Home » Open thread 7/30/24


Open thread 7/30/24 — 79 Comments

  1. We have had Cats watch the TV, not very often though. I did have my Cat watch my Moniter the other day. Actually watching my pointer.

    Bad fire just up the road, foothills by Loveland, CO. Just stepped outside and can see the huge smoke plume, and smell it. It has been very hot here, upper 90’s, no rain. Humidity has been high, but this morning it was low. Air Tankers fighting it.

  2. Since they’re predators with visual systems that have evolved to track the motion of fast moving prey, dogs and cats likely couldn’t really discern the projected images of the old CRT (cathode ray tube) TVs due to relatively low refresh rates causing flicker that they likley found disorienting and confusing. But modern LCD and OLED screens have much higher refresh rates (on the order of 60 to 120 or even 240 frames a second). So now you get lots of videos of dogs and cats reacting to movies and shows that they wouldn’t have back in the day.

  3. Re: Jeff “The Dude” Bridges is now a “White Dude for Harris.”

    A sad day for dudes everywhere.

    When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes,
    I all alone beweep my outcast state,
    And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
    And look upon myself and curse my fate….

    –William Shakespeare, “Sonnet 29”

  4. Very cute video. The two kitties clearly recognize “cat” and “mouse,” but can’t process “computer screen.”

    I miss Tom & Jerry and the other cartoons of the past.
    The “violence” in those days is so much less aggressive than in “children’s shows” now — perhaps because it is so much less realistic.
    Even costumed super-heroes are more “human” than animated animals.

  5. well he has been a villain, in the first iron man, and the tron sequel, which is getting a followup with a deaged bridges, and I liked the series they did of the tom perry book, the Old Man, will I skip the next season, probably not,

  6. Evidently Kamala Harris is quickly moderating her positions.

    Harris no longer supports Medicare for All,

    Also says she won’t ban fracking, wants to increase funding for the border, and doesn’t want to require ppl to sell their assault weapons back to the gov

    Of course winning is all that matters for now. Once elected she can revert back to the hardcore leftist positions if she likes.

  7. Those “white dudes for Harris” aren’t really, you know, dudes. Maybe “beta males for Harris” would be more appropriate. Libs of Tik Tok is having fun posting “Vance is weird” lines followed by clips of Kamala and her supporters being really, truly, weird.

  8. Kamala lied about Joe’s cognitive condition. Why should we believe any of her claimed “moderate” new opinions?

  9. well you don’t think of jeff bridges, as a beta, then again his most famous role was as a stoner, in lebowski,

  10. Mike Plaiss,

    Way back about 15yrs ago my college as part of its climate virtue signaling bought carbon credits from a big Midwest energy company. The college in its usual ignorance claimed they were actually getting electricity all the way from the Midwest from wind turbines. A little research showed the company was using income from the credit sales for their general fund which went to such things as their annual Christmas party. I wrote all this up which again was another strike against me at the school. Thank goodness I had tenure though they tried several times to find a way around it.

  11. if it sounds like a scam, like bitcoin looked like, it probably is, just like subprime writ large didn’t seem a sustainable economic model, people can fall for a lot of make believe,

  12. Apparently the preeminent quality required to head the US Secret Service is that one simply must be a moron. But for god’s sake don’t tell anyone. Careers are at stake.

  13. Nonapod & I thinking the same thing. I was wondering about the speed of the cat’s eye & vision responsiveness. I know there’s been quite a lot of research on cat’s vision, I just don’t know any of the results.

    Here is an article about cat vision, that does not address the speed issue.

  14. Andrew Klavan has stated, as he reads and re-reads the Bible, he has noticed a pattern of God’s ire ramping up in direct correlation with child sacrifice. He sometimes half jokes that he now thinks it is the one consistent theme in the Bible. Many others have correlated the West’s embrace of abortion as an insult or affront to God, and speculated on how this might have affected past and current events.

    It’s not as vile as killing babies, but I recently thought about the West’s adoption of economic policies that harm the young and unborn. J.D. Vance’s statements about the number of politicians in the Western world who do not have children is receiving intense backlash. Backlash similar to when a politician speaks out against abortion. One of Vance’s points is that politicians with children typically have a different viewpoint on the future than politicians who do not.

