Home » Open thread 8/12/24


Open thread 8/12/24 — 52 Comments

  1. Tablet Mag., Mike Doran, The Anti-Israel Sanctions Machine “In response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack, the Biden-Harris administration assembled a team tasked with toppling Bibi”

    President Biden recently achieved a historic first for which he has received no credit. He is the first president to form an interagency team dedicated to imposing sanctions on an ally, namely, Israel.

    To be sure, the United States sanctioned allies on many occasions. Recent examples of this kind include sanctions designed to prevent Germany from completing the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, and sanctions on Turkish defense industries to penalize Ankara for its procurement of the Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile system. These sanctions resulted from a specific action by an allied government that Washington sought to reverse.

    But the sanctions against Israel are of a qualitatively different kind. The Biden administration has assembled an interagency team of targeteers tasked with finding individuals and groups to sanction—not to reverse a specific policy, but to weaken if not topple the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  2. So I’ll just post the whole thing since the WSJ is just quoting Politico. The seems to be the strategy.

    On the whole, [Kamala] Harris’ top communications aides are deeply skeptical, as [Joe] Biden’s inner circle was, that doing big interviews with major TV networks or national newspapers offer much real upside when it comes to reaching swing voters.

    One longtime Harris ally suggested to West Wing Playbook that Harris could hold off on big interviews until after Labor Day. “There’s really no need,” the person said. “The voters that she needs are at the local level. They’re not reading the national press.”

    [Tim] Walz, whose viral cable TV appearances helped propel him onto the ticket, could be deployed on television more liberally than Harris in the coming months, the two people said. But it’s also quite possible both candidates will focus much of their media outreach on podcasts, influencers and other platforms outside the traditional news media.

    So far, Harris’ rally speeches, delivered via teleprompter, have been well received. And she has routinely interacted with the reporters that travel with her—but on her terms. She often visits with the press pool seated at the back of her plane (something Biden did just twice in more than three years), but speaking only off the record. And when she has chosen to comment on the record on something in the news, Harris has spoken to the pool on the tarmac, making statements but not taking questions.

    “What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]?” said another person close to the campaign who was granted anonymity to share how Harris’ team views the matter. “She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”

  3. Great video.
    I generally don’t engage in “bucket list” thinking, but getting out on a sailboat again is about the only one on my list.

    I was wondering if the lady came off of a boat or was swept out from shore. When I used to windsurf in Monterey Bay or in the open ocean, I was always extremely careful when the wind was offshore. When it is, it would be easy to end up like that lady or worse.

    There are a number of incredible coincidences in the story, but the thing that caught my attention is that the boat captain, himself a novice, took the time to train his passenger guests on rescue procedures, before anything untoward happened.

    I have taken a couple zero experience friends to the pistol range on occasion, and I do want them to know the safety basics. Especially at an outdoor range where there are range procedures that are a bit specific and involved.

  4. “What is the incentive for her [to take more questions]? She’s getting out exactly the message she wants to get out.”

    I think “the message” is that she’s not Trump. And to a lesser extent, she’s not Biden, meaning that she has a somewhat functioning brain and isn’t a million years old. That’s it. And with enough MSM gaslighting and supression of stories that reflectly badly on her and Walz not to mention perhaps a bit of electoral fraud in some key swing districts, such a message may well be enough, who knows? At this point I’m actually surprised that they’re even having her debate Trump.

    But it’s a little amusing that some “journalists” in the mainstream media seem to be a little upset that she hasn’t yet given a proper interview or deviated much from a teleprompter. What, exactly, do they think this is? It’s almost as if they think this isn’t just a blatant coronation. But I guess these journalists feel like they still deserve some attention for some reason.

  5. It’s not as though they would ask her any challenging questions. I’m sure she’s ready with her favorite ice cream flavor or soul food recipe.

  6. no she doesn’t, we might pretend she does, but why go through the pretense,
    she knows a few Marxist nostrums when she fell ouf of the coconut tree; but thats about it,

    I mean re hip hop, GrandMaster Flash is old school, but hes still alive, checks notes, or Public Enemy, which was still big in the early 90s,

  7. Yeah, but even the softest of softball interviews may be cringe inducing with Kamala. She’s an awkward weirdo after all. Everytime she speaks extemporaneously with a camera pointed at her there’s a high risk she’ll generate an irretrievable word salad. They have to know that. Everyone knows that.

