Home » Is the Kamala coronation running into problems?


Is the Kamala coronation running into problems? — 73 Comments

  1. The lefties over at Althouse are still pushing the argument that Trump is afraid to debate her. I hope she believes it.

  2. But your friend will still vote for her, right?
    Polls are way over the place. The Dems are now pushing “White Dudes for Kamala”, so the odds are she will pick a White Dude. Those that are left standing that is. You can believe that the RNC is doing Op Research on any and all potential VP’s. Maybe this yr they will do something right.
    Meanwhile, the WH wants Israel to jaw jaw and not kill kill. This is war and it is kill or be killed.

  3. It doesn’t seem like people are exactly lining up to be Kamala Harris’s VP candidate. But who knows?

    If they were to suddenly decide to have an open convention, what would that even look like? And who would even throw their hat in the ring at this late point?

    It’s really weird (to used the word of the week). On the one hand we have a lot of prominent Democrats who seem to believe that Kamala just can’t win, and many who even believe that Trump himself is probably unbeatable at this point. And on the other hand there’s a large number of people on the right who believe that the Democrats could literally run anybody and still win becasue they have such a lock on the electoral system that they can manufacture any number of needed votes in key swing districts. I remain skeptical of all these viewpoints just because I honestly have no idea and I have been wrong so often in the past that I wouldn’t even venture to guess.

  4. YouTube has quite a few videos of black women hating oh Kamala. I don’t know if this is real or selection bias by YT based on my viewing history. I sure get a lot of ads of Kamala begging for money. Ads for Trump have all but disappeared.

  5. The lefties over at Althouse are still pushing the argument that Trump is afraid to debate her.
    I’ll wager the talking point mills are pushing that line on Fakebook. I used to run into Prof. Paul Schulte in fora like this. His term for leftoids of that sort was ‘NPCs’.
    Althouse has also has a fellow who appears to have been recruited by some Correct-the-Record type outfit who has used multiple personas and handles over the years.
    I used to be a regular participant in at a blog called ‘League of Ordinary Gentlemen’. It was quite a lively place ten years ago. They insisted all their commenters sign a loyalty oath laden with what Althouse calls ‘civility bullsh!t’, which I declined to do. I was banned. The blog still exists, but it’s a ghost town.
    What’s very strange in our time is that the left has an insuperable advantage at a time when street-level Democrats are intellectually exhausted.

  6. Apparently people will bet on anything – Polymarket: At this time Trump is 57% to Harris 40%. Better than polls…I dunno – just found & bookmarked it yesterday.

  7. I think an open convention is something the leadership of the Democrat party fear more than anything. There are some major cracks in the coalition of interest/identity groups that make up the Democrat party. A public fight that will expose how much these groups hating everyone else including other parts of the party could break it beyond repair.

  8. Other day at work overheard a conversation the guy talking said his Leftists relative said Harris has no chance to win.
    She would be the most Cultural Marxist ever elected

  9. We will see if she makes it past the Democrats Convention, I am still not sure she will. If a slight detour started it could turn into a revolt. It’s possible if the likes of Barky is wanting a 4th term we will see, Mooch is still my long shot .

  10. For certain, Kamala currently allows pollsters to try out if they can manipulate numbers for a plausible elections. To be clear what I mean; the problem for Maduro in Venezuela is the exit polls showed he lost big time, so he’ll only remain in power now if he uses force to destroy his opponents. Democracy failed Maduro in Venezuela. Kamala can win if the exit polls suggests key counties in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona go her way. Behold, the latest polls are pretending that’s the case, even if those same polls showed her down when simply asking the question of “if she were the nominee”.
    She could be up, because of that n of 1 population that will vote for anybody but Trump, and certainly the Right did the same in 2008 and 2012, but it didn’t get them anywhere compared to voting for a candidate.
    My own thought, besides wanting anybody but a Democrat and liking Trump, is that she is getting a sort of bridal shower being thrown by the MSM and social media. They are obviously erasing her history, and she has now held two “fundraisers” by Zoom call. I don’t see that being sustained. Joe Biden got away with a basement campaign, because it was obvious he wasn’t up for a cross-country campaign and Democrats were willing to go with it. Hillary lost because she failed to visit toss-up states, and those voters noticed and stayed home like Hillary. I think a Hillary loss could happen again if Kamala continues to stay home. And if she does come out… wait until they get a load of Kamala in person. They will want an open convention. The question is “will Kamala come out before or after the convention?” I’m thinking after and then the honeymoon will be short.

