Home » What’s next on the agenda for Trump?


What’s next on the agenda for Trump? — 30 Comments

  1. I am goddam sick and tired of sharing my country with these, let’s call them what they are: communists. Trump reminds me of one, either one, of the Gracchi brothers of ancient Rome, who tried to maintain the Roman Republic. They were in their turn murdered, and the Empire ruled by Caesars was born.

  2. “. . . we will almost certainly see an escalation of all the tactics from the Democrats that hampered Trump’s first term.” [Neo]

    No doubt, but I think that the wild card in this entire scenario is they we would be dealing with a Trump who has already had the experience of a first term with an uncooperative deep state and, perhaps, a renewed will and vigor to fight even more strategically than before. People tend to overlook the fact that underneath all the bluster is, IMO, a very intelligent mind.

    The left justifiably fears retribution, and my own personal hope is that Trump sweeps the federal buildings in DC with a broom of iron, regardless of any resulting pandemonium.

  3. Neo, “I think they tried to motivate others to assassinate him, and failed to provide him with enough security, making an assassination quite possible.”

    Agree. Trillions in grift for the Dems are on the line if Trump wins.

  4. “Agree. Trillions in grift for the Dems are on the line if Trump wins.”

    That’s why it seems to me sometimes like we’re living through the last days of a once great nation. Everything seems to be some kind of money laundering scheme, and all the politicians in DC are behaving like they have some inside knowledge of how bad it really is. It looks as though they’re engaged in a massive smash-and-grab, terrified that somebody else will beat them to grab that last fistful of loot before the whole thing collapses in a heap.

  5. IF, (big IF) Trump wins, the blue cities will burn with riots. How far that spreads is uncertain, and how far the Ds will go to stop him post election is also uncertain. Keep your powder dry.

  6. The governor of Minnesota just called Trump a fascist and threat to the republic.

    This is rich from a guy who ruled by decree for a year during Covid and had to be threatened to stop.

    Walz’ administration is one long string of gigantic frauds against the taxpayers. Plus, as the freaking Star Tribune has reported, he didn’t deploy the National Guard during the George Floyd riots because the city didn’t ask nicely enough.

  7. Walz now seems to be on Kamala’s short list for VP. Dan Bongino has lots of contacts with the USSS and promises more details on the story. For example, he reports that the shooter was killed by a SS sniper on the water tower.
    I agree that there will be another attempt. Trump should get his own security, maybe Blackwater guys.

  8. The guys on the nearby roof were concerned that the shooter was a local LEO who was supposed to be there.

  9. Apparently a local LEO should have been on the roof but was not.
    IF any of the dribbles of “reports” and “leaks” can be believed.
    In any case, there should have been communication early enough to have settled that question and any others.
    They were texting each other!!
    Even in the wilds of Wyoming, we have this new-fangled gadget called “radio” that we can use to contact each other practically instantaneously.

  10. What I think is most plausible right now (evening of July 29):

    1. Sometime in October, the big donors and party apparatus remember Harris is, yes actually, an airhead and a lightweight in way over her head. So they shift their attention down ballot. That’s the October surprise

    2. Trump wins, and beyond the margin of fraud.

    3. But…Democrats flip the House. And…maybe…hold the Senate. But for sure, they get the House.

    Thus…Trump is sworn in, but almost immediately is impeached. And again, and again. If the Democrats hold the Senate, they’ll drag out these impeachment trials as long and as excruciatingly as possible. But even if the GOP has the Senate, they’ll have to address impeachment after impeachment after impeachment.

    Oh and Vance will also be impeached for…reasons (surely related ‘Handmaid’s Tale!’). Furthermore, I expect riots akin to the summer of 2020, but pretty much nonstop and…well coordinated.

    So that’s what’s coming. They don’t have (as yet) a fraud apparatus sophisticated enough to push someone as hopeless as Harris across the finish line. But they will do everything possible to stymie Trump from being able to govern in any meaningful way.

  11. Right now “weird” is on the agenda. JB Pritzker said Trump and Vance were weird and now everybody in the Democratic Party is calling Trump and Vance weird.

    Joe isn’t weird? Kamala isn’t weird? Pelosi and Schumer aren’t weird? The Pritzkers aren’t weird? They’re a mash-up of Secession and The Addams Family.