  8. Am I the only one who believes the oligarchs have already decided the plans for our future for the next ten years? Whoever they put in office beginning with Obama doesn’t have to be bright or well-read, they have their team–those women who believe they are the great “agents of change”– in place already. As the machines are already rigged, it doesn’t make much sense to take an unnecessary chance by exposing Harris to the public. The public who will not get their voices heard at the ballot box, but who may start to protest loudly in their own marches, etc. Any form of peaceful protest would cause some extra annoyance with which the oligarchs would prefer not to deal.

    Question: How do you plan to protest–to become more visible than you are now or have been in the past? Would you take your walker and show up for a peaceful protest? We are the older generation–there are very few young people who understand what is at stake here, or who would peacefully march against Queen Kamala. Because of that reality it is my belief that it is already too late.

  9. Anne – I think you are right. And arranging for Trump to, again, be the messenger for the opposition was/is part of the plan.

    This weekend Trump went off on the evergreen (for him) “my crowd was bigger than your crowd” pout, followed by a shot at Jon Tester’s gut. (Maybe aim for his voting record next time.)

    Vance looks great, BTW. He’s almost at DeSantis level when it comes to dealing with the press.

  10. Anne,

    I share your pessimism. We saw what happens when the public is actually informed about a candidate when Biden did the debate. Now, it appears that this was a deliberate move by the “powers that be”. As the MSM is just a propaganda arm for the oligarchy, they are back to their usual role of carrying the water for Harris. No need to expose her at all.

    As we have lamented many times before here, without a press doing their job, there’s no way the LIVs and the general public will not vote for Harris. The manipulation of the public is still astounding to me, and I still wonder how we got so far off track in the last 25 years. They snuck into academia, the press, and all the major institutions and did it right under our noses.

  11. well the press has already chosen their team, why are we surprised, now if they mean to steal it, (thats not rhetorical) well then there it is,

    the only surprise is people who are surprised they will do as they said of Fleet Street,
    the Commie ditz, and the Minnesota mutilating phony soldier,

    he did answer the press for 70 minutes, I found much of it tedious, but these are the denebian slime devils, that do like nick
    naylor ‘they have to pay the mortgage this way

  12. Excellent interview by Bill O’Reilly with Victor Davis Hanson on the stakes of this election.

    Both O’Reilly and Hanson are joining the chorus of conservatives imploring President Trump to stay on message.

    Victor Davis Hanson on Trump’s campaign advisors:

    “…they know exactly what he has to do and they’ve told him exactly what he has to do and they’ve told him that if he doesn’t do it he’s going…. we’re going to lose because we’ve never been in this territory…. we’ve never had anybody that’s (this) left wing and… if they win the Senate and the house with her then I I’m not very confident for what’s going to happen to us….”

    “we we’ve never seen a a left-wing candidate as you said this far left…but it still seems inexplicable that she would pick someone that would emphasize that she’s out of touch with the American people and I think it shows you that they have confidence in a paradigm that worked in 2020 with Joe Biden… they outraised Trump 3 to one…maybe they think they can do that again… they kept Biden who was cognitively challenged in the basement they think that she’s linguistically challenged… they’re not going to give her an occasion to reveal that… they’re confident that they changed the voting laws in the swing states so 70% of the voters will not be voting on Election Day… majority of them Democrats… and they have an advantage because this was dumped on us…”

    Can the Trump-Vance campaign break through the Iron Curtain the Dems/leftists and their MSM are erecting around Kamala? What can we do to help? Give money–Give time– Help our friends and neighbors vote.

    Victor Davis Hanson on the Campaigns

  13. I listened to clips of Kamala’s campaign speeches this morning. (They’re all the same, literally.) Her plan for bringing down grocery prices is, she says, to use her prosecutorial background to go after price-gouging corporations. This is the same as the “Bidenomics” line, and it’s idiotic.

  14. Anyone here ever involved in combat when they were 38 years old? My dad was in Vietnam in his early forties, but he’s the only I know involved in a foreign war whilst 38-42.