    Early on in my stint as a father, a young father, I recall watching a news report on Congress raising the debt ceiling and I was furious. I would have rather personally weathered the storm of economic hardship while I was young and capable than borrow money from my children and grandchildren to make my circumstances more comfortable. I thought about my grandparents. They suffered in the great depression to build a better economy for their children, and me. They fought WWII to make a safer future for their children and me. Yet, here I was watching the Baby Boomers borrow from their children and grandchildren to avoid personal economic hardship. And that practice became common in the ensuing years. Normal. Completely accepted.

    If Andrew Klavan is right, and one of the major subtexts of the Bible is God’s wrath when babies are sacrificed, what becomes of a society that steals wealth from the unborn for personal gain?

  15. miguel,

    Bitcoin is no more a “scam” than fiat currency. There are tens of thousands of crypto currencies and their rules of operation vary and many are scams, but Bitcoin is as real as U.S. currency and, one could argue, more secure.

  16. Nonapod,

    I never thought about refresh rate, but you’re right, has to be a factor. Sort of like when we look at an old, nickelodeon filmstrip cranked at the wrong speed.

  17. Bitcoin? Another issue that ‘Flip-Flop’ Trump has flip-flopped on.


    BIG Flip-Flop – ‘Trump pledges national Bitcoin stockpile, to make US ‘crypto capital of the planet’

    Since selection of Vance I no longer trust Trump on Ukraine and plan Down-ballot Voting at this point…

  18. RE: Various Conspiracy Theories About the Attempted Trump Assassination

    Take a look at the analysis done by a former sniper at the “Paramount Tactical” YouTube channel, which seems very insightful.

    His bottom line, trajectories rule out another shooter on the water tower, or someone shooting at either the shooter, or at President Trump, out of a window near the roof the shooter was on. (I.E. A talented sniper makes the shot at Trump from deep inside the room with an open window, and leaves the untalented shooter, who misses Trump, to take the blame.)

    However, denying Trump anywhere near the resources needed to give him the essential level of coverage he needed, and hoping that something “fatal” might happen to him, and/or somehow “activating” the shooter still seem like possibilities which need to be thoroughly examined.

  19. Dr. Chris Martenson analyzes FBI Director Wray’s testimony before the House and finds it wanting.

    Congressman: “Did Crooks fire eight shots.”

    Wray: “We have recovered eight cartridges.”

    Obvious dodge to answering the question. One of the questions surrounding where the shell casings (not cartridges) were “found” was the direction of the casings in relation to the shooter. Three of them were found on the other side of the ridge relative to the shooter– which means the casings were possibly ejected in front of the rifle– which doesn’t happen. This isn’t definitive, because we don’t really know whether the shooter was perpendicular to the ridge line or at an angle.

    Based on the bodycam video the shooter’s body was perpendicular to the ridge line, and five of the casings were consistent with that. But the other three raise a question. How did those three casings end up on the other side of the ridgeline?

    Martenson is probably the best “citizen investigator” looking at the data/cellphone videos of the day. His hypothesis is there were two shooters, based on his analysis of the audio of the shooting. There is evidence that points that direction– but not conclusive. He continues to look at the data in his YT videos.

    Here he dissects Wray’s testimony and its a mumbling mess. At this point we don’t know more than we know– and what we do know isn’t coming from the FBI.

    The FBI should not have been let within a mile of any evidence surrounding the assassination attempt. At this point I’m skeptical of anything the FBI says.

    FBI Top man Tumbles – Peak Prosperity

  20. Karmi

    Pretty consistent with Trump’s vision for the US.

    “If crypto is going to define the future, I want it to be mined, minted and made in the USA,” Trump said at the convention, ahead of a more traditional campaign event in St. Cloud, Minnesota, later in the day.

    It’s only a matter of time before the US adopts it’s own digital currency. Which would you rather have as a medium of exchange– “cryptodollar” or bitcoin?

    Events are accelerating. At what point does bitcoin offer a more stable medium of exchange than the dollar?

  21. Watching the Senators grill the current Secret Service director, it certainly makes you wonder what one has to do to actually be fired from the Secret Service. I mean, at bare minimum, why does the agent in charge on site during the event still have a job? On Clay & Buck show just now, Buck Sexton posited that perhaps using the wrong pronoun is about the only thing that would get a person fired from today’s Secret Service.

