Home » Open thread 8/29/24


Open thread 8/29/24 — 44 Comments

  1. Neo was hitting “post” just as I was writing a comment on last night’s final article, so I will repeat it here because it links to a post by Matt Taibbi that I think is really important in evaluating the current state of the Democrat Party.

    AesopFan on August 29, 2024 at 9:35 am said:
    Addressing the news blackout by the Regime Media, as noted by physicsguy and Paul in Boston, Matt Taibbi’s Substack post today is very much on point.

    One of the reasons I read his work, other than his consistent line of well-informed snark, is that he is a Democrat Liberal of the old days (perhaps huxley will weigh in on that) who is appalled at what has become of “his party” and its prior (alleged) principles.

    This is an important post and definitely RTWT.
    My reaction: having seen what the DNC and Chicago police did in 1968 to suppress dissent within their own party*, why didn’t they transfer the “question authority” mantra to their own leadership and “connected” members?

    The only difference that I can see between now and then is that the Regime Media is totally complicit in the censorship, instead of being just generally biased toward the left (as Taibbi amply demonstrates).

    As the maxim says: When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


    *(There were no “pouncing Republicans” at the time, or Taibbi chooses not to mention them, until Nixon started using the fracas to promote his campaign.)

    AesopFan on August 29, 2024 at 9:35 am said:
    NOTE: I have a late shift today, hence the early comment during breakfast, but probably won’t be catching up to the news again until the week-end. We’re starting to close up shop for the winter.
    I really hate living in interesting times.

  2. Dogs are very discerning, people not so much,

    we saw with the lockdowns, the riots, the election fraud, how they all folded,

    I haven’t forgotten how Taibbi behaved in the Tea Party days, don’t get me wrong,

    this is when the imprimatur was against any stock opponent of Obama, but specially one with wit, and charm,

  3. My wife’s aunt once tried to feed her cat raw hamburger, with messy and hilarious results. Canned cat food is certainly cooked, and so is canned tuna which cats love…but I have seen cats eat some raw vegetables as well.

    Once had a girlfriend whose family who would feed their collie one whole boiled chicken. I had the impression chicken bones were unsafe for dogs but they laughed when I asked about that; the dog, they assured me, had no trouble eating the chicken and leaving the bones. And I have seen a dog eat a golf ball.

  4. The Otter border collies feast almost exclusively on raw chicken and ground beef or turkey. Usually uncooked but sometimes microwaved (in the winter). The health benefits are obvious and substantial. Also, their poops are small, firm, and less frequent. No more of those big squishy poops that dogs produce on a kibble diet.

    I don’t trust Taibbi. Probably never will. I felt the same way about Hitchens.

    P.S. Chicken bones are fine for dogs as long as they are raw. My BCs love them — love the crunchiness. It’s okay to microwave them (the bones not the border collies) but cooked chicken bones are dangerous.

  5. I’m pretty sure the untold story of our privatized state-run media is the change in revenue over the last twenty years.

    Advertising as we old folks are used to the concept does not pay their bills anymore. What pays their bills now is patronage, and a lot of that patronage comes from the government. Government and corporations essentially hand them stories to put their bylines on, as well as a check, with the result that the news as we old folks are used to is replaced by propaganda and marketing.

    Skip the propaganda element for a minute, and check out how many news stories you see online are actually marketing. Sometimes it takes a few paragraphs to get there, but you start to see quotes from people who sell something related to whatever it is the “article” is ostensibly about.

    The people paying for the protests are the same people paying the media. They do not let one get too much in the way of the other.

  6. once upon a time, I subscribed to the Miami Herald, this was back in the Knight Ridder days, and maybe some of the McClatchy period, it was terrible, it’s probably worse then, cage liner, is the most charitable view of it,

    take the New York Times, Carlos Slim’s etch a sketch, the Sunday edition is $6.00 if memory serves, you will find yourself systematically disinformed on everything that matters from Covid to the 2020 elections to the riots,

  7. The Men in women’s sports etc, is a symptom of society’s acceptance of the dogma of the Gender Ideology cult. We fight the symptom , but often fail to confront the dogma behind the symptoms. We are up against a cult that has taken over major institutions in the English speaking world.

