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Trump assassination attempt bodycam — 19 Comments

  1. It’s hard to believe that a “professional” protective service like the USSS could have performed so sloppily. Yes, they’re covering up what they didn’t do. The former head was forced to resign, but the interim head was the person most directly responsible for this botched assignment in PA.

  2. When asked on one video why wasn’t the SS was on the roof the SS agent said, “We were inside.”

    Alot of good that did.

  3. The pakistani ringer was let into the country in april through houston and they didnt catch up to him almost two months later

  4. Ask yourself what sort of screening examinations (whether they been written tests or physical fitness tests) the various cohorts of agents have taken over the years and ask yourself to what degree promotion was contingent on impersonal measures. Also, ask yourself what the steps are to remove a poorly-performing agent and what sort of agent has been run out the door in recent decades.
    The trouble I suspect you’re looking at is that technical competence, diligence, and integrity are orthogonal to the qualities which get you a promotion in federal employment (or in public employment generally). Hence, you get bloody clots like Kimberly Cheatle (a 27 year veteran) and her deputy.
    NB, Cheatle wasn’t hired to be competent. She was hired to protect the Bidens from scrutiny.

  5. The acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. revealed during a press conference that Butler was the first time Secret Service counter snipers were deployed to support the former president’s detail. Why?

  6. the fact that cheattle spent the longest time as cheney’s security detail, its funny back in the 00s, Matthew Rollins the Australian thriller writer and Andrew Gross had Cheney as the eminence gris,collaborating with evil Saudis and other plots, now he’s totes fine because Orange Man bad,mostly because he the temerity to take down General Suleimani, Liz’s client in the Middle East Bureau

  7. It’s beginning to look as if Hanlon’s Razor needs to go back to the shop.

    If a Big Deal can’t happen without, say, five unlikelihoods coinciding, the math looks like this:
    One chance in ten this could happen [implication, by accident] and one chance of five and one chance in twenty and one chance in ten and one chance in twenty. All have to coincide.
    That’s one over twenty thousand. Or, one chance in twenty thousand it could happen [by accident]. But it happened. So that’s nineteen thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine chances it was directed.

    Pick your own denominators and use them for whichever factors you think relevant.

    Problem is, to give the Institution, whichever it is, some slack, you have to reduce the denominators. As in, this could well be an accident since it’s likely to happen every other time. One chance in two. One over two. So the institution has an even chance of screwing up every time somebody tries to make coffee in the break room. Clowns like that, you can’t blame.

    But if they’re really, really good, the denominator is much higher.. Then what?

  8. Richard+Aubrey:

    Earlier today I offered my refashioned Hanlon’s Razor:

    huxley’s Law — Never ascribe to malign neglect that which can be explained by petty vindictiveness.

    I was thinking of Tulsi Gabbard being put on the Terrorist Watch List, so she’s got three US Marshals onboard to watch her every move when she flies and TSA patting down everything in her carry-ons so thoroughly that she might miss her connection.

  9. Crooks practiced shooting rifles at targets at a gun club for nearly one year. 43 times – including the day of his assassination attempt.

    It seems the DHS and police used the same facilities to practice shooting.

    So, the future perp was under the nose of LEOs? Yup.

  10. BREAKING: U.S. Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Harris Fundraiser


    I don’t trust Gateway Pundit for everything, but I can believe this.

    My point is that the Secret Service, like much of the US Gov under Dem control, is simply arrogant, stupid and vindictive.

    I don’t believe the SS leadership was trying to get Trump killed, though they wouldn’t have minded that much, but they were expressing their contempt and that was the point.

    I recall when Bush 43 was elected, the outgoing Clinton team actually vandalized the typewriters by removing the W keys.

  11. Huxley. Good one. And you don’t have to put a lot of effort into petty vindictiveness to get a solid hit on the victim.

  12. I was thinking of Tulsi Gabbard being put on the Terrorist Watch List, so she’s got three US Marshals onboard to watch her every move when she flies and TSA patting down everything in her carry-ons so thoroughly that she might miss her connection.
    If they’d been there unwillingly, they would have hit the doughnut shop rather than rummage through her luggage. It’s a sh!tty agency.

  13. sdferr @ 12:11 links to a Grassley letter that contests testimony by SS Rowe that the local snipers in the two story building had sight lines to the roof from which Crooks shot.

    According to reports by local officials, there were originally three local LEO’s stationed inside the two story building.
    One left some time before the rally started.
    The second saw someone looking like Crooks walking around the building and left to follow Crooks. That was at 6:05 pm. He lost sight of him, but couldn’t get back in the building because he forget his key card and called the remaining sniper to come downstairs to let him in. So neither man was at his position at 6:11:32 when the shots were fired.

    So more questions.

    It is also my understanding that the FBI hasn’t/hadn’t yet interviewed the local LEO’s about all their attempts to find Crooks. Why has it taken so long to interview them, since all of the events of the shooting occurred outside the area being protected by the SS.

    This could all be Titanic level incompetence.

    We’ve gone from former Director Cheatle saying there were no counter-snipers on the roof because it was too hot and then the building was too sloped to Interim Director Rowe saying two local counter-snipers had coverage of the roof from inside an adjacent building to that now being disputed by Senator Chuck Grassley by the local LEO’s.

    The SS snipers that actually killed Crooks, weren’t the ones you see most often pictured. They didn’t have coverage of the building where Crooks too his shot as there was a tree obstructing their view.

    Another indication of incompetence?

  14. This video is probably the best explanation I’ve seen for the communication mess that prevented the different agencies from communicating.

    “The problem was the lack of a direct link between the Secret Service trailer and the local police…” It appears the local officers had to communicate through the state police who then relayed their messages to the SS.

    This video includes an interview with the owner of the bicycle originally thought to be Crooks beginning at 3:10. Turns out this guy was riding cross country from PA to Idaho!

    Trump Shooting Cops Radio Calls Show Secret Service Mess

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