Home » Riots in the UK sparked by the murder of three little girls


Riots in the UK sparked by the murder of three little girls — 31 Comments

  1. The riots are so convenient for the Labour Party I’d almost wonder if they started it, sort of like the FBI and J 6.

  2. Starmer more worried about online crime than the mass murder of young girls by a 17 year old. Tells you all you need to know about the future of the UK.

  3. Right away the Marxists went straight to Right-Wing thuggery
    Exactly what our Marxists would do.
    Winston Marshall is another Video to try

  4. Thanks for setting the record straight on whom the murderer is, but I think the Police kept his identity secret, and many know he was Black. Now, the Police are adding protection to Mosques, but not other religions places of worship.
    I read, but cannot confirm, that an angry mob of Muslims chased a White Brit down the street and the Police did nothing. Actually, this is too close to be true, even if it isn’t.

  5. A man, playing with fire, apparently incapable of grasping that fire is hot. The police, foolishly imagining that ‘just following orders’ is a ‘get out of jail card’.

  6. I’ve seen Nigel Farage on X pointing out that if the authorities had been open about the killer’s ethnic background initially, riots would not have broken out. As soon as I heard the killer’s parents were from Rwanda I was pretty sure he is not Muslim. But really, these protests were coming at some point one way or another. For years Muslim gangs have raped English girls (usually lower-class) and roamed the streets intimidating and beating white English people. Police turn their eyes away for fear of being “racist.”

    Also, now Muslim gangs armed with knives and sticks are roaming the streets beating English people who may or may not have been protesting.

  7. The Welsh are the indigenous people of Wales.

    The Irish are the indigenous people of Ireland.

    If Wales and Ireland were not in Europe, the Left would oppose any effort to settle foreigners in those countries against the will of the indigenous people.

  8. Airship one comes to life

    We have seen how effendi khan regards crime as the price of diversity

  9. “We will not tolerate attacks on mosques or on Muslim communities.”

    But Chrisitians and Jews are on their own.

  10. @ Niketas – indeed.
    One could devote an entire website to just chronicling the double-standards of the left aka progressives aka (once upon a time) liberals aka Democrats.


    I’m confused. Is it morally right to treat the historic English people as second-class citizens in their own ancestral homeland in preference to an imported group of people from distant lands? Is that compassion? Is that justice?

    And here I thought colonialism was bad!!

  11. Matt Taibbi’s post on the wide ramifications of the UK rioting situation.

    In a broader sense, Starmer’s “before they even board a train” address is worrisome as it comes in the context of a growing international movement to combine expanded definitions of incitement with “preventive” enforcement. Earlier this year, this site covered Canada’s still-pending Online Harms Act, which would create means for detaining people for crimes they haven’t committed yet. Starmer’s speech called for combining “shared intelligence” with existing tools like the above-mentioned Criminal Behavior Order (known as Crimbos, which replaced the Anti-Social Behavior Order or Asbo in 2012) and laws restricting the movement of soccer hooligans. The ASBO/Crimbo regime of “prevention injunctions,” ostensibly meant to be used to curb youth violence, was once criticized for being used against adults for everything from excessively loud sex to “dogging” (definition here) to singing “Wonderwall” and “Faith” too often for residents of a Birmingham housing complex. Now, apparently, Starmer wants to expand the concept in a more political direction.

    That official truth would put the press out of business didn’t seem to bother reporters at the Starmer press conference. English journalists demanded to know if Starmer planned to “clamp down on the far right groups,” how he would “stop the far right from hijacking narratives,” and if he planned to “haul in the social media companies” and “restart the rapid rebuttal unit.” One asked Starmer if he was “happy” with a judge’s decision to release the knife suspect’s name (the judge said he did it to prevent the spread of more rumors). As was the case in the U.S. during the early War on Terror years, the press increasingly seems less interested in getting information than egging politicians on, asking why they haven’t cracked down harder and faster, cut more corners, assumed more authority.

    Back then, it was unpopular to wonder about the rights of Muslims. Now the reverse is true. Is that better, or just a different version of the same thing? Britain keeps a register of soccer hooligans under various travel bans. Why not have similar lists for online extremists? It sounds like minds are already moving in that direction inside the new British government.

  12. In the end the only thing that guarantees your freedoms is each individual taking responsibility for maintaining them and force of arms.

  13. The Irish are the indigenous people of Ireland.

    Also of Chicago . . .

    I keed, I keed.

  14. I’m so old that I can remember when the children of immigrants were told to remember that they were (invited) guests in someone else’s country, therefore it was important not to do anything that would offend their hosts or embarrass the family. The thought of committing crimes was beyond the pale.

  15. @IrishOtter49:Also of Chicago

    Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner, in The Gilded Age, brutally satirized Irish politicians in Washington DC:

    Being now wealthy and distinguished, Mr. O’Riley, still bearing the legislative “Hon.” attached to his name (for titles never die in America, although we do take a republican pride in poking fun at such trifles), sailed for Europe with his family. They traveled all about, turning their noses up at every thing, and not finding it a difficult thing to do, either, because nature had originally given those features a cast in that direction; and finally they established themselves in Paris, that Paradise of Americans of their sort.—They staid there two years and learned to speak English with a foreign accent—not that it hadn’t always had a foreign accent (which was indeed the case) but now the nature of it was changed. Finally they returned home and became ultra fashionables. They landed here as the Hon. Patrique Oreille and family, and so are known unto this day.

  16. sdferr — thanks for you LotusEaters LINK.

    British Historian David Starkey condemns Labour’s love of (historically) inverted “human rights.” which are anti-populist and anti-democratic today.

    The result? “The Beginnings of Labour’s Police State”

  17. sdferr’s link to Lotus Eaters finds founder Carl Benjamin explicating that, as per a Daily Mail map of protests, they are not at all happening in Conservative or “Right-wing” areas in the UK.

    In fact, they are ENTIRELY happening in working class towns represented in Parliament by Leftist Labour Party! Thus what’s happening is internecine warfare among Labour constituent groups, with the over educate intelligentsia completely alienated from the People’s fears and concerns.

    Starkey locates the a British Police State and one-Party State also among intelligence officials. Reminds us of the institutional trajectory here in the US — too similar to be a coincidence.

    GBNews reports that 100 more street protests are planned for tonight, with the communists organising some 30 counter demos.

    Headline “Britain Braces for Violence”

  18. The rioters know what they’re on about; special treatment for migrants including those who victimize native Brits.
    The elites know, too, but have a different idea of whether it’s desirable.

    Be interesting to know what proportion of the non-elite, non-rioters think it’s about the special treatment of migrants v. the locals.

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