    I’m glad that Liesel Pritzker won her lawsuit against her relatives. Like she said in her movie, A Little Princess, “All little girls are princesses,” and now she’s got half a billion or so bucks to prove it.

  12. Have to hand it to DEMs—they can certainly coalesce around a candidate quickly. Harris came outta nowhere (basically) with super low poll numbers and is already tied (basically) with Trump.

    Steven Hayward at Power Line ‘had been mostly joking that Kamala Harris’s candidacy would become the long-awaited sequel to the mythical Camelot of John F. Kennedy’s’ – and presto – Kamelot II Is Here!

    Trump was a disaster right outta the gate in his first term – picking a new administration from a MAGA ‘Suggestion Box’ back then, and recently with the VP pick of Vance—apparently from the same MAGA ‘Suggestion Box’. After last time, I doubt that most of the best will want in on this new administration, so maybe the old MAGA ‘Suggestion Box’ remains the best option.

    What’s on ‘the opposition’s agenda’? Coalescing against Trump, since that worked well even against a sniffing senile Biden the last time.This time they have the chance to elect the First Woman President.

    Even if the opposition loses, they will literally torment Trump since he proved last time that he was unable to stop them.

    If the opposition wins – since the United States is a “federal constitutional republic” then the People’s majority will be having their representatives exercising the most power, and they may or may not continue to torment Trump.

  13. With Federal deficits exploding, income taxes are now consumed by debt service.
    Taxes on income are no longer enough to pay off the Democrats’ programs, so they need to start taxing assets.

    Seizing Trump’s assets for the good of the country will be step one. The spectacle will be used to sell new laws legalizing widespread asset taxation, and the funds will then be recycled to the proper constituents.

  14. I worry the there will more attempts on Mr. Trump’s life. He has been so demonized by the Left, and the Media, that, as we have seen, an easily persuaded individual, can be convinced that he should be assassinated with a clear conscience. All the Left has to do is make sure no one can stop him, which is seemingly easily done cutting Mr. Trump’s security forces.

    The Left truly are Evil.

  15. T – Don’t kid yourself. Trump is what he is, and what he is not a terribly effective small “g” governor. He will likely avoid some of the same pitfalls that tripped him up last time, but the chances of Trump on his own effectively navigating the administrative state and non-governmental entities trying to destroy him is small. Trump’s mouth, lack of discipline, and impulsive behavior are still likely to cause more problems than he is capable of solving. I have a little more hope for Vance, but still, with only two years of experience in Washington, he isn’t well positioned to counter the administrative state.

    Trump 2024 is about minimizing losses and avoiding the worst. That’s about it. Maybe that’s the best outcome that was ever possible.

    But one thought that I can’t get over is this. Fiscal crisis is coming. Major war may well be coming. Most of this is baked into the cake now. It would take a deft hand to prevent or even postpone most of it. Kamala sure as heck isn’t that deft hand. Neither is Trump. Even though on war in particular, I trust Trump’s instincts a heck of a lot more than Kamala’s, consider that if Trump wins, practically the entirety of the nation’s elite is going to be focused on politically crippling (or actually crippling) Trump at all costs. A house divided and all . . . and the people who control information will make sure that it is all remembered as Trump’s fault. I wonder if they see Trump as the magic key to avoiding responsibility for their own fiscal and foreign policy disasters:

    Step 1 – Let Trump win.
    Step 2 – Let all of the coming crises arrive (and maybe help them along).
    Step 3 – Blame Trump.
    Step 4 – Triumphantly return to power, with the non-left completely discredited for a generation or more.

  16. Karmi – Remember that thanks to Schumer, there is now precedent for summarily dismissing an impeachment. That might come in handy.

  17. @ Bauxite > ‘Step 2 – Let all of the coming crises arrive (and maybe help them along). Step 3 – Blame [insert name of Republican President].”

    This is completely plausible; the Democrats have done it for years.
    Examples should readily come to mind.

