s unfortunate, from Harris’ standpoint. The Democrats’ converting that tic/propensity into “joy” is laughable [pun intended], but I’ll bet it’s working on some people.

    Unlike my long-lost friend at work, Kamala Harris is not a serious person, except for being (very) serious about her own personal ambition. Woe is us.

  22. I’m no psychologist, but she looks to me that she has imposter syndrome – she knows she’s in over her head and so she’s defensive about it. When she gets a question she doesn’t know the answer to, she isn’t confident enough to answer sincerely – instead she just spews out something she thinks makes her look smart.

  23. The last paragraph says it all, I think. I don’t understand why more Democrats don’t see how undemocratic their party has become. They really want a shadow government? How scary, honestly.

  24. Gad Saad has a video comparing Kamala Harris to Peter Sellers in “Being There.”

    –Gad Saad, “The 1979 Movie That Predicted Kamala Harris’s Ascension”

    I usually find Saad impressive, but here he misses the mark.

    Sellers was playing a genuinely subnormal, innocent individual who blunders, Mister Magoo style, into a position of national prominence, then a possible presidential candidate.

    Kamala is not subnormal and she is not innocent. She knows what she is doing, but she also knows that she can’t play at the top level (or even the mid-level IMO) of national politics.

    So she bluffs. Peter Sellers, as Chance the Gardener, wasn’t.

  25. @ Jim Melcher > “Watching the interview live with Matt Taibbi, Walter Kirn suddenly asked, “Is there something wrong with her?” Matt was startled by the question, but Harris wasn’t all there”

    Taibbi & Kirn have a kind of “preshow” discussion on their weekly podcast prior to the interview. It’s very long, as usual, but this section deals specifically with Harris and who-is-running-the-country.

    Walter Kirn: What’s amazing to me is that especially if you’re on the left or if you’re a Democrat, that you even are worried or concerned about whose president. I mean, you don’t want the evil Donald Trump, of course, but the presidency itself seems to have just dissolved into a mist. I mean, it’s being administered right now by a guy who hasn’t been off the beach for two weeks and a vice president who hasn’t been in Washington. There are major conflicts going on in the world, so you can be sure decisions are being made by someone, but we don’t know whom. It’s almost conventional wisdom now that the Obama machine or faction is kind of in control in some way. Had a big role in picking at least the vice president vaults and so on.

    So the presidency has never been more amorphous and more kind of committee-like. And yet they also have to get us into a state in which one person is all-important. That’s a strange psychological task, to convince you that the presidency is really a committee. It can just go on autopilot and maybe it should, but also it is absolutely of historic, absolute historic urgency that we nominate this one person.

    Matt Taibbi: And yeah, so as we’re supposed to embrace this new amorphous model of the presidency and Walter, you were really one of the first people to call this, that we were being sold a vision of the presidency where the buck didn’t stop anywhere. The whole idea of that iconic, the buck stops here image is that we know who the president is and it matters because we know who to blame. We know who has responsibility for executive failure. We know to whom we can make appeals. Well they’ve eliminated that. They’ve basically told us that it’s all right. What matters is the consortium of people who are behind the president and whoever that may be, the nominal president. And even though we may not show you who those people are exactly, you can bet that they’re doing a better job than the other guys.

  26. Kamala’s parents were both outliers intellectually, by which I mean they were over on the thin right edge of the Bell Curve, but Kamala demonstrates regression to the mean. She probably knew this early in her life and developed an inferiority complex (or what is now called “imposter syndrome”) which is evidenced by her discomfort when put into a stressful situation. The fact that her father dumped both her mother and her no doubt aggravated her condition. She has never reconciled or established a relationship with her father even now, when he is rather elderly and she is well into her middle years. (In fact, her father seems to have at least on one recent occasion made a public point of this when he emphatically denounced her cavalier reference to pot smoking as part of her “Jamaican heritage”.) She is ill suited to the office of president due to her emotional vulnerability, but the fact that she, like Biden is no more than figurehead–and she knows this–allows her to adopt the role, understanding that she will never have the responsibility of making a single decision. If “elected” we will continue to be run by the same cabal of shadowy figures who have been running the country since 2008, with a brief and shallow interregnum between 2016 and 2020.