  8. you look at the top of the iceberg, yes critical race, diversity and equity, the ingredients of the semiotic cocktail of contructivism, is all in there,

  9. Dogs are scavengers, carrion-eaters. They’ll eat garbage, their own vomit, and their own excrement.

    But in this fin-de-siecle, decadent age, we think our animals are picky eaters, fussing over the taste profile of the curated bags of dry or wet food we put in front of them.

    I submit that an animal that is an opportunistic eater is not eating for taste or pleasure, but because the food is there. The dogs in the video don’t “choose” the raw meat. The eat it because it’s right in front of them and there’s a coin flip chance they eat the cooked meat first.

    Same reason police dogs are mis-named as “canine officers.” Dogs don’t choose to be cops. They’re owned and trained by the police to do tasks, tasks they lack the capacity to understand the concepts of.

    They’re not small people in fur suits. They’re dogs. No matter how domesticated they are, they don’t think like us. They don’t eat like us.

  10. Mitchell Strand:

    And when they get out of line, just give ’em good hard kick in the ribs, eh Mitchell? Preferably with pointy-toed shoes.

  11. I see that the MSM is trying to make much out of the kerfluffle at Arlington, where President Trump went to honor the 13 servicemen who were killed in the Biden Administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. *

    (I note that neither Biden nor Harris went there to honor the memory and sacrifice of these soldiers, presumably because showing up would revive the questions about their abject withdrawal failure.)

    Who knows what the headlines would be if the wrapper from a stick of gum happened to fall out of Trump’s pocket, and on to the ground?

    Disrespect of Mother Earth!! Defiling the very ground he walks on!! Etc. Etc.

    * See, for instance, here at https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2024/08/trump-dishonors-fallen-soldiers-again/679644/

    Or this, at https://apnews.com/article/trump-arlington-cemetery-altercation-18086b03bb1214bc9b6a23f2aaea1c98

  12. ah Charlie Sykes I thought they were going to put some one serious, is Jeff Goldberg really that shorn of talent, thats not a rhetorical question

    I mean Jen Rubin no ones is going to buy anything from that dark elf

    you would think they would have un apice, a shred of remorse for what they put this country through, but no thats not their banana,

  13. I looked at Mark Zuckerberg’s recent ‘Zuckerberg letter’ as a mid to big win for the REPs, some here saw it as the second pull-up after weeks of working on one pull-up, and some here saw it as nothing—just another loser for REPs.

    Have been keeping a humble eye on the story (the good humble eye), and have found Power Line as a good source of new info on the subject.

    The Zuckerberg letter, cont’d – newer info & links from the comment I posted yesterday (?), but this links to that also.

    This looked tastyMark Zuckerberg needs to spill all on how FBI censored Americans – snippets:

    Zuckerberg this week sent a letter that, in a country with a functioning news media, would have major ramifications.

    Zuckerberg’s letter is a stiff poke in the eye to authorities, who brought this on themselves.

    While Jordan has been applying steady pressure to Meta and other platforms for years, pro-censorship authorities of late have been cracking the whip on firms like Zuckerberg’s with increased ferocity.

    This past weekend, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France for failure to roll over with sufficiently canine enthusiasm for European authorities.

    This is a classic Hobson’s choice. (ME: should probably know the meaning of that but don’t)

    Zuckerberg could keep rolling over, ceding more and more control of Meta to government goons, or he could try to convince officials to back off by handing out sample doses of pain.

    In that context, the letter makes sense.

    Officials surely know the Meta CEO has bloodier material to release if he wants.

    The media won’t talk about this censorship, because reporting is done in herds, and no one wildebeest can break formation without screwing things up for the others.

    So they’ll all hold the line, until they all stop holding the line. (ME: juicy looking! 🙂 )

    Zuckerberg’s letter can only be good news. Our idiot ruling junta finally pushed too far, and a man moved to offer authorities a taste of embarrassment can surely be convinced to serve the whole meal.

    Mr. Zuckerberg, can we hear the rest?

    Another link or two in the Power Line update…

    UPDATE: “pro-censorship authorities” and “Our idiot ruling junta” may have accidentally force out a *BIG Rat* – something that I am quite sure they did not intend…

  14. Vivek R. and Benny Johnson discuss the possibility that Biden will “resign” soon, shazam … President Kamala!

    –Benny Johnson, “Vivek Ramaswamy Makes CHILLING Prediction About Biden | Democrats’ ‘WILD’ Plan…”

    Johnson argues that it would painlessly give Democrats immediate bragging rights for the First Female and POC President, pleasing their base.