  22. Cats are remarkably selective about to what they pay attention. We have one who occasionally takes and interest in the television and paws it. (Did so during a documentary on cat behavior the other night). The other ignores it. One thing that limits interest is that the data is entirely visual. It’s olfactory information which interests them most, followed by auditory information.

  23. Re: Dude etymology

    It started in the late 1800s as a term for “dandy” or “fop.” Then it morphed into a rural term for a city-dweller unfamiliar with country living. In the 60s it became a countercultural alternative for “man.” In the 70s Mott the Hoople used it in their gay anthem, “All the Young Dudes.”

    Now “White Dudes for Harris” adds another bright chapter to dude’s rich history.

    Boogaloo dudes, carry the news!

  24. I read this article today about the demise of the Boy Scouts:

    I have several questions:
    1. If child rape (under sixteen) is a criminal offense in most states why haven’t the former leaders of the BS organization who were accused of this offense why aren’t they in jail?

    2. The claim that too many young boys were being raped by men in the organization leadership was the primary excuse for destroying the organization. This “lawfare” assault on the organization has been going on for years now. But then I have another question. These court costs finally broke the US Boy Scouts.

    3. The claim was that the original leadership structure had too many paedophiles actively engaged in raping young boys. The new organization, including the leadership structure, now openly encourages members of the gay community into leadership roles. How then wil it be possible to protecty the young boys from the paedophilia of these new “openly gay” leaders?

  25. I do not mourn the death of a man connected to the murders of American Marines in Lebanon. And, if he was in charge of “precision missiles,” he failed utterly by killing those Druze children in an open field.

  26. Where the hell is the Comer report on Biden family corruption banking transactions?!

  27. @Anne:How then wil it be possible to protect the young boys from the paedophilia of these new “openly gay” leaders?

    LOL. Don’t you know it’s a hate crime to say that openly gay men might be pedophiles? Of course they can be trusted unsupervised with a bunch of teenaged boys, just like you’d let any straight man be unsupervised with a bunch of teenaged girls. Oh, wait, you wouldn’t. I guess gay men aren’t just as good as straight men, they’re much much better.

    I think it’s time we reviewed our progressive stack, citizens:

    Transgender > Gay men > Lesbians > Straight women > Straight men

  28. Anyone else remember the Mickey Mouse Club’s proto-mini series “The Durango Dude?” Premiered in 1956, starring cutie-pie Mouseketeer Darlene Gillespie.

    That was my introduction to “dude.”

  29. Given the variety of positions that Kamala Harris has supported (that now she’s apparently trying to distance herself from), I think referring to her as a “loon” and a “ding dong” is at least somewhat justifiable. I’m not sure how persuasive doing so may actually be, but she certainly has supported, and continues to support a number of policy ideas that could fairly be described as out-of-step with a majority of Americans. Positions like ending private health insurance, bailing out violent rioters, defunding the police, giving illegals health insurance, outright banning fracking ect.

  30. Huxley and Irishotter,,

    Growing up in Colorado in the 50s and 60s, there was a good industry in dude ranches for all those “damn easterners” who would visit. Log cabins for rooms, old passive horses for riding, and well stocked lakes for fishing, and mess halls serving ” western grub”.

  31. Karmi, your link to “issues trump has flip-flopped on” is just propaganda.

    The real problem is we use “flip-flopping” as a pejorative term, but don’t we change our mind over time on a whole range of issues?

    Kamala is changing her positions on lots/most of her positions pre-presidential run, but I don’t see the media labeling these flip-flopping.

    If you’re going to use the lefts media, you’re going to propaganda.

  32. 😛 You have got to be kidding, Brian E. Ignoring the facts about Trump is why the GOP has put this country in an incredibly precarious position.

  33. physicsguy:

    University of Colorado graduate here; also erstwhile 20-year resident of Colorado who became a naturalized citizen of Colorado in order to qualify for CU’s phenomenally inexpensive (at the time) in-state tuition. Mrs. Otter and I occasionally vacation in Colorado. We stay at dude ranches. We don’t look down our noses at them, especially now that we are, uh, older and aren’t really interested (much less capable) of undertaking strenuous expeditions to the summits of thirteeners and fourteeners and suchlike. We love dude ranches. Our favorite dude ranch is located about 30 miles west of Durango.