    The Myth of Endless Manpower: Russian Soldiers’ Average Age Approaches 38 as Trends Persist – snippets:

    Our findings indicate that the average age of Russians killed in Ukraine is approaching 38 and continues to rise.

    345,400 one-time payments were made for signing contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2023.

    As of August 1, Russian contract signers began receiving almost doubled one-time federal payments of 400,000 rubles, along with additional payments from regional authorities. In some areas, such as Moscow, these combined payments can total nearly two million rubles.

    According to our findings, between February 2022 and May 2024, the average age of Russian soldiers killed in action increased from 30.2 in early 2022 to 37.8 by July 2024.

    To obtain this number, we analyzed a dataset comprising 23,548 records from Russian obituary posts on social media, which included both dates of birth and dates of death. The average age of those listed in obituaries seriously increased from the beginning of the war, with a notable surge after the second half of 2022.

    According to the Combat Area Casualty File data from the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, based on 58,148 death records, the average age of a U.S. servicemember killed in action during the Vietnam War was 23.11 years. It’s almost a 15-year age gap compared to the average age of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine.

    This trend indicates that as the war continues, older recruits are increasingly being sent to the front lines, which signals serious problems that have a direct influence on the overall combat effectiveness of Russian forces.

    The key point is that the individuals signing contracts come from civilian demographics, not from career military personnel who might regularly pass fitness tests. While precise data on the general fitness of these recruits is lacking, the World Health Organization reports that the pre-war life expectancy at birth for Russian males was 65.6 years, with a healthy life expectancy of 58.2 years.

    This suggests that the Russian government not only has to offer significantly higher payments to recruit individuals but also ends up with recruits who may be less fit for combat roles, either partially or fully.

  15. The plot thickens: an 11 year old girl and her mother were stabbed by a stranger in broad daylight in Leicester Square, in London’s West End. The cops immediately stated it was not a terrorist act.

  16. theres twitter they didn’t have then, they have facebook but that’s a declining asset, then there’s tiktok, most recently it was used to radicalize the taylor swift attacker,

  17. A lot can happen in three months. While I think Trump does get distracted, some of the focus on side issues has been productive.

    The strategy of raising a side issue– Kamala’s race opportunism– Walz’s lying about his military record have been productive in their target audience. The Trump-Vance campaign hit these issues until the MSM begin defending against them. Once it enters the larger public discourse, they then move on.

    IMO, they need to work as a team on a major theme. Kamala gave them an opening on the economy– stealing Trump’s “no taxes on tips” proposal. She such a lightweight she has to steal ideas.

    They have been working her on “On the first day I’m going to lower prices”– but that hasn’t gained traction.

    I do think the culture deserves elevation to a major issue– given Walz’s record– but that needs to be handled carefully.

    Trump-Vance have a message that still resonates with a majority of Americans. Breaking through that Iron Curtain will take skill and strategy.

  18. now where is the rest of the GOPe, another rhetorical question, as was said in Office Space ‘what do they do here’

    Unlike Vietnam, Ukraine is on the Russian front door, so they will do whatever to hold this territory, I think it was a stupid plan, but regardless since they are in this mess,
    do not doubt the ‘powers that be’ want to bring us into this meatgrinder,

  19. Karmi:

    Some interesting stats involve US forces in 2022:

    Overall, the average age of the active-duty force is 28.5 years. The average age for active-duty enlisted members is 27.3 years, and the average age for active-duty officers is 34.3 years.

  20. Karmi, how about Ukraine in the battle for oldest fighting force on record?

    Soldiers in Ukraine are veering increasingly older as the country grapples with a shortage of soldiers after roughly 20 months of brutal fighting against Russia.

    As countless casualties have hampered Ukraine’s forces, the average age of a soldier in the country is currently around 43 years old, Time magazine reported last week.

    That average is up by nearly 10 years from March 2022, one month after the war began, when the average age of a Ukrainian soldier was between 30 and 35 years old, according to FT.

    “They’re grown men now, and they aren’t that healthy to begin with,” a close aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told Time. “This is Ukraine. Not Scandinavia.”

  21. Neo: Yes, interesting. That age average would drop if we were in a war, I suspect.

    Brian E: You’re talking Apples and Oranges. One example, your Russia is the INVADING force.

