Home » Caroline Glick on the anti-Semitic takeover of the Democrat Party and a prospective Harris administration


Caroline Glick on the anti-Semitic takeover of the Democrat Party and a prospective Harris administration — 13 Comments

  1. Shouldn’t it be far more concerning—AKA critical—that “Harris” is anti-USA-ic?

    (To be sure, the two are closely related…or put another way, the very same people—in both countries—who are doing their damnedest to take down the USA are those who are rabid about taking down the Zionist Entity….)

    File under: The audacity of utter destruction

  2. Does this T-shirt go too far?

    “[Iconic Hitler picture]
    DEATH to
    Jew Haters”


  3. I, for one, welcome my Zionist controller/overlords. They communicate with me through the ICD (Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) that was recently implanted in my chest. Every morning at 8 AM sharp they wake me with a blast of klazmer music and then tell me what I am to do that day. At night they lullaby me to sleep with Perry Como’s rendition of Sunrise, Sunset.

    My heart is full. Oy.

  4. It is clear, to me at least, that the Democratic Party of the United (“bipartisan”) States has become a neo-Nazi party.Perhaps Biden is the equivalent to Hindenburg, who in his dotage urged Hitler to form a national government.

    It is revolting that Harris is doing so well in the polls, just because her skin is not white plus she is not male.

    America is becoming a Venezuela or a Guatemala, quicker than fast.

    It has become a land of indoctrinated, unquestioning stupids. Maybe our non-border has something to do with that degeneration.

  5. Why have the Democrats so enthusiastically embraced Evil? Is it part of the Left having hate of The Other as a base of their world view?

  6. Democrats are habituated with exercising liberal license to indulge wicked solutions that are part and parcel of their religious philosophy. Progress… Next!

  7. So if we have, say, a democratic county government and some nasty anti-Jewish stuff starts happening. Can we depend on the locals to help out?

  8. Cicero;

    I doubt it’s because Harris is not white and not male; it’s more because she’s not Biden and not Trump.

  9. Pingback:Kamala Harris Against America, Part 11: Hostage Delusions | Stately McDaniel Manor

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