Home » Tim Walz of Minnesota is Kamala’s running mate


Tim Walz of Minnesota is Kamala’s running mate — 31 Comments

  1. I’m so old that I can remember when Democrats in the upper midwest were not nasty, snarling misfits like Tim Walz or Ilhan Omar. You had guys like Fritz Mondale, who was deeply misguided but not hostile or malicious. That was a long time ago.

  2. My cynical take is that the Waltz pick is similar to Biden picking Harris. I’ve seen it in intradepartmental politics too.

    There is barely average or sub-average mediocrity at the top, and they need a new hire. Better make sure that the new person doesn’t outshine us lifers here. Worse yet, never select a real doer and achiever who might take over and shake things up for the better. We all might be out of a job if that happened.

    In the case of Biden/Harris, the unlikely happened. Biden was no doubt thinking for a time, “You Dem power brokers are going to push me out and replace me with her??”

    Another unrelated possibility is one of corruption and corruptibility. I am beginning to think that the Dem party isn’t just figuratively like an organized crime syndicate, but rather like an actual one. Perhaps omerta and compliance must be enforceable.

  3. Now RedState is reporting that a group of retired Command Sergeants Major are accusing Waltz of cowardice and lying about his service record while serving in the Minnesota National Guard. It will be interesting to find out if there is anything to this report.

  4. What’s the old adage…
    “A-level leaders pick A-level subordinates and B etc pick C/D level”?

    Something like that…?

    We thought Kamala was a weird choice… now the cabal that saddled the US with Biden-Harris says, “Hold our crack pipe.”

  5. My cynical take is that the Waltz pick is similar to Biden picking Harris. I’ve seen it in intradepartmental politics too.


    The saying goes:

    “A” people hire “A” people.
    “B” people hire “C” people.


    I doubt Harris is even a “B” person.

    John+Guilfoyle got there first.

  6. Josh Shapiro was not picked because he once when I think he was 20 years old had the temerity to write an article sympathetic to Israel and he is Jewish. They feel that the pro Hamas wing of the Democratic Party needs to be placated. Walz, like Harris, would have to improve to be considered mediocre.

    William @3:38 pm
    “He looks like Bernie’s brother.” Walz is a fat version of Bernie Sanders.

  7. neo on August 6, 2024 at 3:14 pm said:
    Sgt. Joe Friday:

    Hubert Humphrey.
    I remember when I was a kid and didn’t follow politics at all, my father and both grandfathers talking about how terrible Humphrey was. This must have been 1960. He was seen as extreme then, but 1972 he was the voice of sanity against McGovern.

  8. I can’t understand why every article mentioning Shapiro in connection with this Harris VP speculation has referred to him as the “popular” governor of Pennsylvania. Unlike our recent GOP candidates for the U.S. Senate, I live in Pennsylvania, and I’ll bet that most Pennsylvanians don’t even know the governor’s name. I didn’t know what the guy looked like until I saw his picture a couple of times in articles about the VP business.
    That aside, while I have no idea how smart Shapiro is, he’s no doubt nowhere near as stupid as either Harris or Biden. Why, then, would he want to be Kamala Harris’s running mate and (worse still) vice-president, especially if he thinks he might have a political future beyond a term or two in the governor’s mansion in Harrisburg? Could it be that the Gopher State cipher Walz ended up being chosen because the reality on the Democratic side – including among candidates mentioned as possible VP choices – is that confidence in, and enthusiasm for, the presidential ticket headed by Harris is not running especially high?

  9. Walz is the left’s backup to Harris. The left’s insurance that if anything happens to Harris or if her incompetence forces her ouster, that the left’s destruction of America will continue on schedule. It’s also an indication that the left is confident that the election has already been ‘decided’.

  10. crasey:

    Interesting. I hadn’t heard that rumor when I wrote my post, but I had a notion there was a chance, as I noted in the post, that it was Shapiro who had said no to Harris.

    Perhaps Walz was the last man standing. That would explain a lot.

  11. Tbe speech was all about abortion forget about the crime or inflation or any other subject

  12. Some good info about Walz on Megan Kelly. You’ll probably see some this repeated for the next three weeks.

    Vance will be up to the challenge!

    Rich Lowry is doing his best to appear enthusiastic.

    “Significant Questions Emerge About Harris VP Tim Walz’s Military Service, w/ Ungar-Sargon and Lowry


  13. They will still win… by a few million votes I suspect. Just learned today that big, unspent bucks from the Beat Inflation Bill or whatever those “representatives” of ours called it have been labeled for “green” things and are all going to Dem candidates. And then there is the cheating, fraud, etc.

    Why even discuss who this guy is?

    Too pessimistic? I hope so, but it feels like a pretty frail hope as we all focus on such matters as those mentioned here. Keep us discussing and whamo, the lights go out, polling places close only to open in the morning to boxes of D votes. And that is the simplistic stuff, the devious stuff is never seen. Thanks Google et. al.

  14. @ Chris B > “a group of retired Command Sergeants Major are accusing Waltz of cowardice and lying about his service record while serving in the Minnesota National Guard. ”

    Where were they in 2022?
    What makes Walz as VP less desirable than Walz as governor?
    Walz was elected governor of Minnesota in November 2018, defeating the Republican nominee, Hennepin County commissioner Jeff Johnson.[2] He was reelected in 2022, defeating Republican nominee Scott Jensen.[3][4] During his second term, Walz pushed for and signed a wide range of legislation that included tax modifications, free school meals, bolstering state infrastructure, gun background checks, codifying abortion rights and free college tuition for low-income families.

