Home » Open thread 8/17/24


Open thread 8/17/24 — 36 Comments

  1. Saturday morning musings:

    If you haven’t been by Drudge in awhile, you might want to take a look. I visit Drudge, CNN, and MSNBC everyday to see what’s up. Drudge is the worst. For the last month it’s screaming how Kamala has won, Trump is in decline and suffering from dementia, etc etc. Even the other two can’t match it.

    On a more interesting note: article over at TH where Vespa quotes and article from The Hill on a possible last minute trump (pun intended) card the Ds could play. Basically in September, if things are not going that well for Harris, Biden resigns and she takes over as POTUS. Add in a crisis that she “handles” and she breezes through the election. I found it to be a plausible scenario given Biden’s health, and the general scheming that the Ds are known for.


  2. It’s apparent the Matt Drudge sold the site to parties unwilling to acknowledge they bought it to take a piece off the board and that his silence was part of the deal. Students of Drudge maintain he was a man who loved gossip of all kinds and never had any sort of political commitments. He had a starboard audience because he was not selective in to whom he would link.
    Drudge is a most peculiar character and fully merits a full dress biography. That may have to wait a while as at age 57 he has some years left.

  3. I don’t know about the plan to remove Biden, although they could try. I think it’s likely the rogue NYC judge will throw Trump in prison next month. He might be there for a few days while his appeals are heard.

  4. “[I]n September, if things are not going that well for Harris, Biden resigns and she takes over as POTUS. Add in a crisis that she “handles” and she breezes through the election.”

    Her ‘handling’ a crisis would be the weak link in that scheme.

  5. Good post, David Foster. I would add that in a large number of cases the people who are phobic about “Christians and rednecks” are also Jew-haters.

  6. You can also find the first political video ad, “The Old Way and the New,” a silent film paid for by the DNC to promote Woodrow Wilson’s 1912 presidential campaign. It’s amazing how little the political myths and tropes have changed since then. Republicans were all plutocrats and Democrats were for the little guy. There may have been truth in that then, but it’s hardly the case today.



  7. Paradoxically/ironically, Doctor Jill may end being the heroine of the story.
    She can’t be happy about losing her chance to avoid irrelevance come January, and she has many beans to spill. The Ds can’t do anything that pisses her off, less she have a conversation with Seymour Hersh that ends up on the front page of the NYT.
    I’m not worried that they will arrange for Biden to resign in October, for this and other reasons, including that our adversaries foreign and domestic may use her sudden ascension as a trigger to raise some mischief, giving her a chance to F things up even more than they are, and hand the election to Trump.

  8. Our county fair is running this week and for the second? year there was a shooting in the carnival area last night- presumably gang related, though not from the current illegal invasion.
    We have had a gang problem for years. Mostly gang wannabes but still lethal. The local LEO’s have done a good job of tamping it down, but it still boils up from time to time.
    Not much official information, but scuttlebutt has it the shooter was 13 and the victims were two girls 12 and 5. There condition is not known but at least one of the injuries would appear to not be life threatening based on where she was shot (arm/shoulder)
    My wife was working in one of the exhibit barns (arts and crafts) and said she saw a tidal wave of people running down the midway, away from the carnival. Luckily, at appears there were no injuries from that melee.
    The fair is offering free admission today, and anybody that had tickets bands will get 25 free rides in exchange. Wonder what attendance will be today?

    Welcome to life in the 21st century.

  9. Funny how people who otherwise wouldn’t dream of uttering an ethnic slur, such as “wop” or “chink” or “bohunk”, will speak freely of “rednecks”.

  10. “That [biography] may have to wait a while as at age 57 he has some years left”

    Gee, hadn’t Obama already written two or three autobiographies by the time he was in his 40s?

  11. From the Althouse post: “Spending more time with machines than humans means their conversational skills might be a bit… out of date.”

    I don’t think anyone runs a large organization without spending a whole lot of time with humans.

