Home » If the Republicans are smart, they’ll have a field day making anti-Walz ads


If the Republicans are smart, they’ll have a field day making anti-Walz ads — 28 Comments

  1. We certainly have no shortage of leftwing moonbats in the highest postitions of power in this country. Kamala could have just picked AOC or Ilhan Omar, at least they’re a bit more telegenic.

  2. Excellent comment by JD Vance. Now Trump needs to follow JD’s example across the board.

    Tim Walz is a Nebraska native and went to high school and college in NE.

    He is an alum of the third-rate Chadron State. The debate will be Chadron State v. Yale Law. Total beatdown.

    (At the time NE had four state teachers colleges. Only two of them are halfway decent.)

  3. Well, Walz probably shouldn’t run on his “military record” since it appears that he immidiately quit the National Guard after finding out they were going to be deployed to Iraq.

    Back in early 2005, a warning order went out to southern Minnesota’s First Battalion-125th Field Artillery to mobilize for a mission to Iraq, Behrends said. Walz served as the unit’s highest non-commissioned officer after he was conditionally promoted to command sergeant major on April 1, 2005, records show. On May 16, Walz retired from the guard, avoided the deployment, and ran for Congress.

    Walz has implied in previous statements that he didn’t retire because of the deployment, but National Guard records show his service obligation wasn’t complete until September 2007.

  4. At least another Marxist, thought she would go more middle of the road, but both are hard core Marxist.
    If they can pull off fraud voting the Gulags will get opened.

  5. Just think. Walz — 20 years as a social studies teacher —can be America’s very own Justin Trudeau, ex-drama teach, IIRC?!

    So, YES. This is a field of eructating gold for the Rs.

    Off the topic of Walz, but onto that other Veep, Kamala, THIS 15m with Benny Johnson is golden parody, too!

    The ostensible framing is the fast closing air gap between Trump and Elon Musk. Which reprises the known half of the time but adds by half the facts and rumours I’ve been ignorant about. So, it enlightening and newswort.

    But, two-thirds of the way through it, I’m LOL-ing, getting a belly-ache of fun! Laughing at our US Veep anointed by Puppet Presidente Biden!

    A welcome three-in one video, at the LINK. Musk, Trump, and Kamala.

    Back to Walz and VP Harris. My simplest best argument is that BOTH are Pro-Terrorist — and thus all civilians, normie or not, must unite against them.

  6. The VP debate, if it happens, should be very interesting. I read that he is 60, same age as Harris, but he does look a whole lot older, whereas JD is Young and looks it.

  7. The ‘election’ of Harris-Walz will directly lead to the second American Civil War because the left, having rejected the very concept of inalienable rights will seek to finalize its fundamental transformation of America into a cultural Marxist State. That ‘transformation’ will require, among other measures, the expansion of the S.C., Hate Speech laws, widespread gun confiscation, the voting franchise granted to non-citizens and the relinquishing of national sovereignty to the WHO.

  8. Don’t get cocky and underestimate the ability of Dems to manipulate the election.

  9. It looks like they leaned heavily into the “no contrast on competency” side of things.

    “He’s not like the other guys. He’s hip to “Gender Queer.” He loves non-binary children. He knows that graphic depictions of vibrators, blowjobs, and strap-on dildos belong in every classroom. He knows that love is love.”


  10. Walz is the issue of state teachers’ colleges. What that indicates varies from place to place and cohort to cohort, but it commonly means a high tolerance for humbug. In a sane world, academic secondary teachers would be subject trained in the apposite segments of arts and sciences faculties and then earn teaching certificates which incorporate a short menu of methods courses and somewhat north of 12 months of internship and apprenticeship. We don’t live in a sane world. We live in clown world where they meander around for 4-6 years worth of tertiary schooling, much of it consisting of ‘education’ courses. BTW, see KC Johnson on what NCATE has been promoting in the curriculum of teachers’ colleges. They’re worse than they’ve ever been.
    The motive for his departure from the National Guard in 2005 can be gleaned from looking at pictures from his 2006 campaign for Congress. He was rather adipose.
    The Democratic Party is a collecting pool of malicious lobbying groups (of which how many are financed by the sorosphere?) and the perverse measures to which he’s applied his imprimatur indicate he just signs off on this crap and applies scant critical intelligence to any of it. He is the exemplary bourgeois Democratic voter. What’s odd in his life is career change at age 40.

