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Excellent point — 14 Comments

  1. Chicago’s mayor recently linked the city’s current gun violence and unlawfulness to LBJ’s being “mocked” out of office which lead to a rollback of his Great Society after Nixon’s election in 1968. In other words, if the conservatives could have just been kept at bay there would be no social ills today. And there are plenty of buyers of this tripe. Facts, reality and truth are merely speedbumps en route to their goals.

  2. Reinforces my conviction that Democrats are, in effect, neo-Nazis.
    Democrats are the party of liars.
    But they control the MSM, i.e., the “news”, which they feed to the American critters. Goebbels has arisen in the form of the MSM, e.g. the NY Times.

  3. Tyler Perry’s other brother, that what Johnson looks like, well since 1968, there have been as many democrats and republicans in office, and in Chicago, democrats all the time, turtles all the way down,

  4. I just loved the expressions on the rest of the panel. It was “how dare you, how dare you” tell us the truth. That is just not acceptable.

  5. I too am struck by the facial expressions on the other panelist’s faces. Confronted with an unexpected truth, a brief moment of unspoken honesty. Starting on the left, Axelrod is unruffled having calculated all the political angles. Clearly she hasn’t a clue. Cooper and Van Jones(?) stunned… “how dare you, how dare you” speak the truth… indeed.

  6. While watching Kamala last night I found myself, again, yelling at my computer screen over this very point.

    How can she talk about her election changing things, when she and the Dem leadership have been power for the past four years, as well as the eight before Trump?

  7. One party states know how to play the change card. The old leaders are purged and the new ones bring hope, change, joy, youth, and a spring thaw — all without the party losing its grip on power or anything changing very much. Sometimes a more serious “reformer” takes charge, someone whose first priority isn’t securing the party’s hold on the country, and then the party is in real trouble. That point hasn’t come yet.

    “Living has become better, comrades. Living has become happier. And when life becomes happier, work becomes more effective. …” — Joseph Stalin, 1935

  8. @ Abraxas > …”And when life becomes happier, work becomes more effective. …”

    In other words, the beatings will continue until morale improves.


    Stalin may have read Voltaire as well (per the link):
    Mais dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de tems en tems un Amiral pour encourager les autres.

    But in this country it is good to kill an Admiral from time to time to encourage the others.

  9. That’s the most galling thing about all this gaslighting–these creeps have been in charge & can’t stand on their successes–because they don’t have any!

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