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On Israel’s choices — 18 Comments

  1. There are Arab Jews, and Arab Christians, it only seems that the Islamic Arabs that are filled with an all consuming hate. Make of that what you will.

  2. Unfortunately, events in the US make it clear that the elimination of Jews in general is the goal of the Islamists, not just those in Israel, which is their immediate goal. Nor should Christians think they are exempt from the hatred.

  3. Instead of saying “and that’s why we have no choice,” she should have said “and that’s why we choose not to compromise.”

    She did have a choice. But one of the choices was intolerable and unacceptable.

    Still is.

  4. SCOTT the BADGER:

    I don’t doubt that, on the whole, Arab Christians of Palestinian descent who live in this country are more Israel-friendly than Arab Muslims of Palestinian descent who live in this country. But Arab Christians who still live in Gaza and the West Bank – at least the vocal ones I’ve seen being interviewed – appear just as full of hatred as Muslim Palestinians, unfortunately. They may just be paying lip service to Hamas, etc., because of where they live, and not really feel it in their hearts. But I have no way to determine that.

    Also, Sirhan Sirhan was from a Christian Palestinian background.

    Some history:

    Palestinian Christians have played a role in the anti-Zionist movement and related political violence, both before and after the establishment of Israel in 1948.

    During the 1936-1939 revolt in British Palestine, the Palestinian Arab rebels bore flags with a cross and crescent, symbolizing Christianity and Islam, respectively. At least 282 rebel leaders participated in the revolt, four of which were Christians.

    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) was founded in 1967 by George Habash, a Christian.[64][65][66] Habash once stated that he believed there was perfect harmony between his Christian religion, his Arab nationalism, his Islamic culture, and his Marxist politics. Wadie Haddad, the leader of the military wing of the PFLP, was also Christian. Reportedly, Eastern Orthodox priests would bless PFLP hijacking teams before they set out on attacks.

    Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, came from a Christian family and later changed church denominations several times, joining Baptist and Seventh-day Adventist churches. However, in 1966, he joined the esoteric organization Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross, one of the Rosicrucian Orders.

    A Jordanian Christian, Nayef Hawatmeh, leads a Palestinian organization, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), which broke off from the PFLP in 1969.

    The 1972 Munich massacre was perpetrated by the Black September Organization, which called its operation “Iqrit and Biram”, after two Christian villages whose inhabitants were expelled by the IDF during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Luttif Afif, the commander of the unit that carried out the massacre, was reported to have a Christian father and used the alias “Jesus”.

    The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades has had a Christian presence as well. Two of their militants, Chris Bandak and Daniel Abu Hamama, both Christians from Bethlehem, participated in anti-Zionist violence. Bandak was imprisoned by Israel for shooting at Israeli motorists during the Second Intifada, and was later released in 2011 as part of an exchange for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Daniel Abu Hamama, who was also a senior Tanzim operative, was killed by Israel in 2006. An image was later taken of Hamama’s Christian funeral in Bethlehem.

  5. There is a certain cohort of American Christians who aren’t so generous toward Jews, Israeli or not.

  6. Richard Aubrey:

    American Christians are generally Israel’s best friends and defenders. But go back in time to the early part of the 20th century and before, and the picture is different. And you are correct that there’s a small subgroup of Christians who are still anti-Israel and anti-Jewish. One vocal example would be Candace Owens.

  7. I regret to say that I met some Arabic-speaking Christians who were reflexively anti-semitic. It seems to come from the culture and the language.

  8. We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.


  9. Neo to Richard. Exactly. This is my understanding, too.

    Karmi. Quoting a classic very Gandhi-esque line by Golda Meir, has anyone else seen “Golda”? The biopic out just over a year ago?

    Compellingly played by Helen Mirren, “the film depicts the actions of Golda Meir, the 4th Prime Minister of Israel, during the Yom Kippur War, writes Wiki.

    In a positive review, Matt Goldberg describes the film as “an acknowledgment of sacrifice” and “cold pragmatism leading to the warmth of peace.” [-Times of Israel] In a negative review, the film was described as “typical Israeli propaganda,” by Ramzy Baroud, published in Arab News and Middle East Monitor.

    Critics were, Wiki reports, evenly divided. But at IMDB, the vox popoli vote it virtually a 6 out of 10. I think it’s better than that.

    I’ve only seen half of it on cable TV, the last half. I found it riveting. All the more so because it’s so effective on a small budget. A drama of that historic point and place in time, and the toughest decision-making. And PM Golda, becoming a legend.

    Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HZLQhuEI-o

  10. neo
    That’s some Christians. Not wanting to name denominations, but I’ve been in discussion groups among various churches in town. One, sometimes described as Presbyterians who can afford shoes. No, it’s Presbyterians who can live on their means. Anyway…..if I wore a tee shirt which said, “I STAND WITH ISRAEL” to that church, the prosecutor would probably say I was looking for a fight.

    Nope. The Presbyterians are warning against Christian Zionism and pretty much take Palestinian “news” as, you should excuse the term, gospel.

    The Jews’ safe spaces will be, as I’ve said before, NASCAR events and Baptist churches.

  11. Related?
    Via Bari Weiss:
    “A Palestinian Dissident’s Remarkable Story”—

    Immediately after learning of the October 7 attacks, a young Palestinian living in the West Bank took to social media to convey his horror at what had occurred. He now fears for his life and rarely leaves his family home….

    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Other recent links from Mosaic, which is a remarkable “clearing house” on a wide range of topics focusing on Jews, Judaism and Israel:

  12. Douglas Murray, Brit writer and journalist, has a lot on youtube. Worth watching for his take on Islam and Europe, so forth.
    WRT the current war and Oct 7, he refers to “Me Too” and “Believe All Women”, except, apparently, if they’re Jews.

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