  27. I don’t know about an unconcious lack of confidence. The often told saga of Kamala Harris and Willie Brown suggests to me that some things just don’t get through to Harris. Is she aware that she’s missing signs and not picking up on what’s around her or is that one of the things that doesn’t get through?

    I suppose it is true that someone’s likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, attachments and feuds can be seen in a hierarchical, superior-inferior way when the person involved doesn’t see things that way themselves, but that’s easier for me to see in someone like Biden, who for years clearly resented being passed over and not given what he thought was his share, than in Harris. Biden was resentful of his second-class status, but that didn’t erode his conviction that he could do the job. Harris doesn’t seem like a reflective or introspective person. It feels to me like she’s just winging it — improvising, keeping things going from day to day (in referring to her narcissism, I didn’t necessarily mean to single her out — politicians as a whole are more narcissistic than other people).

    Once again, I doubt Obama is running things. He did influence Biden to step down, but for the most part he’s received his walking away money and he’s enjoying it. A few White House staffers, the bureaucracy, and the Democrats’ congressional leadership seem to me to be running things with input from the donor class, think tanks and activist groups.

    Project 2025 is supposed to be some great bogeyman that the Republicans will impose if they win. Has any Republican president — let alone Donald Trump — followed the instructions of a think tank to the letter? No. The Republicans are too divided about fundamentals. The Biden-Harris administration, though, does look like it’s following some program devised by pressure groups and think tanks.

    There’s not one puppet master saying, “Do this now.” Bureaucrats and activists are part of the same policy blob and agree on what is to be done. The only thing to be decided is today or tomorrow, how fast or how slow to proceed. It occurs to me that what we have now is a technocracy where no one is technically competent, a rule by experts who are expert at nothing.

  28. neo,

    I absolutely agree. I forgot who said it, on an earlier thread, but it’s a perfect summary of her, “It’s not imposter syndrome if you really are incompetent.” As you write, she seems to understand her incompetence, yet, likely thinks she can do the job and that feeling is only imposter’s syndrome, which we all (except for sociopaths), sometimes feel. But, in her case, that feeling is actually valid.

    We are screwed if she wins. Could easily be worse than Biden.

  29. neo,

    On an earlier thread someone (was it me?) linked to an article featuring interviews with Harris’ High School, Canadian classmates. I found a lot of insight into who I now think she is while reading that article. It was very informative.

    Her mom moved her from California to Canada around the age of 12? 13? Moving in High School is tough for a lot of kids, especially girls, but Harris did very well. She built a strong social network and was the one leading a lot of the social activities. Her classmates remember her as always dancing and very positive and upbeat. I think her mother was a tiger mom and likely pushed her daughter very hard, academically. Her mother was incredibly driven and independent. Harris’ classmates also say she was always studying.

    My guess is, Harris is not the type of person who would ordinarily go into law, or politics, but did so because of her mother’s push on academics and activism. The Kamala Harris her Canadian classmates describe sounds like a nice, fun, likable person. And she does often seem lost now. And irritated.

    She has followed Hillary Clinton’s career path, including using influential, political men to advance one’s political career. But Hillary seems like that was always her true nature. Kamala seems like she’s not really that person, at heart, and is now stuck playing a role she didn’t choose.

    Hurray for us, should she become President!

  30. I found the quote. It was John Guilfoyle. His wording was better than my paraphrase.

    “She’s a fraud and deep down knows it. It’s not ‘imposter syndrome’ if you really are an imposter.”

