Home » Open thread 8/30/24


Open thread 8/30/24 — 42 Comments

  1. That entire album, Love Over Gold, is awesome. I still remember clearly the first time I ever heard it over 40 years ago on a midnight radio show that played new and classic albums in their entirety.

  2. Heh


    I have to admit, my wife is always after me about my grammar too. So when I say, “I was awarded the congressional medal of honor,” she’s like, “Don’t say that.” And I’m like, “Well, how should I say it?” And she’s like, “Don’t say it. It never happened.” And I’m, like, “So you want me to rephrase it?” And she’s like, “No. Just stop lying.” And I’m like, “I’m not getting this…”


    Walz video clip at link

  3. the real news submitted from 2030


    of course CNN is not a network of integrity, if feigned at that in the era of Bernard Shaw, compare him to Anderson Cooper, even Rick Allen who gave up after 1988, to write a history of the Coca Cola Company,

    she has been tested and found wanting except for those who want the sour milk, as in Larry Miller’s line,about Second Marriages, meanwhile the widening gyre, beckons as she is the ‘worst filled with passionate intensity’ this hollow shell is what they shelled out 500 million for, well it’s the same venn diagram of FTX donors I meant marks, isn’t it,

    now we will wonder what institutions did they loot to prop her up, in 2008, most of the banking sector backed Obama, except for Lehman Bros there in lies the story,

  4. For Neo, hard to believe it’s him, but some great stories he tells:


    Question for Shirehome: As you are nearer to the controversy, what’s your take on the gang takeover of the apartment building in Aurora? Aurora was/is (?) fairly conservative, and I see the mayor is GOP. But it seems he, and of course the mayor of Denver and the governor are in CYA mode.

    I grew up on the west side, Lakewood, and I know it used to be very conservative, but like a lot of the metro area, my brother reports Jeffco has turned much more blue. Same with Aurora I assume. Californicated.

  5. i hadn’t really followed them since the 80s,


    this was back when MTV was about music videos, not warmed over reality shows, that’s where that virus escaped from, part of the reason why we’re not in the flying car phase, although Elon might get us there anyways,

    you could do a song about influencers, which is equal opportunity idiocy, even Bradbury could not have imagined this aspect, although he did get the forever war right, well we’ll be back in the big dirt pile soon enough,

  6. Looking at it purely objectively, has there been a worse U.S. Governor than Tim Walz in recent memory?

    He was one of the worst regarding COVID lockdowns. Literally had the national guard fire rubber bullets at his citizens for stepping outside of their homes. On their own property!

    He completely botched the police action during the George Floyd riots with immense, initial detriment to the citizens of Minneapolis and Minnesota and continued, long-term effects. lileks.com readers are sadly familiar with the ghost town that is now the once great city of Minneapolis.

    Walz not only botched the state’s actions during the riots, he hindered the Mayor and Police Captain’s abilities to properly put down the riots, prolonging them and fanning the flames.

    Walz did nothing to prevent a rogue, biased Attorney General from inhibiting the chances of the officers accused in George Floyd’s death to have fair trials. Walz did not speak out against the unjust nature of the trial, or its venue. The documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis” shows there was sufficient evidence that George Floyd’s death was a self-induced overdose, but the venue and jury selection made it impossible for any outcome other than guilt for the arresting officers.

    Walz’s anti-police and anti-policing stances have resulted in a “Ferguson Effect” that has put Minnesotans in greater harm.

    He instituted race based quotas for the COVID vaccine.

    He signed a law that allows minors to receive hormone blockers without parental permission, or knowledge and blocks the ability of parents of children traveling to Minnesota from other states for “gender affirming care” to get their children back. He also signed an executive order to this effect prior to Bill HF146 working its way through the Minnesota legislature. (It is really hard to find accurate information on the Internet about what the law does. I think I’ve got this right, but 99% of the information on the Internet obfuscates this.)

    He has completely failed to protect his citizens in the face of every challenge he met as Governor; COVID, the George Floyd riots, puberty altering drugs for minors. He not only failed his citizens, he made things worse for them in each of those instances. It is job #1 of a Governor to protect citizens and their property (including businesses) and ensure equal justice for all. Minnesotans would have been safer, healthier and freer with no one serving as Governor than having Tim Walz residing in the Governor’s Mansion.

    He’s also a pathological liar. He even lied about receiving a minor award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. That has to be one of the pettiest lies ever told by a politician. Most of the men he led in his National Guard unit have no respect for him as a leader.

    This guy makes Dan Quayle look like George Washington.

  7. miguel,

    It’s hard to oversell the impact and importance of MTV in its first 10 years, but it was bound to fade. It brought about the very revolution that was its undoing.

    The technology that made it cheap enough for every band to shoot a movie about their songs became so egalitarian that it reduced the clout of the record companies and MTV to control the industry. When a music video filmed on an iPhone was indistinguishable from one made by an experienced crew with financial backing from a major label the uniqueness was gone.