    Vivek explains it that it gives Americans a chance to think of her as President, thus shores up the Kamala campaign.

    I would add that it allows her to hide out more under the guise of her new duties as POTUS. Of course, she doesn’t have time to give interviews and press conferences. She’s the Leader of the Free World and damn serious about it.

    Hmm … PolyMarket betting reports only 6% odds on Biden’s resignation.

    I’d give it 25% myself.

  15. more likely than not, we would have an invasion of Taiwan, we see how Putin acted after she sashayed into Poland, he threw all his chips on the table, before then, she was in the stew pot of the Kabul capitulations, and well do I have review the whole Hamas cheerleading section that she represents certainly in accordance with the Malley network then we come to the proxy army that hasinvaded this country, on her invitation,

    talk about interesting times, in for a pound, in for a dollar, just bring the Alien invasion into it, as well, just to get it over with,

  16. @ miguel > “in for a pound, in for a dollar”

    LOL – an interesting maxim mash.
    In for a penny, in for a pound (in Britain, even though their money has gone decimal).
    I’ve never heard anyone use an American equivalent: In for a dime, in for a dollar.
    However, there appears to be on, back-formed from the Brits.

    https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › in_for_a_dime,_in_for_a_dollar
    Jun 2, 2024in for a dime, in for a dollar. ( US) Americanized form of in for a penny, in for a pound .

    https://english.stackexchange.com › questions › 9075 › in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound
    English Language & Usage …
    5. In for a penny, in for a pound (idiom): “If something is worth doing then it is a case of in for a penny, in for a pound, which means that when gambling or taking a chance, you might as well go the whole way and take all the risks, not just some.” Americanized form: “In for a dime, in for a dollar.”

  17. From some of the coverage of the incident at Arlington it seems as if some officials there tried to bar a former President from visiting these graves, apparently at the invitation of some of the families.

    Trump hatred apparently runs deep.

    If I were a newly elected President Trump, I’d make sure that the administration over there at Arlington was purged of such petty, partisan bureaucrats.

  18. the hatred for the soldiers runs deep, I don’t know which apparatchik was behind this, bishop garrison, that is his wheelhouse, the cnas ringer that was put in after austin took a powder

    the same press that pretended the bounties to the Taliban were a real thing, who were silent about Abbey Gate, the one who told this would be not be like Saigon, he was inadvertently right, it was much worse he dropped out of the picture, his wingperson won’t answer any questions either,

    Past being prologue all those responsible, move on to the next Malabar front, with the same sense of unearned confidence, but the stakes are apocalyptic if they are wrong,

  19. Zuckerberg is likely under threat, not just pressure from Deep State interests, from the Federal government itself.

    So reasons Mike Benz, just interviewed by Tucker on the meaning of the French arrest of Pavel Durov, who’s super secure and private platform Telegram is the cat’s paw of international interests and our IC.

    Benz says that in his time in the Cyber-security Office of the DOS exposed him to the open conspiracy do immense, against American liberties, that it destroys us. Tucker responds to his tale, “So we’re becoming like Soviet Russia” to the world by exporting censorship to the world.

    Benz says there are programs in the DOS paying vast sums to foreign states to get censorship laws in place in order to stop destabilizing populism from arising, wherever it pops up in the world such as Brazil, Philippines, Italy, and France, the UK, and so on.

    This interview is two hours long. Just go to the 27-40 minute segment to be alarmed and as depressed and outraged as I am.

    That’s the core of this revelation about American tyranny, deliberately — and as policy — internationalizing censorship regimes around the world.

    I hate Hate HATE everything this all means.

  20. Aesop Fan: I had a similar reaction. My first thought was “too bad he didn’t write “in for a penny, in for a mile.”

  21. In re “. . . such as Brazil. . . “, see Musk’s latest Xpost and repost of Schellenburger on the fight between X and the Brazilian State: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1829215766765547623?t=5aIC7Dymbl40vXiod1bHiQ&s=19

    Brazil is now a dictatorship. It is run by two men, President @LulaOficial and Supreme Court Justice @Alexandre de Moraes. They are today ending both freedom of speech and free markets. Brazil is no longer safe for foreign investment and its currency should reflect that.

