Home » Open thread 8/5/24


Open thread 8/5/24 — 56 Comments

  1. Looks like a good possibility that the Stock Market will continue to drop today.
    Israel took out another Hamas leader yesterday.
    IDF said some sort of aircraft coming out of Lebanon – drones?
    Even Putin warns its citizens in Lebanon to get out now.
    Harris VP pick will be a disaster. Hopefully, not for us.
    Other than that, the Play was good.

  2. Riots in the UK. Iran’s about to attack Israel. Stock Market crashing. Seems a little crazy lately.

  3. SM down almost 1000 points, so far.
    Is this also Trumps fault, like the unemployment numbers?

  4. Just a reminder:
    Shapiro, who IIRC was Pennsylvania State AG at the time, declared—before the 2020 election—in no certain terms that there was NO WAY Trump was going to carry PA.

    After the ballot extended for several days—the end of the week?—or more correctly, until ALL the Philly districts were “counted”, he was proven right (by how many fractions of a percentage point??).

    Gosh, how did he “know”…?

  5. I hope someone is looking for what Kamala said about California when Newsome signed the law sending “transgender women” into women’s prisons.

  6. “Rainy days and Mondays”…..

    Rainy Days: Debbie here in NE FL…we’ve had about 2.5” and 40mph gusts so far with no problems, but as it stalls more rain.

    Mondays: Iran about to attack Israel with a shot at WW3, stock market plunges, And Harris/Biden/Obama in charge. What could possibly go wrong??!!

  7. they presuppose a serious regime or even one that self aware in Washington,
    Israel is on its own or worse, look at prospective first gentleman, Emhoff’s ties to Qatar,

  8. “they presuppose a serious regime”

    Bullshit. Actually the opposite, they explain that Obama-Biden is self-defeating and delusional. And yet a “fact” on the ground, so to speak, a necessity to be dealt with in some careful way or other. There’s no getting around the present hostility of Obama-Biden but to live (somehow) through it. It’s the “somehow” that is in question.

  9. sdferr,

    I didn’t watch all of it, but early on it sounded clear that the US is only there to support defensive measures against Israel and have signaled that Israel should not preemptively attack Hezbollah.
    So at this point its the cat and mouse game of which attack by the other side will be labeled as “preemptive”.
    This seemingly puts Iran in the catbird seat, though they have vowed a strike on Israel. If they can refrain from directly striking Israel, but use their proxies to continue their disruption of Israeli life– will Israel be forced to curtail what they view as a necessary strike to severely damage Hezbollah?
    I take this position since the media stories focus on Israel preparing to strike into Lebanon, seems to be as much as egging on a fight as anything.

  10. israel fought hezbollah for nearly all of the 18 years they were in lebanon, this was where the three effendis mugniyeh badreddine and shakr, cut their teeth, which one planned the embassy bombing doesn’t really matter, yes the first two came from Force 17th, Arafat’s personal security force, Abu Ammar’s ghost still lingers like Jacob Marley, after Israel gave up Lebanon, they faced another round of incursions in 2006, and 2012, if memory served, of course this is a long IRGC project going back to the godfather of the operation, an American trained Iranian officer, Berkeley as it happens, Mustafa Chamran, who trained in Cuba and Egypt before going on to the PL0

  11. Brian, we must go a touch further to disentangle terms such as “defense”, “offense”, “preempt”, “attack”, “deter” and so on.

    My understanding of the Obama-Biden position is thus: we’ll help you Israel with defensive arms supply (mostly — albeit not exclusively — as when US assets aid in shooting down incoming missilery); we’ll aid you to defend yourselves in the midst of external attack coming from Iran or Lebanon, but we’ll oppose your offensive measures against Iran or any of its proxies.

    We’ll (Obama-Biden) do nothing to threaten Iran or stop the attacks we’re now warning the world will come in the next day or two. Nothing. But neither must you attack preemptively lest we cut off our meagre aid to you thereafter. We’ll decide your security policy in your interests! Trust us!

  12. meanwhile taking a dip in the seine, is not a healthy thing, as at least one olympic athlete has noted, cleo michel,

  13. Running on generator power 7 miles north of Old Town after Debby came thru. Still raining and will be 24 hours of straight rain before long. Anyway…

    White Women for Harris. White Men for Harris. What’s next?!?

    Republicans for Harris

    “Donald Trump said he doesn’t want these voters, but Vice President Harris and our campaign are working overtime to earn the support of my fellow Republicans who care about defending democracy and restoring decency — all of which would be torn away in a second Trump presidency.”

