Home » Germany’s war on knives


Germany’s war on knives — 33 Comments

  1. John Wick once killed 3 men with a pencil…maybe pencils will be banned next. That’s another good Law for the GOP to add to their *Beloved* Rule of Law.

    Then again, maybe the next step for the authorities is to give us all plastic utensils and make all knives contraband, like in prisons.

    Seems we had metal forks and spoons and butter knives also – and don’t recall plastic stuff at all. Probably were some plastic ones and I don’t recall…

    Once had a cardboard knife—pretended to cut a thick object with it, just to see which cell across from me was ratting on humble me. That cardboard ‘Thingie’ wouldn’t cut toilet paper, so the thick object was already in two pieces.

    In another prison, once had a lawnmower blade fashioned into a shank—enjoyed keeping my ‘Tough Dude’ image going in everyone’s minds. Two tier block with two man cells all looking out onto a center area that was mainly devoted to viewing TV. Waited till everyone was looking at TV and dropped that shank down to the first floor—it clanged clanged and everyone turned to see what the noise was, and I dropped from second tier, grabbed the shank and bolted up to my cell on second tier.

    That shank was called a “fucking sword” by some. Went thru that process because a friend in the cell next to me had discovered a 5/8-3/4” gap between his cell floor and a wall—covered by the linoleum. He had rigged up a thin cable attached to a flat plastic sleeve to store his pot in. Could write a book on what that guy did. Anyway, that shank might be hanging from that cable to this day…

  2. Years ago, perhaps 5 or 10, I stumbled upon an off-hand comment in a news item that the UK had strict knife control statutes. Checking, I discovered that someone who wishes to buy a set of steak knives must go through a series of criminal checks and I believe sworn statements as to their use.

    While there is some minimal logic to limiting the legal length to 2.4 inches, someone with a trace of anatomical knowledge can kill rather easily with a knife of that length. At least a few points of attack on the body would work.

    Another piece of old but related news, was some years ago there was the statistic that as many as 70 hand grenade bombings had occurred in Sweden. It was around the time that Denmark had revoked or partially revoked the Schengen law that allowed effortless passage between Denmark and Sweden in the Copenhagen and Malmo area. I believe it was mostly immigrants in Sweden using hand grenades obtained in connection with the Yugoslav/Bosnian war. One detonated outside a Swedish police station.

  3. They are fooling themselves trying to stop knives, what’s next? Bombs?
    Chances are they are doomed to be taken over, both Germany, England and France.

  4. It’s the same illogical thinking we hear in the US, about “gun violence.” Instead of finding the people who use guns to kill people, they try to blame the guns. Germany should get serious about removing “migrants” who commit crimes.

  5. Woman injures five in stabbing attack on bus in Germany:

    Five people have been injured, three of them critically, in a stabbing on a bus in the western German city of Siegen, police say.

    A 32-year-old female suspect has been arrested, police said.

    Another person suffered serious injuries, it said.

    At least 40 people were on the bus travelling to a city festival in Siegen, located 75km east of Cologne, when the attack occurred about 7.40pm on Friday, according to the statement

  6. Germany’s political class will adopt any measure but those meant to address the source of the problem. Our elites are a scandal.

  7. So apparently gun control CAN, in some circumstances, keep guns out of the hands of criminals. One condition is that guns must be kept out of the hands of EVERYBODY, so that criminals can’t get them. (Many people, including myself, would oppose this.).

    The alternative to guns then becomes knives. These countries realize that means that killer knives have to be made illegal for every one, and so they are trying to outlaw “pointy” knives. I don’t know what comes next, but I am sure they are working on it.

  8. “The alternative to guns then becomes knives.”

    The alternative to knives has already been demonstrated in the UK… random acid attacks.

  9. Hmmm…the best kitchen knives are made in Germany, e.g. Henckels. Just never put them in dishwasher, always wipe dry immediately after each use to save sharpness.

  10. The purpose is to disarm the lawful and make them helpless in the face of evil. Same with the guns. An unarmed person is at the mercy of the mob. As the the Kenosha Kid demonstrated, with an AR-15 not so much.