  31. Some politicians seem uncomfortable in interviews and in many public speaking venues. What they typically like is the behind-the-scenes work of politics and policy. Harris is one of the few I’ve ever seen who doesn’t appear to like either dimension nor does she seem good at it. There is absolutely no evidence that she’s good at behind-the-scenes policy work or the nuts and bolts of government. And there’s plenty of evidence that she cannot handle even the most modest of interview settings. In a lot of ways she comes across as somebody who has no idea what she really wants, but has been pushed in different directions by other people because she can serve their agendas. I don’t think that she’s dumb, but I don’t think that she’s as smart as her parents probably are and she comes across like always trying to appear to be smart and profound. It’s actually quite sad if it weren’t for the fact that she’s very close to becoming the next president.

  32. The current situation allows them to get a totally unelected person into office of PotUS.

    Walz is the actual PotUS to be — It’s obvious Harris is incapable of doing the job, as was Biden… so they’ll use her as a puppet for a certain length of time, then they will have her abdicate in favor of Walz. Who is One Of Them.

  33. I think Harris is temperamentally unsuited to be president and she knows it

    I think Trump is temperamentally unsuited to be president and he doesn’t knows it.

    Neither have the qualities of a good leader.

    Trump proved why he wasn’t temperamentally suited during his 4-years as president, e.g., ‘The Buck never stops here’ with Trump (unless it’s positive), his Cabinet Secretary Turnover rate, etc.

    Among President Trump’s senior executive staff turnover reached 91 percent close to the end of his term, compared with 78 percent for Ronald Reagan, 74 percent for Bill Clinton and 71 percent for Barack Obama. (NOTE by Me: Turnover rate was also higher than GHW Bush & GW Bush)


    She’s not brilliant by any means, but no one gets through law school being stupid.

    Barack Obama did. When Affirmative Action students made it in, there is no way that the school was going to fail them—it was just too much paper work involved before-during-after. A student had to basically just quit.

    Am not sure how Harris went thru college, but she doesn’t seem that smart. I don’t believe smart people cackle like that or talk in a gibberish word-salad as if trying to prove they are smart. Maybe she screwed her way to the top and is self-conscious about it…I dunno.

    NOTE: are the DEMs using Harris & Trump as distractions whilst their main focus is gaining control of the House & Senate? Just wondered…

  34. So what you replace what doesnt work i think had two treasury secretaries bush jr had three if memory serves i think paulson was the worst although oneil was a scorpion on his own just one example

  35. She is the logical conclusion of AA and DEI…the least capable applicant getting the job because of skin color.

  36. would abrams have been worse, she’s pretended to be governor for four years, kamala endorsed her steal theory back in 2018, along with hordes of others,yet the atty general of georgia never indicted her, why was she exempt

    there was such a target rich environment, with her, but dana was with the whiffleball, I know CNN is a joke network but we already know the punchline, she was allowed to rise and as she did, everything she touched withered and died, for oakland the state of california and now the nation, steps into the gyre,

  37. “In the 2016 general election, thanks to ranked-choice voting in Califiornia, Harris didn’t even have to face a Republican opponent for her seat in the US Senate.”

    It wasn’t ranked-choice voting, it was as neo says the “jungle primaries” where only the top two-vote-getters advance to the election even if they are from the same party. Put into place by Democrats for that exact reason, they have manipulated the primaries by running fake candidates in the already-weak CA Republican primaries to ensure the top two are both Democrats. I voted for Loretta Sanchez in 2016 in a futile attempt to keep Kamala out of the Senate, the only Democrat I have voted for since I left the party in disgust about 20 years ago. Not that she would have really been any better but already I could see how they were grooming Kam and figured they were up to no good … well they’re Dems so of course …

  38. Neo

    She’s not brilliant by any means, but no one gets through law school being stupid.


    Barack Obama did. When Affirmative Action students made it in, there is no way that the school was going to fail them—it was just too much paper work involved before-during-after. A student had to basically just quit.

    Getting through three years of law school doesn’t automatically make you a practicing attorney. You have to pass the bar exam. Both Barack Obama and Kamala Harris passed their respective bar exams. Which to me is pretty good indication that neither Obama nor Harris are stupid.

    Steve (retired etc.)

    The fact that her father dumped both her mother and her no doubt aggravated her condition. She has never reconciled or established a relationship with her father even now, when he is rather elderly and she is well into her middle years.