  22. So Arlington has a no Political Pic taking. Tell that to every P and VP and every other Pol at a wreath laying ceremony. This was just a person full of herself and a Trump hater, trying to mess things up. And she had/has no respect of the families, nor of the Military laid to rest there.

  23. Cats in my experience prefer portions much smaller than that. You need to separate it into morsels for them and some are more tolerant of large morsels than others. The task is simpler with cooked meat, simpler with tuna and salmon than with meat and chicken. With regard to taste preferences cats can vary. We had one for whom chicken was her first love, but salmon was agreeable. She shared digs with a male cat who preferred graham crackers and could not be bothered with what was on our plates. Our current crew insists on no sauce and will enjoy chicken and ham but takes little interest in other things.

  24. it was intriguing when the Norsemen came out, how there were strong suggestion it was a version of Hamlet, which is shorn of the ornament of the Shakespeare tale,

  25. miguel LINK to France24 story — Mike Benz talks about this offer as somehow pending.

    Benz sees the handiwork of the Ukraine War hawks and the surveillance state and IC.

    Why? First, because the Russian military use Telegram to communicate. And thus getting him on our side may open up this super-private social media up to prying and military intelligence. Telegram is used by about 50% of Russians.

    Second, Telegram use by Ukrainians zoomed from 20% to 75%.

    Therefore, Durov’s property in Telegram is of high interest to both Putin and the allies. The possibilities for both spying and counter-intel is huge and obvious.

    Could his arrest and citizenship offer be a pincer move by state interests? It sure looks like it could be. Carrot and stick to end the war favorably?

  26. This article’s author says upfront that he doesn’t have confirmation, but the rumor going around is that Harris’s joint interview with Dana Bash at CNN will run only 18 minutes. There is a clip linked here, in which Harris is asked if her policy positions have really changed since her 2019 presidential run. She doesn’t answer the question, but says her “values have not changed.”


  27. Is there much doubt that people who use this term “values” have little if any notion what it is they’re talking about, let alone where the term has come from and what it is which has been displaced by it? Still, “values” does serve as a succinct signal of soulless vacuity, so I guess there’s that to commend it.

  28. a succinct signal of soulless vacuity

    Thank you for that phrase. Soulless vacuity is the essence of Kamala Harris.

  29. Well …. These were all pets, and pets are fed cooked rations, whether it’s juicy canned food, kibble, or store bought-fresh food. I know a dog trainer pro that feeds her dogs – search & rescue and TV dogs – raw chicken thighs, and swears by it.

    So I wonder if these pets, accustomed to the smell of cooked food, chose… cooked food, because they’re used to it. I wonder if wild dogs or coyotes would prefer the raw meat.

    My own dogs get boiled chicken thighs (no skin), the broth they were boiled in, brown rice, sweet potatoes, squash, and mixed veggies. They are very spoiled and very healthy.

    Of course, unmentioned here is that the cooked food is the better food – the proteins are changed by the cooking and much more beneficial in this form.

  30. cooked food is the better food – the proteins are changed by the cooking and much more beneficial in this form.


    Yes, cooked food is much superior food. In fact, cooking with fire was a huge advance for us homo saps and ancestors going back one million years.

    * Cooked food is much easier to chew and to digest. It takes less time and we don’t need huge jaws and teeth. Nor as large a digestive tract. We extract more calories from cooked food.

    Gorillas may spend 6-8 hours a day eating as much as 40 lbs of plants!

    * The increased caloric intake from cooked food is believed to have fueled the growth of the human brain, which requires mucho calories..

    Yay brains!

    * Cooking also makes previously inedible or toxic food available for the human diet, such as potatoes.

    * Cooking kills bacteria, parasites and other pathogens. We can’t eat raw meat as dogs and cats do. Their stomachs have high acidity and their digestive tracts are shorter (quicker in, quicker out). With cooking we can get the high protein in meat we need without as much risk.

    I’ve read that cats are more likely to prefer raw or lightly cooked meat.

  31. Mitchell Strand,
    Explain why my GSD will eat the cauliflower and leave the broccoli.

  32. You wanna know why the NHIs buzz around in their UFOs, but never actually land on the White House lawn, and introduce themselves?

    It’s because–to them–we’re just entertainment, and not a species they would want to have any serious relationship with as, say, allies.

    And here’s why.*

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86X5Nm7N5p8

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