  18. In addition to some of the plausible screenplays suggested above (because we seem to be operating in some kind of fiction-thriller-come-true these days), here is my pitch:

    (1) The USSS leaders aka Bidenistas aka Dem Junta pretend to take Trump’s security seriously, and especially the criticisms (apparently justified) that they didn’t prevent him from going on stage or remove him when the threat was substantiated, which I understand the SS has the authority to do.
    (2) They make a big show of increased security operations for a few rallies.
    (3) Then they start “discerning credible threats” and forcing Trump off the stage “for his own safety.”
    (4) This has the same effect as the “solution” already floated, of keeping him contained to indoor venues with far less capacity than the outdoor ones, which is to dampen enthusiasm of the crowds and of Trump himself, who clearly feeds off the in-person vibes in a way Biden and Harris cannot.
    (5) If Trump refuses to obey their edicts, because “nothing has happened, you guys are good” OR because evidence (possibly leaked?) shows that the SS is “being too cautious now” —
    (6) — and of course the inevitable happens (either serendipitously, as it seems with Crooks so far, or with a little help, which has not yet been definitively ruled out).


    Note to Fred the Fed (as Sarah Hoyt has named the ubiquitous monitors of conservative sites): this is only a screenplay, not an instruction manual.

  19. Said it before and will say is again. They WILL NOT let Trump take office if he wins the election. They fear being exposed. NOTHING is beyond what they will do to make sure it doesn’t happen.

  20. These …. people …. on the ‘Democratic’ and ‘progressive’ left are the very incarnations of Tolkien’s Ringwraiths. Utterly corrupted by their lust for power, Power, POWER!!! At the cost of everything else.

  21. I hope for T’s take, I fear Bauxite’s take. Trump is not a personnel guy. He showed during the first term that he expected the fed employees to show him loyalty, despite on his first day having a call to the Aussie PM leaked. He kept the huge, bloated NSA staff that Obama left for him. He failed to act swiftly and decisively to fire people like Vindman, who should have been reassigned to coordinate parkas at Shemya AFS, Alaska.

    There should be a building, with a basement, in DC. Fill it with old government metal desks and chairs. No phones, no computers, make it a Faraday cage so no cell phone works. Any disloyal civil servant is assigned there, pending the case to fire them.

    Spend three hours a day with your department heads, pencils and printouts. Cut everything. Cut everyone. Any position that didn’t exist in 2008 is gone. Swat teams are gone. 80,000 IRS auditors are gone. Coolidge did this and balanced the budget. So can you.

    A guy can dream.

  22. @Gordon Scott I agree with you. Following along with some of what you recommended, I only glanced at bits and pieces of the Heritage Foundation’s 2525 blueprint, but most of what I read made sense. The left is calling the 2525 project fascism or something. And Trump disowned the project today or yesterday–not a good sign. What a lot of people don’t get is that Trump, at his core, is a fairly typical slightly right of center New York City liberal (before they all went mad). He is no conservative. I know he has to get elected, so maybe that explains his distancing re 2525. One of its ideas is to get rid of Homeland Security. Who thinks that’s a bad idea? Trump? It would be close to impossible for Trump to seriously damage the deep state if he wanted to. If he is lukewarm about doing so, after what they all pulled and got away with (see Peter Strzok DOJ lawsuit payoff), and continue to get away with, he won’t accomplish much of anything. If Trump does win. can any of us even imagine how crazy it’s going to get in Washington?

  23. “There should be a building, with a basement, in DC. Fill it with old government metal desks and chairs. No phones, no computers, make it a Faraday cage so no cell phone works. ” [Gordon Scott @ 4:10 above]

    and don’t forget red Swingline staplers.

    “Cut everything. Cut everyone. Any position that didn’t exist in 2008 is gone. Swat teams are gone. 80,000 IRS auditors are gone. Coolidge did this and balanced the budget.” [Gordon Scott]

    So did Millei in Argentina.

    “If Trump does win. can any of us even imagine how crazy it’s going to get in Washington?” [George O’Har @ 4:43]

    Be still my heart!

    It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but the alternative is that it get’s worse without ever getting better.

  24. ““If Trump does win. can any of us even imagine how crazy it’s going to get in Washington?” [George O’Har @ 4:43]

    Be still my heart!

    It’s going to get worse before it gets better, but the alternative is that it get’s worse without ever getting better.”

    Oh, yeah. Just look at Minnesota. Most radical left agenda in history, passed by one vote in the legislature. The Democrats don’t waste time. They don’t fret about bipartisan. They just shove it through.

    It’s funny because if you look at the MN legislative leadership, they’re not radical. But the radicals control the caucus, and are content to rule from the shadows. The moderates are left in the dust, having had the fear of Woke driven into their hearts.

  25. I have a very close relative with schizoaffective disorder. He is very intelligent, well read, and really knows how to put words together.

    He talk like you all

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