    It is interesting that although Kamala apparently has not had a good relationship with her black father, she chose to attend a black university. What does that mean?

    I wonder if Kamala, who lived in Montreal for 5-6 years, considered attending McGill University in Montreal. A high school classmate, very bright with the board scores to show it, but with mediocre grades, left the US to go to McGill. He apparently turned his academic career around at McGill, as he eventually became a veterinarian.

  39. She knows she is over her head and it is only a matter of time until something blows up that can’t be handled and she is blamed. The stress she is living with is enormous. The laugh is a psychological defense mechanism to sidestep the need to actually connect with an issue. She has the mentality of an 18 year old. Childless, she lived a life of avoidance of any responsibility.

    Historically her role may be to destroy the Swamp. She has no big picture to guide her. She will only be able to put forth meaningless defenses of what ever Swampian element is currently being attacked.

    She could win depending on the success of the corruption that may be so bad that it is impossible to know who actually won.

    Trump still has to survive until the election. The Swamp is threatened like never before.

  40. @ Gringo — you could be right.

    However, I seriously doubt that Barack Obama ever passed a test w/o some form of cheating. If it was in Chicago then he cheated to pass it.

    Location Location Location … Hillary Clinton passed the Arkansas bar exam, but “never was able to pass the D.C. bar exam.”

    Harris … guess that would be the California bar exam. Can that exam be passed by cheating? It is California.

    Are there various levels of the bar exam, e.g., criminal practice, civil practice, whatever practice?

    I’ll cut Harris a little slack, but Barack never passed a test in his life w/o some form of cheating…

  41. why do you cut her any slack, she has shown four years to show her work, and it is at best mere incompetence or worse it is deliberate malfeasance, honestly I don’t get you, Criminals get off, but Daleiden a crusading activist they throw the book at him, 10-12 million slip into the country, we see examples of what this entails from New York to San Diego, that about 90 Mariel boat lifts, one nearly wrecked Miami 40 some years ago

    her sympathy is with the terrorists be it Hamas Hezbollah Islamic State, many of whose operatives have made it into this country, we want to see what results from this, Inflation has reached levels we haven’t seen in 40 years, we can’t hike interest rate to commensurate rates or the dollar would crash from the debt load, the devastation to the cities largely in blue bergs, but even in some red states, the lawfare against law abiding citizens, up and including the Presidents the threats of proscription agains the few social media platforms that hold up, the war on energy, which is a war on humanity
    the general anti life equation she indulges in, the wretched freak show of chimeras that threaten to corrupt every institution subvert science, those are just a few details that come to mind

    as for her wretched running mate, not only a shirker but a persecutor of law abiding citizens an ally of the worst criminals a Chinese stooge as well as one of Al Queda, by his words and deeds, the caliber of her appointees is seen in her brother in law, which orchestrated the criminal George Floyd settlements, which looted the city of Minneapolis that was already grieving his defense of John Walker Lindh, American terrorist, the pigford settlements, other injuries agaisnt the body politics, they are the wrong answer to every question, unless the question is whether you want the Republic to die,

  42. You talking to me? Jeez…we were talking about whether she was smart enough to have passed the bar exam w/o some form of cheating. I cut her some slack as to she may have actually passed it w/o cheating.

  43. I just learned Jeff Walz, a retired math and physics teacher, is not a fan of his brother, Tim and finds him unsuitable to be a Vice Presidential candidate. Folks on twitter are trying to draw him out to dish dirt on his brother.

  44. well what legal work was he a party to, he was a community agitator, forcing Citibank in the subprime circus, he tough Alinsky organizing and Derek Bell’s screeds as legal theory, you look at the Jodi Cantor piece on the day of his nomination tell me he knows the law in any substantive way, except as a jack hammer against society, compared to Edmund Hamilton who was a real president of the law review and a legal giant,

  45. I just learned Jeff Walz, a retired math and physics teacher, is not a fan of his brother, Tim and finds him unsuitable to be a Vice Presidential candidate. Folks on twitter are trying to draw him out to dish dirt on his brother.

