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Maduro almost certainly lost … — 29 Comments

  1. }}} Anyone refusing to go along with this stolen election is labeled a “fascist” and hundreds of people have been arrested for protesting the results.

    So… just another typical Election Day in the Americas… Right?

  2. Where are the thunderous cheers for the ‘fascist’ Donald Trump, for peacefully yielding the Presidency to Joe the Crook Biden in January 2021?

    Painful for ‘progressives’ to admit, but they can always claim that ‘next time’ he’ll pull a real Maduro.

  3. That is to say, the Biden/Harris administration was delusional when it lifted sanctions against Venezuela on the promise that Maduro would have a “fair” election. Stupid.

  4. And anyone that thought the Venezuelans would fight for their freedom is also delusional.

  5. Well done, Biden-Harris! Here’s a word of warning to the rest of us: you can vote yourself into socialism–but you have to shoot your way out.

  6. It’s sad when fraud and “Democratic” Fascism can be summed up so briefly. People, apparently, trusted the “system”, despite to arrests of oppo leaders. So many put in the effort. From the voting mechanics to agitation.

    What we have here is a failure of dissenting institutions. Rewarding, threatening, bullying— it’s what Maduro, son of Hugo Chavez, does.

    My conclusion? There is far too much devoted to establishing popular governmental rule, and much too little on how it dies. Snuffed out. So, there we are

  7. Oligarchies are inherently anti-merit systems of governance. Monarchies are formalized oligarchies.

    A pure democracy is unsustainable.

    Collectivist systems demand equality of outcome for everyone but the elite and managerial class, thus are also inherently anti-merit systems of governance.

    America, as originally founded was the sole exception to these forms of governance.

    But a republic exists within nature’s Pareto Distribution & Price’s Law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZMBdRfbk6A
    As the opportunities westward expansion offered Americans were gradually secured, resources accumulated upward into the hands of those at the top of the economic ‘pyramid’. That too eventuated when the technological developments of the past 70 years occurred.

    Rule by an ‘elite’ in what amounts to an informal oligarchy eventuated. This, along with an unelected, unaccountable federal bureaucracy is the form of governance under which we now endure.

    The cure is to restore the conditions that result in a robust, growing and upwardly mobile middle class. Which requires allegiance to Judeo/Christian/Enlightenment values if it is to use its resources; monetary, educational and informational to effect needed reforms.

  8. Greg, not only did Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD) discuss the upcoming US election, he has also, in his infinite wisdom, discussed the Venezuelan election.
    MSN from National Review: Jamie Raskin Calls Socialist Venezuelan Dictator Maduro ‘Right-Wing,’ Earns Ridicule

    Representative Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) fired off a post on X Friday in which he characterized socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro as “right-wing” a day after the United States recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the rightful winner of Venezuela’s presidential election.
    “The democratic world must stand up for the rule of law in Venezuela and oppose Maduro’s assault on the electoral process and free speech,” Raskin wrote. “The right-wing attack on democratic institutions anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.”

    When you consider where Congressman Congresscritter Jamie Raskin comes from, the right-wing charge reeks of demagoguery.

    The Maryland congressman’s father, Marcus Raskin, co-founded the far-left Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank that counts among its scholars Cambodian Genocide denier Noam Chomsky and includes on its board Noura Erakat, an assistant professor at Rutgers University who celebrated Hamas’s October 7 attack against Israel and claimed “any shock in response to this multi scalar attack reflects an expectation that those Palestinians die quietly and a complicity in their strangulation.”

  9. “Anyone who thought Democrats would run a fair election and willingly give up power was delusional.”

    Fixed it for you.

  10. It has been commented many times that a revolutionary party is different from a run-of-the-mill party. A run-of-the-mill party accepts that it will win some elections and lose some elections. Its program can be voted in and voted out. A revolutionary party, on the other hand, once it is in power, lives on the motto Ni un paso atrás. Not one step backwards. The revo is irreversible. While Maduro and Chavismo live on that motto, they conveniently forget that in the 25 years they have been in power, Venezuela has taken many steps backwards, in terms of being poorer, etc. But they MUST NOT take the backwards step of being voted out of power.

    Following is some fisking of some comments from the following NYT article. NYT: What Happened to Venezuela’s Democracy?

