Home » Open thread 8/21/24


Open thread 8/21/24 — 39 Comments

  1. I actually have to go to the dentist at noon today.

    One thing that always gets me about these is the way they love to say “Medieval” about things that were true in the time of Pericles and of Jefferson. Just clickbait. Note that in one case the device was used from the 14th to the 18th C. Which is to say, late Medieval, Renaissance, and Enlightenment.

    One of my professors said that the reason we speak of the “Dark Ages” is that we know little about them. And of course careless people use the term for anything before 1500.

  2. also because the Renaissance was wonderful well after the Black Plague everything would be, there is an air of presentism, in their thinking

    Michael Crichton’s Timeline showed a more nuanced view of the era,

  3. Has any actual Medieval historian had any praise at all for Manchester’s book? Every one I’ve seen slammed it with the Perry Mason Trifecta: Incompetent, Irrelevant, Immaterial.

  4. Eeyore,

    I’m also undergoing a dental adventure. Dentist spotted a shadow under my back right lower molar; said it was an infection. Sent me to an endodontist for a root canal. Saw him yesterday, After doing a 3d scan, he said tooth has a crack so root canal will not help, and tooth must be pulled. Now have an appt with oral surgeon in 3 weeks for extraction. Old teeth. My mother also said I was cursed with her teeth which were always weak. My wife and her sisters all have teeth made of iron. Never any cavities, never any problems at all. Genes….

  5. JNS:

    Iran and its Lebanese terrorist proxy Hezbollah have reportedly threatened to attack Israel if an agreement is not reached. They had pledged revenge for the assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders late last month, but were reportedly holding off on any retaliation so as not to be seen as scuppering a potential ceasefire.


    Apart from the fact that Hezbollah and Iran are already attacking Israel every single day, let them attempt whatever “attack” is imagined here and we’ll see how the ensuing wider war they’re hoping to avoid works out for them. I dare say it won’t (and shouldn’t) go well.

  6. well they could escalate, tomorrow is the 17th of Safar, they are certainly willing are the capable, i expected JNS to show a little more self awareness, unless they are paraphrasing someone else,

    who thought israel could pull a trifecta with sakr haniyeh and the other guy,

  7. Hilarious! That is, the “shock” of reaction in the leftist Israeli media is what’s hilarious. Ditza Or’s suggestion is far more sober and justly appropriate, in my view:

    Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar should free all 109 hostages in Gaza in exchange for the children of five senior Israeli leaders in the security sector, Ditza Or, mother of hostage Avinatan Or, said Tuesday to Channel 12’s Avri Gilad and Yair Cherki.

    “I suggest you return the 109 hostages and, in return, receive only five hostages,” she said. Or offered to exchange the five children of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) head Ronen Bar, Military Advocate General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, and Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon for all the hostages.


  8. I find it interesting that much of the Middle Ages medicine was of Muslim origin.
    One of the book series that I use to read was in the MA in England. A Chapman (sold things like needles, thread, scarves, etc. door to door) used thin pieces of Willow Bark to clean his teeth.

  9. Fun facts:

    – Cause of death for most aged predators in the wild is attributable to tooth decay, i.e., the complications thereof.

    – The ancient Egyptians took breath mints for bad breath.

    – Because of the high quality of Roman Army medicine (as well as a healthy diet, advanced sanitary/sanitattion practices, physical activity, etc.), which in certain key respects surpassed that of modern military medicine up to the First World War, and which was built on a very solid foundation of Greek and Ancient Egyptian medicine, the general health and lifespan of the Roman Legionary, even in the period of the early Republic, was better and longer than most Roman citizens, The chief dangers to his health and survival were, wouldn’t you just know, German barbarians and suchlike folk.

    Their good health was also reflective of their dental hygiene.

  10. Good news from the Wyoming primary yesterday

    Wyoming Freedom Caucus Has Huge Republican Primary, Could Gain 11 Seats
    Tuesday’s Wyoming Republican Party was huge for the Freedom Caucus. Should candidates that align with the group win out in November, it could gain 11 seats in the Wyoming House.

    The Wyoming Legislature will look distinctly different when it convenes for its 68th session in January.
    In Tuesday night’s Republican primary, longtime legislators went down left and right.
    Most notable was House Speaker Albert Sommers, R-Pinedale, who lost his bid for Senate District 14 to Kemmerer resident Laura Taliaferro Pearson by 156 votes. Sommers had served in the Legislature since 2013.

