Home » Open thread 8/7/24


Open thread 8/7/24 — 39 Comments

  1. Did you know that when Walz was in Congress he was a “Top Gun Democrat” and a Centrist?
    That, according to the WSJ. Good to know.

  2. Tim Walz – Quick Thoughts:

    1) Strikes me as Tim Kaine 2.0 – including the Fellow Traveler ^^ aspect.

    2) Could fade like Kaine did – especially after Kaine’ first VP debate – despite media spin that Kaine was down-to-earth, self-effacing, relatable, etc. (see empty & canceled Kaine events).

    3) Biggest value to Harris is probably not the traditional “attack dog” role, but could be the significant “attention & attack” Walz is drawing due to his record – something Harris only has by proxy – sure Harris is happy to let him sap time & money that could be spent on her.

    ^^ = My understanding is that Kaine was a VP finalist for Obama in part because he was a Fellow Traveler too – which much of the country in 2008 did not understand about Obama – and became Hillary’ VP selection in 2016 due to Obama’ support

  3. Fox News headline: “Trump reacts to Harris tapping ‘very liberal’ gov for VP”

    Can we all agree to stop calling these people “liberal”? There is nothing liberal about them, they are leftists.

  4. How can global warming happen if the population is collapsing and will fall very fast very far?


    We have been exterminated and are too political and dumb to realize

    Decadence is not what you think
    What you think of as decadence are the results of it… decadence is becoming rich enough in mind to ignore reality..
    Vomitoriums to feminism known collapse and the result of bringing out women’s inner hookers, etc..
    I told you all 15 years ago that this happened in the union and it turned women into sex tools to live. Venezuela was the same..

    Drizzle drizzle!!!!

  5. Both of the VP candidates have some military experience, though not really vast combat experience. Neither of the Presidential candidates have any.
    Very interesting.

  6. Well, to be fair Walz’s “military experience” includes quiting his reserve battallion almost immediately after finding out that they were about to be deployed to Iraq in 2005.

  7. We saved money like crazy during our years approaching retirement because we didn’t trust the US government to continue to pay Social Security. So far, so good, but we still expect them to begin means-testing payments and capping benefits for higher-income retirees. They’ve got to do something.

  8. Mike Plaiss, I agree. They are hard core communist leftists—not liberals. I also have a problem with Neo calling them MSM. Yes by numbers they are the largest number of media but they do not represent the mainstream of thought of the American people.

  9. Bob Wilson (2:20 pm) said: “I also have a problem with Neo calling them MSM.”

    I’ve been using the term “legacy media”. Seems to me to adequately do the job.

  10. I don’t think the term “MSM” was intended to convey that the media represents the mainstream of Americans but rather that the “mainstream” of the media is in lock step with each other, of course in support of Democrats/leftists. Wasn’t it Rush Limbaugh who came up with the term?

    Personally I call them the MFM, you can read between the lines …

  11. Far Leftists!

    The Green New Deal was written by a Communist Anarchist group in Minneapolis called the Sunrise Movement. (Web site https://www.sunrisemovement.org).

    The Green New Deal in part became US law through Biden’s propaganda named “Inflation Reduction Act,” saw monies go to fund solar power and climate justice goals. Aided by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s capitulation.)

    Thus, FAR LEFTISTS they are, indeed!

  12. SHIREHOME: “Did you know that when Walz was in Congress he was a “Top Gun Democrat” and a Centrist?
    That, according to the WSJ. Good to know.”

    The gaslighting will continue until morale improves.

  13. Re liberals vs. leftists: I have said in many online discussions, probably here a few times, that I finally left the Democrat party for good when I felt the hardcore leftists had taken over the agenda from the “old guard” like Scoop Jackson, Sam Nunn and Pat Moynihan who were New Deal liberals but patriotic and not far left. Before Obama I might add, though not long before. I believe neo went through a similar process.

  14. “So far, so good, but we still expect them to begin means-testing payments and capping benefits for higher-income retirees.” – Kate

    That’s already in effect. I am of an age that I was in the military for three years when the military was not paying into SS. My benefits were lower because of that three-year gap.

    About twelve years ago a bill was passed to increase benefits for those who had been in the military during those years. I applied for the increase. SS notified me that, although I qualified for the benefit increase, I would not receive it because my income was too high. So, no soup for you, you’re too successful.

    Saving and being prudent before retirement are things the SS system does not reward.

  15. J.J. No. But the system still incentivises the benefits from saving (and investing), as Kate will tell you, no doubt.

    Gen-Xer have doubled the non-institutional or retail sector of the stock market buyers, from 10% in 2012 to over 20% today. That’s also a good thing.

  16. }}} Can we all agree to stop calling these people “liberal”? There is nothing liberal about them, they are leftists.

    Nope… they are a malignant offshoot of Classical Liberalism called “PostModern Liberalism”…. and they now represent something like 95% of all “self-described” liberals.

    Yes, they are a social cancer — literally, not figuratively. Their aim is to destroy Western Civilization, nothing less.

    But they still spring from liberal tenets, they’ve just perverted them thoroughly.

  17. If you want to truly understand PostModern Liberalism, I strongly recommend

    Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

    Once you grasp that all the current crowd lapped up at the plate of Alinsky, you will begin to grasp what the real issue is — they ALL want to destroy America, and, by extension, all of Western Civ.

    The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis
    The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.


    “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1989 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.

    The enemy he refers to is *us*. Realize, Alinsky was one of Hillary’s mentors.



    }}} Yes by numbers they are the largest number of media but they do not represent the mainstream of thought of the American people.

