Home » Open thread 8/16/24


Open thread 8/16/24 — 23 Comments

  1. Democrats are racists. Evidence: James Carville says the GOP supports Israel because “Jews are whiter than the Palestinians.” It’s a despicable thing to say, and false besides. There are Jews of all colors living in Israel, including many descended from all the area Muslim-dominated Arab, Iranian, and Turkish countries, plus, of course, non-Jewish Israelis.


  2. Brian Kreb has a pretty detailed breakdown of what’s known about the big Social Security Number hack.

    Not surprisingly, a number of media outlets are getting stuff wrong.

    Many media outlets mistakenly reported that the National Public data breach affects 2.9 billion people (that figure actually refers to the number of rows in the leaked data sets). HaveIBeenOwned.com’s Troy Hunt analyzed the leaked data and found it is a somewhat disparate collection of consumer and business records, including the real names, addresses, phone numbers and SSNs of millions of Americans (both living and deceased), and 70 million rows from a database of U.S. criminal record…

    …according to researchers at Atlas Data Privacy Corp., there are 272 million unique SSNs in the entire records set…

    If there is a tiny silver lining to the breach it is this: Atlas discovered that many of the records related to people who are now almost certainly deceased. They found the average age of the consumer in these records is 70, and fully two million records are related to people whose date of birth would make them more than 120 years old today.

  3. Postscript to yesterday’s open thread, re my daughter, Greta’s article:

    Thanks, everyone! Greta thanks you too. She is just now starting into labor with her second boy. My wife and I are over to babysit boy #1.

    I shared all your comments with her.

    PPS: Greta was going to use a pseudonym for this piece, but decided at the last moment to use her real name. In a similar spirit, I post here now in my one name. (I have used “desertowl” and “boxspeed” as pseudonyms here in the past.)

    In case you missed it: https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/pyR54S (“Hindsight is 2020: Tales from Tim Walz’s Minnesota during America’s Crises.”) She’s a “changer,” mainly due to the experiences the article describes.

  4. RE: The Assassination Attempt–

    To add to my comment below–on the earlier open thread–about a report from a member of Congress that the assassin’s body has already been released by the FBI and cremated, plus reports that it was actually as shot by a member of the Butler, PA SWAT team which disabled the assassin’s gun, so that he was unable to fire any more shots, comes another report, one which obviously increases suspicions, and that is that, apparently within 24 hours of the assassination attempt, the FBI hosed down the rooftop in question, forever washing away any possible physical evidence.*

    * See chttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/higgins-report-part-3-trump-assassination-attempt-fbi/

  5. Great essay by your daughter, Jim Melcher. I hope she and her husband have new friends to replace those they lost by being sensible and honest, and I hope her labor and delivery are safe and the family all happy.

  6. Saying “Dems are the real racists” never works, firstly because they’re the self-anointed keepers of the definition of racism, secondly because they run a racial spoils system, and thirdly because minorities overwhelmingly prefer them. It just does not compute with people who don’t follow politics that Dems are racists, especially younger ones who have internalized a very different definition of racism from that of older people.

  7. Well cotton mouths are rather mottled

    Brian krebs who told us our election syatems were secure our pipelines were secure what is it he does here

  8. Nonapod @10:08
    Thanks for the link to the discussion of the data breach. There have indeed been a lot of hair on fire reports in the national media about it.

    Speaking of hair on fire, William Jacobson offers some good advice about ignoring the left-wing media drive to demoralize Republicans. They do it every election year. Jacobson gives the following example about the current situation. The left Media are beside themselves that in some polls Kamala is up 1.1% in the national vote. First of all, the national vote does not decide the election. It does not matter if the Democrats have huge margins in California, New York and Illinois. The swing states determine the election. Second, Jacobson remembers that at this time in 2016 Hillary was up 6.8% and in 2020 Biden up 7.7%. Conservatives need to stay cool and concentrate on the battle at hand.


  9. Carville was been haunting like a jack a lantern for more than 30 years, maher has been around for slightly less but near as nauseating same with john stewart

  10. Miguel cervantes

    FWIW Chris Krebs was the CISA guy. Brian Krebs is a former Washington Post reporter turned security blogger. krebsonsecurity.com is a good read.