    Quick list: former secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood, Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye .. former Reps. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) and Susan Molinari (R-N.Y.) put their support behind Harris in November, along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) .. former GOP Govs. Bill Weld (Mass.), Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.) and Jim Edgar (Ill.), the campaign announced Sunday. It also highlighted that former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan ® .. former GOP Reps. Alan Steelman (Texas), Claudine Schneider (R.I.), David Emery (Maine), David Trott (Mich.), Jack Quinn (N.Y.), Jim Greenwood (Pa.), John LeBoutillier (N.Y.), Tom Coleman (Mo.), Rod Chandler (Wash.), Peter Smith (Vt.) and Wayne Gilchrest (Md.).

  14. A roll call of “Republicans.”

    Good to know you’re okay, Karmi. We are bracing in NC. It may still be a tropical storm by the time it goes over us. We’ve had 9.5″ of rain in the past two weeks, and now a tropical storm coming with perhaps that much more. Our house is on high ground, fortunately.

  15. sdferr, yes that’s about right on the button…though I’d stick an “…even as WE send them tens—actually hundreds—of billions of dollars in aid and ENCOURAGEMENT…” in there somewhere, oh…probably after “…its proxies…”
    But one could place it anywhere, really.

    Must be kind of fun orchestrating all these crises!…for the greater good, of course…since they’re so much more clever than the average bear….
    (Even more fun watching Blinken spewing garbage in the demented belief that he still has any credibility…)

  16. Hmm. Debbie Does Florida.
    I guess it was only a matter of time, actually.
    Good luck and let’s hope it’s a flop.

  17. To in-fill Barry’s observation: Tony Badran —

    Team Obama is transferring American taxpayer money to fund Iranian terror enclaves across the region. Houston-based Leb businessman, Nejad Fares, a donor to MEI and its sister advocacy shop the ATFL—both of which advocate for increased US taxpayer funding for Lebanon/LAF, including the American University of Beirut, where there is a center in his father’s name—told Leb media that Hochstein wants to seal a (pro-Hezbollah) border deal by November, which will include an additional $400 mil for the LAF (currently, between formal aid and other tricks and quasi-legal schemes, aid stands at about that much a year), in addition to “hundreds of millions” for reconstruction and investment in Hezbollah’s stronghold in south Lebanon. (We’re already at a little under a billion a year in taxpayer dollars for that Iranian terror base.)

    Such a deal, Fares added amusingly, would help the Dems in Michigan.


  18. Karmi, what size generator?

    Most of the names you listed will have no affect on influencing anyone.

    Don’t forget the election will be decided in five or six states. In my estimation it will come down to Michigan or Wisconsin.

    What we don’t know are future events– such as a run on the stock market. The fed will probably come out soon and indicate there will be a .5% reduction in interest rates which will calm the market somewhat.

  19. Shapiro, as PA AG, sued the federal government to try to eliminate the Obamacare exception that the Trump administration made for organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor. There was never any showing or even any allegation that women couldn’t get access to the BC that LSOTP didn’t want to provide to them. It was very much an “every knee must bend” move. It was intolerable that any organization anywhere was failing to comply with what the left decreed.

    Shapiro, also as AG, also released hundreds of pages of secret grand jury testimony on Catholic priest abuse in PA. YMMV on that, but one has to at least consider that there are serious issues with releasing un-rebutted grand jury testimony suggesting the criminality of individuals who were never charged and given no opportunity to participate in the hearing or provide exculpatory evidence. Many but by no means all of the accused were deceased.

    Shapiro is also nominally for “school choice,” though he’s pro-school choice the same way that Bobby Casey is (used to be?) pro-life – he talks a lot about it but when the chips are down he honors the leftist line.

    My biggest beef with Shapiro is his funding of Doug Mastriano’s primary campaign in 2022. Shapiro spent more money promoting Mastriano in the PA primary than Mastriano’s own campaign. He received a huge assist from Trump, who swooped in and endorsed Mastriano in the last week of the primary campaign despite the state party’s feverish effort to stop Mastriano (and Shapiro) and thereby preserve the party’s general election prospects in PA – but Shapiro’s help had Mastriano in the lead before that. Yep, that’s “our democracy” – win your own primary while rigging the other party’s primary to ensure the weakest possible general election opponent.

    But all of that said, I think Shapiro is the Dem’s best VP candidate. He’s well-spoken. He can handle himself in front of a crowd or a camera. And he’s made enough moderate-type noises over the years that he will be successfully be portrayed as middle-of-the-road. And, he’s popular in Pennsylvania. There is a great chance that he’s worth a point or two in PA in November, and whoever wins PA most likely wins this election.