  11. Karmi,
    The Rule of Law is about equal treatment under the law. Not to adding even more laws, which is simply an attempt to avoid addressing the source of the problem.

  12. Chases Eagles,

    “The purpose is to disarm the lawful and make them helpless in the face of evil. Same with the guns.

    A disarmed public, helpless in the face of evil, will out of desperation turn to the State for protection. It’s about control and power. When the ‘solution’ requires a disarmed public, the motivation is always about control and power.

  13. Problem with knives – ban knives. This is the reasoning of a simpleton. But there seems to be such a willingness to do so. Is there some cool German word that means “willing simpleton”? They do have a lot of cool words.

  14. Been awhile since I flew. But at that time, the seat back magazine–that’s the paper kind, Mr. ATF–could be rolled tightly into a very narrow cylinder with very strong compressibility. IOW, a thrust with the body behind it into…throat, abdomen, ribs, could do some damage.
    Other magazines as available may work, as well,
    In a knife fight, the loser goes to the morgue, the winner to ER.
    But, better than nothing.
    Various jiu jitsu moves don’t work really well in a narrow aisle or something like.

  15. And, if all knives could be magically made to disappear, it would still be possible to run people over with cars and trucks. And plenty of other options.

  16. After 9/11, when flying, I always wore a supple leather belt with a sturdy metal buckle. It can be a weapon to keep an assailant at arm’s length. Also, ball point pens can be used to thrust into the throat or nostril if in close quarters.

    After learning about what happened on UAL flight 93, I figured that if the airplane I was on got hi-jacked, we passengers would have to fight with any means at our disposal. That was my mindset for flying, and though I haven’t flown for two years now, and don’t plan to fly anytime soon, it’s still my mindset.

    The authorities in Germany, Great Britain, and even here cannot wrap their minds around the fact that a small percentage of humans do not respect the laws against murdering and maiming people. Especially Islamist fundamentalists and psychopaths.

    When people talk about banning guns and weapons of war, I think about the time I spent at Tan Son Nhut, Vietnam in 1964. Everybody on the base was carrying. Literally armed to the teeth. Yet, there were no murders. It’s not the guns, it’s the people with bad intentions. Yeah, the VC had bad intentions, but that was why we carried – self-defense.

    Lock up the murderers and throw away the key. No exceptions. Let everyone know we don’t go easy on murderers no matter what the weapon – gun, knife, bomb, baseball bat, bare hands, etc., etc. Even crazy people understand that.

  17. The scalpel loophole the size of a machete with a practical span of a wind turbine blade. Liberals sincerely believe they can abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon, and have her, too. That said, emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the Rainbow and collateral damage.

  18. This summer I had occasion to shop for plastic utensils. I could get fork/knife/spoon sets, stand alone forks, or stand alone spoons, but not stand alone plastic knives. Odd. And I have cut myself on plastic knives.

  19. Wait until they figure out that a stiffened finger or fingers–aimed correctly–can do a lot of damage.

    Are they gonna ban fingers? They’ll probably try.

  20. Ah, Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry). That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion and other wicked solutions.

    [Ethnic] Spring is in the air… in Germany. Good luck.

  21. Wood. Anyone who has ever had a mishap with a power saw knows that a pointy piece of wood can be very dangerous. This whole weapons thing began with stones and sharpened sticks. Back to basics.

    Many years — no, decades — ago when I began counting the doorways to the emergency exit in hotels, I also began thinking in “what if” scenarios and realized that knowing what could serve as a weapon on short notice (the Army called that “available weapons”) was worthwhile, as well as where trouble was most likely to come from and where the exits were. Personal safety should be a way of life.

  22. Forget complaining about woke politics and government taking the path completely opposite from our presumed interests.
    Act as if the worst is happening and be prepared, one way or another.
    This is a given and complaining is useless.

  23. A completely stupid approach. A single edge razor blade is 1.5 inches, side to side. [Yes, I just measured it] Put it in a box cutter and you have perhaps a corner of the blade measuring .75 inch. If you know where to cut and are quick about it I think you can cut the carotid artery under the skin on the neck. Saw it done in a movie anyway….

    And what are they going to do about rocks? Or short pieces of rebar?

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