Home » And then there’s the plea deal with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad


And then there’s the plea deal with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad — 45 Comments

  1. Daniel Pearl’s disembodied head would like a word with these deliverers of justice.

  2. I agree they should have been hanged long ago, asphyxiating and soiling themselves, and left to hang while dead. Maybe in Dearborn, MI.
    As it is, they have been incarcerated for decades, and will be until their “natural” deaths.I trust the jailers will not be nice to them.

  3. 911 happened almost 23 years ago. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured over 21 years ago so he’s been locked up a long time. Anyone here ever spent a month in solitary confinement? Most break, but I loved it…one can learned a lot about life in solitary confinement—or break. Most people need other people around them.

    So, not a lot about the deal. I never spent close to 15-21 years in solitary confinement, so this Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a ‘Lifer’ at this point (there’s another term for it, but I forget it now), which is probably why he doesn’t want the death penalty now.

    I’ve never understood why someone convicted of murder would want a Life sentence over the Death Penalty. Maybe if I had gone thru 15++ years in prison, then maybe I would think doing another 20-30 years would be better than the Death Penalty…just dunno. Jeez…still hard to imagine wanting to do 20-30 more years in prison rather than dying.

    OK – most of us know Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has given up a *LOT* of valuable info over the past 21 years. How many lives has that info saved? How many other sources has some of that info led to?

    Maybe he’s worth more alive to our Government than dead…we can only speculate at this point.

    Update: word I was looking for earlier was: Institutionalized instead of “Lifer.”

  4. Done during Joe Biden’s watch and in the summer when lots of things are going on.

    The American legal system has, again, failed the American people. KSM should have been tried, convicted and executed years ago.

  5. There was an entire apparat the levick group founded by gulf state magnates to conduct lawfare against the us military and intelligence

    The mukhtar has been able to game the system since he was apprehended in 2003 he had a host of counsel including a future holder hire

  6. Trying to make me feel sorry for ksm i dont feel it why doesnt he want to die a glorious death like qutb or hassan al banna makes you wonder

    Now the regime might dismantle gitmo and transfter the remaining prisoners to adx florence where they will catch up with nephew ramzi yousef

  7. Dunno. As much as I like snuffing the Bad Guys, giving them decades to think about it rather than months is an appealing thought. Cheers –

  8. The levick group and adjuncts like dan jones put us intelligence on the defensive
    Mitchell and jessen were made the villains

  9. The Venitians smuggled St Mark’s remains out of Muslim lands by covering the corpse with pig fat.Sounds something that would good for KSM.

  10. Sort of a follow on and a capstone to Brandon’s exit from Afghanistan.

    I am not amused nor entertained.

  11. They certainly should have been executed long ago. But the only important factor in the manner of their execution is that it be done in way that renders them ‘unclean’. That way, by their own beliefs as declared by Allah in their ‘sacred’ Qur’an, they are permanently barred from ever entering paradise.

    You deter terrorism by attaching to terrorism what for the terrorist are literally unthinkable consequences. ‘Paradise’ is the incentive for devout Islamists willing to die for Islam.

    Remove the possibility of attaining the incentive and you remove the motivation.

  12. The ghastly trio should have been promptly tried by military commissions and promptly executed.

  13. Physicsguy, Miguel cervantes, and IrishOtter49


    Do you totally lack any sense of justice for 9/11???


    Subject was – “the plea deal with Khalid Shaikh Mohammad”. Time at this blog has been a great learning experience – one learned lesson was why the Democrats hate the Republicans so much that most would vote for child groomers & such over Republicans.

    Anyway, where in my Karmi on August 1, 2024 at 5:47 pm comment did I say or suggest or show a “lack any sense of justice for 9/11???

    Where in that comment was I “Trying to make me feel sorry for ksm” – or make anyone feel sorry for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

    Oh, I see – IrishOtter49:


    He’s an ex-con. That should tell you something.

    Y’all missed the point/s because you’re so blinded by your own hate – another previous learned lesson.

    One commenter got the point/s of my comment:

    Dunno. As much as I like snuffing the Bad Guys, giving them decades to think about it rather than months is an appealing thought. Cheers –

  14. So KSM and the other two stay alive as part of this “plea deal”. And what do we get in exchange? Typical Dem/Biden negotiation.

  15. Karmi:

    Maybe the fact that you’ve been in prison gives you a different perspective on the question. I don’t know what “IrishOtter” meant by his remark, but it’s not automatically negative.

  16. neo – fair point.

    Anyway, I had summed up that earlier comment—to the post’s titled question:

    Maybe he’s worth more alive to our Government than dead…we can only speculate at this point.

  17. At least one of them will walk free within the next ten years. Whether it is a prisoner swap where we give up one (or all three) for some feckless moron that gets scooped up “hiking” in Iran or something, or some judge somewhere feels that “justice has been served”, I say again that one or all three of these men will be free men one day.

    The very fact that our government is negotiating plea deals with the men who’s actions forever changed our nation shows just how far we have fallen.

  18. When Karmi is caught trolling he accuses others of being haters.

    Being an ex-con is supposed to be edgy …… ?