  34. Brian E. and Karmi:

    When the facts change, I change my mind, sir. What do you do?

    — John Maynard Keynes

  35. Biden/Harris Narrative: ‘This Is Mind Control At Scale’

    “This is basically a confession that everybody who was told that you’re crazy, you’re a Trumper, you don’t understand reality. The president is absolutely fine. All of us who’ve been told we were nuts have suddenly been told, you’re not nuts. But the machine is going to continue to go on and lie to us…The system is simply going to try to go and anoint Kamala Harris as if there was a democratic process in place…This is mind control at scale.”- Eric Weinstein of Thiel Capital, a mathematician, physicist, and economist

    Something is going on. I remember during COVID, the talk of mass psychosis.

    Propaganda, total narrative, mass psychosis, mind control?

    If a majority of Americans actually vote for Kamala Harris, who appears to be simple minded at best, something is going on (assuming it can’t be credited to a total failure of election integrity).


  36. If a majority of Americans actually vote for Kamala Harris, who appears to be simple minded at best, something is going on

    Fluoridation of our drinking water, Mandrake.

  37. Irishotter,

    I’m also a CU grad, ’74. I’m sure the dude ranches of today are much different from those of the 50s and early 60s. They were basically designed to rip off those easterners and to get them think they were getting a true western experience.

  38. IrishOtter49, physicsguy:

    As I understand it, dude was a somewhat disparaging term in early dude ranch days.

    I’m charmed to discover the dude ranches still exist and have morphed into something accommodating to seniors.


  39. Re Colorado dude ranches — your nostalgia fix is surely 1991s summer comedy “City Slickers,” mostly shot around the Durango area.

    Billy Crystal having a mid-life crisis, is the plot’s pretext. But Jack Palance, in possibly his last roundup, stee/als the show.

    A fun, lightweight romp with a then heavy and novel subject. But a formula that’s continued to undergo renewed permutations in Hangover and Wedding comedies ever since then.

    I was in Boulder, Colorado when I first saw it.

  40. Somewhere along the way “dude” as in the Easterners who went to dude ranches back in the day morphed into “duuude!” when some guy pulled off an astonishing athletic feat or stunt.

  41. Re: More dude

    –Easy Rider (1969) – (Movie Clip) Dude Means Nice Guy

    Dennis Hopper: You must be some important dude, man, like, you know, with that treatment.
    Jack Nicholson: What does he mean, dude? Dude ranch?
    Peter Fonda: No, no. Dude means a nice guy, you know? Dude means a regular sort of person.
    Jack Nicholson: You boys don’t look like you’re from this part of the country.

    https://prod-www.tcm.com/video/360368/easy-rider-1969-movie-clip-dude-means-nice-guy [2:06]

    That’s where I first heard the countercultural dude.

  42. So Karmi will enable Democrats to fund Iran with billions of dollars to murder Jews all over the world. Good to know.

  43. When I watch “Easy Rider” today it looks more like a comedy to me. The music is still great, though.

    I saw it as a freshman in college when it first came out, in other words right in the bullseye of the target demographic. Most of the people I knew had three reactions:

    1. Overrated
    2. Loved Dennis Hopper, hated Peter Fonda
    3. That guy playing the lawyer is great! (then-unknown Jack Nicholson)

  44. “Fluoridation of our drinking water, Mandrake.”– IrishOtter49

    As good of explanation as any, except I think it’s a spiritual problem. The #1 issue Kamala Harris is running on is abortion. It’s expressed every time she alludes to Trump taking us backwards.

    It’s like a veil descending over our eyes, blinding us to the truth.

    I think it can be described in material terms in some of those other explanations. mass psychosis, mind control, etc.

    How did Hitler mesmerize the German people to destroy themselves? Germany was in ruins and yet Hitler said fight on, as children were given guns and sent off to the front lines, similar to the devotion of families who sacrifice their children to the demonic ideology of Hamas.

    I’m not a prophet, but I’m not sure how many more off-ramps the country has.

  45. My real life, sorta, Easy Rider story.

    I had just seen Easy Rider when it came out while going to school in LA. Weeks later I took off with a buddy who was taking his restored ’32 Model A pickup back home to New Jersey.

