Home » Open thread 8/1/24


Open thread 8/1/24 — 46 Comments

  1. Mike,

    Bjorn Lomborg is so sensible and has written and spoken hundreds of thousands (millions?) of words that logically break down the risks and costs of climate change along with how it compares with other risks humanity faces.

    It is a tragedy he is not more listened to by government and NCO leaders and academics.

    He probably feels like Cassandra. He has devoted his life to the topic and knows the solutions but almost no one listens to him.

  2. Many of you have probably seen Jeff Bridges on the “White Dudes for Harris” video call.

    I continue to be astounded by the number of people who are “excited” about Harris, and/or were “excited” about Biden.

    Living in a bubble is one thing,
    hating an opponent or political party because you feel they will do harm is one thing,
    but actually admiring Kamala Harris or Joe Biden?!

    I understand the people who say one side of the other is not great, but they will vote for that side because they perceive the other side is detrimental, or more detrimental. But how can anyone who pays any attention to current events not know what disingenuous, swamp creatures Biden and Harris are?

  3. Yes Jeff is kind of a surprise, then again his father was blacklisted, because bad judgement runs in the family, then came sea hunt, that short cameo in battlestar galactica and the hot shots films, Bridges started out as clint eastwoods protege in thunderbolt ad light foot, then the last picture show, the hero in tron, the antihero in a bunch of other projects, then the tables turned when he was rdj’s foil, in iron man, most recently he was in the old man, with lithgow, he plays the older version of a CIA operator, who is tied circutiously to an afghan warlord who was his client, back in the 80s,

    its surprising with all that star power, (bridges was the only real one, gordon levitt, seriously,) mark hamill, what have you become, they only raised 4 million dollars,

  4. Rufus,

    From the libs I know, they are excited by Harris simply due to the idea that she is their ticket for their side to win. And since the MSM media has now canonized St. Kamala, they go right along and drink that koolaid. No rational thought need to be involved.

  5. I watched the full video of Trump’s appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz0jwP3WPtQ

    Left and Right are highlighting clips as examples of why Trump has either irrevocably damaged his reputation with black voters or brilliantly won over more voters with his brilliant skewering of journalists. I think there is a more important point that is being missed. (For the record, I don’t think it will hurt him. Not many people will watch the whole thing. The clips seen by partisans on each side will only confirm their already strong opinions of Trump. He may sway a small percentage of undecided black voters, especially males, due to his standing up to the “Karen-esque” behavior of Rachel Scott. The Left came out of the event with a plethora or quotes and clips that sound racist, but they’ve been playing that game with Trump for over 8 years. I doubt there is much new traction to gain, no matter how juicy the Trump quote.)

    What I noticed in the 36 minutes Trump was onstage was how often and how easily he lost the plot. Leading into his debate with Biden many Trump supporters suggested his best tactic would be to allow Biden as much time to speak as possible. The theory was that Biden was unable to hold cogent, coherent thoughts together and the more he spoke the more foolish he would sound. And we saw that at the debate.

    Trump has the same problem for a different reason. Trump does not appear to have dementia, or memory issues, but he does not do a good job of focusing or directing his speech towards potential, positive clauses, phrases and concepts. He has always been susceptible to this. Sometimes, when going off on an unscripted tangent his instincts are good, and he entertains and can be informative. But often he just rambles. And when Trump rambles he sometimes goes off on detrimental tangents, rude tangents, even bizarre tangents.

  6. Rufus T. Firefly said:

    Sometimes, when going off on an unscripted tangent his instincts are good, and he entertains and can be informative. But often he just rambles. And when Trump rambles he sometimes goes off on detrimental tangents, rude tangents, even bizarre tangents.

    Well, to be fair Trump’s pretty much been doing this forever. Remember the long, rambling press conferences he used to have all the time when he was president? He’ll do things like elide key words, use “but” to connect two non-contrasting clauses, and just generally speak in a stream of conscious way spraying out his surface thoughts like a firehose.

    His style of public speaking has been both a hindrance and a benefit to him at different points. It gives the opposition media lots of opportunities to take odd things he says out of context and reframe them in ways that make Trump sound awful or insane. Everyone remembers the “fine people” hoax of course. But since he does it all the time, it sort of floods the channel with so much information it can be difficult for the opposition press to rearrange what he says in negative ways that are in any way credible at some point.

