Home » If you’re watching the Kamala/Walz cameo on CNN …


If you’re watching the Kamala/Walz cameo on CNN … — 35 Comments

  1. Here is a clip about what she would do on day one….not an answer. She mentions that she will implement a bunch of things, including a tax credit. But, she can’t do that via a EO, it has to go through Congress.


  2. She’s not faceplanting, but her answers are so vague and contradictory that it’s like she’s saying nothing at all.
    “My values haven’t changed”…just all my policies?

  3. Actually, I was just on Instapundit and they had some of the interview. What a clusterF. Neither she nor he could answer a question directly. And Bash’s follow up questions were lacking, to say the least.

  4. My God. What a train wreck. But tomorrow in the New York Times you’ll read about how well she did.

  5. Kamala may have peaked already.

    Nate Silver’s recent forecasts for winning the presidency:

    August 14
    Harris: 56.7%
    Trump: 42.7%
    August 29
    Trump: 52.4%
    Harris: 47.3%


    It’s not the specific numbers I’m counting on, but the direction of change.

    Harris has to give voters reasons to turn the numbers around, but darned if I can see what those might be. The giddy relief of dumping Joe and the DNC of Joy are fading.

    Everyone already knows Trump is Bad Orange Man.

  6. Poll averages in 2016 and 2020

    August 27, 2016
    Clinton 46.8%
    Trump 43.6%

    August 27, 2020
    Biden 51.2%’
    Trump 44.0%

    I’m liking Bad Orange Man’s chances.

  7. The DNC and MSM are trying to do an analogy to the “A Face in the Crowd” movie where some radio/TV schemers took an Arkansas good old boy drifter and built him into a huge TV star.

    Not exactly the same, but they are definitely trying very hard to sell a Kamal Harris that doesn’t exist. She is so phony, and has been so phony her entire adult life, that she can’t pull off being authentic or genuine. It’s painful to watch. The DNC and MSM will have pulled off a miracle if they can sell this woman as a being of presidential stature.

    When you go to mark your ballot selections in November, ask yourself, “Am I better off today than I was four years’ ago?” That’s the real question at issue.

  8. Re: “A Face in the Crowd” (1957)


    Thanks for mentioning that movie! By director Elia “On the Waterfront” Kazan, no less.

    Andy Griffith, of Mayberry fame, plays the Arkansas drifter and it’s an Andy Griffith I had no idea existed. Brrr! Guy can act.

    I was discussing the film with a café friend recently. I’ll have to review it soon.


    Patricia Neal
    Anthony Franciosa
    Walter Matthau
    Lee Remick

  9. Didn’t watch the ‘Kaminderella’ interview, and the DEMs MSM reviews seem to be ignoring how bad she was. Right-wing media is naturally critical of her performance.

    Still too early for a true gauge? Probably, but maybe not if my favorite site for unbiased news (for the most part) is accurate:

    ‘Train wreck for Harris’: Kamala is ripped to shreds for ‘word salad’ CNN softball interview as ex-Obama strategist gives brutal verdict ahead of Trump debate showdown

    Did poor ‘Kaminderella’ lose ‘track of time’ and a ‘glass slipper’?

  10. A Face In The Crowd was much closer to the real Andy Griffith than Mayberry Andy. He was always a hardcore communist in real life.

  11. Dana Bash is not an agile, or clever interviewer.

    Most TV pundits are mediocre when it comes to thinking on their feet; Sean Hannity included.

    Megyn Kelley is very good. Former attorney.

  12. JJ…”The DNC and MSM are trying to do an analogy to the “A Face in the Crowd” movie where some radio/TV schemers took an Arkansas good old boy drifter and built him into a huge TV star.”

    There is a 1954 pulp novel, Year of Consent, in which a future US is projected: still nominally a democracy, but in reality run by the ‘communications engineers’–sophisticated advertising and PR men whose function it is to persuade people that they really want what they are supposed to want. When I reviewed this book in 2021, I felt we had moved considerably in that direction: with the Kamala candidacy, we are much closer.


  13. well a liberal democrat, like James Garner, who played a Senator in the Michener Space series, he and Reagan, were both repped by MCA universal, whose founder Jules Stein, was Katrina VandenHeuvel’s grandfather, noblesse oblige anyone, now Ed Asner he was probably a communist, at one point, Martin Sheen in the next generation, he did the narration for JFK

    I do remember that cringe commercial when he teamed up with Ron Howard and Henry Winkler, for that Obama commercial I told you about his early bonafides playing a young Bill Ayers type in the rebel with Sissy Spacek, before Happy Days who a generation later was in JFK, a long term dezinforma project

    the tropes that Kamala uses, are familiar to that dark West Wing offering Scandal, Kerry Washington played a DC fixer, who we discovered her father was a deep state enforcer, and her mother, a terrorist on the run, she helped put in a Kennedyesque GOPe
    Governor played by Tony Goldwyn, who she had a pre existing relationship with all the lefty tropes about Abortion, Election fraud, police brutality, were all in those six seasons, they were all at the DNC maskirovna in Chicago,

    of course in fiction, it has to make sense internally in the real world it is different

  14. “Thar she blows!”

    The Great Orange Whale breaches and takes aim at the Pequod. Stove in they was.

  15. I have been very worried since Kamala was crowned as their standard-bearer for the upcoming election by her party. And I was concerned that the CNN interview by Dana Bash would be such a tongue-bath that Kamala would come out looking presidential.

    That did not happen. I have not watched the entire interview, but the clips I have seen (presumably chosen by CNN as the “best”) were worse than bad. Bash asked a question, then gave Kamala three possible answer to choose from. It was more embarrassing than a tongue bath. It was a cover-up.