    (Aug 1) From Anya Parampil’s book “Corporate Coup”, recalling the election process she oversaw as an election observers on more than one occasion:
    “In Venezuela, voting machines were activated through a two-step verification process consisting of a physical check of the voter’s national identity card and a digital scan of their fingerprint. After casting their vote, the voter received a physical receipt of their ballot which they then personally dropped in a secure box on site. The voter then signed their name and stamped their thumbprint on a physical electoral registry to certify their participation. When polls closed, authorities assuaged fears of digital vote tampering by checking their final electronic tally against a random sampling of 54 percent of the physical ballot receipts submitted by voters at polling stations.”
    Venezuela’s democratic system puts our fake one to shame. We would do well to try and implement some of the democratic reforms they have in Venezuela, which have maintained the bedrock integrity of their elections system – a system the Jimmy Carter Center, which has overseen every election there for decades, calls the most democratic in the world.

    Interesting the Carter Center was brought up, given the Carter Center Statement on Venezuela Election.(July 30)

    ATLANTA — Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election did not meet international standards of electoral integrity and cannot be considered democratic.
    The Carter Center cannot verify or corroborate the results of the election declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE), and the electoral authority’s failure to announce disaggregated results by polling station constitutes a serious breach of electoral principles.
    Venezuela’s electoral process did not meet international standards of electoral integrity at any of its stages and violated numerous provisions of its own national laws. …. (More at the link)

    Another commenter wrote about how early on, many of those who knew Latin America saw that Chávez was a “dangerous demagogue in the mold of… Castro,” with ruin predicted.

    Venezuela’s turn to authoritarianism will surprise no one who has been paying attention for the last 25 years. I worked at a major American news magazine in the 1990s and early 2000s, and the consensus there among literally every single journalist, editor and employee who was familiar with the region was that Hugo Chavez was a dangerous demagogue in the mold of Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega who would lead his country to economic and political ruin in short order.

    This evoked a splenetic response from another commenter.

    Curious comparison to Castro, a man who by most accounts did tremendous good for Cuba – a nation which has persevered in spite of innumerable attempts to cripple it by the most powerful nation on earth.

    Hugo worshipped Fidel. Hugo once said that “If Fidel were President of the world, it would be put in order in short time.” Both Cuba and Venezuela had about a quarter of its population leave. Hugo-Fidel is a valid comparison.

    Regarding the “tremendous good” the Castro/Commie regime did for Cuba, consider this little fact. Current milk production in Latin America is about 4.5 times what it was in 1961. Cuba’s current milk production is about 10-20% greater than it was in 1961. All that dialectical materialism did not produce much material milk, did it? I doubt that one can blame Cuba’s abysmal milk production on the CIA’s shooting cows. 🙂 Infant Mortality, which is constantly harped as a great achievement of the Castro regime? Pinochet had a better record than Castro in reducing Infant Mortality.

  11. RE: “Anyone who thought Maduro would run a fair election and willingly give up power was delusional.”
    Three cheers to commentator “Kate” for pointing out that the delusional people are Brandon-Harris.

  12. “Anyone who thought Maduro would run a fair election and willingly give up power was delusional.”

    I don’t think that was ever in the Biden-Harris-Obama sights at all.
    They lifted the sanctions for personal gain…more oil in the system to keep prices lower going into election season. Now they can put on their “shocked face” and say “Well I nevah!” and pretend to be tough now.

    AND…if I read a few of the comments in this thread…there are more than a few of us who expect 2024 to make 2020 look like church picnic as far as demagoguery & trumped up leftwing violence cast as “far right fascism” so that the current VP can hustle herself right behind the Resolute Desk. And we’ll “never know” how much fraud & cheating accomplishes that feat.

  13. @Gringo


    Raskin wrote. “The right-wing attack on democratic institutions anywhere is a threat to freedom everywhere.”

    A lot of people have emphasized and clowned on Raskin for calling Maduro “right-wing”. But I think the more important and insidious take away is that Raskon specified that *right wing* attacks on democratic institutions anywhere is a threat to freedom anywhere, without specifying if left wing (or hypothetical centrist) attacks on those are. One is tempted to say an unintentional giveaway.

  14. @ Turtler > “But I think the more important and insidious take away is that Raskon specified that *right wing* attacks on democratic institutions anywhere is a threat to freedom anywhere, without specifying if left wing (or hypothetical centrist) attacks on those are.”