    At this point I feel that the net effect of Trump speaking and the press reacting is pretty much nil honestly. It doesn’t change anyone’s opinion to any great degree. After all, Trump is probably the most well known sentient entity in the entire Laniakea Supercluster. It’s not like there’s some sort of new and shocking piece of information that is likley to change people’s opinions about him at this point.

  7. he defended jd vance, he poked holes in the thread bare cv of harris, he proved that scott doesn’t know what shes talking about,

    in other news, the regime doesn’t know what its doing, they get back whelan and gerskovitch, but putin got back his man krasikov, his spetznaz killer, a former bratva hitman, he hit a boijivik,a Chechen partisan in Berlin, think of him like their john wick sans any notion of conscience

  8. The Obama-Biden administration cut a plea deal with Khalid Shiek Mohammed yesterday and yet the center of attention today is some National Association of Black-face Comedians folderal? That’s quite a trick of mindful substitution y’all have got goin’ there.

  9. I haven’t had the heart to look at the details of the plea deal. Is there a synopsis? I’ll have to look at it eventually.

  10. I’d offer that KSM won’t be fed into a woodchipper, but that is likely an inadequate description of the details to the purpose.

  11. its not like there isn’t ample evidence, but the mukhtar understood his adversary, better than we did,

    remember when he was caught, he asked for a lawyer, he found himself in different places including guantanamo, but eventually he was steered into the legal system

  12. Nonapod,

    I agree Trump’s often erratic discourse isn’t likely to mean much in the campaign. It is more than baked in with his supporters.

    But it’s sad to know it’s still there should he win. There was some hope his close brush with death would soften him, make him more reflective. I know, it was a long shot given his personality, but still, there was talk of it.

    It appears, should he win, we are in for the same rollercoaster ride of him insulting and threatening citizens, the press, world leaders and his staff. Potentially very sad for J.D. Vance. Vance is head and shoulders above Pence, but after 4 years of having to defend every utterance from Trump’s mouth and Twitter account Mike Pence couldn’t fill a phone booth with supporters. His reputation is now completely shot on all sides.

  13. miguel,

    I’m not surprised Bridges votes for democrats. Just amazed he’s so intellectually uncurious that he doesn’t know Harris or Biden deserve accolades. I can understand a Democrat and/or liberal voting for Harris to keep Trump out of office, but how could one have literal admiration for her and Biden? They are both completely empty suits who will say and do anything to get political jobs. Is there a less admirable personality type extant?

  14. The news of the “Plea Deal” regarding 9/11 fills me with a burning, passionate rage of the sort I’ve only had a few times. News of the abandonment of Afghanistan was one of them. In some ways my disgust and hatred is greater for Biden and Harris than it is for KSM and his two compatriots, the literal mass murdering theocratic terrorists. At least you know what the latter are. They are murderous savages dedicated to their cult and imposing its rule over all the world by terror and murder. You know their crimes, you know what they’ve done, and you can know why. You know what they stand for, evil as it is.

    But what do the scumbags at the top of our government stand for? What do they gain out of this?

    Trump absolutely needs to turn this into a goddamn battle cry. Have these deals highlighted 24/7 from here until January 6th, and campaign on getting these plea deals quashed like Hunter’s was on grounds of moral turpitude and manifest, corrupt inequality. He also needs to contrast the difference between how the Left treats January 6ers versus those that murdered more people than the Japanese did at Pearl Harbor, with them overwhelmingly being civilians to boot and not military like the Pearl Harbor dead. It is a picture perfect encapsulation of the meme of “They’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way.”

  15. Couple of points about Trump’s tactics. His rambling style does a masterful job of changing the question. He made a point that wasn’t an answer to the accusation/question the interviewer made, then repeated the answer, completely changing the subject of his answer, which also prevented any meaningful followup.
    His rambling style also limited the number of accusations the interviewers could make. He did answer the one question (I remember this as the only policy question about a future Trump administration, how would be control inflation) posed by Harris Falkner. Everything else were accusations in the faint form of questions about how terrible he and Vance were.
    Given the hostility by the two interviewers, he handled it pretty deftly.
    He did sound ticked that he had to wait around for 1/2 hour. My understanding he cut the interview short to go to another event.