    And I have seen three photos clipped from the interview. Kamala’s eyes are terribly ringed, reminding me of alcoholics I have known. Which brings to mind several of my contacts online who have been saying for weeks now that Kamala is an alcoholic. I have a hard time crediting that, because her party (I thought) would be smarter than to nominate an alcoholic. But from the photos I’ve seen from the interview, I am beginning to think maybe she is indeed an alcoholic.

    That would be a disaster. An additional disaster. We already have the disaster of Biden checking out. He doesn’t even come into the office, and his National Security Advisor (Jake Sullivan) is in Beijing right now meeting with Xi.

    Does anyone care what this all looks like? Just horrible!.. We have a president who isn’t even a lame duck any longer — just a dead duck — and a candidate to replace him who doesn’t know what she believes in except for Marxism.

    What a goat-F.

  16. A Face In The Crowd was much closer to the real Andy Griffith than Mayberry Andy. He was always a hardcore communist in real life.
    Take your thorazine.

  17. F,

    I’ve had a few drinks in my day, and been around a lot of intoxicated people on many, many occasions.

    There are definitely times Harris appears precisely as an intoxicated person thinking they are fooling the people around them.

    It’s not like a scared person intimidated by circumstances or the topic. It is like someone with over-confidence fueled by alcohol. She’s not saying anything near as clever as her body language and facial expressions indicate she believes she is saying. It’s that cliche’d, “hold my beer” aversion to risk.

  18. Kamala’s eyes are terribly ringed, reminding me of alcoholics I have known.


    Her whole presentation — eyes, voice, expressions, words, posture — is strange. It just doesn’t add up. She seems to be hiding something and is anxious about it.

    One would think she’s been in the public eye long enough that she would be better at this.

    However, if she doesn’t have the slurring, mood shifts and belligerence I often associate with alcoholics. If I were guessing in a chemical direction, I would say benzos, but with no strong assurance.

    Her manner sure doesn’t inspire confidence .

  19. Not sure about the idea of an alcoholic. My wife and I just lost a very dear friend of over 40 years to mainly cancer, but also to alcohol. He admitted he was a highly functioning alcoholic a few years ago. We suspected, but unless one observed closely, none of the symptoms everyone here has mentioned ever manifested. But then, I guess “highly functioning” may cover it.

  20. Huxley at 12:15:

    You might have it there, but I have absolutely no experience with people taking Benzedrine or any other pills. Would that be better for the nation than alcohol?

  21. they said she did no harm


    All this time the democratic party had to prepare for this years election and this is the fruits of their labor.

    yet, 40% will blindly vote for that

  22. A glance back at two CNN segments of Kamala HaukTuah2024 demanding president DJT’s Twitter account be banned, circa 30 Sept 2019; first with Anderson Cooper, then with JakeTapper.

    This woman is an airheaded, addled tyrant:

    Just a reminder that in 2019 Kamala Harris said that Trump’s “Twitter account should be suspended.”

    “There’s plenty of…evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm.”


    Videos at links

    And Tapper:

  23. Would that be better for the nation than alcohol?


    By benzos I mean benzodiazepines — valium, xanax, et al. — which are prescribed for insomnia, anxiety and seizures.

    I took xanax for six weeks when I first developed tinnitus because constantly hearing non-existent sounds made me very anxious. Xanax allowed me to feel quiet, relaxed and numb inside. Somewhat out of touch with the outside world. I can read Harris that way.

    In addition benzos are quite addictive. Lots of people get in trouble with them. My little sister never got off them (prescribed for anxiety).

    A friend of a friend stole my prescription. I got used to the noise in my head.

  24. The problem with “A Face in the Crowd” is that politicians believe their bullshit. They believe it’s in the service of the greater good. Taking pride in putting one over on the country is common among political consultants, but it’s framed as outhinking the other side. Nobody has to say that the public are ignorant rubes. It’s assumed, and what goes without saying doesn’t have to be — and shouldn’t be — articulated. John and Jane Public are non-player characters in the scenario. Nobody in the game expects them to be told the truth. Andy Griffith wasn’t a communist, but like a lot of TV’s role models, he was a louse in real life.

    “Black Joy” is a book and a movement. It’s similar to gay pride, a celebration of “resistance, resilience, and restoration.” It doesn’t have anything to do with Harris’s gigling and cackling, but the concept seems almost a tailor-made as an excuse and justification for her sorority girl laughing fits. In what we might call “stolen pathos” Kamala Harris’s laughter is portrayed as victory over slavery and Jim Crow. See this CNN article, which strives mightily to make a connnection:


  25. CNN is watched only by stupids and by those in ALL airport waiting rooms.
    Why are air passengers subjected to CNN garbage? Is the FAA in collusion with CNN?

  26. Re: A Face in the Crowd

    I started re-watching it last night. Magnificent! Geez, the B&W cinematography blows me away — like Walker Evans photographs in “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.”

    The script has that earnest 50s-60s feel examining who we are as Americans and how we might do better. I miss that. It seems, as far as Hollywood today is concerned, being an earnest American is to be morally wrong and the right thing to do is Move On.

    The Andy Griffith character is a nasty con artist at the lowest level. He’s not even a scheming leftist. He is exposed at the end.

    Griffith was certainly a liberal. But I don’t know anything about him being a communist or an otherwise terrible person.

    Anyway. Give “A Face in the Crowd” a shot if it comes up. I was shocked that Griffith had much more range as an actor than I had given him credit for.

  27. physicsguy,

    I don’t necessarily mean “alcoholic.” I wouldn’t accuse anyone of that without proper evidence. But on more than one occasion I’ve seen her speak where she appears like some people after having a “shot of courage,” or maybe a glass of wine to “calm one’s nerves.”

    Her tone of voice and body language exhibit an attitude of, “I’m pulling this off. They can’t tell I’m not completely sober.”

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