  11. Some comments on Kamala from a California Republican activist. A lot of material for the Trump campaign to include in ads

    Reform California with Carl DeMaio
    KAMALA’S CRIME WAVE IN CA: Kamala Harris is trying to brand herself as tough on crime and “CA’s prosecutor” in her presidential run, but she is actually the reason why CA is experiencing a dangerous crime wave.


    EXPOSING KAMALA HARRIS’ BAD RECORD: She is a bad VP, but her record in various offices in CA is even WORSE! Learn the truth about Harris – coddling criminals, targeting political opponents, and attacking democracy and election integrity!

  12. Another very small sample, of my (liberal) friends and relations. A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks, right? Disastrous debate, “revelation” of presidential dementia, assassination attempt, Biden’s strange announcement that he would not run again, his speech confirming that. Not one word of anything has even been mentioned in any conversation we’ve had. Absolute silence. It’s really bizarre. In 1968 would no one have mentioned MLK or RFK’s deaths or LBJ’s resignation at all? I haven’t overheard anyone talking about it. No store clerk has made small talk about it.

    I’m sure that among themselves they are vacillating between “Sorry he missed” and “That crybaby Trump faked it, some glass hit him and he’s making a big deal…” A brief blip of how selfless Biden was and now he’s forgotten. And Kamalot! The local art theater has sent me an email: “Round out your BRAT summer!”

    So no, I see no cracks.

  13. I remember that blog that was probably the only lefty blog i occasionally commented they had off the wall takes

  14. I think there are plenty of people who are unwilling to admit publicly that they would never vote for a woman for POTUS. I think that helped keep Hillary out. I think the donks deep in their guts know this.

  15. It’s almost like being a smug, condescending harpy with an astonishing lack of people skills would lead to people not liking you. Strange, that.

  16. My Democrat acquaintances are giddy over her. They can’t wait to vote for her and move forward to a new and promised land.

  17. Hillary was a lot more likeable, smart, and certainly more popular than Kamala, but she surprisingly lost to underdog Trump. How? Why? Maybe Chases Eagles makes a good point?

  18. I’m having trouble with the “Hillary was more likable than Kamala” idea. That’s not the way I remember it. It’s true that Hillary was more able to utter coherent thoughts.

  19. I have trouble seeing even Kamala’s mother liking her (she definitely fell outta a well and her mother lied to her about the coconut tree). I couldn’t stand either Hillary or Kamala, but having to choose I’d say Hillary was more ‘Likeable‘, IMHO. 🙂

    Michelle Obama is the most unlikable woman ever!

  20. Neo, my n of one says something similar about Kamala, but in this case there’s a small chance he will vote for Trump. He dramatically soured on Biden after Afghanistan, though I suspect he would have supported him. Kamala may well be a bridge too far for him. I have some hope.

  21. From what I hear about and from Harris/dem supporters, either they’re so ignorant that it must take an effort, or they’re deliberately deceiving themselves, or they’re lying.
    See policy come up and they look uncomfortable. Switch the subject.

  22. I don’t think it matters. They believe identity politics is their strength. They’ll simply redefine her as they see fit and dare anyone to challenge their fictional creation with a hefty dose of hope and change that’s going to sound awfully familiar.

  23. Kamala was AG in CA and she’s the one who decided microstamping would apply.

    Background: CA create an “approved handguns” list (which didn’t apply to police!). It was supposed to save us from “dangerous” firearms.