    I came across an interesting fact about Ukraine’s drafting strategy sometime back, and it was very unusual. Can’t recall the exact ages they were looking to draft—possible around 28, but the process involved future planning of the educational levels – or something along those lines.

    Even whilst fighting for their lives and the survival of their country, the Ukrainians are planning for a well educated populace after the war…

  22. Brian E – The biggest question isn’t about whether Trump can overcome the press. The issue is whether Trump can overcome himself – and stop wasting the efforts of Vance with “cleanup in aisle 4” over the latest dumb thing that Trump said.

  23. so how is it the department of education can’t get the fafsa right, they didn’t have any problems when I was in school, is it some arcana, like the dial of destiny,

    the ditz wants to silence your free speech, leave you freezing, you think you can keep your generator, silly mortal, take your guns,take your car, of course when Hamas attacks you know what side they will take,

    but lets worry about mean tweets,

  24. Karmi:

    Incorrect. See this, about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq:

    As shown in Table 3.4, the average age of those deployed was 33.4 years. Half the deployed were 25–34 years old at the end of 2010 (about 72% were 25–44 years old), with approximately equal proportions either under 25 years old or 45 years old or older.

    More at the link, with a chart.

  25. Karmi, well my Father in Law was 30 when he joined up in 1942. He was 32 when he jumped out of a plane over Sicily. 82nd Airborne

  26. Neo: Yeah, I forgot a lot of Reserves & National Guard units were in AF & IR. Those units are generally much older…

  27. SHIREHOME – yeah, that was really really old back then. He made it thru Jump School tho, which ain’t easy even for the young, so he was quite fit…

  28. Donald Trump will be interviewed by Elon Musk live on X at 8:00pm Eastern time tonight. That will be 3:00am in Jerusalem.

    As matters appear at this writing, said interview may occur with a background of an ongoing Iranian/Hezbollah attack on Israel (though uncertainties remain as to whether the Iranian military preparations about which Israeli defense officals are now warning will be proven determinative). Should the attacks kick-off, the interview may be all the more timely in newsworthiness.

  29. Bauxite,

    Here’s Bill O’Reilly’s take:

    …he (Trump) has a rich target (Kamala) but he doesn’t have much time to get her out and let her talk because to let her talk is to turn people off and he’s got to find a way to do that all right… but he still makes mistakes almost on a daily basis in his rallies… and it’s not like Donald Trump is a dumb man he’s not, he’s a brilliant man. I’ve known him for 32 years and he can absorb information fairly quickly and he understands big picture…. When presented with information he can absorb it and he’s articulate enough to get it out but he doesn’t seem to be able to control himself and that’s what the Democrats are banking on…”

    I wonder if the polling was intentionally skewed to make Kamala look even weaker. Had Trump not debated Joe, could they still have kicked him to the curb?

    He can still overcome these new obstacles.

    Link to interview @ 1:27 pm

  30. Neo, that’s a fascinating story. Coincidence or divine intervention? I’ll take the intelligent design of a Creator giving different degrees of intelligence to many creatures we’re just beginning to recognize. We’ve seen other incidences of Dolphins ability to connect humans to humans.

    This captain was well prepared and kept his wits about him.

    Hmmm. Might want to think twice about skinny dipping!

    Catalina 25 is a proper sailboat. I had a Catalina 22. Nice little sailboat.

  31. Back when the Texas National Guard was the 49 th Armor Division, before it was changed back to the 36th Division, the joke was that 49 was the average age of the E-4 s. ( I was in during both of those Division designations.)

    That was definitely an exaggeration, but as Karmi noted, the National Guard has older personnel on average than the active army.

    In my second trip to Kosovo in 2005-2006, our Battalion Command Sergeant Major was a Vietnam Vet !

    This was the National guard – his own son was in the Battalion.

    Within the deployed Brigade, there were numerous husband / wife couples. They would issue them separate barracks , except all of the married females were given their own rooms – regardless of rank- unlike many of the lower ranking non married female soldiers who had to share barracks with other females. so…well…you know that was for….
    I’m not saying it was like the Spartan soldiers who had to sneak in to see their wives – everybody knew what was going on, but the married males were required to ” maintain” a separate barracks set up.

