Home » Cornhead goes to a Walz rally so you don’t have to


Cornhead goes to a Walz rally so you don’t have to — 33 Comments

  1. I just was on the Clay and Buck radio show and I cited this blog.

    That should drive some traffic!

  2. wow thats almost worthy of combat pay, and in omaha, you would think there would be more sane people, it’s a selective audience I know,

    it takes a studied level of ignorance of reality to come to that conclusion, its like promoting this twisted fireman from fahrenheit with some gender twisting creep for a rancid Dr Seuss,

  3. That Harris/Walz have a good chance of ruling us from D.C., along withthe millions of tenured Federal employess who are 95% Democrats basically tells me the USA, the American Republic, is dead, replaced by socialists/communists wearing the Dem label.

  4. “adults should make decisions based upon facts and reality and that means hearing inconvenient truths about public safety under Governor Walz.”


    You were addressing typical Democratic voters. As far as I can tell, they happily live in a fantasy world and you attempted to break open their little crystal palace. They didn’t appreciate their fantasy being challenged. I can just hear that husband in my mind with his secure knowledge that he is so much more intelligent and mature than you. I’ve met many of them.

  5. The thing of it is, adults should make decisions based upon facts and reality and that means hearing inconvenient truths about public safety under Governor Walz.

    Dealing with such things would require facing some rather painful cognitive dissonances. It’s far easier to remain delusional and emotional and just lash out at anyone who dares to challenge your worldview, insulting them. Remaining impervious to reason in the face of mountains of contradicting evidence requires a zealotry that’s almost religious.

  6. So Ed Asner’s illegitimate son is talking about banning books, i.e. silencing ideas someone doesn’t like. Victor Davis Hanson has a column today at American Greatness about the left and projection, and what Walz is doing is precisely that. He’s the one who wishes to squelch ideas he finds distasteful.

    Between that and Harris’ remarks about seizing patents from their owners, it’s pretty clear the left feels that they no longer have to hide their neo-communist plans.

  7. Physicsguy:

    If you want some good laughs, go to the Omaha Public Power District YouTube page. Today or tomorrow, OPPD should post the video of the August 15th Board meeting. I appear twice and both times I take down those libs who *feel* that if tiny OPPD (revenue of $1.5b) achieves net zero by 2050, then the Planet will be saved by 2100.

    I’ve previously told them about the Nobel Prize winner’s opinion about CAGW and the Board is not with Dr. James Clauser. They go with Michael Mann and the other frauds.

    Over the past three years I’ve told these Green Zealots that CAGW is the biggest scam in the world and they won’t hear of it. They can’t even look me in the eye. Dave Begley is just too much to handle!

  8. well that last was in 2019, who knows what lunacy she has put forward since,

    they need to let some of Marlin Perkins rampaging horde into that meeting just to make sure,

    there is no such thing as Net Zero, Carbon is in everything, would stoning them work, would that enter their thick skulls

  9. Cornhead,

    Climate change is a religion disguised as science. They will naturally reject you as an atheist. I’ve had numerous exchanges where I just present peer reviewed, published data, some even from NOAA, that basically shows the whole premise is wrong. The result? I’m a “bad scientist” who can’t understand that 99% of the rest of scientists are right and I’m wrong. I bring up the Oregon Project; of course those 10 of 1000s of scientists who signed on are also wrong. I’m sure that husband and wife at the rally are also regular attendees at the Green Church.

    50% of the US is nuts, and there’s no way to break through to them.

  10. physicsguy:

    I fully understand how the Greens won’t accept the facts, science and data on CAGW. At one OPPD meeting, I cited the model results for net zero in WI and MN as done by the Center of the American Experiment. The model shows black outs in January. That means people will die. I then did an appeal to emotion about unnecessary deaths and quoted Clint Eastwood and that didn’t work either. (It’s a hell of a thing killin’ a man. Take away everything he has and everything he will have.”)

    The super frustrating thing is that Nebraska law required that only low cost and reliable power be produced. Solar and wind are neither. The lawyer for OPPD is a friend from Creighton undergrad.

  11. All of those voters who are drinking the Harris-Walz cool-aid, and hankering for the promised Utopia, should have to view a five minute talk, “Why I Left Utopia,” by Konstantin Kisin on PragerU on YouTube.

  12. Thanks for enduring torture to spread the word for the greater good, Cornhead.

    Walz got about 2,000 in Omaha. Harris got no more than 250 here in Raleigh on Friday, and some of those were news people and Democrat politicians.