    But now it looks like the anti-Semite wing of the Democrat party and (for some reason) Fetterman are torpedoing him. Peculiar. Very peculiar.

  20. We are seeing a herd stampede in the stock markets, like in the Old West. What gave all these cows (markets) and their traders, in Japan, Europe and the US, reason to stampede today? What drives their possibly hypoencephalic thinking?
    I’m down 2%. BFD.

  21. none of these people are good for anything, if they were really concerned about the mobs rampaging against Jews, they would make a real statement against it, but I’m sure he was all in on ‘Charlottesville’ as Atty General, he was fine with the lockdowns that was ruinous not only to the health of the elderly, but also with Levine’s part,
    counterproductive because of the deliberate infection, of nursing home patients, yes that bad python caricature, then we can consider his part in the Ellen Greenberg case, that stinks to high heaven, that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is reviewing, among those who investigate the matter in 2019, was Dr, Mehmet Oz, isn’t that convenient, stabbed 20 times declared a suicide, thats a rather willful act of suicide,

    ostensibly the dustup with Fetterman, is he wanted to free as many prisoners as possible, and Shapiro did not go along, with that notion,

    as a general rule, Harris is the wrong answer, to any question that matters, if you care about safety on the streets, safety in the international waterways, to the wellbeing of your daughters and sons, to a resilient energy grid

  22. The Fed is trapped. We are headed for serious Stagflation. I assume Harris will try to find some way to blame Trump.

  23. Brain E:

    Wrote about Debby this morning in 8/3/24 Open Thread. My house/cabin/hut is small, so a Troy 7000 watt (105000 watt startup) has been plenty big enough. Dryer is not in finished living so I plug a long generator cord into the 30amp dryer recpt after shutting off main breaker on power pole. Inside area is about 320 sq feet so can use most stuff when the water heater is off. Don’t use anything if I have water heater on, but that water stays hot/warm enough for quite sometimes.

    Yeah, I don’t know most politicians, but listed them anyway. Yeah, my 270ToWin Consensus Electoral Map is showing WI, MI, PA, NV, and AZ as toss ups. PA Josh Shapiro would probably give Harris that state…I dunno.

    Map also shows GA leaning Red, but some are saying Trump insulted GA yesterday. Yeah, w/ 3 months left, anything could happen…Harris can’t escape being linked to a bad economy tho, and it’s looking like a bad turn coming.

  24. Karmi, my name is Brian. I’m honored that my intellectual prowess is self-evident, but I strive to project a humble persona.

    Thanks you for the flattery, though.

  25. kemp is as much responsible for everything we see that has gone wrong, we don’t have the fall of kabul, the kiev incursion, probably not october 7th in a normal world, our inflation would be not nearly that high,

  26. Harris will remain unburdened if the predicted recession happens: she was only the VP and can’t be blamed for the economy.
    But she will be given full credit for anything good *coughs* that comes out of the last four years.

  27. Quick list: former secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood, Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye .. former Reps. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.), Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) and Susan Molinari (R-N.Y.) put their support behind Harris in November, along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) .. former GOP Govs. Bill Weld (Mass.), Christine Todd Whitman (N.J.) and Jim Edgar (Ill.), the campaign announced Sunday. It also highlighted that former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan ® .. former GOP Reps. Alan Steelman (Texas), Claudine Schneider (R.I.), David Emery (Maine), David Trott (Mich.), Jack Quinn (N.Y.), Jim Greenwood (Pa.), John LeBoutillier (N.Y.), Tom Coleman (Mo.), Rod Chandler (Wash.), Peter Smith (Vt.) and Wayne Gilchrest (Md.).
    Was anyone waiting with bated breath as to what these people had to say?
    You’ll recall that the fellow known 20 years ago as “Chuck Hagel (R-France)” was presented at the time as an old school isolationist who later took a job with BO, hmmm. LaHood took a cabinet job with BO and prior to that hardly pretended to be anything but a careerist under a flag of convenience. Stephanie Grisham is a regrettable example of how hopeless was Trump’s personnel operation. Olivia Troye was a McCain plant. Shays, Smith, and Schneider are Rockefeller Republicans who one might wager haven’t voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1976. Chandler, Edgar, Emery, Gilchrist, Greenwood, and Quinn were careerist / temporizers for whom the Republican affiliation was a flag of convenience. Whitman is a generic blueblood who took up Republican politics as it was her parents’ hobby; her complaint with the Democratic Party was largely a function of her property tax bills. Molinari is a nepot / careerist who went to work in the media > 20 years ago and whose most salient stance in the intervening years has been a complaint about George W. Bush’s resistance to homosexual pseudogamy. (Indulgence of homosexuals seems to have been de rigeur among the inner ring in the Staten Island Republican Party). Joe Walsh’s career suggests either someone quite unstable or with his finger to the wind. Adam Kinzinger is notable as Lizard Cheney’s sidekick. Wm. Weld is Exhibit A for the proposition that 20th century New England patricians should not be missed. Alan Steelman is a reminder that George Bush the Elder built a political career in Texas, though Bush avoided joining Common Cause. Dave Trott is a Romney family associate who had a skeevy law practice of a sort known as a ‘foreclosure mill’. Coleman has worked as a lobbyist in Washington for 30 years; his most notable intervention in that time was his insistence in 2019 (after the Russia hoax was exposed) that Trump and Pence should be impeached. John LeBoutillier is a something of a surprise; he’s always been something of an embarrassment, however.
    Most of these people have been out of office for 25 years or more and a couple for > 40 years. They were fair-weather friends when they were in office. A number of them have in recent years subscribed to the most meretricious nonsense promoted by Democratic Party lawfare artists.
    One problem the Republican Party has had for decades (among a half dozen others) is types like these throwing sand in the gears.

