Home » A must-see Caroline Glick video


A must-see Caroline Glick video — 5 Comments

  1. Excellent commentary (as usual) by Glick, but even so at least 48 percent of the voting electorate will vote for Harris.

    At the end of the day I have to wonder at the purpose of her videos. What does Glick hope to accomplish with them?

    Maybe she wants to go on the record with her views. When archaeologists three thousand years or more in the future unearth her videos from the forlorn apocalyptic ruins of our civilization they might perhaps help them to understand what happened to the world.

    Or not.

  2. IrishOtter:

    I believe her purpose is threefold. As you say, she wants to go on record with her views. But she also wants to give the details – details she knows the Western press either isn’t covering or is distorting or outright lying about – to those who might listen with an open mind. In addition, she wants to galvanize her listeners to spread the word either by sending out links to the videos, or using the facts therein to argue with others who might have a different point of view and be ignorant of the facts.

  3. Well, God love her and may her efforts bear fruit. Bountifully, in great quantity.

    I’m not one of those, however, who try to spread the word. I won’t talk politics anymore, except with my conservative older brother. I don’t even talk politics with my conservative friends. No need. I don’t believe political conversations have any utility and I certainly don’t find them enjoyable. Tomorrow I’m driving to Wisconsin to attend a sheepherding clinic with my border collie. I won’t be talking politics at all. Mostly I’ll be talking with other attendees about the best way to train your border collie to gather and fetch sheep. And of course I’ll be working with my dog. She doesn’t care about politics. All she cares about is working, and pleasing me. Mostly.

    It’s a very sane enterprise, overall.

  4. Blinken: US won’t accept a long-term occupation of Gaza: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/en/news/394930

    “US Secretary of State speaks in Doha, says the Gaza ceasefire deal needs to get done in the coming days and the US, Egypt and Qatar will do everything possible to get Hamas on board.”

    “US”, while a seeming “long-term” entity, isn’t so much in this context now is it?

    The point being, Israel may innocently find itself in “occupation” of “Gaza” well beyond the term of Biden’s current administrative misrule of American foreign policy, only to discover that the hostile Biden government has been replaced by an administration come next January which looks with positive favor on Israel’s happenstance possession of those territories and the political management of them along with their extant population. Secretary Blinken, god forgive him, is an extremely silly man.

  5. I have a proposal for a ‘day after’ plan for Gaza.

    Just do what the Romans did to Carthage after the Third Punic War.

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