  19. Karmi mentioned:

    OK – most of us know Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has given up a *LOT* of valuable info over the past 21 years.

    It would surprise me somewhat if, assuming a more or less even distribution of those divulgences over his time in prison, very much of the intelligence thus gained would be particularly useful after, say, 2008 or so, since I would assume that whatever information Mohammed did have to share would become outdated at some point, since it would be a sort of snapshot of Al-Qaeda or what have you as it existed as of 2002-2003.

  20. @ Karmi:

    Human intelligence grows stale quickly. Whatever value these terrorists had as sources dried up two decades ago.

    I’m cynical enough to believe that their value to the government now is securing the Michigan vote.

  21. If these three didn’t have any value when Trump was in office, then why didn’t he have them tried and sentenced to death?

    They should’ve been killed after capture, IMHO, but they weren’t mine to kill.


    om the ‘Gay Commenter‘ flirting with humble hermit me again, or is your HATRED issue acting up .. again?

  22. Me: “Why wasn’t Khalid Mohammad tried by a military tribunal”

    AI: The answer is: Mohammed tried to plead guilty and proceed straight to execution more than a decade ago. But instead of accepting his plea, the Obama-Biden administration ended his military trial and tried to move his case to a federal criminal court, as part of its catastrophic attempt to shut down Guantánamo Bay.

    The Obama-Biden administration, now the Harris-Biden administration really, really wants to win Michigan. I wonder what states it might lose them?

  23. I am as positive as can be the Leftists at DOJ who dreamed this up have no idea how a religion can make a person become a mass murder through terrorism. Their show trial is just to get a conviction, get the person to admit they did the crime.

  24. Yesterday I linked to the “Becoming Institutionalized: Incarceration and “Slow Death”” but didn’t bother reading the article. This morning I went to read it, but it was too long and windy—possibly written by a socialist/progressive at a “Social Science Research Council.”

    So I still don’t know what the article said – it was part of the title that caught my eye as a simple fact: “Incarceration and “Slow Death””

    Doing Time – that’s a common phrase amongst inmates of what life in prison is about. One is not living life there, one is Doing Time there.

    A sentence of Life in Prison is a legal way to kill someone very very slowly.

    Brian E had a great quote from AI to a question he asked:

    Me: “Why wasn’t Khalid Mohammad tried by a military tribunal”

    AI: The answer is: Mohammed tried to plead guilty and proceed straight to execution more than a decade ago. But instead of accepting his plea, the Obama-Biden administration ended his military trial and tried to move his case to a federal criminal court, as part of its catastrophic attempt to shut down Guantánamo Bay.

    I asked Copilot:

    Me: Why didn’t President Trump start Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s federal trial?

    AI: President Trump did not start Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s federal trial due to a combination of legal, political, and logistical challenges. One significant factor was the decision to handle the case through military commissions at Guantanamo Bay rather than in federal court. This decision was influenced by concerns over national security, the admissibility of evidence obtained through controversial interrogation methods, and the complexities of a high-profile federal trial.

    Additionally, the case faced numerous delays and legal hurdles over the years, including issues related to the use of torture and the rights of the accused. These complications made it difficult to move forward with a federal trial during Trump’s presidency.

    I don’t know that either AI response was correct; however, I do know that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is experiencing a very very Slow Death—legally.

    Neo had an Open thread post recently: “August already. Can you believe it?” Time can fly in the Free World. In Prison, you are Doing Time, and the pace is much slower than that of a Three-toed sloth…

  25. “one learned lesson was why the Democrats hate the Republicans so much that most would vote for child groomers & such over Republicans.”

    “Y’all missed the point/s because you’re so blinded by your own hate – another previous learned lesson.”

    Thanks Karmi, I couldn’t have summed up the differences between left and right any better had I tried.

    The left, in Karmi’s own words, ‘hates’ Republicans…to the point that they’ll vote for child groomers, dementia sufferers, and even dead people for high office.

    And they do so because any criticism of them they interpret as ‘hate’ even though no hatred was expressed, only disagreement.

    They hate their ‘enemies’ so they imagine that we must hate them right back…and any expression of disagreement with them is pounced upon as proof of that hate.

    It’s a case study in psychological projection and transference.

    I can’t speak for everyone, obviously, but I feel my opinions are relatively representative of those who think in a similar manner as I:

    I don’t ‘hate’ convicts (“ex-convict”, in my opinion, only applies if the conviction has been overturned; serving your time after conviction does not erase the fact that you were convicted of a crime), but it’s not a badge of honor to me either. I believe in forgiveness and convicts who have seen the error of their ways and are now productive members of society are worthy of respect…not because they are a convict, but because of their course correction. Bragging about (or even bringing up) their status as a convict in conversation is not going to win them any points with me.

    Doesn’t mean I hate them. Or you.

    I seriously doubt that anyone on this blog ‘hates’ you. That would imply way more emotional investment in you than is warranted. I disagree with many of your positions and statements and find humor in some of your contradictions and the mental gymnastics you sometimes employ to rationalize your positions; but contrary to what you’ve apparently been instructed to believe – disagreement is not hate.