  13. Continually mystifying to me: how a significant number of people vote for harris-waltz make believe while intentionally blinding themselves to its consequences.

  14. The consequences do not bother them. What bothers them is people like you and me. This will not end well.

  15. “What bothers them is people like you and me.”

    Wow, AD…best succinct summary of the other 50% I’ve ever seen.

  16. Art

    I know it will not end well. Fortunately I have been in those kinds of places and have experienced to draw from.

  17. “50% of the US is nuts, and there’s no way to break through to them.” physicsguy

    Anti-Israel Columbia students call for “total eradication of Western civilization”.

    It is not a sustainable strategy to sit high up in a tree, while sawing off the branch upon which one sits.

  18. @ Cornhead in re a line in your post:
    “Several times the crowd broke into a chant, “We’re not going back.” I guess these same people wouldn’t like to go back to the grocery and gasoline prices of the first Trump term.”

    I suspect this refers to a new protest song with the refrain “We’re not going back!” meaning “back to the Bad Old Days of 2016-2020” because under Trump again everything will become what the Democrats fear, as detailed in your record from the rally.

    This X post was written by someone reacting to a video of a bunch of Seniors for Harris singing that song, and was linked by someone here at Neo a few days ago.


    To be fair, the singers did have the Good Old Sixties Sound, and may have been professional artists back in the day. If they hadn’t been singing about totally fictitious “consequences” it would have been better.

    Makes me wonder how many protest songs of their/our own time were pushing fake causes.

  19. Cornhead asking an uncomfortable question at a Walz rally. Way to go, Corhead.

    Will he ever get that question from a “journalist?” Probably not. Which is what’s wrong with the MSM today.

  20. The Democrats are the AWFUL party: Affluent White Female Urban Liberal.

    They are the most privileged and coddled demographic in human history, and they continue to believe that they are oppressed and downtrodden.

  21. DFirst, thank you Cornhead for going to the rally and once again showing the tolerance of the Left.
    Talking about protest songs, I’ve come to believe that the America we live in is perfectly described by “Don’t Get Fooled Again” by the Who.

    A thought on climate change. It doesn’t matter if the climate is changing naturally or not. What always bugs me is the hubris that people think it can be changed back. How we going to do that? If a dam breaks it’s not going to do any good to stop the water flowing into the reservoir.

    I wish we were as smart as our ancestors. When the climate changed they adapted. When praying to their gods failed. They adapted or died.

  22. it is arrogance that we are masters of the universe, instead of their play thing, hence the ridiculous skydragon conceit, why they slandered judith curry and they tried to bankrupt mark steyn,

    yes musicians are often out to lunch, see don henley, in the ‘end of the innocence’ whining about reagan back in ’89, i think thats’ the gist of it,

  23. 6 degrees in 100 years, or 2 degrees in 300 years, are both global warming, but the latter is not a crisis.
    Nobody in America should be dying because of droughts, or floods—because those natural disasters can be mitigated by engineering. Which is what we need more of, whether there is global warming or not, to accommodate the natural climate change.
    Thanks, Dave / cornhead for going & trying—do you have a name preference?

  24. It seems the only people who like Harris and Walz are people who know nothing about them. And idiots. But mostly people who don’t know anything about them.

    The MSM has gone full “1984” at this point. I know that’s a cliche now, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Trump is Emmanuel Goldstein. And this is the reality of 90%+ of Democrat voters. Almost everything coming out of the MSM is a flat-out lie, and even the few true things they say are only part of their manipulation. As jaded as I am, I’m still amazed at how much worse they are than they were in 2008.

    Meanwhile, voting Democrat risks economic collapse, and literally World War III. We are deep into “Weak men make hard times” territory.

  25. Tom:

    I go by Dave, but for some reason on this blog I picked Cornhead and it has been Cornhead ever since.

  26. 1st night of the Democrat convention was big on unions–and of course, abortion. What unions are they referring to? Private sector unions are no where near the power they once had in size or political influence. So that leaves what, public sector unions? These are gov’t employees whose salaries are paid with our taxes. No wonder the Democrats always want more power & money.

  27. In two weeks school is back and they won’t be able to bus in teachers to weekday events.

    The thing is, Kamala was so widely disliked for reasons that haven’t changed. Even hiding from the press, people will remember. She cannot handle a tough questioner.

    And Tim the Tampon Tyrant was not well liked, either. Too many people get a creepy vibe from him, and people who know him know what a putz he is. He’s brittle and will not stand scrutiny well.

  28. FOAF

    But the time is coming when they will. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

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