  32. sdferr, @3:33 p.m.: That EU functionary is way out of line to hint that an interview with Trump on X may “incite violence, hatred and racism,” and Musk’s response is priceless. We are Americans. Those of us who value that believe in free speech. Europe is going totalitarian on behalf of the invaders who are destroying it.

  33. Yes, thank you sdferr. My life would be a little less good had I missed out on that.

  34. Ya know folks, there’s a reason Kami’s 2020 presidential campaign went down in flames before the 1st primary…she comes across as phony & insincere.
    Joe Sestak got more votes fer cryin’ out loud!
    Trump needs to hammer her on the economy/inflation & the border/illegal immigration, as VP tie her to the hip of Biden’s failed policies.

  35. Brian E – What I’m saying is pretty close to what O’Reilly said in the quote you provided. The problem is that Trump is 78 years old. This is what he is. You don’t develop discipline out of whole cloth at 78 years of age.

    Whether we like it or not, Trump’s style and (lack of) discipline is a hard sell to a large number of voters that he needs to win. I fear that a large portion of the electorate that Trump needs will vote for Kamala just to avoid another four years of Trump’s act. It creates a bizzaro world where the sitting VP can run as a change candidate. (I.e., moving on from cranky old kooks!)

    The bittersweet news is that the GOP really is developing talent. DeSantis, and now Vance appear to be capable of getting the party’s message out. That’s great for the future. It will be cold comfort through four years of Harris/Walz, though. If the R team can’t take at least one house of Congress, there may not be much left to conserve in 2028.

  36. Bauxite, Add Byron Donalds to that list.

    I think Trump can be more disciplined– but his instincts got him where he is and it requires an extraordinary amount of trust to ignore your instincts and follow those hired guns.
    Yes, the Dems/leftists know how to needle him. Hopefully Don Jr. can have a heart to heart with him.

    In normal times, all this would be considered an amusing sidebar to the election, but the Dem/leftist media, aka MSM, are looking for anything that they can glom onto and not report anything substantive that the voter might find a reason to support him.

    Even if he does become the perfect candidate, the MSM will just lie/distort what he says, so I’m not sure much will change.

  37. Testing my first comment on a phone. Build my own computers, test 100’s of Linux Distros, but just figured out how to import my Bookmarks into Chrome browser on phone…at last!

  38. Hi I am back. For those that were following the fbi ciascript on J6, blaming Qanon or it, good job. Now you are gonna get reverse karma of course for backing the cia fbi. Enjoy the karma.

    My forces were not negatively affected, because all your goons did was arrest innocent Americans. The guilty like Epps, was working with you and your goons. Well you got cia and fbi, and I have my Own Forces, which you have seen annihilating your NATO world pedo order in Ukraine and Gaza right now.

    So enjoy the war you all wanted, I will end it, along with the rest of this old world order.

    And neo, enjoy the new “Flat Earth is prn” discussions on Candace and Joe Rogan and soon TUcker ; )

    Prophets never give up. We don’t make predictions, we make it happen.

  39. Prophets never give up. We don’t make predictions, we make it happen.


    So it’s settled. You are delusional.

  40. Re: Rescue video

    Interesting. There is a history, going back to Ancient Greece, of dolphins helping humans adrift at sea. Protecting them from sharks or nudging them back to land.

    She was three miles out at sea. The dolphins couldn’t do much about that, but they stayed with her until the good luck of our noble sailor.

    Or so I would like to believe.

  41. Little known fact of the Sea, the more experience a sailor has, the more well dressed those he rescue go swimming….

  42. I’m a sucker for videos of humans rescuing animals and then the gratitude of the rescued. It appears that even an octopus is capable of such gratitude.

    So I see no reason to suppose that relationship only goes one way.

    If dolphins get the chance to help a human in the right situation, I can fully believe they would.

    That is the odd thing in the video. The sailor wouldn’t have seen that woman unless she had been accompanied by the dolphins.

    What were the dolphins doing there? Did the courses of the woman, the dolphins, and the sailor just happen to intersect for a magical fifteen minutes?

    Or had the dolphins been with her for hours, guarding her, keeping vigil and hoping for the unlikely best?

    Perhaps even steering her to the sailor …

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