  16. “It appears, should he win, we are in for the same rollercoaster ride of him insulting and threatening citizens…”– Rufus T. Firefly

    We must have watched a different interview. I thought Trump was very even tempered– especially given the fact they made him waste his time before the interview and the especially hostile nature of the first question.

    The interview would have been entirely different had the hag in blue not been there.

  17. the regime whoever is holding the eye, is objectively on the ‘other side’ we sent back the 20th hijacker, whose council included the future justice jackson one recalls, so he can try again in the future, I’m sure hes made his way up to management with aqap, the yemeni branch, of course we add what was hidden about bayoumi, after nearly as long, he was in contact with the west coast hijackers but did surveillance for the east coast ring, the late Senator Bob Graham, was very prescient about these matters, he even fictionalized them, in his own keys to the kingdom, but he had not a clue how deep the coverup went,

    then there’s another pachachi who specializes in smuggling nuclear technology we sent him back to the UK I think the fellow had a bad heart, we are such a mark for these scoundrels,

  18. Richard Grennell:

    I was the U.S. Ambassador to Germany when Russian intel agent Vadim Krasikov rode his bike past a Chechen man and murdered him in broad daylight in the Tiergarten park less than a mile from the U.S. Embassy in Berlin.

    It was a planned Russian attack staged from Poland.

    Jake Sullivan has pressured the Germans to release this terrorist back to Russia in exchange for a WSJ journal reporter and a few others held on false charges.

    Putin has just learned that the West will send his terrorists back home to Russia after they kill their enemies – if he has someone to exchange.

    Putin is very happy with Biden-Harris. Putin just got a huge gift from Germany.

    And yet Putin continues raging a war in Europe.

    We are less safe.


  19. I suspect Newt Gingrich would have been more deft at putting the NABJ twittette in her place. She certainly deserved it.

  20. yes once upon a time, newt would have challenged the ramparts but hes gone soft,

    putin doesn’t care about sentimentality, as grenell fills in the details, krasikov is who he wanted, like bout was his hold card last time, the latter is more a wild card, because he did favors for every body, taliban northern alliance, west african war lords,

  21. I believe Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should have been executed by firing squad in Guantanamo years ago.

  22. for those with understanding, we see how pence undermined trump from the beginning with the whole flynn brouhaha, with a whole host of swamp staffers,jennifer walters, olivia toye who had no scientific expertise, but she seeded the covid task force with fauci and birx et al, he was iago with a hoosier accent,

  23. No, I can’t believe it.

    miguel left The Big Lebowski off is Jeff Bridges list. Probably his most iconic performance & film. Not that it is the best film. It is a little disappointing that he is supporting Kamala, but not a surprise.

    The other actor I had higher hopes for was Kevin Costner. But years ago, he strongly supported Pete Buttigieg for president and spoke out in very specific terms. I consider both Kamala and Pete to be the lowest of the low, in the politician class.

  24. because the Dude goes against the alpha macho roles, that bridges has specialized in, yes Costner is an odd one, I didn’t know about Buttigeg, ‘talk about sound and fury signifying nothing,’ he did cheerlead for liz cheney, who is against his own self image, but then he was roped in rehabilitating jim garrison so judgement issues,

  25. Brian E,

    Google the event. It’s a barrage of unfriendly Press using Trump’s actual words. I know… the Press aren’t going to give him a fair shake, but why give them actual quotes that make you look like a fool?

    It’s not Trump’s temper, even or not, it’s the ammunition he gave his opponents via the actual words that came from his mouth. He literally stated that Kamala Harris is not black. Yes, she has an interesting heritage but most American voters who identify as black are likely very aware of it.

    from the transcript:

    Trump: “I think it’s maybe a little bit different so uh I’ve known her a long time indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian Heritage and she was only promoting Indian Heritage. I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. And now she wants to be known as black. So I don’t know? Is she Indian or is she black? I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went, she became a black person. I think somebody should look into that too.”

    It is just plain dumb to go down that road. No good can come of it.

  26. Some detail on how the Hamas chief met his end in Tehran:

    Haniyeh had been staying at a “heavily guarded complex” in Tehran, according to the New York Times — an official state guesthouse “run and protected by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.” Nevertheless, Israel was able to

    Ascertain which room Haniyeh used during his stays there.
    Slip a remote-detonated bomb under his mattress.
    Ascertain when Haniyeh was back in Tehran.
    Make bomb go boom while Haniyeh slept.