    Won’t gain any traction, as the merdia will silence it.

    It’s like the 7yo girl who is on film, with biden pinching her nipple while they stood there. She was ca. 15-18 when the 2020 election came around — she got stomped on by character assassins and other types, and removed her statements. The only reason anyone knows about them is that people made screen caps. But just try and find any reference to anything like this on ANY search engine. [crickets].

  46. Neo,
    You’re implying there’s a bridge too far for Harris to cross. Do you think she’ll collapse or run the clock out?

  47. I personally think the people behind Harris expect to lose, but they don’t want a last second screw up by Harris, they are already thinking we’ll get them next time.The technical fight is probably a faction saying there will not be a next time. Ideologically Israel is the fight. Even those who ( in my opinion) correctly think there is a Democratic Civil War occurring may not be right in that only one issue is involved.

  48. Kamala Harris is the distaff version of J. Pierpont Finch F.I.N.C.H. from How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. She did it all the lazy way. She just wants the high level cushy job and the applause.

  49. It’s one thing for a politician to make an occasional gaffe; this happens to anybody and everybody.
    But when a politician, esp, the VP and perhaps the next president offers this up when asked to sum up the Ukraine / Russia conflict;

    “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”

    “It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

    Sorry, but only a moron, or a child, would describe the Ukraine/Russia mess, like she described it . Not only is the “CACKLER” over her head but frankly she is just dumb and stupid.
    She is consistent in her word salad statements or just plain stupid statements. She is incapable of displaying any sort of serious thinking about anything.

    The only mystery , IMHO, is how on earth she passed the bar exam.
    Did she have an “imposter” take the test in her place??

    As for her election victories in California; when the real big money, the media and the party elites get behind someone – in the Cackler’s case, promoted by Willie Brown – it’s all over folks; that individual will get elected. In Ca, it’s next to impossible, if not impossible, for any republican to win.

    Sorry, but the Cackler is a moron.

  50. Kurt Schlichter this morning is taking odds that Harris backs out of the debate with some lame excuse. His take is just like JohnTyler; she won’t be able to handle the debate pressure and deal with Trump’s attacks. I hope he’s wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I wonder if the Ds have calculated the scenarios of her debating vs her backing out and looking like a coward even if they can somehow pin her backing out on Trump being unreasonable.


  51. Huxley @ 11:09 pm wrote of Obama:
    “Watching him at this year’s DNC I was reminded what a gifted speaker he is.”

    Is speaker the same as orator?
    As in giving prepared speeches?
    Then I see your point.
    Other than speeches, Iike when he answered questions — reporters or interviews — I thought he was fairly poor on his feet. Tons of hemming & hahing. Drawing out a silly answer in an arrogant style like a bad professor, talking down to students knowing he wouldn’t be challenged.
    I found it quite annoying, & never considered that a sign of a smart person.
    His fans said it was how a smart person has to work, on the fly choosing how to talk to a dumb audience — the common people.
    I don’t believe that.
    Also some here (not sure if you did Huxley) think Obama’s college resume means he’s pretty smart.
    Really? I recall his people successfully hid all the proof!
    We never saw grades,records,college papers, etc.
    Just saw his likely ghost-written books.

  52. Marlene:

    I am quite confident that I’m correct when I say that Obama is smart. Is he brilliant in the intellectual sense? No. But he’s definitely smart. His off-the-cuff answers are of course not as smooth as his scripted speeches, but I’ve not heard anything he’s ever said off-the-cuff that doesn’t exhibit basic intelligence that is certainly above-average and that I’d characterize as smart. His special gift is campaign strategy and self-promotion.

    See this post for more on the subject.

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  54. Neo, your 2015 blog on Obama, & Emil Jones:
    Well, wow. It’s Disturbing that that type of dark ambition pays off.
    I never could watch the Godfather film.
    What I knew of the cruel characters seems just too close to certain family members.

  55. Good grief. Many comments on that 2015 Obama blog entry were chillingly correct.
    Eg, Obama and his besties were not going away in 2017.

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