  12. Kate..”I would add that in a large number of cases the people who are phobic about “Christians and rednecks” are also Jew-haters.” Absolutely. But there are a whole lot of people, Jews and others, who refused to recognize this and still consider anti-Semitism as a largely right-wing phenomenon.

    More understandable in the case of older people, as Dissafected pointed out in the post that I linked. (I had an older relative who told me that ‘big companies’ would not hire Jews or black people. This was only about 10 years ago)

    But seems to be the case with a lot of younger people, also.

  13. I would add that in a large number of cases the people who are phobic about “Christians and rednecks” are also Jew-haters.


    Randy Newman is an interesting case. He’s an LA showbiz Jew who bottom line reviles conservatives yet back in the 70s he put out a brilliant album, “Good Ole Boys,” which was his defense of Southerners.

    He had spent part of his childhood in New Orleans and still had a love for the place and the people. He felt the South was being wronged and he stood up.

    Last night, I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show
    With some smart-ass New York Jew
    And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox
    And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too
    Well, he may be a fool, but he’s our fool
    If they think they’re better than him, they’re wrong
    So I went to the park and I took some paper along
    And that’s where I made this song

    Now, your northern nigga’s a Negro
    You see, he’s got his dignity
    Down here, we too ignorant to realize
    The North has set the nigga free

    Yes, he’s free to be put in a cage in Harlem in New York City
    And he’s free to be put in a cage on the south side of Chicago
    And the west side, etc….

    –Randy Newman, “Rednecks ” (1974)


    Obviously this song would be impossible to create today.

    This was an important album when I was a young leftist hippie who had moved to New Orleans and found myself in love with the place and the people.

  14. https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/08/why-arent-white-students-invited-ithaca-city-school-district-practices-challenged-by-equal-protection-project/
    You have to wonder what percentage of those employed in school administration are not bald liars.
    About the school board in Ithaca. It has eight members. Two are faculty members at local colleges. A third is a clinical psychologist and adjunct faculty at local colleges. A fourth is a retired school psychologist. The total number who list an occupation in business, private-sector professional services, protective services, or skilled trades sums to nil. In a county wherein the population is < 4% black, the superintendent of schools, the president of the school board, and one other board member are black.

  15. Sunday Open Thread – Ukraine and Kursk offensive

    Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive: The lessons and risks of Ukraine’s push into Russia – Perun


    00:00:00 — Opening Words
    00:01:42 — What Am I Talking About
    00:03:45 — The War In August 2024
    00:05:49 — Preparation & Forewarning?
    00:12:41 — Force Composition: Russia
    00:14:03 — Force Composition: Ukraine
    00:17:17 — Defence Lines
    00:28:21 — A Statement Of Potential Intent
    00:31:48 — (Tentative) Observations
    00:42:03 — Politics & Perceptions
    00:44:30 — The Russian Response
    00:51:21 — The Military Dynamic?
    00:56:28 — Assessing Objectives
    01:00:12 — What Comes Next?
    01:03:29 — Conclusions
    01:04:42 — Channel Update

  16. huxley, 10:18 p.m. 8/17: We’ve lived in several places in the South, and also in places in the Upper Midwest and Northeast. We find race relations have been better in the South than in the industrial North, in general — once one gets outside the packed low-income city neighborhoods, and there are problems in those in the North as well. And on the Jew-hating issue, there are a number of synagogues around here. There have been a few cases of ugly fliers being placed in mailboxes, to which the community in general has reacted with outrage. Otherwise, it’s pretty peaceful. I regularly go past a large Jewish Community Center with outdoor playing fields and gathering places and haven’t seen any sign of vandalism or threats of violence.

  17. In a previous thread Neo talked about Kamala’s Inflation Reduction Act 2.0, price controls– beginning with food. Consensus– a terribly bad idea with catastrophic consequences.

    Powerline has a good article on the effects of Kamala’s price controls and a scenario where the plan is implemented.

    If implemented with authority (meaning the Kamala regime really believes a takeover of the food retail/distribution industry is beneficial to their base) seems plausible.