    I’m sure we all know what Mr. Raskin thinks about left-wing attacks – excuse me, fortifications– of our institutions.

    I draw your attention to these commenters’ remarks on this story coming from the UK:

    Roving bands of Muslims raping British women was NOT reason to form a “standing army”. Roaming bands of “Muslim Watch” beating British citizens is NOT reason to form a “standing army”. But a handful of Brits standing up for themselves IS reason to form a “standing army”.

    Britain has fallen to the Islamic horde.

    I thought that riots were “the voice of the unheard.” I’m pretty sure that’s what we were told by reliable leftist sources when the BLM and antifa thugs were rioting on behalf of St Fentanyl Floyd.

    So is that only true when the rioters are not white (or pretend to be, like their new Commissar)?

  15. The UK news has kind of taken us off on a tangent, but going the route of the British elites is one way you end up in Maduro-land.

    Is justice a one-way street now?

    Native Brits have repeatedly voted to restrict migration but the “democracy” types in power have continued to import millions of people with no connection to their culture, history, or faith. Then, when these foreigners murder their little girls at a kids’ dance party, their own government calls them bigots and extremists and arrests them for offending Facebook posts.

    I’m confused. Is it morally right to treat the historic English people as second-class citizens in their own ancestral homeland in preference to an imported group of people from distant lands? Is that compassion? Is that justice?

    And here I thought colonialism was bad!!

  16. Here’s some of what Gabbard has been saying.
    Clearly she needs to be shadowed by teams of air marshals with explosives experts and canines in tow.


    Kamala Harris is not knowledgeable or strong enough to stand up to potential adversaries, or just as importantly the unelected warmongers — i.e. the Military Industrial Complex which profits from war, and the National Security State which uses these wars as a pretext to further clamp down on our freedom. Like Biden, she will simply be their puppet. We need a Commander-in-Chief strong enough to take charge. Trump will not be anyone’s puppet. That’s why the Deep State will do everything possible to keep him out of the Oval Office.

  17. Chavez was embedded by the red banner in the venezuelan army that was the successor to the mir the previous guerilla group posada carriles was trying to root out the red banner when cap fired him around the time they nationalized oil into pdvsa

  18. The R party leadership here in my state have already collaborated with the local D party to install a new voting system. They are also working on the idea of “sharing concerns”. They are so Damn naive I can’t believe it–but, on the other hand they are also very very old.
    I think the deal has already been struck. The D party gets to keep their old senator–$160 million going into that campaign. We will also lose our one congressman(US Navy Seal) to the same woman the D’s have been trying to sell for four years now! She will get it this time for sure–because the R party has come out with it’s platform which includes absolutely no abortion! Yeah baby play that one again!

    We will get to keep our R governor because he does know how to manage.

    Two years ago the D and R party sat down and re-designed our districts. There is one very large district (five times +/- larger than any other district). This district was created because the population is sparse. Ok. the R party might win that one. In all the other “new districts” the redesign is so convoluted that it absolutely guarantees a D win as the outcome. I keep asking myself who were the people from the R party who sat in on that re-design? Oh, I remember–the ones that just “want to get along”.

    The D’s are playing such a dirty ad campaign here that they even have a contestant running for the governor’s office that likes to shoot guns. He used to teach gunmanship, and supposedly started a company manufacturing gunpowder or some such thing. The video shows him mixing his own gun powder and suggesting that he loads his own shells. He is running as a Democrat and sponsored by the D party. They have so much money to throw into advertisement they will even pay for a shooter to run!

  19. AesopFan on August 6, 2024 at 1:44 am
    “And here I thought colonialism was bad!!”
    Colonialism is bad; reverse colonialism is good! Just ask the latest arrivals!

    Richard F Cook on August 6, 2024 at 8:22 am said:
    “The Second Amendment is reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy important.”
    Very true! But there is this potential Leftist work around that might just work unless we can counter it successfully:
    Uses K-12 “mental health” data on kids to “ID” those who might not merit future gun ownership or registration, etc. I.e., most of them.

  20. For what it’s worth, here is a list from Caracas Chronicles (have fun with this tool) of countries that recognize the “election” of Maduro. CC has a map. No big surprises here. Scoundrel countries recognized Maduro’s “election.” The biggies: Iran, PRC, Russia, Syria. All exemplary democracies.

    In Latin America:
    Honduras (That was a surprise for me)

    People’s Republic of China


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