    Nothing like seeing the USA at 45 mph.

    We had stopped for dinner at a greasy spoon in Santa Rosa, NM. Ready to hit the road again when he noticed his rear fender had been crunched in the parking lot. It turned out a young girl (too young for a driver’s license) had hit the fender.

    Dave, being the typical New Jerseyite, wasn’t leaving without recompense and a crowd was gathering, which while not overtly hostile was slowly becoming agitated and growing larger by the minute. Dave had negotiated a cash payment (I think $100, it might have been $50). About that time the town cop showed up, saw the transaction was occurring and suggested we leave town.

    For the next half hour, my gaze was glued to the rear, expecting that each passing car would show up alongside with a 12 ga. sticking out the rear window.

  46. Irishotter and Phyiscguy, it is really too bad you guys went to CU. That noted druggie school in Hippie Boulder.
    I am a Grad of CSU, 68 and 70!!
    I have lived in CO since around 1957, Aurora, Thorton/Northglen and Longmont. Wife is Native, went to East High

  47. Rufus T. Firefly on July 30, 2024 at 12:16 pm said:
    “Bitcoin is no more a “scam” than fiat currency. There are tens of thousands of crypto currencies and their rules of operation vary and many are scams, but Bitcoin is as real as U.S. currency and, one could argue, more secure.”

    Bitcoin [or other cryptocurrencies] will not be real money [as opposed to a set of skivvy “securities”] until the government is willing to accept it as payment for citizens’ taxes, to in turn spend it on various govt expenditures, and also create it out of thin air via borrowing to buy votes and give people something for nothing. The constitution gives Congress the power to create and manage the money supply. There is no reality where that can be sidestepped and we remain a functioning civilization as we used to know it.

    Brian E on July 30, 2024 at 1:15 pm said:
    “It’s only a matter of time before the US adopts it’s own digital currency. Which would you rather have as a medium of exchange– “cryptodollar” or bitcoin?
    That does not matter – the form of the medium of exchange, that is [aka medium of account]. What matters is the social (and perhaps legal) agreement to use that medium of account as our money. Our money is mostly digital now, anyway, just not “protected” via blockchain technology*.

    Events are accelerating. At what point does bitcoin offer a more stable medium of exchange than the dollar?”
    Probably never. If the people and government and Congress responsible for managing and administering the money and the money supply do not have sufficient integrity to keep its value stable with respect to the economy, it does not matter who or how or what is distorted. Maybe if we end up using bullets as the medium of account, then our “public servants” will be more respectful of their sovereign citizen “masters”.

    *I don’t fully understand this technology, but if the crypto-currency of choice is mandated via software to have a maximum quantity [21 million bitcoins?], it cannot grow to match the needs of the economy. A $26T economy is $26 million million, so there is a need for many more bitcoins or many micro micro bitcoins – not quite sure just how that is supposed to work [or “work”].

  48. R2L,

    “… it cannot grow to match the needs of the economy.”

    Devaluing the currency grows the economy?
    The U.S. economy did not grow when our currency was backed by gold and silver?

  49. This should get the DEMs off their High Horse ride…O’Keefe Media

    DNC official gives devastating assessment of ‘weirdly unpopular’ Kamala Harris in bombshell secret recording and reveals fundraising tactic that will leave donors furious

    A member of Kamala Harris’s team who is also a prominent member of the Democratic National Committee was filmed conceding that she will not ‘win this year.’

    Kamala Harris Campaign Compliance Manager Joyce DeCerce – who is a Compliance Manager for the DNC – could be seen lamenting how Harris is ‘weirdly unpopular’, while seemingly admitting to making empty promises to donors.

    In the footage, DeCerce agrees that the campaign fundraising strategy is to ‘take their money and tell them what they want to hear.’

  50. The “missile strike” is an allegation from the Iranian authorities. What actually happened to Haniyeh is still unclear, except that he has been killed.

  51. Bon Appétit! Paris Caves, Buys Tons of Meat and Eggs for Athletes After Backlash over Vegan Diet

    Olympic organizers were forced to order 4,000 pounds of meat and eggs quickly after athletes decried the fake meat and non-dairy options…

    From the beginning, officials sought to make this year’s Games the most eco-friendly and green in Olympic history. However, lost somewhere in the social designers’ “grand design” was the fact that, while fake meat is fine in the faculty cafeterias of Harvard and Oxford, elite human machines do not run on fake meat.