  11. can be America’s very own Justin Trudeau,
    He isn’t. Trudeau is an upper class nepot whose career is a testament to the power of branding. Say what you want about Walz, up to age 42 he was Joe Average born and bred. What’s wrong with him is that he’s an unreflective subscriber to the various rancid little catechisms abroad in the Democratic Party and the guilds and lobbies for which the Democratic Party is the electoral vehicle.

  12. Or even a hat: MAWA
    Make America Weird Again

    Although someone might think I am a fan of the Middle Atlantic Wrestling Association, or a cook touting “a dried milk solid used in Indian sweets and desserts.”

    Acronyms can be tricky these days.

  13. Sargent Herr Walz went to China 30 times. Starting out teaching English there, he even had his honeymoon with his wife there! In Beijing — near Tianamin Square where Domocracy protester died and rounded up en mass.

    Walz lived there and loves China.

    He is a younger Senator Bernie Sanders. These far leftists know no shame.

    For example, “One man’s socialism is another man’s neighbourliness.” Try telling that to the millions of dead Kulaks.

  14. As TJ points out, Walz has made something like 30 trips to China. That strikes me as quite strange. Was he recruited by the CCP and going there to undergo training or something? Was he just making a trip because it was paid for? I know he taught English there for a while — that is understandable. But 29 more trips? That doesn’t smell right. 3 trips, maybe. Possibly even 5. But 30? Including his honeymoon? Just does not smell right.

  15. Walz went to China so often because:

    Upon returning stateside, Walz and his wife set up a company, Educational Travel Adventures, to coordinate summer trips to China for American high-school students.

    So I think it makes sense to make a lot of trips to China if you are in the business of sending people on trips to China.

  16. @miguel:They had the anniversary on tienanmen square

    I’m not sure what you are trying to make of this, but in China there is no official recognition that there is an anniversary of anything related to the massacre in Tiananmen Square and the date only has significance to the security services, who actively suppress any mention of it. Most Chinese people born after 1990 have probably heard the phrase “six-four” but they have not seen the footage or anything like that and don’t really know what it refers to except that it’s something subversive. It is not a safe issue to discuss in China, online or off.

    As for Tiananmen Square itself it’s one of the major tourist attractions in China, and saying someone going there is tacitly showing support for the massacre is just nuts, as nuts as saying that going to the US Capitol is tacit sympathy with an attempt to “overthrow the government” on January 6, even if they went on January 6. I’m not sure you’re saying that but TJ seems to be.

    If you think Walz for some reason should have avoided the date or else he’s a sekrit Commie, that’s just an exercise in mind-reading. You know about the date, I know about it, but not everyone knows about it or cares about it to the same degree. Some people have birthdays and anniversaries on December 7, October 7, April 19, May 31, June 4, and September 11, and no one can be expected to keep track of all the awful things tied to every calendar date so they know what to avoid in order to be accused of secretly being for or against whatever it is.

  17. Same media and leftists that post a story or make a speech about virtue of free food, housing, healthcare and tuition for illegals, will tomorrow post a story or make a speech about how America needs to solve the homeless situation.

  18. Hes a commie twit shows all the signs bloc committees during the lockdowns disarm the people dont arrest the turbas

  19. @FOAF:Republicans have been excoriated for a lot less, Niketas.

    I agree, but if you want to do tit for tat you need something that anyone under 70 cares about and sekrit Communism and Tiananmen Square is pretty low on that list. His travels to China 20 year ago appear to be completely innocent and makes people trying to read something sinister into it look nuts.

    On the other hand, his support of shoveling children into the transgender grooming pipeline is horrifying, true, and relevant, same as his standing down law enforcement while BLM burned down his capital city.

  20. @miguel:Hes a commie twit

    He’s a bog-standard leftist who’s probably no more read Marx than a bog-standard Christian has read Origen or Athanasius. Calling him a “commie” doesn’t make sense in 2024, it’s like calling someone a Wobblie in 1980 and expecting anyone to be alarmed.

    You know how the Left calls everything they don’t like “fascist” regardless of whether there’s any literal connection to Fascism? Let’s not do that with “commie” especially considering that using the word just makes you sound like a Boomer (or older). It’s a hot button that is no longer connected to anything in the electorate.

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