    That elimination of media control is a good thing, but it also took away the rarity of the product.

  8. This is very interesting. This appears to be moving in the direction of fulfillment of prophecy. Jews now openly praying on top of the Temple Mount.
    People thought Israel could never be a nation again, yet they are.
    People say there will not be another Temple, but the prophecies of Daniel in the Old Testament, and Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the New Testament Indicated there will be some type of Temple in the latter days.


  9. Miguel, can you get MHZ? And Amazon Prime?
    There, and ACORN and BRITBOX, have lots of “foreign” movies and TV. That is what we mostly watch. We have seen series from France, Ger, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Italy, and even a very good one from Russia.

    Physicguy, about 50 miles north off 287. Longmont, just 5 mi away, supposedly has a very large MS13 gang. This really does scare the bejusus out of me. Don’t tell that we should move. We are almost 78, hard to do. At least in my rural neighborhood there are a number of like minded and suited up (if you know what I mean, have to be careful using certain words).

  10. How long till they lead a Red Heifer up there ?

    I would be interested as to how Trump would respond. He put the US Embassy in Jerusalem when previous President dithered.

  11. I haven’t gotten the premium version but when I did, they had some of Commander Hamilton, the Swedish Bond with the left wing facets of his creator,
    they had two version, one good one, set in the 80s, and a cartoonish one with Peter Stormare, and Mark Hamill played the villain

  12. Rufus T. Firefly on August 30, 2024 at 12:04 pm said:
    Jeff Beck was incredible! Doesn’t get anywhere near the attention he deserves.

    Yeah, it odd. Even amongst actual guitar playing friends I find his name isn’t brought up as much as he deserves. Often when the subject of great rock guitarists comes up most people are quick to mention the usual suspects like Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen… and before mentioning Beck they’ll mention names like Richie Blackmore, John Mclaughlin, Uli Jon Roth, Randy Roads… whoever. Not sure why Beck isn’t more quickly acknowledged and appreaciated. He has certainly influenced loads of younger players, including people like Van Halen and Randy Roads.

  13. Rufus T. Firefly at 11:36 am:

    On Governor Walz – A fine job of pointing out what a dictator wanna be he is.

    Kamala has baggage, but this guy has more baggage than a cargo plane could carry.

    A lovely pair – an autocrat and a despot-in-waiting. That two such people could be the nominees, or rather the appointees of a U.S. political party is amazing. Even more amazing is that the polls are so close.

  14. Re: Jeff Beck

    Rufus, Nonapod:

    Beck reminds me of singer/songwriter Richard Thompson. Both are virtuosos with subtle, sophisticated styles. They could Play Big and Flashy if they wanted and get larger audiences, but they went their own ways instead.

    Rick Beato had a good episode on Beck. He pointed out that for Beck adjusting a knob or the whammy bar was just part of playing a note. One motion.

  15. 8,000 quips online about how Kamala Harris said she worked at McDonald’s and after working at the fryer, she “did the cashier.” All pretty much the same stale joke. After all that, I’m half in a mood to forgive her for lying.

  16. “Love over Gold” was my road music when I drove cross-county from Boston to LA in 1982.

    I was heading into a new unknown life. I loved every glorious moody second of “Telegraph Road.” “Private Investigations” was the next song and it was practically a Raymond Chandler story.

    I read later in Songfacts that the song was inspired by Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlow character.


  17. “Love Over Gold” was probably my 2nd favorite Dire Straits album. I liked “Making Movies” more.

  18. What everyone here needs to think about, if Trump wins, the ones in power now, will not give up their power.

  19. Consider the three lead guitarists of the Yardbirds: Clapton, Beck and Page. All three very highly regarded. I agree with RTF that a lot of people will leave out Beck in their list of best guitarists but most, if reminded, will say “oh yeah Beck too”.

    After leaving the Yardbirds, without denying they are outstanding guitarists, it seems that Clapton and Page took an interest in curating their status as pop stars. Whereas Beck was more interested in just the music.

  20. Whereas Beck was more interested in just the music.


    Well, that and hot rods. 🙂

    I take your point and second it.

  21. Apparently I’m late to the party ( as usual) with Beck and working on cars. Rough and Ready!

  22. My favorite Dire Straits performance was of Sultans of Swing in Basel, Switzerland before a stadium crowd easily in excess of 100,000. Mark’s guitar riff was incredible.

  23. I did a lot of work in Sugarland, Texas at a factory on Telegraph Road. Never failed to think of Dire Straits upon arrival at the plant.

    Many towns have Telegraph Roads for obvious, historical reasons.

    Dire Straits’, “Sultans of Swing” inspired me to master my first instrument. Which is odd, because that instrument is harmonica and there is no harmonica in the song. I had wanted to learn to play music on something/anything* for years, and when I heard that song on the radio it was so good I got my money together and rode my bike to the neighborhood music store, where a new harmonica was all I could afford.**

    *Todd Rundgren fans will get the reference.
    **Dire Straits fans will get the reference.