  28. omg I missed joe walsh in that full clowncar, yes i’ve spoken about olivia in the past, how she pushed fauci and birx on to the stage,

  29. We had an electrician install a code-compliant bypass at our breaker box to permit us to switch to the generator, which runs off either gasoline or the propane canisters usually sold for grills (that’s the power source we use). It does involve having my husband go outside to make the switch and fire up the generator; a whole-house generator would be better. We want that in our next and final house.

  30. My standby switch cuts over after 30 seconds. Computers, internet etc. are on batteries that keep them going during switch over. We hear the generator stop as our first clue that utility power is back on. Extended outages cause loss of broadband when their remote batteries die (i.e. ISP batteries) so the DSL backup internet is manually switched. Ran that way for a week straight a couple of years ago. Power died at the cell tower too so it was on backup power.

  31. Generators: our whole house gen was finished up last week. 22kW Generac running off our buried propane tank. We had one very quick outage this morning that didn’t even last long enough (30 sec) for the generator to kick in. Rain is going to be the worst part of Debbie here. Retention pond in the back already running over its spillway due to all the Tstorm rains we’ve had for the last month.

  32. In later life—had a legal job as an electrician, which is why I get some SS now. Whole house gens are the way to go, and hooked up a lot of systems on 4,000 to 10,000 sq ft homes. Had someone else hook up a special gen for that 10,000 footer.

    My HUT only has 320 sq feet of living space – sorta setup like an efficiency/studio apt. I live happily within my means…

    Rain finally stopped here—right around 24 hours of it. I have more chainsaw work this time than when Idalia hit…power was out 5-6 days on that one.

  33. Karmi, om is the only one that calls me Brain. I think he thinks he’s disrespecting me because of my views on Ukraine.

    As you’ve found out, he can be a bit of a sourpuss.


  34. Brian, om acts gay, IMHO, so he may be flirting w/ you also instead of “disrespecting” your pro-Russian views.

    I think I got “Brain” from watching how your thrash him on most all subjects—amazing to watch you in action against him…

  35. Dixie county allows you to back feed a panel? Um wow. A transfer interlock is only about $20.

  36. People all over Dixie county do it – shut off main breaker and stick the gen cable into 30 amp recp.
    REPs – always looking for ways to have the Government throw fellow humans into jails & prisons…Jeez!?

    Anyway, power just came back on so will shut off gen and turn main back on. Oh, and unplug gen cable! 🙂

  37. “back feed a panel” – OK.

    Power company runs power to meter. Electrician can install panel next to or near meter and connect the two. Or, can run wire to an inside panel from meter.

    Next, near, or inside that panel will need a main breaker to connect meter and panel.

    Shut that main off breaks the panel to meter connection.

    Now, using a 30amp recpt (in my case) as the “meter” – I connect the new electricity power source to it. The 30amp breaker for that 30amp recpt now becomes the panel’s main breaker.

    Never had an issue with it and I’ve been using generators like this since one of the nasty hurricanes between 2002-2005, I believe.

    My set up here actually involves meter to main Panel – main Panel to sub-Panel in hut. Sub-panel has no main, except for a breaker in the outside main Panel, which also has the main breaker for the meter shutoff.

    Confusing? Not for me…

  38. It’s 1968 all over again …

    Remember what a big deal the assassination attempt upon Trump was? (It was!)

    But that was three weeks ago … which feels as though it might have been three months or three years ago.

