Home » California bans local governments from requiring IDs in local elections


California bans local governments from requiring IDs in local elections — 11 Comments

  1. One might wonder how soon a very large mob might storm the CA legislature with a ‘mostly peaceful protest’.

  2. The GOP is completely useless on messaging on this topic. Randos on YouTube with no budget do a better job than the GOP of making videos on how racist anti-ID laws are.

    Flood all these markets with 30 second spots showing upperclass white women stating that it’s racist to assume blacks have the mental and physical resources to get ID juxtaposed with black people reacting to the videos.

    In 1 month of making such ads ubiquitous no polician would be able to broach the subject of IDs equaling disenfranchisement.

  3. Great example by Ami Horowitz here: https://youtu.be/DCytgANu010?si=0J7PQLgM_A4yWyBj

    Watch the video, if you haven’t seen it. “Ignorant.” “Racist.” “Stupidity.” “Who are they talking to?” “I love showing my ID.”

    Sincerely, the GOP putting spots like this in major, black markets would end the Dems disenfranchisement tactic in a month.

    Cut 30 second spots like this; a white person stating it’s a hardship then a black person watching them say that and responding.

  4. “And now the state of California has passed its own state law forbidding municipalities from doing what Huntington Beach tried to do, even for local elections and not state elections. Democrats in California are so dominant in the state legislature that it passed overwhelmingly:”

    None dare call it treason for it has prospered…

    “The GOP is completely useless on messaging on this topic.”

    At what point does imagined incompetence become obvious collaboration?

  5. Californian here, I live in a city bordering HB, the State has definitely got it in for HB for the voter ID law, and for fighting against the State housing plan. HB is reliably Trump country. The County of Orange use to be reliably Republican and is now purplish. The Democrats want to win the House seats on the ballot this year badly. Just a little history about how the Democrats rig elections in California. They have a super majority in the legislature BTW. Anyway they passed a ballot harvesting law in 2018 and picked up 4 House seats they never won before. Counting all the ballots now takes up to 30 days after “election day”. The Republican party in California is weak and disorganized, obviously.

  6. I can’t understand, how is this possible in a civilized country?
    Nobody believes me when I tell this fact here in Italy; many say that I must be wrong, because it’s Trump the bad guy, the Democratic party is… democratic.

    The only solution out of this appalling fraud would probably be a decision by the SCOTUS, because the Dems will never renounce this tool for prevailing.

    Btw, the propaganda for Kamala Harris on our leftist newspapers (Repubblica, Stampa, Domani and, sadly, also parts of the Corriere) has overcome the threshold of credibility, so much that everybody understands it’s just cultural war, and it’s on a global scale: of course, leftists are saying that it has to be so, since “our democracy is in danger” (‘our’ is the fundamental word in the sentence).
    As regards democracy, Italy is the only big European country where the government is in power with the support of the majority, and Hungary the nation with the largest support for its leaders.

  7. }}} Now the question is whether Newsom will sign it into law.

    Uhhhh… There’s a question…?



  8. Paolo

    The only way out of not just this but the whole dynamic in which direction this country is headed is something people do not want to consider.

  9. Paolo Pagliaro:

    Always good to see you here.

    It’s been a precipitous decline for this country. The key is to label something “racist,” and then it’s okay to destroy it. So, voting security that is on a rather basic level gets thrown away as racist.

  10. The Democratic Party is a criminal organization. Bourgeois street-level Democrats are often quite vain about who they are vis a vis the rest of the population, so there will be no acknowledgement of the obvious.
    I don’t think my grandparents’ contemporaries (b. ca. 1900) or my parents’ (b. ca. 1929) had it in them to lie to themselves the way people routinely do nowadays.

  11. It’s 7:30pm have you violated (add here your most heinous form of depravity) a Democrat today?

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