    All together, Cowboy State Daily has determined that the Freedom Caucus on Tuesday won the potential to gain 11 seats in House if candidates that align with the group win out in the November general election. This includes uncontested primary wins by Sheridan resident Laurie Bratten and Casper resident J.R. Riggins.
    State Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, the second longest serving member of the Wyoming House, also lost his bid for reelection to an 11th term in the House to a Freedom Caucus candidate. Zwonitzer had been serving since 2004.
    Other incumbents who lost on Tuesday in similar fashion included Reps. Tom Walters, R-Casper, and Ember Oakley, R-Riverton.
    The Freedom Caucus has typically taken a no-compromises approach to issues like transgender issues, abortion and property taxes. It also has cast a suspicious eye on many longtime legislators.
    If the Democrats don’t gain any seats in the general election, this will give the Freedom Caucus a clear majority of not only Republican seats but also the Wyoming House.

  11. Bob Wilson,

    It’s good to hear incumbents being sent out. I’d much prefer term limits by law at both the state and national level, but by the vote is a second choice. I don’t think any politician of either party needs to make a career out of politics. For DC, I think that’s a root cause of the corruption that is rampant.

    From a former neighbor…grew up in Denver, also went to CSU for grad school, and was friends with a former Miss Cheyenne Frontier Days. I love Wyoming.

  12. When I was a kid I routinely would have 10 to 15 cavities / year.
    The dentist I went to – for whatever reason – always used the old-style, cable driven drills. These drills rotate in slow motion . Because I was scared of needles, I suffered through all of this without anesthesia.
    When he drilled, I could literally smell my tooth burning as well as feeling the pain.. It was a horrible experience.
    I know now that it was eating / drinking sugary drinks that gave me all those cavities. I haven’t had a cavity now in many years.

    And speaking of dental flossing: its been over 100 years since dental flossing has been recommended. So I figured that there must be many many controlled studies that demonstrate the efficacy of dental flossing.
    Well, I was wrong.
    The studies I found online were all pretty much the same; no benefits were found as compared to those who do not floss.
    Who would have thunk it??

    The worst experience as an adult I had at the dentist was getting a root canal. That was really rough going.
    It was much tougher than getting one of my molars pulled out. The pliers used to yank my molar looked remarkably similar to those one finds in the tool section of Home Depot.

  13. More good news, this time from Pennsylvania

    RNC Scores Voter Integrity Win in Key Swing State
    The Republican National Committee scored a major legal victory in Pennsylvania this week, boosting ballot integrity in the state just weeks before early voting for the 2024 presidential election is set to begin. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley shared the news on Tuesday.

    After a court battle, a Pennsylvania judge affirmed that incomplete mail ballots without required “secrecy envelopes” will not be counted.

    The RNC is engaged in election integrity battles in states across the country and recently petitioned the Supreme Court to stop illegal immigrants from voting. Republican Attorneys General have signed on to the effort.


  14. actually I found the crown more grueling than the root canal when I had one in 2010, one I had 10 years later was not so bad,

  15. Mine actually went very well. After Friday went badly. So good luck to you physicsguy. (My mother had bad teeth, too.)

  16. The studies I found online were all pretty much the same; no benefits were found as compared to those who do not floss.
    Who would have thunk it??

    Not me. I was supposed to have oral surgery for receding gums. A dental hygienist suggested I get a water flosser. I did and used it for six months. The dentist was amazed that I no longer needed the surgery. I’ve used it ever since.


    Alameda, class of ’70 in Lakewood. Just 3 years ago they tore the original building down that was was just 5 years old when I went there. I know some of my classmates who still live in Denver, went there and got some pieces of the old school before it all went away.

    My father was a Denver native, went to South, and a DU grad.

  18. The studies I found online were all pretty much the same; no benefits were found as compared to those who do not floss.
    I think you need a better bibliographer.

  19. A review of the absentee ballot process in Oklahoma indicated that we have a solid process. This is a link to a 3 page exec summary of the process.


    A standard absentee ballot has to be notarized and be at the county election board by 7 pm on election day. Members of the county absentee voting board will go to nursing homes and vet centers to do the verification, which prevents anyone with a notary seal to go in and essentially do ballot harvesting, which is illegal in OK.

    About 80% of voters go vote on election day since it is usually easier to go in person. We have 1,984 precincts which is about 2,000 residents per precinct, so rarely have long lines or lack of supplies. I vote around 10 am, to avoid any crowds due to pre and post work times as well as lunch/dinner times.

    We have voter id but photo is not required since the voter registration card will do. But, most people just pull out the driver license. Vote on paper ballots, scan in optical reader, no internet connection, ballots retained for at least 2 years. In OK County, a lot of the voting is at churches since they usually have adequate meeting rooms as well as large parking lots. One year, a tornado damaged a polling place but, they had a nearby replacement site identified within a day.

    Results start posting at 7 pm for the early voting (2.5 to 3 days prior to election day) as well as for the absentee ballots. The in person results start rolling in by 8 pm and usually finished by 10-11 pm.