    One restriction they added was a microstamping requirement. Since the required microstamping didn’t exist in the market, that part of the law was left dormant. Kamala as AG decided it should be applied. Hence starting cerca 2013, no new semiauto pistols were approved for sale in CA.

    Fast forward to this year, that part of the law was struck down by the courts in a 2A case, based on the Bruin decision. So once again, in 2024, new pistols are entering the market.

  24. I have trouble seeing even Kamala’s mother liking her…

    Thanks for that. I needed of a good laugh.

  25. I did not watch Trump interview with FOX at the Black Journalist Convention (do I have that right?), but my Wife did. She said Trump was very rude to Harris Falkner. If he is perceived to be rude to Falkner, then he had better clean up his act. A rude Trump will be a disaster.
    I hope at the Trump/Harris debate he doesn’t do his eye roll.

  26. Re: Kamala’s coronation

    A mile wide, an inch deep and mostly froth. I suspect her campaign will not survive real contact with the enemy.

    I consider this honeymoon to be her audition for the Dem leadership. If she can’t make it to the DNC without looking hopeless, she will be replaced.

    Nate Silver, the once pollster wunderkind and no friend to conservatives, is still calling 2024 for Trump:

    Trump remains the favorite in 2024 presidential race despite Harris’ rise: Nate Silver

    Even after Democrats dramatically moved to re-top their presidential ticket and got an apparent jolt of momentum, famed election analyst and statistical guru Nate Silver still deems former President Donald Trump the favorite.

    His election forecast model gives Trump a 61.3% chance of prevailing in the Electoral College, while Vice President Kamala Harris is at 38.1%.

    Silver previously pegged Trump with a 65.7% chance of victory over President Biden during his model rollout last month.


  27. So many great comments, which I suppose is why we all keep coming here.

    What’s very strange in our time is that the left has an insuperable advantage at a time when street-level Democrats are intellectually exhausted.

    This seems exactly right to me.

    I suspect her campaign will not survive real contact with the enemy.

    Agree, and perfectly said. One day she will be as forgotten as Dan Quayle.

  28. I’m having trouble with the “Hillary was more likable than Kamala” idea. That’s not the way I remember it.


    I can’t stand Hillary either, but in the 2008 and 2016 primaries she had real grassroots support. In 2008 she was a serious contender against the Messiah Obama and in 2016 she won the primaries, though she later lost quite narrowly to Trump.

    In 2008 there was some genuine bitterness between her supporters and Obama’s. Some were jarred loose from Obama because of the primary tricks the Obama’s team played on Hillary, such as the placement of misleading signs so Clinton’s supporters would go to the wrong rooms.

    Out of which PUMA emerged:

    “People United Means Action” (or PUMA) was a political action committee in the United States that opposed the Democratic Party leadership and the nomination of Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic candidate for President in the 2008 presidential election.[1] PUMA began as an effort by supporters of Obama’s primary rival, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who believed that Clinton should have been the Democratic nominee.[2][3] According to PUMA, “We [were] protesting the 2008 Presidential election because we refuse to support a nominee who was selected by the leadership rather than elected by the voters.”


    PUMA’s original meaning was “Party Unity My Ass.”

    So, Clinton was a powerful Dem leader connected within the Party, the Deep State and with grassroots support.

    Kamala was unable to win a single delegate in 2020. She has built no party support nor grassroots. She is where she is because after the George Floyd riots, Biden vowed to pick a woman of color as Veep.

    Veeps are almost always chosen from the Senate or state governors. As I recall, Harris was the only Democrat who met those requirements then.

    For these reasons I argue against Harris winning in November. I even doubt she will be the candidate after the DNC.

  29. I have this sneaky thing in the back of my head saying, “They made Harris the nominee so they could be forever rid of her. Because no one, and I mean no one, in DC, likes Kamala Harris.”

  30. On the discussion of Hillary and Kamala’s relative likeability. I believe they are both very unlikeable. I believe for both that even people who like them don’t like them.