    Biden’s ouster, Kamala’s ascension, near major war between Iran and Israel, stock markets’ collapse…

    Who knows what tomorrow may bring?

    Not me.

    If you want me, I’ll be hiding under my bed! 🙂

  39. But I’ve got wifi even under my bed … where the past few days I’ve been enjoying a Janis Joplin react video retrospective.

    Janis’s “Summertime” gets a lot of attention because it’s Janis, it’s rock, it’s blues, it’s jazz, it’s classical and it’s even sampled in hip-hop.

    It’s actually from George Gershwin’s opera, “Porgy and Bess.” Which is so black that it was first performed in 1935(!) with a black cast.

    Everyone who listens, gets Janis’s “Summertime.”

    Here’s Virgin Rock, my current react fave, She is responding to a challenge from a listener to recall the song from the instrumental intro. She knows it, but can’t quite place it — misled by the Bachish counterpoint. However, she does get the feeling of a warm breeze and she’s brilliant on the rest.

    –Virgin Rock, “Janis Joplin, Summertime – A Classical Musician’s First Listen and Reaction”

    My other fave react artist, POLO. He hears the gospel church sound. He compares her to James Brown and say’s she’s badass. He is overwhelmed.

    –POLO REACTS, “My first time hearing Janis Joplin – Summertime (Reaction!!)”

    Here’s a young Asian opera singer. She gets Janis too. She hears the sweetness and the gruff.

    –Aaliyah Capili, “Young Opera Singer Reacts To Janis Joplin – Summertime”

    There are plenty more react videos on “Summertime.” I love Janis and I am so happy she’s being rediscovered.

  40. Kami, that is back feeding and relies entirely on you not effing up. The cheapest correct way is a sliding plate that prevents the generator breaker from being flipped on without physically blocking the panel main in the off position. This allows either the generator breaker or main but never both. There are various versions for different panels.

  41. Chases Eagles, yeah, it’s not National Electrical Code, but it works. I do it manually, but most of the approved code methods are done electronically. And, a lot more expense and work are involved than a cheap sliding plate.

    Many systems just have AC/Heat, refer, hot water, well, and some lights ‘n recpts that come on. Others are whole house. 2009 – I paid about $20,000 for 2 half acre lots, well & septic, some new tax to build here, and 600 sq foot under metal roof, with 320 sq ft of that living space that was approved with a Certificate of Occupancy. Ran out of money before I could pour the concrete in the other 280 sq foot area. $3-4000 for some backup power supply was not needed in my case, even if I could have afforded it.

    Heck, I couldn’t even afford home insurance on my property — insurance companies want you to pay for insurance of hundreds of thousands, and I won’t do it. Anyway, nice conversation…

  42. ISW Iran Update August 5, 2024

    The Art of Waiting to be Attacked

    Iran and Russia are continuing to promote increased cooperation ahead of the Iranian retaliatory strike against Israel.

    Is Jordan an enemy of Israel? (some here suggest so)

    Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi in Tehran on August 4. Pezeshkian stated that Israel made a ”big mistake” by killing Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31. Safadi stated that the killing of Haniyeh was an attempt by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to ”expand the scope” of regional conflicts. Pezeshkian expressed hope that Jordan and Iran could improve diplomatic relations. Jordan indicated that it may also shoot down projectiles that enter Jordanian airspace, like it did on April 13, should Iran and the Axis of Resistance launch another attack on Israel. Safadi previously stated that Jordan will ”face” anyone who violates Jordanian airspace. Safadi also previously stated that Jordan ”will not become a battlefield.”

  43. Re: Another Janis “Summertime” react video

    Here’s a black guy, who knows enough that he really wants to hear/see the Janis live performance, but when he gets it on his video feed he is staring stage right, almost ashamed.

    I can’t even look at Janis. It’s too much emotion. It’s too much… She’s not even trying to impress you with her voice. Janis, she wants you to feel this song…

    Y’all understand why I’m speechless.

    –MMBxMOB, “Righteous Brothers Or Janis? | Janis Joplin – Summertime LIVE 1969 | Reaction”


    He gets Janis.

  44. In re the Tablet post referenced by David Foster, regarding the power of the “government” to do whatever it chooses once it has been given the tools to direct the Whole of Society.
    Here is a case in point.

    Now we see, very plainly, that one can draw the attention of a faceless, unelected bureaucrat and be placed on a terrorist or terror suspect watch list for which there are no known criteria for inclusion, no recourse, and no appeal to have oneself removed. What’s more, one can be placed on this list for no reason other than being a persistent thorn in the side of the Biden/Harris administration, which Tulsi Gabbard surely is – and we celebrate her for it.

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