    Then again, it’s hard to believe this is anything but campaign bluster, since a practical way to stabilize/reduce costs would be the Trump plan to reduce the input costs of agriculture/distribution through lowering oil/gasoline/diesel prices.

    How Kamala’s Grocery Price Controls Would Work

  18. Isn’t there sufficient bad news?
    “They’ve Pitch Corrected The Bee Gees. Please! Leave Their Voices ALONE!”
    Wings of Pegasus – You Tube

    Neo, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. I get the gist of Fil’s remarks but I’m not the most musical person…..just a fan!

  19. no that seems silly, that is their natural pitch,

    speaking about things that don’t need revisiting you have Alien Romulus, you thought they would bring something fresh, to the arc, which I think derailed after the second film, but really went awry after Prometheus, of Alien Covenant the least said the better, but they went on with the Engineers and the black goo,

    there is a twist at the end, which spoils the product, like we remarked on the difference between the Zinneman, and the subsequent Jackal film, gore for it’s own sake, is not
    entertaining, a menacing dread serves a better function

    personally I think a trip to the facehugger homeworld and the environment that would have necessitated their evolution would have been more terrifying, think the organic transports in the Avengers films, a creature of unmistakable horror, but Scott who has lost the plot, seems intent on this path, in 30 years they won’t be rewatching this film

  20. Then again, it’s hard to believe this is anything but campaign bluster, since a practical way to stabilize/reduce costs would be the Trump plan to reduce the input costs of agriculture/distribution through lowering oil/gasoline/diesel prices.
    The practical way to reduce general increases in the price level is to place controls on the growth rate of monetary aggregates. A helpful adjunct to such a policy is to reduce the quantum of public sector borrowing. There are two ways to do that: (1) reduce federal spending and (2) increase federal taxes.
    As for the problems with the supply chain, stop harassing the petroleum industry and (by extension) its customers, and that includes taking your thumb off the scale. Ending grants, loans, and tax preferences for soi-disant green energy projects and selling off the federal government’s promissory notes and equity stakes would be a way to assist in reducing public sector borrowing. Not also the eruption of supply chain problems when Pete Butt-gig and the DEI hire in charge of the EPA were asleep at the switch. This was a consequence of California emissions regulations.
    You won’t necessarily reduce energy prices, but you’ll remove sources of artificially inflating them.

  21. huxley, 10:18 p.m. 8/17: We’ve lived in several places in the South, and also in places in the Upper Midwest and Northeast. We find race relations have been better in the South than in the industrial North, in general


    Quite so in my experience.

    I lived mostly in the South 1960-1977. Sure, there was tension between the races, but I hadn’t seen anything yet until I got to Boston in 1978.

    It wasn’t much better when I get to San Francisco in 1983. Since I was robbed at gunpoint late at night in the Haight I’ve never let a black male approach me in a deserted area ever since.

  22. I’ve still down the rabbit hole of listening to black reaction videos on YouTube. I get to share the joy with younger black folks discovering the great white music of the past 70 years.

    Aside from my pleasure of rediscovering old beloved songs with those making the journey for the first time, it’s helping me rewire towards blacks. They are not all anti-racists (i.e. stone anti-white racists) trying to cram down the DEI/CRT on everyone.

    There are blacks out there, thinking for themselves, looking to find their ways beyond reflexive politics and tribalism. They don’t like it either.

    Music is such a great way for people, all peoples, to connect and reconnect. My heart soars to hear these blacks hearing many of my favorite songs much the same way as I do.

  23. Via Instapundit, Minnesota’s AlphaNews has a source named “Shad”, exposing the Tim Walz he knew in 1995, hosting a trip to China for students like himself.

    There no doubt in his mind that Walz is a True Believer, an admiring Communist of Maoist China.

    He reports that Walz would buy up lots of souvenir “Little Red Books” by chairman Mao from street vendors — just to give them out freely to friends and acquaintances.

    Why does Gov Tim Walz own no home, no mortgage, nor any property or stocks or bonds? Now we know. He really is an anti-capitalist whore.

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