  31. Huxley, you are right that Hillary had a larger support base among Dems than Kamala ever has. As I recall 2016, however, I remember the DNC rigging some caucus and election results to favor Hillary over a surging Bernie candidacy. But, yeah, nobody really likes Kamala.

  32. Kate:

    You are an honorable interlocuter!

    Footnote to my earlier claim — there was a Dem Senator woman of color whom Biden might have selected for Veep — Tammy Duckworth, D-IL.

    Unfortunately, she is half-Thai and lacks any magical black genes. Worse yet, on her American side she is a Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) and descended from a slave owner!

    She was also a combat veteran of the Iraq War. She lost both legs when the Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting was hit. She’s not raving Woke.

    Perhaps not the Droid Biden was looking for.

    Aside from the fact she’s a Dem pol from Illinois, I find Duckworth an interesting and admirable person.

  33. Saying Hillary Clinton is more charismatic than Kamala Harris is like saying a Vinegaroon is more charismatic than a Sea Cucumber.

  34. Michael Ramirez (cartoonist) might have said drew it best about all the attention, sudden rise, and the illusion of her popularity: Kamala’s progressive politics revealed.

    It all reflects on where America is at now, with both the Republican & Democratic parties giving their voters two unliked candidates, who both also lack any leadership ability. A terrible gamble, especially by Republicans, when considering what is at stake.

    It has led to Down-ballot Voting for me this year… 🙁

  35. Thanks Neo. I read the article, to me it seemed that Trump was combative, but not rude. That is Trump.
    Of course the Dems want to make Kamala as Black as they made Obama. Pointing out that she first ran for office as an Indian from India, is not racist, but a Fact.

  36. @ Mike+K > “The lefties over at Althouse are still pushing the argument that Trump is afraid to debate her. I hope she believes it.”

    She doesn’t believe it at all; on the contrary, she clearly is afraid of him.

    The Red State post Neo linked has a long transcript of the interview, but it elided over a point made in the Townhall post from sdferr:

    “It was a little speedbump at the start, but the former president did well conveying his points for the rest of the event, where Kamala Harris didn’t even show up.

    Not The Bee links to some clips from the event, which give you a better idea of Trump’s performance than the transcripts do.


    He was certainly no ruder than the NABJ panel, when responding to their gotcha questions, and he was very respectful of the audience, an audible number of whom appreciated his remarks.

  37. Sarah Palin was the most popular feminine female politician probably ever. Too bad that she was canceled by Antifem in the establishment. #HateLovesAbortion

  38. AesopFan:

    I just listened to the Fox News / Jesse Watters clip on Trump’s appearance before NABJ. I too was impressed.

    –“Jesse Watters: Trump ripped the news cycle right out of Kamala Harris’ hands”

    Trumped walked right into the lion’s den. That was one hostile audience and it started right from the very first question which was a stack of “Why do you hate black people?”

    I was intrigued by Trump’s responses. He certainly pushed back but without rancor or being ruffled. He was just an old gladiator doing his job in the arena. He didn’t allow himself to be boxed in and the questions were so rude, he was quite right not to.

    He hit hard with his points that black people did better under his administration than under Biden’s. And that it is black people who are among the most being hurt by illegal immigrants via the Biden/Harris open border policy.

    I admired Trump’s courage and forthrightness. It’s triggered the black journalists and black leadership, but I can imagine some blacks who are questioning Biden’s policies are now open to Trump’s bravery and message.

    Many blacks are concerned that the Democrat Party takes them for granted. By not showing, Kamala Harris let them know it’s true.

    I think that’s who Trump is playing to and it may very well work.

  39. BTW, Watter’s clicky title, “Trump ripped the news cycle right out of Kamala Harris’ hands” means that Trump has stirred up the hornet’s nest and diverted attention from the Kamala Lovefest Coronation.

    Sure, they’ll be hating Trump, but who will we be reading about?