  15. No one here has mentioned Walz’s explicit support of socialism, but Not The Bee is on the case!
    The relevant tweet from that post is from the RNC:
    “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
    — Tim Walz

    That quote is from the White Dude’s Call, as told in this post:

    It gives you a good idea of Walz’s positions from his own mouth.
    Of course, he lies and gaslights as is usual with politicians, in the particular direction Democrats are going this season.

    I don’t know exactly what he means by that phrase, but if you’ve studied socialist countries at all, they are the anti-thesis of “neighborliness.”
    Unless you think ratting out your friends & family for wrong-think is neighborly.
    Oh wait, that’s what the Democrats wanted us all to do during the Covid Crisis.

    A meme for your collections:

  16. Interesting. When was the last time both major-party presidential tickets featured VP candidates from the Midwest at the same time?

  17. 2020: Biden needs a Black woman. 2024: Harris needs a White man. In both cases, the results were bad.

    Does calling opponents radical or extremist really work? It worked against Goldwater and against McGovern, but we were a different country then. The swing voters don’t pay much attention to those attacks. Right now both parties accuse their opponents of dangerous radicalism, so maybe the non-political assume it’s all just part of the game.

    When was the last time both major-party presidential tickets featured VP candidates from the Midwest at the same time?

    Maybe 1944, Truman D-MO vs. Bricker R-OH, or 1924, Dawes R-IL vs. Bryan D-NE.

  18. @ Aesop > “Where were they in 2022?”

    Questioned answered by a link from Nonapod in the next post.

    The story is from September 2022.
    And the veteran has been speaking out on the subject since 2016.
    But the media has been ignoring or dismissing hime.

    Obviously, it did not impact the elections against Walz since then, so why would it now?
    On the other hand, sometimes it takes an elevated attention to things like this to get action, similar to how John Kerry’s attempts to portray himself as a gung-ho soldier eventually were shot down by the Swift-Boat Veterans, who gave him a pass until he ran for Commander-in-Chief.

    On the gripping hand, the media immediately propagandized that story and coined “swiftboating” to mean “a FALSE attack” on Kerry’s record.

    It’s hard to fight against the combined forces of the government AND the media, all speaking from the same playbook — and sometimes literally from the same script.

  19. More from Alpha News:

    “The Democrats’ hope is that he’s going to appeal to the blue-collar areas in these other three states, maybe he will, but when you look at what he’s done in Minnesota, you don’t quite see that,” Kornacki said.

    And this could cause some problems for the Democrats, if the Somalian community is actually in play.

    After explaining the policies that initiated his switch from being a Democrat to running for office as a Republican, he says this:

    “I know exactly why I’m supporting what I’m supporting right now, why I switched to the Republican Party for the values and the principles that they stand for. We have shared values and interests with the Republican Party. I don’t really care about the backlash,” Fiqy said.

    “There’s of course, people who accuse the Republican party as … really racist or something, but it’s contrary to that claim and it’s very welcoming. Ever since I joined the party, it was very welcoming, very warm, and loving. I think that kind of rhetoric was used in a political way.”

  20. “In the bag, by hook or by crook”!!
    Jesus Christ you all are the cheaters and election deniers.
    I have no idea if we will win. But I know that your people will try to cheat, and will cry like baby bitches if you lose, and stage a more violent coup attempt than your last one if all else fails.
    It is all projection with you people

  21. A few more details from Not the Bee.
    No matter how low your opinion of the media is, it’s not low enough.


    Just a former social studies teacher and football coach. Nothing radical about him. That is, until you scroll down the page.

    Believe it or not, Walz used to be quite conservative.
    … In Congress, Walz positioned himself as a rare moderate Democrat
    … In the 2018 gubernatorial race, Walz defeated his Republican opponent by more than 10 percentage points.
    By then, Walz had shifted to the left on several key issues, including on guns.

    Turned left quicker than a NASCAR driver on the final turn!
    More DEI leftism from Walz:

    But yeah, WaPo, tell me more about how Tim Walz is just a high school football coach-turned-VP candidate!

    The Babylon Bee is more succinct:

  22. JDinPA – Shaprio’s approval rating is right around 50%, and usually a little over. There are also plenty of stories of him acting decent to Pennsylvanians who are on the other side of the political divide. His response to the the death of Corey Comperatore was appropriate, showing grace to someone who almost certainly didn’t vote for him:


    He has also diverged significantly from the Democratic party line on Israel and Palestinian “protesters.” He still says that he’s in favor of school choice, but after this legislative session, I don’t think that’s accurate. At a minimum, he hasn’t been on board with nearly as many of the looney left policies as Walz and Harris. Apparently, that passes for moderate these days.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the guy as a politician and would never vote for him, but it would have been far easier to cast him as a moderate than it will be with Walz, who comes off to me as arrogant jerk (if JD Vance can get off the couch? Really? And you’re going to criticize Trump for being crude?)

    Pennsylvania really isn’t red at all. A large and often decisive chunk of the electorate are blue collar folks who are not particularly conservative (especially economically), are not Republicans, and usually vote for Democrats. I think Trump won PA in 2016 (by the skin of his teeth) because he did better with these voters than Republicans have historically. But to put things in perspective, these folks are also Fetterman’s base. Shapiro would have helped a lot with this group. He can come off as a decent, reasonable guy, and genuineness goes a long way.

    Walz is a liability, for sure, as is Kamala’s record. With the press running interference for the Democrat’s ticket, however, it’s going to take a disciplined, on-message campaign to defeat them. In other words, Trump needs to NOT be the center of attention between now and November. I’m not sure that he is capable of that. I guess we’ll see.

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