Home » The reaction to RFK’s announcement, plus some thoughts about the DNC production


The reaction to RFK’s announcement, plus some thoughts about the DNC production — 10 Comments

  1. Now that RFK has tossed in his hat for Trump, he will entirely disappear from any mainstream media reporting. Nothing he says, nothing he does will be reported. Any interviews he gives to non-mainstream media outlets will be ignored by the MSM.
    He will be erased from existence.
    This is the norm for communists – oops, I meant demonkrats.

  2. He got negative attention with the brain worm and dead freezer full of road kill i really dont know who was advising him

    Istead of focusing on issues of substance like he did in his speech

  3. My political prediction powers are justifiably suspect. I thought RFK Jr.’s withdrawl and Trump endorsement wouldn’t amount to much. Very much hoping I am wrong and these guys are correct.

  4. I noticed the MSM cutting away. I started watching it on Fox. A couple minutes into the speech I decided to see if the other cable news stations were covering it. As I expected both Newsmax and Newsnation were. As I also expected, msnbc was not. I then went to the most trusted name and surprisingly, they were showing it. A minute or so after he really let into the MSM, I decided to see what CNN was doing. Sure enough, they had broken away completely and were discussing RFKs court filing. As an aside as I was typing this on my phone, I typed both msnbc and CNN in lower case. The autocorrect let me get away with it for msnbc but not cnn, until this last mention.

  5. Kate (4:25 pm) said: “I read the transcript of RFK Jr.’s speech . . . .”

    Kate, I’m glad you pasted the link from yesterday over onto this present thread, because this way, more neophiles will now have access to it, given that it’s a more current thread.

    I was very interested in exactly what RFK was thinking.

    (I believe I am correct in my judging that he is being straightforward in what he’s putting out there. I do not believe he is shading or faking anything à la Harris and that ilk.)

  6. Kamala and the Dems can’t even come through on a promise of an unnamed “Special Guest”… Why would anyone think they can accomplish anything at all.

  7. RFK Jr’s move seems to show genuine concern about the issues he cares about. To be denounced and disavowed by his family is quite remarkable. How do people do that?

    It certainly took some courage for RFK Jr to take this position. It brought to mind this book title, “Profiles in Courage,” written by his unclew John.

    He’s now a pariah in the Democrat world. I think he’s in for a rough time. I admire his courage.

  8. @ J. J. — just a reminder that Democrats lie all the time about everything. Profiles was a great book, but Kennedy didn’t write it — well, he helped a little.

    Search for “was profiles in courage ghost written” top three hits:

    https://www.straightdope.com › 21343607 › did-john-f-kennedy-really-write-profiles-in-courage
    Dear Cecil: Did John F. Kennedy really write Profiles in Courage? I read that there were rumors at the time of its publication that it had been ghostwritten, and that the Kennedy family later conceded as much. Recently I visited Amazon.com and was surprised to see online reviews posted by readers praising the president for his fine writing. Is there any consensus about Profiles in Courage and …RTWT … JFK, not for the first or last time, got credit he didn’t deserve

    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Profiles_in_Courage
    Profiles in Courage – Wikipedia
    Profiles in Courage. Profiles in Courage is a 1956 volume of short biographies describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States senators. The book, authored by John F. Kennedy with Ted Sorensen as a ghostwriter, profiles senators who defied the opinions of their party and constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered …

    https://www.outsidethebeltway.com › sorenson_admits_profiles_in_courage_role
    Sorenson Admits ‘Profiles in Courage’ Role – Outside the Beltway
    Ted Sorenson has finally admitted that he had a large role in writing Profiles in Courage, for which John F. Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize as a solo author. According to a Wall Street Journal …

  9. Thanks for the rest of the story, AesopFan. I had long forgotten the flap over JFK’s ghost writer.

    I remembered this part “……profiles senators who defied the opinions of their party and constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered….” That’s about what RFK Jr. has done. He’s not a senator, but he’s a well-known public figure.

    Also, ironic that the Kennedy family, which at one time was what we would call moderate Democrats, is willing to disown a family member for exhibiting the courage that JFK admired. (Whether he wrote the book or not) It’s an example of how far left the Dems have gone since the 1960s.

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