  40. So karmi has no problem with Democrats selling Jews down the river. Is he zaphod in drag?

  41. om – the ‘Gay Commenter‘ known for his uncontrollable HATRED and chasing male commenters around blog boards.

  42. FOAF – need more attention? As I told om when I first came to this blog – I am not gay if that is why you’re following me. However, since you carry yourself like a real female, and put your words in men’s mouths like women sometimes do—I am a happy hermit with no intention of forming a relationship with any Lady…sorry.

    Don’t put the blame on me for you MAGA groupies selecting Trump as your candidate. I am not a REP or DEM. Y’all have made your MAGA bed, so take responsibility for your choice and sleep in it.

  43. Yeah, she isn’t going to win short of massive election fraud.

    There’s already a mocking term for her: HotUS. 😀

    }}} KH is the updated version of HRC, but without the charm and charisma.

    Oh, hell no. While I despise Hillary for arrogance and corruption, she had a certain strength in her character. Someone militarily/terroristically attacking the USA would probably regret it, more than likely.

    Kamala is a brainless waffle who does whatever her puppetmasters tell her to. And they ALL despise America and will support anything that weakens us.

    More than likely, she’s a leader for whomever stealth candidate they pick as veep — she gets elected, sworn in, then within 6m she “can’t handle the pressure”, and whomever was the veep becomes PotUS. You heard it here.

  44. Karmi, I believe most MAGA Republicans are quite happy with the bed they’ve made. Just one point: I’ve seen nothing in the last eight years to suggest that Trump was ever selected as the R candidate. In fact I recall that his bigglyest opposition came from the mainstream Republican party leadership.
    The same can’t be said for any Democrat presidential candidate since Obama. The big topic these days is who will Harris pick as her VP choice. I don’t for a minute believe that is her choice to make.

    On another topic, the highlights of the NABJ conference that I saw didn’t show Trump being rude to Faulkner; they show him being frustrated by his inability to hear her and her questions and him blaming the conference organizers for that problem. It seems incredible that some would believe that he attacked his only friendly face on the panel.

  45. OBH, in any other election cycle I would laugh at your prediction of post election hijinks.
    Enough said.

  46. And in other news, Trump tried to argue yesterday that Kamala only recently “became” black, to an audience of African American journalists.

    Yes, Trump’s not completely out to sea on the facts. Yes, I’m sure someone can cite polls suggesting that African American’s aren’t completely sold on Kamala for that reason, but if you think that a white man questioning the ethnicity of a minority woman is going to go over as anything other than a lead balloon, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

    This is the sort of thing that became a dead lock certainty when Trump won the nomination. If he wins the presidency, we’ll have to deal with this idiocy for another four years. And people around here will still be mystified if/when Trump loses to Kamala. How could the GOP possibly lose to someone as radical and unpopular as Kamala? Well, you ask why? This is why. And the GOP did this to itself willingly.

    But as to Kamala, if she continues to goad Trump into making these kinds of monumental unforced errors, of course they’ll keep her. They’ll cut an ad with nothing but the video of yesterday’s proceedings and play it on a loop in the suburbs between now and November. Goodbye Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and maybe Georgia too.

  47. Jerry

    I believe most MAGA Republicans are quite happy with the bed they’ve made.

    Am sure you are right. Can be seen even on this blog board, and most don’t say or suggest that I’m helping Democrats at “selling Jews down the river” by Down-ballot Voting. Down ballot will be all GOP or NPA candidates…

  48. The Kamala campaign is running racist online fundraising events in which “white dudes” and “white women” are invited to grovel and support Kamala because she’s “black.” When she was elected to the Senate, the AP and the other leftist media hailed her as the “first Indian-American senator.” Who’s doing the race-baiting?

  49. Kate – You’re not wrong about Kamala’s race-baiting, but the solution to race-baiting is not to double down on equal and opposite race-baiting. And that’s exactly what Trump did. He argued to an African American audience that Kamala isn’t authentically black or that she was somehow an African American of convenience.