    Ah, but they very very much represent the mainstream of thought of American journalists, such as it is.

    Hence, they are the mainstream for journalism.


    A great meme out there is:

    Repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth Journalism.

  18. Oh, yeah, if we’d been able to invest our SS contributions we’d be much wealthier than we are. But we have enough to be okay if the government cuts us off.

  19. Bob Wilson:

    Unless and until conservative media overtakes them in terms of aggregate numbers of readers/viewers, then they remain the mainstream media. They shape the thought of far more Americans than the numbers who follow conservative media.

  20. sdferr:

    An interesting note in ‘Worst Trip Ever‘:

    The rapid and sophisticated response to the needs of the Nova Festival victims was possible due to a confluence of factors which, when viewed collectively, are unique to Israel. First, there is psychedelic assisted therapy in Israel using ketamine, esketamine, and cannabis; and Israel was one of the clinical trial sites for psilocybin and MDMA. This means that the country has a significant number of mental health professionals trained in psychedelic assisted therapy. Second, the Israeli rave scene dates back to the 1980s and is now considered a mainstream aspect of the country’s contemporary society…

    Being Jewish involves interesting challenges, including sometimes getting targeted by terrorists. Adding psychedelics further enhances the above.

  21. If I was a dog and that seemingly nice lady talked to me like that in sing-song baby talk…groomer or post-neuter…or after giving me a big steak…I wouldn’t look at her either. Blech…

  22. “EXCLUSIVE: In a newly discovered Zoom recording, the Biden/Harris team reveals how they manipulated voters to think Biden’s mental decline was “disinformation”.”

    OMG!!! I never would have guessed it!

  23. Well, this ought to shake things up, especially among our more Russophile commenters. It seems that Ukraine has launched a brigade-sized invasion *of Russia* and is ten miles deep inside the country. They are currently approaching a major rail line Russia uses to supply its troops in Ukraine.

    First the Ukrainians pushed the Russian navy out of Sevastopol and penned them up in the eastern Black Sea. Then they systematically degraded Russian air defense by taking out Russian radars and SAM sites one by one. Now they are making incursions fairly deep into Russia itself.

    It seems the war is slowly, gradually, grindingly turning in favor of the good guys. Let us all hope so.

  24. Squatters’ Rights – apparently supported by Trump/Vance

    I know, I know, Trump can wave his Magical GOP Wand and all wars stop.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, Ukrainian Forces Take Fight to Russia, Advance Into Kursk:

    Trump has said he would end the war, so both Russia and Ukraine are keen to gain the strongest possible bargaining position on the battlefield while pinning down Russian forces and showing the West that it can still mount major battles.

    Squatters’ Rights…so to speak. Great move by the Ukrainians, IMHO. Losing the entire Kursk Oblast—subjects of the Russian Federation—to the Ukrainian Squatter would be one heck of a bargaining chip – for Volodymyr Zelenskyy!

    How deep into Russian territory has Ukraine’s surprise August incursion reached?

    On August 6, 2024, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) entered Russian territory near the city of Sudzha in the Kursk region.

    Sudzha is about 330 miles southwest of Moscow…definitely a great place for a Squatter to squat…

  25. Sorry sweetie, you are not that dogs mom. Thumbs up to John Guilfoyle’s take.

  26. Wasn’t this the issue that ruined Rudy Guiliani’s life?

    A Georgia State election board on Wednesday night voted to request that state Attorney General Chris Carr reopen an investigation into Fulton County’s counting of the results of the 2020 election.

    The request comes after the board closed the matter in May, but voted to install an independent election monitor for the 2024 election, after an independent investigation found that the county likely scanned thousands of ballots twice in a recount of the 2020 election.

    Nothing will likely come of it, but it re-ignites the reality that we need honest elections where both sides trust the process.


  27. M J R:

    Did you send me emails a couple weekends ago?

    Someone may be impersonating you.

  28. Re: Dogs

    Recently I got sucked into watching rescue dog videos. Poor little fellas found on the side of the road, sick, ribs sticking out, infested with god knows what.

    The nice humans, wearing plastic gloves, pick the dogs up, wrap them in blankets, and take them home. They check them out, remove the ticks and whatnot, then give them a long soapy shower.

    The dogs are too weak to complain. Maybe they don’t like it, but they seem to know it’s better than what they had.

    They dry out, are watered and fed, and sleep in a warm place with a clean blanket. The nice humans are still nice and the dogs are so grateful.

    Just kills me.

  29. I would call the “MSM,” Regime Media or State Media, at least until a hoped-for regime change. After that I would call them Democrat Media.

  30. huxley, you old softie. That’s how I got my dog. Abandoned and rescued. She was named “Woebegone. Before NPRs Garrison Keeler made that name popular to non-Minnesotans.

  31. What to call the media today?
    It’s a conundrum.
    “Propaganda arm of the Democrat party” is accurate, but too long.

    One solution that I favor is this one that I’ve seen around the, um, media:
    “Regime Media.”

    Of course, you have to be aware which party is the regime in question, and the Left could use it of Fox News, but they would be reaching.
    Regardless of past experience, at this moment in time, NO media is marching in lock-step with the Republican party.
    Even conservatives are not doing that!

    This is as good a description as any:
    “The regime media won’t tell you the truth about any of this stuff (it’s their job to deceive you).”

    We discussed this problem once before (at least).

  32. My family once adopted a golden retriever mix who had been starved, abused, and neglected. Oddly for a dog, he always LOVED baths: maybe because he had had none before he was rescued, and he associated baths with love and petting from his people.

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