  52. Shirehome:

    I’m accommodating to all the Colorado universities. MS grad of CSU, 1974. And yes the contrast between the two was/is stark. I was accepted for undergrad by CU, CSU, and Mines. At the time, CU had a top 10 physics dept, so that’s where I went. Also, being a naive 18 yr old, I didn’t understand that “top 10” meant grad school and research. I did get a good undergrad physics education, but a bit impersonal as compared to what I could have obtained at the much smaller CSU department. I went to CSU for grad school as it had a Radiation biology dept and I was thinking medical physics. I took courses in both physics and rad bio. After 2 years I decided that wasn’t the path for me and ended up way south and east at UGA for the doctorate.

    BTW, one huge benefit of CSU at the time was Cristman field and the Ram Flying Club. Where else could someone on a grad stipend get their PPL in 2 years??!

  53. One of the more obnoxious characteristics of life in Colorado was the phenomenon of Coloradans getting all judgie about who was a real Coloradan, how long and where you lived in Colorado, where you went to school in Colorado, etc. When I arrived in Colorado this was not a thing. Boulder was a farmer’s town with a college-town component, feed stores and angle parking on Pearl Street, and very few places serving hard liquor (Catacombs, Lamplight, and a few others). CU jocks hung out at the Broken Drum downtown and got stinking drunk on 3.2 Coors and the Hill had not yet fully descended into becoming a cess-pool swarming with mind-fucked STP eaters, heroin addicts, glue- and paint-sniffers, and patchouli-reeking spare-changers. But that all changed while I was there and, it should said, Ft. Collins went down the same path albeit on a necessarily smaller scale. Over the years the judgie thing worsened. It became a place where people actually argued about what constituted the “true western experience” and formulated elaborate hierarchies of judgment in that regard. I got tired of it and after 20-some years left Colorado more or less for good. I still like aspects of Colorado, especially the ranch we visit west of Durango, the Meeker Sheepdog Trials (champion border collies in action!) and a few other select places and activities. But you couldn’t pay me to live there anymore. I mean that literally. Not too long ago I had a good job opportunity in Colorado, and turned it down. Goodbye to all that, said I. No regrets, either.

  54. IrishOtter,

    I haven’t lived in CO since 1976; my brother is still there in Morrison. Yep, I watched Denver turn into LA, and the mountains ruined from what they were when I grew up.

    And you’re smart to limit yourself to the western slope…the old Colorado still hangs on there.

  55. @ IrishOtter – We moved to Denver Metro about 20 years ago, and thus missed the descent; The People’s Republic of Boulder was in full swing when we got here.

    The early J. P. Sears podcasts skewered the lotus-eaters soundly, while appearing to be one of them, which is what first brought him to our attention.
    Even my SiL who lives in Boulder (and is far to our Left) found this one hilarious.



    JP recently moved to Texas, because of the declining climate for conservatives in Colorado, and I don’t think his political persona is nearly as funny as his gentle shivving of the New Agers in his early videos.
    However, he is still often worth watching.


  56. Re: Hippie Colorado university

    You ain’t see nothing yet … I give you Naropa University:


    The birthplace of the modern mindfulness movement, Naropa University is challenging mainstream higher education by inviting the whole student—mind, body, and spirit—to show up in the classroom.

    We believe education shouldn’t be just about acing tests or memorizing facts—but should also help cultivate wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all.


    Here’s wiki:

    Naropa University is a private university in Boulder, Colorado. Founded in 1974 by Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa, it is named after the 11th-century Indian Buddhist sage Naropa, an abbot of Nalanda. The university describes itself as Buddhist-inspired, ecumenical, and nonsectarian rather than Buddhist. Naropa promotes non-traditional activities like meditation to supplement traditional learning approaches.


    It’s a real thing and still is. I had a friend who went there to study poetry with Allen Ginsberg and Ann Waldman.

    Chogyam Trungpa, from a genuine Tibetan Buddhist lineage, founded Naropa and is also known as proponent of “Crazy Wisdom.” IOW he became a wild, self-indulgent Buddhist cult leader. He died at the age of 48 from diabetes, high blood pressure and heavy drinking.

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