    I’d be interested in reading how other states do the voting…

  20. Liz, in NC we are much the same, although we have a longer early voting period courtesy of the Fourth Circuit Appeals Court which insists than anything less than two weeks or so is “racist.” Photo ID required. Notarization of absentee ballots mailed in is not required, but the ballot must be requested (no mass mailings) and the return envelope has a special outer envelope for a photocopy of the voter’s photo ID. Those lacking the ID and signatures are not counted. Mailed absentee ballots must be received by close of voting on Election Day.

  21. Physicsguy, many of the Republicans tossed out in the Wyoming primary were rinos. A lot of this is due to activist Andy Roth, who founded the state freedom caucus Nettwerk
    There’s still a lot of work to be done in Wyoming. In this state with a huge energy industry, their Rino governor, Mark Gordon, is a dedicated climatista. The freedom caucus in the legislature is fighting back, but will have to wait a couple years to kick Gordon out.

  22. RE: Lue Elizondo on the UFO Phenomena

    (The evidence is there, we are not alone and, perhaps, never have been, and this Reality has to be acknowledged by us, and by “the powers that be,” so that a new consensus reality can come into being, and a response by us humans can be created.)

    Lue Elizondo’s much anticipated book about the UFO Phenomenon, “Imminent,” has just been released, and I’m almost all the way through the audio version.

    If you want to gain a thorough and authoritative overview the UFO Phenomena and it’s implications from a government insider, this is the book—recent history of the subject, details of selected cases, information about the 80 year government cover up, current theories about how UFOs are able to accomplish their incredible “out of this world” maneuvers, and speculations about what the evidence tells us about whether the Non Human Intelligence (NHI) or Intelligences operating these UFOs are benign, neutral, or malevolent.

    Whatever their intent–the operations of these UFOs in our human airspace, over our cities and towns, near both our military and commercial aircraft, over and in our oceans and hovering around our warships, and particularly over sensitive nuclear research and storage facilities, over military bases, over and interfering with ours and the Russian’s ICBM fields and launch systems, over military exercises, deployments, and combat operations, in near Earth orbit and, very likely, beyond–present the U.S. and the entire world with potential threats which need to be thoroughly investigated, somehow understood, and dealt with, and done so not several decades down the road, but now, and urgently.

    If understanding and solutions are to be found, a large part of the information which has been gathered about this subject–and been kept secret–needs to able to be examined by the world’s entire scientific community, so that not just a few scientists, but an army of our “best and brightest” can gain the knowledge and understanding which will enable them to create our human response to this Phenomena, and to the Non Human Intelligences which operate them.

    This book will hopefully push both Disclosure and government action forward.

  23. Open Thread mid week – War in Russia (karma is a *itch, Vladdy):

    Ukraine can face a bigger Russian army – Anders Puck Nielsen


    0:00 Intro
    0:35 Ukraine’s goals
    1:57 Russia’s military dilemma
    3:22 Making the frontline longer
    5:13 Putin’s political dilemma
    5:57 Three groups of soldiers
    8:04 A trend toward escalation
    9:08 Engaging the conscripts
    11:39 Diversion from Ukraine frontline
    12:20 Ukraine will face a conscript army

  24. The canceling of “The Acolyte” season 2 is another Bud Light.

    It was based on a fan revolt not to watch it, to criticize it relentlessly on social media and to sink the audience ratings below 20%.

    The show’s first season cost Disney over $180 million. The writer/director Leslye Headland and star actress Amandla Stenberg have lost millions in future work with Disney. They have likely crippled their careers in the meantime.

    Kathleen Kennedy, CEO of Lucasfilm, wanted “The Acolyte” to be the happy win upon which she could retire with satisfaction. Now, rumors are that half the Disney Board wants her out this year. She’s lost enough money and ruined two huge franchises — “Star Wars” and “Indiana Jones.”

    Our friend, Critical Drinker, and his wingman, Nerdrotic, led the charge against Disney and were … critical … in attracting Elon Musk’s attention to Disney’s capitulation to the “woke mind virus” as Musk calls it. Here Drinker does a bit of grave dancing:

    –The Critical Drinker, “No More Acolyte For You, Rebel Scum!” (4:18)

    Frankly, I’m a bit surprised Critical Drinker is still alive. Fella like that could get hit by a car or shot by a mad trans person. It wouldn’t surprise me if Drinker has taken some precautions. Hope so.

  25. Re: RFK Jr. dropping out, maybe supporting Trump

    A betting website shows the odds of RJK Jr dropping out have jumped from 50% to 97% in the past two days.


    Furthermore, it seems the RFK Jr. people have a bit of a grudge against the Dems….

    Robert Kennedy Jr.’s running mate suggests ticket may drop out, join forces with Trump to stop Harris

    …However, [Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr. VP] accused the DNC of sabotage.

    “They have banned us, shadow-banned us, kept us off stages, manipulated polls, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state, they’ve even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it and to create actual legal issues for us,” she said.


    2024 … it was a very strange year.

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