  24. Trump Floats Death Penalty for Drug Dealers

    Too bad the charges he is about to be sentenced on don’t carry the Death Penalty.

    Oh, I know – “he’s not guilty” as is claimed by a majority of convicted criminals.

    A sergeant working at the Dade County jail once told me I was the only guilty prisoner in the entire jail house. I had turned myself in and plead guilty that time.

    I may end up voting against Trump before this is over…

  25. Poor poor Karmi (Florida humble Kermit) he fought the law and the law won.

    Does incarceration actually work on felons?

  26. Speaking of guitar players…

    I just got into an odd argument with Chat about how Jimi Hendrix played guitar. Hendrix was left-handed so he fingered the frets with his right-hand, while picking the strings with his left. All photos and film show this.

    However, he learned to play a right-handed guitar, which he flipped over, then restrung so the strings would be reversed and therefore he could play chords with the same fingering as a right-handed player. At least that’s the way I understand it.

    Chat doesn’t visualize. Chat only understands words and this Hendrix discussion falls into a “blind spot.” Chat says Hendrix fingers the chords with his left-hand. If I object, Chat insists the photos I’m seeing were mistakenly reversed to be mirror images.


    The question I wanted to ask was how the restringing affected Hendrix’s sound since the electric guitar is not a symmetric instrument.

    This link seems to answer my question but goes over my head.


  27. huxley,

    From your article, this is the author’s theory:

    On a right handed Fender Stratocaster that is played in a right handed way, the bridge pickup is slanted so that the higher strings are picked up closer to the base. Since Hendrix’s guitar was flipped, it gave these strings a slightly thicker tone, reducing the peak of the strings now farther away from the pickup’s magnets. The orientation was entirely reversed, and thus the tone was changed in a rather noticeable way.

    And this change was not just the case for that one pickup when chosen on the pickup selector. The individual magnets that are built to target each individual string on the Fender Stratocaster would have been flipped.

    On a right handed Fender Stratocaster played right handed, the individual magnets for the highest two strings (the B string and the high E string) are beveled inwards slightly to accommodate for the timbral harshness of these higher pitched strings.

    Played inversely by a left handed guitarist who had restrung the guitar in opposite fashion, the beveling would instead have affected the lower most strings (the A string and the low E string), mellowing their overall output. As a result those lower strings had a thicker and meatier output more akin to that of a humbucker.

    So, a mellowing of the A and low E string (“thicker” “meatier”),

  28. Here’s The Real Story Of How America’s Squatter Epidemic All Began

    Most people think of squatter’s rights as a modern liberal experiment: the government has to get involved in every aspect of our lives, even deciding who has a right to live on our property.

    ..“American Squatter,” shows, squatter’s rights are about as old as America itself — and they once served a noble purpose.

    Professional squatters use fake leases to turn nice properties into trap houses. Often, they turn to violence to keep the owners off “their” property. And good luck getting an eviction, which can take years to rule on let alone enforce.

    The original squatter’s rights were born from America’s founding spirit: the spirit of frontier, of rugged individualism, and to man’s entitlement to the fruit of his labor.

    Modern squatter’s rights are built on the idea of taking property from a responsible, tax-paying citizen and giving it to someone “less fortunate.”

  29. RTF,

    On my Strat the bridge pickup is beveled as described. However, the magnets on each pickup can be also changed in height to adjust the tone as well as the individual bridge for each string. In other words, a basically infinite number of combinations available to those who have a desire to tinker with the sound. In fact, on my Strat, the D string magnet on each of the three pickups is elevated. Done at the factory, and I have no desire to change/screw things up. Just an amateur who plays for my own enjoyment.

    Waay back when I had a cheap electric guitar and wanted to “tinker”, I found a book by Joe Walsh on all the things one can do to an electric guitar. I had no idea how much he knew about electronics and customization of guitars.

  30. How Venezuela’s Socialists Unleashed the Tren de Aragua, America’s Fastest Growing Gang Threat

    Tren de Aragua

    Telemundo, citing multiple criminal cases against suspected members of the gang, wrote that it shows “an increasingly widespread presence of the band also in the United States.” According to a prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice, “several security agencies have reported a strong presence of the Tren de Aragua in several states.” Tren de Aragua first appeared in Chicago and its suburbs in October 2023.

  31. Rufus, physicsguy:

    Thanks. I didn’t really expect anyone to respond to my comment.

    I read those paragraphs, but I have no experience with electric guitars (humbucker?), so I couldn’t translate them into a sense of sound, especially with respect to Hendrix.

    I know his guitar sounds different from just about anyone else, though I’m sure that has much to do with the way he plays as well.

    It does surprise me that Hendrix could play his guitar differently from how it was designed and get a sound that was as good or better, to Hendrix’s ear, and not just be a mess.

    It is amazing how much guitar players tinker with their guitar and amp setups to get their special sounds.

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