  26. Someone like ksm sees this as a duty in his value system we have seen with lower level detainees that return to the battlefield too many to consider but bin qumu benghazi planner many of the top taliban officials like one of the mehsuds the one who recruited the barcelona bomber in 17 etc etc

    They can fool defense atty convening authorities judges willing to hand them million dollar settlements its all part of their work

    They might call it taquiya or just run of the mill hypocrisy

  27. So what was the rush why they had to do this deal remember biden when he was lucid ?opposed the raid on abbotabad

  28. This policy would comport with going easy on KSM, I reckon.

    Where “. . . stop his Escalation of Tensions” readily translates to “quit killing your avowed enemies”, and “. . . move towards an Immediate Ceasefire and Hostage Deal with Hamas” translates to “Let Hamas survive to win, already”!:

    According to Axios; U.S. President Joe Biden had a “Difficult Call” last night with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during which he reportedly told Netanyahu he needs to stop his Escalation of Tensions in the Region and move towards an Immediate Ceasefire and Hostage Deal with Hamas. With Biden further telling Netanyahu that he would help Israel to Defeat an Iranian and Hezbollah Attack this time, but that if he decided to Escalate again, he shouldn’t expect the United States to “Bail him Out.”


  29. I’ve never understood why someone convicted of murder would want a Life sentence over the Death Penalty.

    When you are dead, there is no boredom, no worry, no concerns, no regrets, no disappointments, no bad food, no disease, no discomfort, etc.

    Recently watched true crime where man killed wife, her body never found,dead wifes parents get custody of children, killer gets visitation, beats 2 year old and six year old with hammer, sets them on fire.

    Personally, some killers should get life, after being blinded, crippled, and having their tongues cut off.

    Or, do the surgery and let them out of prison after a year or two to fend for themselves.

    Sentence a few for practice, see if it acts as a deterrent to some crimes.

  30. Couple this with the prisoner exchange with Russia post. KSM, et al., might not have much value to the Islamic terrorist crowd, except to humiliate America by forcing us to trade them for some highly sympathetic hostages. Dead terrorists have no value.

  31. I guess, the death penalty would summon a certain dread that life does not, but we’re not talking about this type of person, would ksm welcome death, well he never went on martyr missions, he surrendered when he was captured in rawalpindi, if memory serves,

    we have seen with lower levels operatives like that MIT trained microbiologist that prompted that hostage incident in texas, as possible exchange,

    this is the one that was considered more authentic by a western author that ayan hirsi ali, (that tells you how messed up the value system of these writers like deborah scoggins) then there was that associate of the amman hotel bombing, that they wanted to trade for islamic state operatives,

  32. Oh, hello: REVOKED:

    Following Massive Controversy and Anger from 9/11 Survivors and their Families, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has Revoked a Plea Deal which had been decided by DoD Lawyers and Approved by a Military Tribunal, which would have seen Three Former Al-Qaeda Terrorists who planned the 9/11 Attacks; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid bin Attash, and Mustafa al-Hawsawi, having pled Guilty in order to receive a Life Sentence at Guantanamo Bay instead of the Death Penalty.


  33. Is there some quid pro quo I’m missing here?

    Or is it just bleeding heart liberal stuff?

  34. Well, at least one other person believes that life in prison is worse than execution.


    “Collins then asked Meeks if he supports revoking the deal, Meeks answered that he is against the death penalty because it’s “too easy” for people who have committed heinous acts and that’s why people who commit atrocious crimes often commit suicide and that they should suffer through a life sentence.”

    More on the reasons for the revocation, which just raises more questions.

    Host Kaitlan Collins asked, “[T]he White House said yesterday they were not aware of this plea deal until it was struck. Do we know if Secretary Austin was aware of this?”

    Liebermann responded, “The plea deal itself, at this point, that much is unclear. But what we’ve reported and what others have reported for more than two-and-a-half years is that plea deal discussions were in the works. So, this shouldn’t have been a surprise to the Pentagon or to anybody else that there was a process that was ongoing to try to get to a plea deal. Had Austin or the White House wanted to stop this process and say, look, a plea deal is off the table, they could have done that at any point over the course of the past two-and-a-half years. And that’s part of why this is such a surprise that Austin simply and quietly posts a memo in which he relieves the woman who is in charge of the military court at Guantanamo Bay and revokes the plea agreements that had gotten to this point. You have to believe that part of that was the ferocity of the bipartisan backlash and the ferocity of the backlash from the victims’ families when they were notified of this and then when it was announced publicly.

    If Austin didn’t know what his subordinate was doing in such a high-profile case, that’s one more on the long list of reasons he should be fired.

    Of course he knew, and approved at least tacitly; but the negotiator is going to take the hit for him.

    Another on the long list of moves the Democrats thought they could sneak past the public.

    Then again, maybe they really did think the public has “moved on” far enough for them to pull this stunt; Obama got away with things almost as bad, or arguable worse.

    I’m sure The Bee will have an appropriate headline.

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