  11. The more I interact with NE Dems, the more convinced I become that liberalism is a serious mental illness.

    Last night at the Omaha Public Power District Board meeting, a woman started crying about global warming. Real tears. Nutty!

    But what her crying episode really shows is how the Dems can manipulate and dupe people with fear and fake projections about events in the far distant future. I worked with covid.

  12. you would think Nebraska, would be sane, but the walkers are everywhere, maybe it’s just omaha, maybe you need more torches ala frankenstein,

    so equifax hacked every security agency hacked the main pipeline hacked, we’re told the air transport systems are not, by crowdstrike see my problem, there is never any accountability for our most confidential info

  13. Harris was here near my neighborhood today for her economic speech. North Carolina is first in the nation in poultry and egg production and second in pork production, with smaller meat packing plants all over the state. So she came to tell us that Big Meat is the problem with inflation. She said that the supply chain problems from COVID have been “fixed for years” but prices never came down again, and federal intervention is needed.

    She apparently has no idea how much the prices of fuel, fertilizer, and feed have increased under her administration. And if supply chain problems are all fixed I’d be interested to know her explanation for the persistent shelf shortages at local supermarkets. She is an economic illiterate.

  14. Cornhead,

    That’s been my experience also. You have the ones at the top who just look at the climate issue as a vehicle for their political goals. One I knew at the college was very forthright in declaring the environment movement had much more to do with “social justice ” than with climate change.

    Then you have the true believers in whom it’s their religion. Definitely dupes of the highest level.

  15. Snow on Pine @11:04 am

    RE: The Assassination Attempt–

    In addition to what Snow on Pine commented on, a couple more red flags. The local county 911 service with runs communications had provided radios for the SS and FBI to use, which would have given them direct communication with local law enforcement and they would have heard the local officer that saw the shooter on the roof three minutes before the shooter took his shots. This would have given agents time to remove Trump from the stage.
    The SS or HLS just didn’t bother to pick up the radios from the county tactical headquarters that morning.

    The FBI released the shooters body to family on July 23. They didn’t notify the local authorities, including the county coroner. They found that out when Congressman Higgins asked to review the body on August 5 that the body had been cremated.

    Higgins is part of the House committee investigating the assassination attempt. The FBI should not have been anywhere near evidence from the scene. Even if all is is simple incompetence, already evidence has been destroyed that would be useful to the House committee.

    Here is a link to the pdf of the preliminary investigation by Congressman Clay Higgins who is a former LEO.


    Here’s a link to Dr. Chris Martenson outline the failures by the FBI so far from the report.

    The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation ‘Errors’ by The FBI – Peak Prosperity


  16. the Supreme Court struck down the execrable Title 1X revision, so there is that,

  17. Re: Harpist / She’s Leaving Home / Sgt Pepper’s

    Interesting video. I quite understand a classical harpist being paid scale wanting to go home after midnight.

    Lovely reveal later with her at Ringo’s right hand, recognizing she got to play a defining moment on “Sgt. Pepper’s”!

    There’s still controversy about “Pepper’s” as a great album. Yeah, I get it. “Pepper’s” wasn’t as great as breakthrough as “Revolver’ and it wasn’t as unified as “Magical Mystery Tour.” “Abbey Road” was a perfect coda for the Beatles.

    But damn-double-damn, if one was alive in 1967, “Pepper’s” was epochal. It was the Rock equivalent of the Moon Landing.

  18. @BrianE, Snow on Pine:

    Thou shalt not kill, but needst not strive
    Officiously to keep alive.

  19. Controversy over Sgt. Pepper’s as a great album!?!
    ‘Yeah, I get it.’
    Huxley, you’re better than this!

  20. When I see reports that the FBI has released the body of the assassin, and that it has already been cremated, and when I see the report, and see the image, of someone from the FBI hosing down the roof crime scene, reportedly within 24 hours of the assassination attempt, the relevant legal concept which immediately springs to mind is “consciousness of guilt.”

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