    This is all according to local sources who spoke to the Times with the usual protection of anonymity.


  27. Hamas terrorist Haniyeh was killed by a bomb planted in the Tehran “guesthouse” several months ago. The mullahs are not amused and promise retaliation.

    “The sources said Israeli intelligence learned which facility — and which exact room — Haniyeh stayed in during his visits to Tehran.
    * The bomb was planted in the room in advance, the sources said.
    * They added that the bomb was a high-tech device that used artificial intelligence.
    * It was detonated remotely by Mossad operatives who were on Iranian soil after receiving intelligence that Haniyeh was indeed in the room.
    * The IRGC said it has opened an investigation around the incident.


  28. well it looks like our security services are the only ones who are ineffective,

  29. My Wife was very disappointed that Sean Austin was one of the White Dudes.

    I think the Dems realize they have been demonizing White Males for a long time, and since Harris most certainly will pick a White Man as her VP, they need to change the narrative

  30. Rufus T. Firefly, the media is going to distort anything Trump or Vance says.

    Had he said Kamala is an opportunist and when it was an advantage to be Indian, she promoted her Indian heritage and when it became an advantage to be black, she promoted a black heritage, would it have made any difference? Probably not.

    I suppose it’s fair to say these are the kinds of things that your VP should raise and Trump should concentrate on the policies they will promote that will counter the horrible policies of the Biden/Harris administration. But the media megaphone is so large and on the same frequency to make it impossible to raise critical but legitimate points without being labeled something bad.

    While it no doubt turns off people that would never vote for Trump/Vance– does it resonate/raise doubts in groups that just need a sufficient reason to not trust Kamala. This issue is one of them.

  31. Saw the interview with Trump. He’s the same as he has been since I started following him in the 80’s. There is no other version that people are fantasizing about. He’s the best of the available candidates.

    I can’t spare this man….he fights.

  32. Richard Cook: great short summation of DJT. I’ve been going around this in my mind the last 9 years, “good” Trump vs. “bad” Trump but it is what it is.

    There is a need for Trump. He is a rebellion against the gaslighting of the American people that has been ongoing for decades. It accelerated with Obama and just in the last month has been ratcheted up to galactic levels with the Biden-to-Harris shell game.

  33. Who cares what they (Bridges, Astin, etc) think or say they’re just actors.

  34. @ miguel > “well samwize did reach for the ring once,”

    Now, that’s funny.
    Keep reminding all y’all’s* friends that actors are NOT the characters they play.
    Most of the fictional people have better sense and stronger ethics.


    Merchan’s daughter worked for and indeed was president of a political firm, Authentic Campaigns, that raised money for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Adam Schiff, and Chuck Schumer. Merchan’s daughter fundraised on the trial her father was overseeing. The firm made multiple millions of dollars on the trial, according to the House Judiciary Committee. More on that in a minute.

    Judge Merchan put a gag order on Donald Trump that prevented the former president from saying anything about his daughter and others involved in the trial. We can’t have the Democrats’ shenanigans getting into the open and ballyhooed by the guy with the biggest bullhorn in the business, now can we?

    We now discover that Loren Merchan’s partner at the political firm is the one who contrived the White Dudes for Harris knitting circle for beta males.

    How utterly strange. Kidding. You’re not cynical enOUGH.

    Julie Kelly reports that on the same day we find out about the astroturfed “white dudes” confab being overseen by Judge Merchan’s daughter’s business partner, the New York appeals court denied a Trump appeal to end the gag order and tell the world about it. According to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s political business partner, they made $4 million on that Zoom call to help Trump’s opponent.

    The modified gag order still is in effect until Trump has been sentenced, which was supposed to be last month but was bumped to late September.

    In the meantime, Jim Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee has issued orders to Loren Merchan to preserve documents because, as one wag put it, there seems to be the stench of Fusion GPS on that outfit.

    Sure would be a shame if anyone were to find out about this story.

    * Texas grammar lesson:
    you = 2nd person singular
    y’all (you all) = 2nd person plural
    all y’all = a group of people

  35. This has been a cool July in my corner of TX, with 5″ of rain. August is predicted as normal: 100 degrees or close to it. But that’s the way August is.

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