    And Trump’s point is easily rebutted as a matter of basic logic. A person with a parent of Indian descent and a parent of African descent is both Indian and African. The press coverage of Kamala’s assent was just an expression of the leftist obsession with race in the context of history. She was not the first African American women in most of the relevant positions. (Carol Mosley Braun was the first African American women in the Senate, for example.) But Harris was the first female senator of Indian descent, so that is what they focused on. There’s nothing sinister or under-handed about it. Now, the left’s obsession with race and identity and on the “first” of every conceivable permutation of race, identity, and position is sinister and unsettling. But instead of attempting to rebut that, Trump indulged in the same kind of race-based appeal (i.e., “she’s not really one of you.”)

    And regardless of merits, a white man suggesting that a half-African American women is not authentically African American is just profoundly offensive to a large swath of voters that Trump needs. It’s dumb politics. But over the past 12 years, we’ve been repeatedly gas-lighted by people who believe that Trump’s dumb politics are somehow brilliant. And the left keeps winning. And so many people on the right struggle to understand why. It’s really not that hard to understand why.

  50. Donald Trump will announce he was born a female before Kamala Cackling Harris is pushed aside as the demonkrat nominee for president.

    Conservative web sites have a habit of making mountains out of mole hills. One I saw recently said there was a “civil war” brewing in the demonkrat party as a result of how the Cackler was anointed.
    I don’t think so. Some Dems may not be big fans of the Cackler and say so – quietly – but they will all fall into line soon enough.

    Dems never break ranks when push comes to shove.

  51. And Trump’s point is easily rebutted as a matter of basic logic.
    His point was that her self-presentation is opportunistic, and no, you haven’t refuted it.

  52. Art Deco – How exactly does that work? So it was opportunistic that, after being the first Indian-American elected to the Senate she described herself as an Indian American without adding a caveat that she also has African ancestry? That’s daft.

    The problem here is that the left is obsessed with race and identity. Now, thanks to Trump, instead of talking about that, we’re talking about whether Kamala is really black.

    At some point, Republicans and right-of-center people really need to become curious about why they’ve lost so much in the past 8 years.

  53. And calling Chuck Schumer a “Palestinian?” Trump seems to be fighting race-obsessed bullies by becoming a race-obsessed bully. But he fights! Sure he does.

  54. hes a Hamas enabler as well as other forms of the Al Hijra, he sold out to the squad for fear of a primary challenge, when the persecution of the jews has reached fever pitch he has been silent like a basenghi,

  55. Ok, then call him a Hamas-enabler. Don’t call a Jewish man a Palestinian. Why is this so hard for people?

  56. it’s hard not to hold your contempt for a such a worthless thrall, like harris, who is a figure head for the ones who have wrought so much damage to this country, like adams or krasner, or gascon, who seems to have learned nothing from our people’s experience

    its rather insulting she didn’t appear there, but was at that bread and circuses event with megan stallion, ugh, in atlanta, another corrupt venue,

    I tend to forget you fell for every single fraud of the last six years, should be more discriminating,

  57. Bauxite, raising the issue of Kamala’s opportunistic use of ethnicity is a net positive for Trump/Vance with minority communities.

  58. Brian E – It had better be, because it is toxic among suburban normies. At the same time, I’ve been hearing for years about how Trump is about to win a sizable portion of the African American vote and that is how he is going to break through is 46-47% ceiling. It hasn’t happened in either of his previous two elections. He did run better than McCain and Romney among African Americans, but that is not surprising considering that they were running against the first African American president. Also, even with his improved numbers with African Americans, it still didn’t make up for the surburban Republican base that Trump kisses off.

    Maybe the third time is a charm. I doubt it.

  59. miguel cervantes – Holding ones contempt and refraining from race-based insults are not one and the same.

  60. Bauxite:

    Trump’s “toxicity to suburban normies” was baked in the cake a long long time ago. There is literally nothing he could do to appeal to them. So he’s not trying to do so.

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